
 Wang Yi, who can't walk or even communicate normally, has written eight books with one movable finger. Wang was born with cerebral palsy (脑瘫) in Jiangsu Province in 1989. Restricted to a wheelchair as she began to grow up, she even has difficulty eating and bathing.

However, Wang and her parents have stayed positive throughout. Since childhood, Wang's parents have been telling her to regard herself as a normal person even if she is physically disabled.

She practiced performing daily activities repeatedly. With her parents' help, she learned to live with her physical disability and aimed to be an outstanding writer. Before the age of 17, Wang completed nine years of compulsory education and acquired much literary knowledge. With the encouragement of her teacher, she became more determined to pursue her dream of writing.

Literature has become a medium for her to communicate with the world. Sitting in a wheelchair, Wang pursues her dream in her own way. Though she only has one movable finger on her right hand, she has managed to write eight books with a total of more than a million words. "For me, writing is not a tool to make a living, but my necessary life mode. Only when I am involved in writing can I feel complete," she stressed.

Wang hopes that every disabled person can live without discrimination. "What I value most is the sense of value and dignity from the efforts of the disabled themselves, as well as from social recognition, acceptance and equal treatment." She also hopes that readers can experience the strength of life, the warmth of family and the beauty of the times when they are reading her works.

Jidi Majia, Vice Chairman of the China Writers Association commented, "Although Wang Yi has a disability, the spirit shown in her works is positive. Besides, Wang's lyrics show a unique understanding about the value of life. "

(1) What is the second paragraph mainly about? A. Wang's dream of writing. B. Wang's parents' influence on her. C. The attitude of Wang's family toward her condition. D. The difficulties Wang and her parents have to overcome.
(2) Why does Wang Yi consider writing a necessary life mode? A. It helps her earn a living. B. It improves her physical condition. C. It offers her knowledge and makes her content. D. It helps her communicate with the world and feel complete.
(3) According to Wang Yi, what matters most for the disabled? A. The career success. B. The sense of value and dignity. C. The warmth of family. D. The financial support from society.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Wang Yi? A. Determined and hard-working. B. Warm-hearted and creative. C. Cautious and positive. D. Unique and energetic.
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One day as I drove toward my home, I passed the local bus depot. I pulled up as a group of people crossed the road in front of me. As I watched, I noticed a thin, shabbily dressed older lady struggling with a large suitcase.

Witnessing this lady and remembering similar struggles I had experienced in the past when traveling, I pulled up alongside her and leaned over to call out through the open passenger window, "I'm going right into the town," I said. "I can drop you off. That suitcase looks awfully heavy." "Well, all right," she answered. When we got there, she thanked me, "Well, God bless you, lady. No one has ever done me a kindness like that before. I hope someone will do a good turn for you one day." 

Shortly after the encounter with the suitcase lady, I decided to spend a day in the mountains alone. I set off with my dog in my pickup, which was elderly but still serviceable. After driving for nearly two hours, I heard a sudden loud noise and my truck came to a full stop. I found its axle was broken and needed to be towed. In a remote area, with no hope of finding another person, I knew I was in big trouble. Over and over, I blamed my own stupidity for being in a deserted area with no possible chance of help. I hoped that no wandering bear would come to investigate. Or a hungry mountain lion — with babies. My imagination ran riot. I started to panic.

Then faintly, in the distance, came the roar of motorbikes. As they drew nearer, I could see that they were a group of motorcycle riders. "Do you need help, ma'am?" I heard a concerned voice say. The rest is history. My pickup, my dog and I were all transported back to safety. I shall never forget the kindness of the motorcycle riders who stopped. Some people may think it was a happy coincidence, but personally I like to say, it was someone that really did a good turn for me, just as the suitcase lady said.

(1) How did the author help the old lady? A. She gave her a lift to the town. B. She helped her cross the road. C. She carried the suitcase for her. D. She took her to a nearby hotel.
(2) What happened to her pickup on the way to the mountains? A. It ran out of gas. B. It crashed into a tree. C. It broke down halfway. D. It was attacked by animals.
(3) What was the author's reaction to the incident in paragraph 3? A. She blamed it on the old road. B. She lost her temper with the dog. C. She stayed calm and asked for help. D. She felt very uneasy and frightened.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the story? A. Do as You Would Be Done by B. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed C. What Goes Around, Comes Around D. God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
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Numerous studies, including a 2019 review in the journal Annual Research & Review in Biology, have found that both performing and listening to music can have a significant impact on the immune system.

