
Numerous studies, including a 2019 review in the journal Annual Research & Review in Biology, have found that both performing and listening to music can have a significant impact on the immune system.

"Certainly music has an impact on the brain, and anxiety and stress impact the immune system," said Andrew Levin, a neurologist at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Levin, an amateur trumpet player who performs with several local ensembles, said he's not an expert in the ways music interacts with the brain. But it works for him. "Music is a part of my stress release paradigm," he said. "We know that music can affect brain states, so I don't believe it is much of a stretch to say that music can indirectly affect our physiology, and there is research that supports this notion."

According to a 2013 review in the journal Brain Behavior and Immunity, the emotional and psychological effects of listening to music have direct impacts on biomarkers and hormone levels. There is also general consensus among researchers that listening to music reduces cortisol (皮质醇)levels.

Does the type of music matter? It does. Prior associations and relationships with different types of music affect how your body responds. In general, research indicates that "relaxing music" (i. e. slower pace, peaceful music) is better for calming tense nerves, decreasing blood pressure and breath and settling the heart rate.

Singing a different tune? Potvin, a professor of music therapy at Duquesne University, is skeptical of some of the research linking music with the immune system, questioning whether it's healthy to use music or any other tool to resist anxiety. "The research is superficial, though I don't mean that in a negative way," he said. "I think the information we have is valuable, but we need to go deeper."

(1) What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 2 refer to? A. Music. B. Brain. C. Immune system. D. The research.
(2) What do we know about relaxing music according to the text? A. It has fast rhythm. B. It contributes to a stable heart rate. C.  It does no good to calm tense nerves. D. It can increase blood pressure and breath.
(3) What do we learn from the last paragraph? A. Potvin has some prejudice about the research. B. Potvin thinks further study about it is necessary. C. Potvin questions whether music effectively resists anxiety. D. Potvin is convinced of the impact of music on the immune system.
(4) What might be the best title of the text? A. What's the function of music? B. Does music benefit your brain? C. How to promote your immune system? D. Can music boost your immune system?
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About two weeks ago I saw a very sad, blue eyed, homeless man sitting outside my local coffee house. I said, "Hi! How are you doing today?"

He seemed shocked that I was talking to him. "Not very well, " he replied. He began to tell me how he had been hit by a car while riding his bike. He had been in the hospital for a month and s rest home for another month. During that time the person that paid for his SSI checks (社保费) died of a hear attack and his wallet was stolen with all his IDs. He had several checks waiting for him but had no ID and therefore no access to his money. 

I decided that if this was all true I'd like to help him get a copy of his birth certificate and social security card. I asked him to meet me at the Department of Vital Statistics at 11: 00 p. m. The next morning I didn't see him so I started filling out the paperwork. I explained to the receptionist, "I'm trying to help a homeless friend get his ID hack. " "Bob?" she inquired. "Yes, Bob, " I responded, surprised that she knew his name. "He was here at 9: 30 and he just left, she said, "But he told us you were coming. " I paid the fee and walked out with Bob's Birth Certificate. 

As I was driving home I saw Bob riding back on the old bike someone had given him. I pulled over and jumped out of my car shouting, "Bob! Bob! I got it!" He saw me and rode over. "I got it, Bob! Look, here it is!" He got tears in his eyes and told me I was his guardian angel. 

A few days later I needed him to meet me at the Social Security Office. It took me a half hour to get there by car and at least two hours by bike. But there he was sitting on the sidewalk waiting for me! We were in the Social Security Office for two hours. We got everything straightened out and by next week he will have received his back pay, which is a substantial sum. 

Yes, one person can make a difference in this world. And the interesting thing is that I am getting as much, if not more, from this experience than Bob. I am deeply touched by Bob's sensitivity, his gratitude, his stories, his heart. 

Home is where the heart is, even for the homeless!

