
About two weeks ago I saw a very sad, blue eyed, homeless man sitting outside my local coffee house. I said, "Hi! How are you doing today?"

He seemed shocked that I was talking to him. "Not very well, " he replied. He began to tell me how he had been hit by a car while riding his bike. He had been in the hospital for a month and s rest home for another month. During that time the person that paid for his SSI checks (社保费) died of a hear attack and his wallet was stolen with all his IDs. He had several checks waiting for him but had no ID and therefore no access to his money. 

I decided that if this was all true I'd like to help him get a copy of his birth certificate and social security card. I asked him to meet me at the Department of Vital Statistics at 11: 00 p. m. The next morning I didn't see him so I started filling out the paperwork. I explained to the receptionist, "I'm trying to help a homeless friend get his ID hack. " "Bob?" she inquired. "Yes, Bob, " I responded, surprised that she knew his name. "He was here at 9: 30 and he just left, she said, "But he told us you were coming. " I paid the fee and walked out with Bob's Birth Certificate. 

As I was driving home I saw Bob riding back on the old bike someone had given him. I pulled over and jumped out of my car shouting, "Bob! Bob! I got it!" He saw me and rode over. "I got it, Bob! Look, here it is!" He got tears in his eyes and told me I was his guardian angel. 

A few days later I needed him to meet me at the Social Security Office. It took me a half hour to get there by car and at least two hours by bike. But there he was sitting on the sidewalk waiting for me! We were in the Social Security Office for two hours. We got everything straightened out and by next week he will have received his back pay, which is a substantial sum. 

Yes, one person can make a difference in this world. And the interesting thing is that I am getting as much, if not more, from this experience than Bob. I am deeply touched by Bob's sensitivity, his gratitude, his stories, his heart. 

Home is where the heart is, even for the homeless!

(1) The author helped the homeless man get his ID back by ____. A. finding it for him B. filling out the paperwork C. visiting the Department of Vital Statistics D. getting his birth certificate
(2) The receptionist knew the homeless man because ____. A. he just contacted with her B. he told her I was coming C. he just left from her office D. he called her for reception
(3) The homeless man needed his ID to ____. A. get the money from the car owner B. get the money out of some checks C. prove his true identity D. pay back his SSI checks
(4) The author helped the homeless man at the Social Security Office to ____. A. check if his information is true B. check if his name was kept there C. get his information to his back pay D. take a substantial sum of money
(5) "I am getting as much, if not more, from this experience than Bob" means ____. A. I felt it meaningful to help Bob B. Bob also helped me in some way C. I was repaid after Bob got the money D. I got more respect after the experience
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A young woman sits down at the piano. Her long flowing brown hair frames a friendly face. And then she begins to sing. Her unexpectedly mature voice attracted everyone in the room. This is Norah Jones, award-winning singer and songwriter.

Norah Jones was born on March 30, 1979, in New York City. She is the daughter of the legendary Rxdyi Shankar, a very famous guitar player; but Norah was brought up entirely by her mother Sue. At 4 years old, she and her mother moved to the Dallas suburb, Texas. Her earliest musical influence came from her mother's extensive LP collection. She began singing in church choirs at age five, took piano lessons two years later, and briefly played alto saxophone in junior high.

In the course of serving customers and laying tables in a fast restaurant, Jones soon started a band in which she was a lead singer, of course, and played piano as well. In October 2000, the band ambitiously brought a demo (试 样 唱 片) to EMI Blue Note Records.

At a meeting with Blue Note president Bruce in the following year, Jones played her three-song tape, hoping to earn a break. Bruce was so impressed with this young girl's talents that he signed her on the spot. After a year of work, Norah Jones released her debut (首次) album, Come Away with Me. Norah Jones has already sold 2. 6 million copies of the album, which is 10 times more than any album in Blue Note history. Despite the lack of advertisement, her album was inching its way up the music charts while the debut single Don't Know Why was climbing up the Adult Top 40 Chart.

The singer already enjoyed a success at the Grammy Awards in 2003, where she picked up five trophies (奖) in the major categories (Album of the Year, Record of the Year Trophy for Don't Know Why, Best New Artist, Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for Don't Know Why, and Best Pop Vocal Album) . It's clear that this was only the beginning for Miss Jones.

(1) What motivated Jones' interest in music when young? A. Her childhood experience. B. Her mother's preference in music. C. Her participation in church choirs. D. Her mother's extensive LP collection.
(2) What did Jones do before being signed by EMI Blue Note Records? A. Work as a waitress. B. Study in a high school. C. Play the piano for customers. D. Compose songs for a band.
(3) When did Jones release her debut album? A. In 2000. B. In 2001. C. In 2002. D. In 2003.
(4) What can we know about her debut single Don't Know Why? A. It was composed by Jones. B. It sold well through advertisement. C. It hit the top in the Adult Top 40 Chart. D. It won several awards in the Grammy Awards in 2003.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Few businesses can run without computers, giving keyboard shortcuts an incredible importance. Schools view typing courses as necessary. But what are we giving up as handwriting loses its significance?

