
A young woman sits down at the piano. Her long flowing brown hair frames a friendly face. And then she begins to sing. Her unexpectedly mature voice attracted everyone in the room. This is Norah Jones, award-winning singer and songwriter.

Norah Jones was born on March 30, 1979, in New York City. She is the daughter of the legendary Rxdyi Shankar, a very famous guitar player; but Norah was brought up entirely by her mother Sue. At 4 years old, she and her mother moved to the Dallas suburb, Texas. Her earliest musical influence came from her mother's extensive LP collection. She began singing in church choirs at age five, took piano lessons two years later, and briefly played alto saxophone in junior high.

In the course of serving customers and laying tables in a fast restaurant, Jones soon started a band in which she was a lead singer, of course, and played piano as well. In October 2000, the band ambitiously brought a demo (试 样 唱 片) to EMI Blue Note Records.

At a meeting with Blue Note president Bruce in the following year, Jones played her three-song tape, hoping to earn a break. Bruce was so impressed with this young girl's talents that he signed her on the spot. After a year of work, Norah Jones released her debut (首次) album, Come Away with Me. Norah Jones has already sold 2. 6 million copies of the album, which is 10 times more than any album in Blue Note history. Despite the lack of advertisement, her album was inching its way up the music charts while the debut single Don't Know Why was climbing up the Adult Top 40 Chart.

The singer already enjoyed a success at the Grammy Awards in 2003, where she picked up five trophies (奖) in the major categories (Album of the Year, Record of the Year Trophy for Don't Know Why, Best New Artist, Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for Don't Know Why, and Best Pop Vocal Album) . It's clear that this was only the beginning for Miss Jones.

(1) What motivated Jones' interest in music when young? A. Her childhood experience. B. Her mother's preference in music. C. Her participation in church choirs. D. Her mother's extensive LP collection.
(2) What did Jones do before being signed by EMI Blue Note Records? A. Work as a waitress. B. Study in a high school. C. Play the piano for customers. D. Compose songs for a band.
(3) When did Jones release her debut album? A. In 2000. B. In 2001. C. In 2002. D. In 2003.
(4) What can we know about her debut single Don't Know Why? A. It was composed by Jones. B. It sold well through advertisement. C. It hit the top in the Adult Top 40 Chart. D. It won several awards in the Grammy Awards in 2003.
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1. 阅读下列短文. 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中. 选出最佳选项。

Bill Sumiel was having a tough Friday. It was October 2020, and the 71-year-old, who was dealing with kidney(肾)failure and had been on dialysis( 透 析 )for a few years, found himself away from home. 

He'd been diagnosed with diabetes(糖尿病) over 20 years before, which led to his kidney problems. He was on the transplant list, but no matches had yet appeared. So he continued with his treatments periodically. Without a ride lined up for Friday's do-over, Sumiel took Ubers to and from his appointment. 

Timothy Letts, 31, was driving to visit a friend when his phone received the request for Sumiel's ride home. When Sumiel got into his car, Letts could see that the older man was unenergetic but in good spirits. And as they set out to Sumiel's home, the pair got to chatting. During conversation, Sumiel revealed that he was searching for a kidney donor. Letts joked that he'd be a good donor candidate, given that he didn't drink or smoke. 

Sumiel agreed, though he didn't think much of it. Letts, however, couldn't stop thinking about it and it was always on his mind. So, Letts said:"I'd like to see if I could be a match to give you a kidney. "

"I was shocked, "Sumiel recalls. He was shaking so hard that he could barely write his name when they exchanged contact information. After the initial excitement, Sumiel started feeling less optimistic. He was touched by Letts's offer, but he wondered if it had just been an emotional moment. Would he hear from him? And what was the likelihood of a match?

But Letts was true to his word. He got in touch with Sumiel just a few hours later, and by the next week, Letts had contacted the kidney transplant program. After a series of testing, the results were in: Letts was an ideal donor, and he and Sumiel were a perfect match. 

In December 2021, 14 months after their chance encounter, Sumiel and Letts had their surgeries. It was a success. Today they live respectively and healthily and anticipate the day they can reunite. 

