
The United States rose to global power on the strength of its technology, and the lifeblood that technology has long been electricity. By providing long-distance communication and energy electricity created the modern world. Yet properly understood, the age of electricity is merely the second stage in the age of steam which began a century earlier.

It is curious that on one has put together a history of both the steam and electric revolutions." writes Maury Klein in his book The Pore Makers, Seam, Electricity and the Men Invented Modern America. Klein, a noted historian of technology spins a narrative (叙述) so lively that at times it reads like a novel

The story begins in the last years of the 18th century in Scotland, where Watt perfected "the machine that changed the world". Klein writes/'America did not invent the steam engine, but once they grasped its passwords, they put it to more uses than anyone else.

Meanwhile, over the course of 19th century, electricity went from mere curiosity to a basic necessity. Morse invented a code for sending messages over an electromagnetic circuit Bell then gave the telegraph a voice. Edison perfected an incandescent bulb (白炽灯泡) that brought electric light into the American home.

Most importantly, Edison realized that success depended on mass electrification, which he showed in New York City. With help from Tesla, Westinghouse's firm developed a system using alternating current (交流电), which soon became the major forms of power delivery.

To frame his story, Klein creates the character of Ned, a fictional witness to the progress brought about by the steams and electric revolutions in America during one man's lifetime. It's a technique that helps turn a long narrative into an interesting one.

(1) What is Klein's understanding of the age if electricity? A. It is closely linked to the steam age B. It began earlier than proper thought C. It is a little-studied period of history D. It will come to an end sooner or later
(2) What can be inferred about Ned? A. He was born in New York City B. He wrote many increasing stories C. He created an electricity company D. He lived mainly in the 19th century
(3) What is the text? A. A biography. B. A book review. C. A short story. D. A science report.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

In many cultures, it is considered unlucky to spill salt. Fortunately, many cultures also have a solution to the problem, which usually involves throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder. It may seem confusing to modern humans, but knowing that salt was once incredibly valuable can change this perspective.

For thousands of years, salt was an extremely rare commodity. It was difficult to obtain so that the price was very high. Many trading routes were set up to carry salt, people were paid in salt, and salt was sometimes worth more than its weight in gold. Therefore, spilling salt was considered wasteful.

Because of its high value, salt was also associated with friendship and good fortune. Offerings of salt were included in many religious ceremonies, and people might bring salt to a new home for good luck. These associations would have suggested that it would be bad luck to spill salt, since it would seem to violate salt's fortunate properties.

Salt is also an excellent preservative. It prevents food from going bad. As such, it came to be linked with health and longevity. In some cultures, spilling salt was thought to reduce one's well-being. In Britain, for example, each spilled grain was said to represent a tear, while in Germany spilled salt awakened the devil, bringing misfortune.

The fear of spilling salt was also adopted into the Christian faith. It is said that Judas spilled salt at the Last Supper, and since he later turned out to be the betrayer of Christ, spilled salt is considered unlucky by many Christians.

Should you be unfortunate enough to spill salt, you might throw a pinch over your left shoulder to blind the Devil.

(1) Spilling salt was probably thought to bring bad luck because ____. A. it was a Christian faith B. salt was linked with misfortune C. it would decrease one's lifespan D. salt was always expensive than gold
(2) What does the underlined word "preservative" probably mean in Paragraph 4? A. Protector. B. Flavor. C. Medium. D. Solution.
(3) What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A. To introduce the history of salt. B. To show ways to avoid misfortune. C. To explain the beliefs about spilling salt. D. To entertain readers with some anecdotes.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

My love for animals began through watching wildlife documentaries when I was a kid. I went on to study Environmental Science at university, and became interested in marine(海洋的)biology when I did my master's degree. That's when I realised that there was a possibility to do more for Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, many people would associate marine life only with seafood, and few people would consider it as a part of nature to be appreciated. Although our marine life is highly diverse, our waters have been overfished for more than 40 years. Records show that, decades ago, Hong Kong had such high production of seafood that it supported about 90% of the local demand. Today, at least 90% of the seafood we eat has to be imported to meet local demand, as our waters are so overfished that they can no longer support the local appetite.

