
Port Lympne Reserve, which runs a breeding(繁育)programme, has welcomed the arrival of a rare black rhino calf(犀牛幼息). When the tiny creature arrived on January 31, she became the 40th black rhino to be born at the reserve. And officials at Port Lympne were delighted with the new arrival, especially as black rhinos are known for being difficult to breed in captivity(圈养).

Paul Beer, head of rhino section at Port Lympne, said: "Obviously we're all absolutely delighted to welcome another calf to our black rhino family. She's healthy, strong and already eager to play and explore. Her mother, Solio, is a first—time mum and she is doing a fantastic job. It's still a little too cold for them to go out into the open, but as soon as the weather warms up. I have no doubt that the little one will be out and about exploring and playing every day."

The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild. The first rhino to be born at Port Lympne arrived on January 5 to first—time mother Kisima and weighed about 32 kg. His mother, grandmother and great grandmother were all born at the reserve and still live there.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, the global black rhino population has dropped as low as 5500, giving the rhinos a "critically endangered" status.

(1) Which of the following best describes the breeding programme? A. Costly. B. Controversial. C. Ambitious. D. Successful.
(2) What does Paul Beer say about the new—born rhino? A. She loves staying with her mother. B. She dislikes outdoor activities. C. She is in good condition D. She is sensitive to heat.
(3) What similar experience do Solio and Kisima have? A. They had their first born in January. B. They enjoyed exploring new places C. They lived with their grandmothers. D. They were brought to the reserve young
(4) What can be inferred about Porn—Lympne Reserve? A. The rhino section will be open to the public. B. It aims to control the number of the animals. C. It will continue to work with the World Wildlife Fund. D. Some of its rhinos may be sent to the protected wild areas.
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New events and changes of junior golf competition calendar

New events

Notah BegayⅢ Junior Golf National Championship

What does a junior golfer aim to pursue? One thing is to be noticed, ideally by a college coach. A remarkable opportunity will be offered by the Notah BegayⅢ Junior Golf National Championship to its participants: an event broadcast by Golf Channel. Players aged between eight and 18 can compete in the new event; information about where and when it will be held will be released later.

Barbasol Junior Championship

Beginning the career in the PGA Tour is something that a junior golfer tends to dream of. The Barbasol Junior Championship, which is scheduled to take place between June 29 and July 2 at Keene Trace Golf Club in Nicholasville, Kentucky, will provide such an opportunity. Boys under 19 years old will qualify for this new 54-hole event, and the winner will be awarded a spot at the PGA Tour's Barbasol Championship in July.

Changed events

Thunderbird International Junior

The dates of the AJGA's Thunderbird International Junior have to be changed since the NCAA Championships move to Grayhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona, for the next three years. Generally, the Thunderbird is played at the end of May. However, this year it is scheduled on different dates for the first time, from April 9 to 12, which means, of course, that the finish date is on Masters Sunday.

Gator Invitational

Junior golf intends to prepare for the following college golf. If this is the case, then it is crucial to simulate the higher-level experience as much as possible. Because of that, the Gator Invitational, as a junior boys' event, has made a significant decision on becoming a 54-hole event by adding a round this year. The new version will be played from March 13 to 15 at The Country Club of Jackson in Jackson, Mississippi.

(1) Which event can be watched on TV? A. Notah BegayⅢ Junior Golf National Championship. B. Barbasol Junior Championship. C. Thunderbird International Junior. D. Gator Invitational.
(2) When will the Thunderbird International Junior be played? A. At the end of May. B. From April 9 to 12. C. Between June 29 and July 2. D. From March 13 to 15.
(3) What has been changed about the Gator Invitational? A. The award given to the winner B. The place where it is played. C. The required age of the players. D. The number of rounds it has.
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I was surprised to find the congestion (拥塞) outside Layla's primary school was unusually absent—I'd driven right into a parking space, and I was on time, for once. The school bell rang, and in a moment a stream of children made their way through the gate. But something was different—the kids were piling into vehicles in threes and fours.