(1) The author helped the homeless man get his ID back by ____. A. finding it for him B. filling out the paperwork C. visiting the Department of Vital Statistics D. getting his birth certificate
(2) The receptionist knew the homeless man because ____. A. he just contacted with her B. he told her I was coming C. he just left from her office D. he called her for reception
(3) The homeless man needed his ID to ____. A. get the money from the car owner B. get the money out of some checks C. prove his true identity D. pay back his SSI checks
(4) The author helped the homeless man at the Social Security Office to ____. A. check if his information is true B. check if his name was kept there C. get his information to his back pay D. take a substantial sum of money
(5) "I am getting as much, if not more, from this experience than Bob" means ____. A. I felt it meaningful to help Bob B. Bob also helped me in some way C. I was repaid after Bob got the money D. I got more respect after the experience
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A few years ago, I asked a neighborhood handyman to build a tree-house in my backyard. In part, this was to solve a problem: my children were good friends with the children who lived beside us and they liked to climb over the fence that separated the two yards. We could have just put a gate into the fence, but I decided that building some kind of climbable structure around the large fir tree in the yard, which also included a staircase into the neighbor's yard, was a more creative solution to the problem, and I liked the idea that the tree-house would also serve to join the two play spaces together.

The handyman took the task much more seriously than I had expected. He made drawings, built small wooden models, and even held a kind of "visioning" exercise with the children and their parents to make sure that he hadn't missed any important details. At the end of our lengthy discussions, he asked, "Where would you like me to put the beer rail?"

The question took me aback as I hadn't really considered the possibility that a nice play structure in my yard might also facilitate beer consumption among the neighborhood children, but I quickly tuned in to the fact that our designer had intuited what should have been obvious to me- the children wouldn't be the only ones to take advantage of this platform up among the branches of the beautiful old tree. And, indeed, over the years that I lived in that house I discovered that the platform made a pretty good perch (栖息处), not only for the occasional cold beer, but also for sitting and dreaming, reading a book, enjoying a picnic or even getting some writing done. My children enjoyed climbing around in the tree-house, playing tag, setting up imaginary pirate ships and fortresses (城堡), and they also used it for some quiet thinking and even the occasional math homework. The tree seemed to be a particularly good algebra tutor.

(1)  Why did the author prefer to build a staircase? A. It would make the tree-house look prettier. B. It would give better protection to the fence. C. It would be finished at low cost. D. It would connect the neighbor's kids more closely.
(2) What did the author think of building a "beer rail" initially? A. It was out of date. B. It was unnecessary. C. It was unaffordable. D. It was too complicated.
(3) What does the underlined word "intuited" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Misunderstood. B. Examined. C. Recognized. D. Proved.
(4)  Which can best describe the handyman? A. Ambitious and persuasive. B. Strict and kind-hearted. C. Careful and far-sighted. D. Humble and generous.
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It was 6 a.m. as I got on the train, ending my work one cold morning and I was lucky to get a seat. At that time of the morning, my eyes were not fully focused and at times I was half asleep. During that time the train was usually filled with construction workers heading out to start their work. On that particular morning I found myself drawn on the shoes of men sitting about 10 seats across from me.

I sat examining the shoes of men. Men from different walks of life, holding different jobs, thinking different thoughts, living different lives and despite what they did and how they looked, they all had something in common. They were all of the working class trying to achieve their dreams.

One day each of those men has to visit a shoe store to buy a new pair of shoes, a type that fits their working needs. For a short time those shoes look so good. Then one day they lose their shine; they no longer look as good, but guess what? The shoes feel right. Feet have found their own home within the comfort of those shoes.

If those shoes could talk what kind of a tale do you think they would tell? If your shoes could talk, what do you think they would say about you? Would the story be about a journey filled with joy and fun? Or would the story be one filled with disappointment and regret?

We choose the shoes. Where we take them and when and how we wear them are up to us.

(1) What can be inferred from the first paragraph? A. It was cold that morning. B. The author went to work by train. C. The author worked during the night. D. Construction workers usually began to work at 7 a.m.
(2) How did the author draw the conclusion that all of the men were working class? A. By closely observing their shoes. B. According to the way they walked. C. On the basis of the lives they lived. D. By distinguishing their facial features.
(3) What does the author think of the shoes then one day? A. Fashionable. B. Good. C. Shiny. D. Comfortable.
(4) Where can the text probably be found? A. In a news report. B. In a magazine. C. In a biography. D. In a history book.
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