Despite this shift, we are still a city in love with seafood-according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Hong Konng has the second highest annual seafood consumption per capita (人均)in Asia-but consumers are barely aware of where their seafood comes from and which species are threatened.

There is a lot of room for improvement in Hong Kong. Improving local fishery management policies and increasing the coverage of Marine Protected Areas, as well as conducting the relevant research to inform decisions, could move the city towards greater sustainability in this area. And consumers should avoid eating seafood that is on the threatened species list. As a general rule of thumb, if people are not sure what the species is, they should choose something else that they are more familiar with.

With the marine ecosystem already weak and easily destroyed, the greatest threat is continued ignorance and inaction. It is time for us to show that we can also be a part of the solution. If each person plays their part - even for just one meal a day-Hong Kong would already be on its way to making considerable progress towards sustainable seafood consumption.

(1) How does the author introduce overfishing in Paragraph 2? A. By listing reasons. B. By offering examples. C. By giving exact figures. D. By making comparisons.
(2) What is true about HK people according to the passage? A. They all see marine life as a part of nature. B. They consume 90% of the seafood in Asia. C. They have a rather big appetite for seafood. D. They are aware of the source of the seafood.
(3) What does the author suggest people do when eating seafood? A. Keep off unfamiliar species. B. Ignore dangerous species. C. Choose endangered species. D. Avoid non-threatened species.
(4) What is the author's purpose of writing this article? A. To stop consuming seafood. B. To protect the marine ecosystem. C. To improve local fishery management policies. D. To criticize the overfishing situation in Hong Kong.
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 Wang Yi, who can't walk or even communicate normally, has written eight books with one movable finger. Wang was born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫) in Jiangsu Province in 1989. Restricted to a wheelchair as she began to grow up, she even has difficulty eating and bathing.

However, Wang and her parents have stayed positive throughout. Since childhood, Wang's parents have been telling her to regard herself as a normal person even if she is physically disabled.

She practiced performing daily activities repeatedly. With her parents' help, she learned to live with her physical disability and aimed to be an outstanding writer. Before the age of 17, Wang completed nine years of compulsory education and acquired much literary knowledge. With the encouragement of her teacher, she became more determined to pursue her dream of writing.

Literature has become a medium for her to communicate with the world. Sitting in a wheelchair, Wang pursues her dream in her own way. Though she only has one movable finger on her right hand, she has managed to write eight books with a total of more than a million words. "For me, writing is not a tool to make a living, but my necessary life mode. Only when I am involved in writing can I feel complete," she stressed.

Wang hopes that every disabled person can live without discrimination. "What I value most is the sense of value and dignity from the efforts of the disabled themselves, as well as from social recognition, acceptance and equal treatment." She also hopes that readers can experience the strength of life, the warmth of family and the beauty of the times when they are reading her works.

Jidi Majia, Vice Chairman of the China Writers Association commented, "Although Wang Yi has a disability, the spirit shown in her works is positive. Besides, Wang's lyrics show a unique understanding about the value of life. "

(1) What is the second paragraph mainly about? A. Wang's dream of writing. B. Wang's parents' influence on her. C. The attitude of Wang's family toward her condition. D. The difficulties Wang and her parents have to overcome.
(2) Why does Wang Yi consider writing a necessary life mode? A. It helps her earn a living. B. It improves her physical condition. C. It offers her knowledge and makes her content. D. It helps her communicate with the world and feel complete.
(3) According to Wang Yi, what matters most for the disabled? A. The career success. B. The sense of value and dignity. C. The warmth of family. D. The financial support from society.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Wang Yi? A. Determined and hard-working. B. Warm-hearted and creative. C. Cautious and positive. D. Unique and energetic.
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