Before I could enquire my daughter Layla, Mr Trent, the deputy head, approached. "Mrs Pavis, did you not read our letter?" Letter? What letter? I had a history of not looking out for them, and not reading them in most cases. "The letter? Of course. It must have just slipped my mind—I've been away with work."

Now I was digging around in Layla's messy schoolbag at home. Eventually, I found several letters, all addressing the same topic—parking outside the school gates. Apparently with some parents parking illegally, the police were about to get involved. "Why didn't you give me these letters?" I demanded. Layla shrugged. "I forgot." I was about to launch into a severe lecture when it occurred to me that I had always forgotten—I had forgotten to give Layla her money for cookery that morning and forgotten to hang out the kids' washed clothes.

I contained myself and figured out that they wanted the parents to car-pool (拼车). I spent the next half hour ringing round Layla's friends' parents, enquiring if they would like to car-pool with us. Unfortunately, they were all sorted. It was my own fault—I should have read those letters ages ago. "Er... I overheard others talking about it," Layla said, "They said they didn't know who would car-pool with us, because we're always late." I flushed instantly. We were a disorganised family, and I was the one to blame.

I resolved to change. With responsibility for my kids, I find I am never, ever late. It's good for Layla and for her older brothers, and it's good for me, because now I never leave the house unprepared. I've even started checking the kids' schoolbags for notes from school.

(1) What did the author notice when the school was over? A. It was hard to find a parking space. B. Children were picked up in groups. C. Her daughter was absent from class. D. She arrived much earlier than others.
(2) What stopped the author criticizing her daughter? A. The reflection of her daily routine. B. The realization of her carelessness. C. The knowledge of her kid's character. D. The awareness of her kid's depression.
(3) Why did others refuse to car-pool with them according to Layla? A. Because they contacted them late. B. Because they failed to keep the house tidy. C. Because they couldn't be on time. D. Because they ignored the school's request.
(4) What can we learn from the passage? A. Action creates motivation. B. Mother's love never changes. C. It's never too late to mend. D. Patience is the key to success.
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When Emma woke up, she knew it was going to be one of those days. She felt unwell—a cold had taken hold of her. Still, she needed to brave the storm of responsibilities at work. Emma dragged herself out of bed and got ready for work. Then she put on her raincoat and went out into the pouring rain. As she walked, she fought against the bad weather. Emma's umbrella was almost useless as it was raining cats and dogs. Then like a bolt from the blue, the wind blew it inside out. She was immediately wet from head to toe. She said to herself in a quiet voice. "What a day to forget my rain boots!"

At the office, the day was as stormy as the weather. She had a mountain of tasks. Handling endless emails and phone calls should have been a light wind. But before long, she was desperate to take a break so she could get a second wind.

Then, at exactly the moment, her coworker Alex came to her rescue. Alex was not a fair-weather friend but was always ready to lend a hand. With a warm smile, he offered to help Emma. Having Alex assist her was like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Their laughter and good-fellowship as they completed their tasks made the hours pass quickly.

On her way home, Emma reflected on the day, which had ended up being surprisingly pleasant. She realized that every cloud did indeed have a silver lining. Today, that silver lining had been her wonderful colleague, Alex.

When Emma arrived home, she decided to send Alex a heartfelt message of appreciation. She wrote, "Thanks for being my ray of sunshine in this rainy day!" It was a simple message, but it carried a lot of meaning.

That night, listening to it rain cats and dogs outside, Emma couldn't help but smile. She had weathered the storm with Alex's help.

(1) Why did Emma get totally wet? A. Because she forgot to take her umbrella. B. Because she didn't wear her raincoat. C. Because her rain boots were broken. D. Because the wind was too strong.
(2) What happened to Emma and Alex at the office? A. They finished the assignments with joy. B. They took a break to refresh themselves. C. They talked about the weather while performing tasks. D. Alex came to rescue Emma because she was in dinger.
(3) How did Emma feel at last? A. Grateful and warm. B. Pleased and amused. C. Shocked and confused. D. Confident and determined.
(4) What can we conclude from the passage? A. Save for a rainy day. B. Hard work pays off. C. Actions speak louder than words. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
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