1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

A new study involving nearly 50,000 people from four continents offers new insights into identifying the quantity of daily walking steps that will best improve adults' health and longevity (长寿), and whether the ideal number of steps differs across people of different ages. The study represents an effort to develop an evidence-based public health message about the benefits of physical activity. The often-repeated 10,000-step-a-day saying grew out of a decades-old marketing activity for a Japanese pedometer, an instrument measuring how far you walk, with no science to back it up. 

Led by physical activity professor Amanda Paluch, an international group of scientists conducted an experiment among adults aged 18 and older. They grouped the nearly 50,000 participants into four comparative groups according to average steps per day. The lowest step group averaged 3,500 steps; the second, 5,800; the third, 7,800; and the fourth, 10,900 steps per day. Among the three higher active groups, there was a 40 — 53% lower risk of death compared to the lowest step group. 

More specifically, for adults 60 and older, the risk of early death leveled off at about 6,000 — 8,000 steps per day, meaning that more steps than that provided no additional benefit for longevity, while for adults younger than 60, about 8,000 — 10,000 steps per day. 

"So, what we saw was this continuing reduction in risk as the number of steps increases until it levels off. Interestingly, the study found little explicit association with walking speed, Paluch says. 

The new study supports and expands findings from another study led by Paluch before which found that walking at least 7,000 steps a day reduced middle-aged people's risk of early death, "There's a lot of evidence suggesting that moving even a little more is beneficial particularly for those who are doing very little activity," Paluch says. "More steps per day are better for your health."

(1) Why did the scientists carry out the new study?  A. To know about people's health condition. B. To explain the pedometer's working principles. C. To provide a scientific guideline on daily walking. D. To determine the best physical activity for people.
(2) What do the underlined words "leveled off" in paragraph 3 mean?  A. Became stable. B. Dropped sharply. C. Increased higher. D. Disappeared gradually.
(3) What does the experiment find?  A. The old should walk as much as possible. B. Young people usually walk more than the old. C. Walking pace is the key to avoiding early death. D. The most beneficial steps differ by age groups.
(4) What does Professor Paluch suggest in the last paragraph?  A. Inactive people should walk more steps. B. The faster you walk, the fewer risk of early death. C. 10,000 steps a day is a beneficial physical activity. D. Middle-aged people should walk over 7,000 steps a day.
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When I started Social-Engineer, I just left a company that was amazing. It was like a family. The pain of leaving was real for me and like all family separation, it wasn't 100% smooth. I was heartbroken to leave but wanted to take every lesson I learned to my new company. I was determined to also take all the good memories with me. Yes, there were mistakes from both sides of the fence but instead of focusing on those, I went away remembering all the great times, life lessons and growth I had gifted to me.

I figured I would grow my company by being a nice man and working hard, and never demanding more from my people than I was willing to give, believing this approach would earn respect and effort in return. I would say things to myself like, "Well, I did this, so they should do that." Or "I am this way, so they should be that way."

And to be honest, it felt real. It felt like it was an honest evaluation.

But... But... But...

I started to have people problems. I am a very strong, direct communicator and although in many ways that is a strength, it can be a weakness in other ways. I often hurt people's feelings. Even though I was very self-aware of this, I still messed up. Now this is odd to admit out loud for a company that basically focuses on helping dozens of companies make huge changes.

I went to see a psychologist. Natasha actively listened to all I said and then every now and then presented a thought as a question or a mild statement. She wanted to challenge me to change, challenge me to expand my thoughts. I was in my session with Natasha and I was saying things like this:

"I gave this person tens of thousands of dollars in a raise in one year, they should be more appreciative."

"I have a great salary, benefits and support package, this person should have been more thankful."

Natasha stopped me and said, "Well, you just SHOULD all over yourself, didn't you? Did you pay for devotion? Did you pay for honor? Did you pay for appreciation?"

The sad answer was NO.

"You want to see the change that you so desire — then be the change," Natasha said. She then mentioned Bruce Lee, who said "Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle... Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."

I know what I should do. Will you join me?