(1) What can be inferred from the first four paragraphs? A. Sumiel's problem was caused by his wrong treatments. B. Sumiel must take Ubers to receive treatment periodically. C. Letts took the matter of donating his kidney seriously. D. Letts' energetic friend requested him to donate his kidney.
(2) Why did Sumiel start feeling less optimistic after excitement? A. He questioned the sincerity of Letts' offer. B. He worried about the risks of the surgery.  C. He believed Letts would forget his offer.  D. He doubted if Letts was fit for donation. 
(3) What kind of person is Letts based on this text? A. Sympathetic and wise. B. Reliable and helpful. C. Responsible and Sensitive. D. Trustworthy and humble.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. A Fortunate Driver. B. A Kidney Transplant. C. A Successful Surgery. D. A Ride for a Lifetime.
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 The national statistics showing a decline in bike ridership are a bit misleading. It is indeed down in rural and suburban areas — but cities tell a different story. Biking in cities has exploded recently with millions of Americans mounting bicycles for the first time in years. Is it the start of a long-term trend? 

 There are good reasons to hope so. Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse emissions (排放) in the U.S., and cars and light trucks account for 58 percent of transportation emissions. Switching from cars to bikes cuts emissions much faster than switching to electric cars. 

 And motor vehicle accidents still kill more than 39,000 Americans a year — including more than 700 cyclists. Some 70 percent of people surveyed in the U.S. say they're interested in biking. Why don't they bike more? It comes down to safety. Half of the people surveyed said they were, understandably,too afraid to bike on the street. 

 Putting a painted biking path on a 40-mph road is not going to appeal to potential cyclists afraid of a close encounter with a car. Bike safety isn't about painting bike paths on every street. It's about creating bike networks that can take you safely from point A to point B. Good bike networks are made of things like greenways,protected bike paths with physical barriers separating riders from cars,and quiet streets. 

 The good news is that bike networks were expanding in the U.S. years ago. Between 1991 and 2021,there was a six-fold increase in painted,off-road paths,from 5,904 miles to 39,329 miles. And the increase in protected bike paths is even more dramatic:Their total length,nationwide,went from only 34 miles in 2006 to 425 miles in 2018. In fact,cities in the West and East are leading the pack,but the trend is nationwide. 

(1) What can we learn from Paragraph 1?  A. There is a decline in traveling. B. America is facing an economic decline. C. More and more people ride bikes in cities. D. Biking cost is on an increase across America.
(2) What can help to improve cyclists' safety best?  A. A speed limit. B. A network of bike paths. C. More traffic lights. D. Painted areas for cycling.
(3) How does the author show the expansion of bike networks?  A. By analyzing cases. B. By comparing results. C. By listing figures. D. By showing the effect.
(4) What's the main idea of the passage?  A. America is becoming more bike-friendly. B. Travelling by bike helps reduce pollution. C. Reasons and solutions for biking accidents. D. Americans are troubled with biking problems.
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If there may be any errors when using the juicer, please confirm the following points before contacting the customer service for support. 

1. Error: Can't work

Reason: Dead battery

Solution: Charge in time

2. Error: Stop suddenly during working

Reason:         1)The fruit is too big

2)The battery is down

Solution:         1)Cut small pieces of fruit        

2)Charge in time

3. Error: Abnormal noise

Reason:         1)Parts of the machine are not installed in place

2)The machine is placed in an inclined (倾斜的) position when working

Solution:         1)Confirm whether parts of the machine are well assembled

2)Put the machine on a level surface for use

4. Error:         There is food overflow when working

Reason:         1)The fruit is too big        

2)The upper cover is not installed correctly

Solution:         1)Cut small pieces of fruit                

2)Install the upper cover correctly

5. Error:         1) The red alarm light flashes for about 10 seconds

2)The charging indicator light is not bright

Reason:         1)The battery is dead or the automatic protection is on

2)The charging cable is not connected

Solution:         1) Charge in time                

2)Connect the charging cable


The product is not covered by the warranty if it breaks down or is damaged under any of the following circumstances. 

1. The products used are obtained through other channels than the company's sales channels. 

2. Products whose warranty card is lost and cannot provide relevant supporting materials. 

3. Damage caused by disassembly or repair of the product by any individual other than the special repair designated(指定) by the company. 

4. Product damage judged to be man-made. 

If any repairs occur, the relevant fees will be charged. 

(1) What can users do when hearing abnormal noise? A. Charge in time. B. Replace certain parts. C. Cut small pieces of fruit. D. Put the machine on a level surface.
(2) What will happen if the upper cover isn't put in place? A. The food will spill. B. The machine will stop. C. The red alarm light will flash. D. The automatic protection will be on.
(3) In which condition do customers lose the right to warranty? A. The users refuse to pay relevant fees. B. The product is purchased at a. discount. C. The users have reset the machine for many times. D. The product is damaged due to users' carelessness.
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