Brain power, according to science. Researchers from Princeton University and the University of California conducted a series of studies to demonstrate the differences between students who wrote out their notes and those who typed them. Study participants took notes on a lecture using one of the two methods and were tested 30 minutes after the lecture, and again a week later. 

The results showed both types of notetakers did well on the first test. The longhand notetakers had a stronger grasp of the overall concept. Students with the handwritten notes were also able to better remember and understand the concept of the lecture a week later, and were more open to understanding new ideas. 

According to Pam Mueller, lead author of the study, "Our findings suggest even when laptops are used as intended, they may still be harming academic performance." Part of the reason is that it was faster to take notes on the laptop, using exactly the same words meant they weren't truly engaged in the content. But notetakers using pen and paper tended to digest the material better and could rephrase it in their own words. 

Although typing notes using exactly the same words can help in recalling facts in the short term, it takes the focus away from the main points of the lesson. "Ironically, the feature that makes their laptop notetaking so attractive— the ability to take notes more quickly —was what weakened learning," educational psychologist Dr. Kenneth Kiewra told the Wall Street Journal. 

Computers aren't going away soon, but that doesn't mean paper notebooks become outdated. In fact, it is best to start using them at an early age. University of Indiana researchers compared brain scans of five-year-olds -some who practiced the printing letters, and some who just looked at the letters. Those who wrote out the letters had more enhanced and adult-like brain activity.

(1)  In the study, what were the participants asked to do? A. Compare typing and handwriting. B. Take notes by typing or handwriting and take tests. C. Take two tests right after taking notes on the lecture. D. Take notes using exactly the same words on the lecture.
(2)  What does the underlined word"longhand" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Fast. B. Flexible. C. Typing. D. Handwriting.
(3)  What contributes to better learning in note-taking? A. Using the exact words. B. Introducing modern tools. C. Writing as quickly as possible. D. Rephrasing the learning material.
(4)  What would be the best title for the text? A. Typing matters in a way. B. A Pen is better than a keyboard. C. Handwriting builds your brain power. D. Handwriting or typing is a question.
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Cross-border e-commerce between China and Europe has recovered to new heights of activity since the pandemic. Events such as the China-Europe Cross Border E-Commerce Forum, are promoting trade innovation across multinational markets. It will bring together a mix of e-commerce platforms, logistics(物流) companies and government agencies, to share ideas on trade for a post-COVID world. Artificial Intelligence(AI) automation(自动化) of warehouse fulfillment is an example of one development that is stirring a buzz ahead of the event and across the industry as a whole.

Challenges in finding suitable workers, alongside the rising cost of labor, mean that fulfillment centers have been under extreme pressure to find solutions to meet the boom in home delivery demand. AI technology is helping to overcome the challenges. Fleets of robots are equipped with sensors to avoid collisions, process packages, and avoid traffic congestion. The use of AI applications in warehouses goes beyond just robots. Throughout distribution centers, machine learning, natural language programming and computer software are all being revolutionized by AI.

AI can be combined with the human body too, to form wearable warehouse technology. Natural language processing means that voice-picking can allow workers to free up their hands and improve safety. Smart glasses can also contain cameras, which AI can use to instantly recognize barcodes, items, and even nuanced(细微差别的) situations such as how full a container is.

Despite the powerful influence of AI in warehouse logistics, the MHI Annual Industry report last year stated that just 14 percent of respondents used the technology in some form. However, it is the top minority of players controlling a dominant share of the industry that are predominantly adopting the technology. As AI becomes more mainstream in the sector, and prices fall, adoption will likely spread as logistical solutions, previously reserved for the likes of Alibaba and Amazon, become more accessible. It is estimated that this 14 percent will balloon to 73 percent by 2027.

China-Europe trade is increasingly important, given the uncertainty in many economies. There is not a single industry that supply-chain innovation does not benefit.

(1) Why does the author mention the E-Commerce Forum? A. To tell us the serious damage during the pandemic. B. To point out the automation of warehouse fulfillment. C. To show the idea of some government agencies. D. To introduce the important use of AI technology.
(2) What can we learn about AI technology? A. It promotes the development of sensors. B. It mainly works for home delivery. C. It provides a safer working environment. D. It can be used to fill a container.
(3) What can we infer from Paragraph 4? A. The MHI Annual Industry report stated a high use of AI. B. AI in logistics will have a rapid development in the near future. C. Al was previously reserved for the likes of Alibaba and Amazon. D. 14 percent of respondents used the technology in some form.
(4) What would be the best title for the text? A. AI Automation Is Going Mainstream in the Logistics Industry B. Cross-border E-commerce Has Recovered to New Heights C. Trades of AI Are Becoming More Accessible D. China-Europe Trade Is Increasingly Uncertain
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