(1) Why was the author confident about his company management? A. He believed he was gifted for it. B. His employees were well qualified. C. He had lessons and work principles. D. His previous mistakes had been removed.
(2) What are the author's problems rooted in? A. The rigid rules. B. The lack of vision. C. The company's focus. D. The author's social skill.
(3) What did Natasha conclude from the session? A. The author fell into a thinking trap. B. The employees expected too much. C. The author was not really committed. D. The employees were victims of management.
(4) What does the author invite us to do? A. Read Bruce Lee. B. Learn to change. C. Take more duties. D. Desire less for more.
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Boston Attractions Guide

Boston's Freedom Trail

Starting at the Boston Common, but easily picked up at any point along the way, the Freedom Trail offers historical insight into the city and its surroundings. With 16 official stops along the way, you can check out one, some or all of the sites on this route where a red trail painted on the sidewalks takes you throughout Boston. 


Fenway Park

Boston fans are crazy about baseball. Ask many and they will claim it as their religion, and offer Fenway as their place of worship. Even if baseball is not your thing, be sure to catch a game at Fenway Park, home of the legendary Green Monster. Tickets can be hard to come by, so seek them out well in advance. 

ADMISSIONS: Adult $26; Child $13

New England Aquarium

The adventure begins before you step foot through the door. Watch the Harbor Seals swirl around in the outdoor tank while you wait for your tickets. Catch a show in the glass enclosed classroom overlooking Boston Harbor, and plunge your hands into the touch tank where rays and sharks are circling and awaiting your touch. 

ADMISSIONS: Adult $32; Child $21

Boston Symphony Orchestra

The Boston Symphony Orchestra is one of the most respected orchestras in the world. Playing host to a variety of concerts throughout the year, including the Holiday Pops, The Boston Symphony Orchestra wows crowds. History has been made within these walls where songs like the popular "Sleigh Ride" have been composed.

ADMISSIONS: Adult $17; Child& Senior $12

(1) What can visitors do on Boston's Freedom Trail? A. Take red trains. B. Touch ocean life. C. Explore historical sites. D. Enjoy baseball games.
(2) What can we know about Fenway Park? A. It charges no fees. B. It needs advance booking. C. It offers picnic place. D. It overlooks Boston Harbor.
(3) Which one should you choose if you are a music lover? A. Fenway Park. B. Boston's Freedom Trail. C. New England Aquarium. D. Boston Symphony Orchestra.
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The loss of natural land isn't just a problem for the Amazon or the rainforests of Southeast Asia. The United States is losing its forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts at a truly startling pace.

Between 2001 and 2017, some 97, 124 square kilometers of natural land-around the size of Indiana- were destroyed in the US to make way for roads, industry, farms, and other signs of human civilization. That's equal to a football field-sized piece of land being lost every 30 seconds. Some of the most serious losses have been experienced in the South and Midwest, where human development took over 47 percent and 59 percent of all land area, respectively, in the 16 years studied.

These findings come from a report published by The Center for American Progress.

Using available satellite data and open- source databases, they calculated the rate of loss of natural lands and its relationship to oil and gas extraction(开采), road construction, urban development, agriculture, and other human- related activities. If national trends continue, a South Dakota- sized expanse of forests, wetlands, and wild places in the continental United States will disappear by 2050.

Now only 12 percent of the country's land area has been conserved as national parks, wilderness areas, national monuments, or other protected areas, while 26 percent of ocean are a is safeguarded from oil and gas extraction. According to this report, it's now time to extend this level of protection even further.

Keeping in line with present scientific recommendations, they conclude that the US should aim to protect at least 30 percent of lands and oceans in a natural state by 2030.

However, it isn't all about desperation. The authors conclude on a remarkably optimistic note (well, relatively optimistic for an environmental report, at least)."The United States is entering new times when it will rely more than ever on the integrity (完整) and stability of the natural world to provide economic boom, safeguard the health of communities, and weather (平安渡过) the effects of a changing climate," they write.

(1) What does the underlined word "startling" in paragraph 1 probably mean? A. Slow. B. Steady. C. Fixed. D. Astonishing.
(2) What is the new report based on? A. The authors' own experience. B. The history of human civilization. C. Satellite data and open- source databases. D. Comparison of America's past and present natural land.
(3) Which of the following should be US's goal by 2030? A. To protect all America's forests and wetlands. B. To protect at least 30% of America's lands and oceans. C. To protect 12 percent of America's land area. D. To protect 26 percent of America's ocean area.
(4) What's the author's purpose of writing the text? A. To appeal to people to protect forest and natural land. B. To present the problems faced by the Amazon. C. To state the necessity of building national parks. D. To criticize some practices of the US government.
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