"Certainly music has an impact on the brain, and anxiety and stress impact the immune system," said Andrew Levin, a neurologist at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Levin, an amateur trumpet player who performs with several local ensembles, said he's not an expert in the ways music interacts with the brain. But it works for him. "Music is a part of my stress release paradigm," he said. "We know that music can affect brain states, so I don't believe it is much of a stretch to say that music can indirectly affect our physiology, and there is research that supports this notion."

According to a 2013 review in the journal Brain Behavior and Immunity, the emotional and psychological effects of listening to music have direct impacts on biomarkers and hormone levels. There is also general consensus among researchers that listening to music reduces cortisol (皮质醇)levels.

Does the type of music matter? It does. Prior associations and relationships with different types of music affect how your body responds. In general, research indicates that "relaxing music" (i. e. slower pace, peaceful music) is better for calming tense nerves, decreasing blood pressure and breath and settling the heart rate.

Singing a different tune? Potvin, a professor of music therapy at Duquesne University, is skeptical of some of the research linking music with the immune system, questioning whether it's healthy to use music or any other tool to resist anxiety. "The research is superficial, though I don't mean that in a negative way," he said. "I think the information we have is valuable, but we need to go deeper."

(1) What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 2 refer to? A. Music. B. Brain. C. Immune system. D. The research.
(2) What do we know about relaxing music according to the text? A. It has fast rhythm. B. It contributes to a stable heart rate. C.  It does no good to calm tense nerves. D. It can increase blood pressure and breath.
(3) What do we learn from the last paragraph? A. Potvin has some prejudice about the research. B. Potvin thinks further study about it is necessary. C. Potvin questions whether music effectively resists anxiety. D. Potvin is convinced of the impact of music on the immune system.
(4) What might be the best title of the text? A. What's the function of music? B. Does music benefit your brain? C. How to promote your immune system? D. Can music boost your immune system?
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Every year, the staff of Popular Science barricades itself in a room to fight. No, this is not some nerdy(书呆子;笨蛋)fight club;it's where we select our Innovation of the Year, the breakthrough that we agree is the most important from the previous 12 months. Below are some examples.

Smart AI Hand

Getting through daily life without the use of one's hand can be quite difficult. While prosthetic(假体的)hands have seen great progress over the years, a new smart prosthetic hand built by BrainRobotics is attractive. The hand is powered by an AI software that allows it to "learn" from its user. The hand is still being tested, but one tester is able to successfully play a song on the piano with the hand. The hand is expected to cost somewhere between $10,000 and $15,000, which is cheaper with the use of 3D printing. It allows each hand to be printed to fit the user.

LightSail 2

The fuel not only takes up space on the spacecraft, but also increases its weight, making it more expensive to launch. But a new type of spacecraft, the LightSail 2 satellite, could end this problem by using the thrust(推力)of photons(光子)bouncing off the spacecraft to sail through space. It takes advantage of the thrust and needs little to no fuel to move through space. LightSail 2 will return to Earth in one year.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold

Lenovo has introduced a laptop that can be folded up like a book. You can use it anytime and anywhere if you want to. It can also be held like a traditional laptop. It can be held flat, just as you would hold a tablet, or folded like a book when you're lying in bed. It has already been on the market.

Meal Delivery Robot

Food delivery workers have hard jobs. Can robots do the same job? US company Postmates has designed a meal delivery robot called Serve. With two eyes and four wheels, it can drive down footways thanks to the cameras inside it. Still, a human driver can control it remotely if there are any problems. The company has begun testing the robot in some parts of San Francisco, the US.

(1) What makes BrainRobotics' prosthetic hands have a lower price? A. 3Dprinting. B. Less testing. C. Solar power. D. AI software.
(2) LightSail 2 is different from other spacecraft in that___________. A. it takes up large space B. it uses the thrust of photons C. it is more expensive to launch D. it can return to Earth in a short time
(3) What do the four inventions have in common? A. They are all powered by the sun. B. They are too expensive for ordinary people. C. They show the development of technology. D. They will be on the market in the near future.
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