
When Emma woke up, she knew it was going to be one of those days. She felt unwell—a cold had taken hold of her. Still, she needed to brave the storm of responsibilities at work. Emma dragged herself out of bed and got ready for work. Then she put on her raincoat and went out into the pouring rain. As she walked, she fought against the bad weather. Emma's umbrella was almost useless as it was raining cats and dogs. Then like a bolt from the blue, the wind blew it inside out. She was immediately wet from head to toe. She said to herself in a quiet voice. "What a day to forget my rain boots!"

At the office, the day was as stormy as the weather. She had a mountain of tasks. Handling endless emails and phone calls should have been a light wind. But before long, she was desperate to take a break so she could get a second wind.

Then, at exactly the moment, her coworker Alex came to her rescue. Alex was not a fair-weather friend but was always ready to lend a hand. With a warm smile, he offered to help Emma. Having Alex assist her was like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Their laughter and good-fellowship as they completed their tasks made the hours pass quickly.

On her way home, Emma reflected on the day, which had ended up being surprisingly pleasant. She realized that every cloud did indeed have a silver lining. Today, that silver lining had been her wonderful colleague, Alex.

When Emma arrived home, she decided to send Alex a heartfelt message of appreciation. She wrote, "Thanks for being my ray of sunshine in this rainy day!" It was a simple message, but it carried a lot of meaning.

That night, listening to it rain cats and dogs outside, Emma couldn't help but smile. She had weathered the storm with Alex's help.

(1) Why did Emma get totally wet? A. Because she forgot to take her umbrella. B. Because she didn't wear her raincoat. C. Because her rain boots were broken. D. Because the wind was too strong.
(2) What happened to Emma and Alex at the office? A. They finished the assignments with joy. B. They took a break to refresh themselves. C. They talked about the weather while performing tasks. D. Alex came to rescue Emma because she was in dinger.
(3) How did Emma feel at last? A. Grateful and warm. B. Pleased and amused. C. Shocked and confused. D. Confident and determined.
(4) What can we conclude from the passage? A. Save for a rainy day. B. Hard work pays off. C. Actions speak louder than words. D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
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The annual Dongyue Temple Fair of Mount Tai will be held during April 29- May 6 at Dai Temple in Tai'an. Here are some items visitors may love.


From April 29 to May 6, performances of martial arts (武术),traditional music, Chinese folk art forms and local operas will be put on stage. Visitors can lift their spirits by watching long boxing and nunchakus(双节棍) performances or listening to the music played by guqin, a seven-stringed zither, and the bamboo flute.

Folk-custom activities

Visitors to the temple fair can also enjoy themselves by admiring folk-custom activities held from April 29 to May 6.

There will be exhibitions of traditional handicrafts and paper cutting works that were collected and selected by non- governmental organizations. Performers will also show traditional Chinese costumes at a garden party.

Cultural activities

If the visitors want to enjoy the cultural atmosphere at the temple fair, they can get a close look at bamboo engraving art at Peitian Gate where more than 70 pieces of engraving art are exhibited from April 28 to May 22.

Trade activities

If people want to buy Mount Tai specialties,they won't be disappointed, for trade shows will be held during the temple fair. Tea, tourism products ,donkey-hide -gelatin, rare stones and root carvings will be showed and on sale.

(1) How many days will bamboo engraving art be exhibited? A. 6. B. 8. C. 22. D. 25.
(2) What can visitors enjoy in folk-custom activities? A. Martial arts. B. Local opera. C. Paper-cutting works. D. Chinese paintings.
(3) What does the part of "Trade activities" tell us? A. The products are for display only. B. You can get to know many new products. C. Visitors can purchase some local products on the shows. D. Don't buy products on show, or you will be disappointed.
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Readers will discover explorers, landmarks and more in the following maps and travel books.

Maps Special Edition, ₤ 25

This book was already popular in our children's area and has been made even better with this special edition. The collection of 68 maps takes you through 58 countries and six continents. It is packed with illustrated information, including famous historical figures, local dishes, some festivals, landmarks, etc.

Maps of the United Kingdom, ₤17.99

Technically aimed at children, it contains lots of information and facts. It's very well put together, especially when it comes to choosing the seven famous people with a connection to their special place. Philip Pullman, for example, is associated with Norfolk.

Harry Potter's London, ₤3.99

Harry Potter's London is a map that covers information on three walks taken in the best of the central London locations in the hugely popular films. The walks cover Picadilly Circus, Westminster Bridge via Trafailg, and King's Cross with its famous Platform 9 ¾.

Ushorne First Sticker Book Flags, ₤5.99

Learn the flag of every country in the world by placing the flag sticker on the correct countries on the maps. This contains interesting facts about countries and flags. There are fun questions throughout, including, "Some African flags have a diagonal strip (对角条纹). How many can you find?"

(1) What knowledge does Maps Special Edition involve? A. World-wide popular festivals. B. The culture of many places. C. The history of 68 countries. D. Different editions of maps.
(2) The one that allows readers to match countries with flags costs ______. A. ₤ 25. B. ₤ 17.99. C. ₤ 3.99. D. ₤ 5.99.
(3) Who may be the target readers of the maps? A. Common people. B. Geography teachers. C. Young readers. D. Map collectors.
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The Big Garden Birdwatch is organised every year by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds(RSPB).It is a chance for people to record the birds that visit their garden,or local green space.Nearly 700,000 people have taken part in the world's largest wildlife survey since it started in 1979.They have provided valuable information of how different types of birds are doing,and whether their populations are going up or down. 

More than 11 million birds were counted in 2022.The house sparrow(麻雀) was the most commonly seen garden bird.But its numbers were lower than in 2021.However,there was a rise in greenfinch numbers.Hopefully,the birds may be recovering(恢复) from a big drop in the population over the last 30 years. 

Almost 60,000 schoolchildren took part in the survey,and that included spending an hour in nature counting different types of birds.Wood pigeons(鸽子) were the most commonly seen by schools.Blackbirds came a close second. 

"It's been exciting to see so many people taking part this year,"said Rebecca Speight,an officer of the RSPB."Spring is a great time to watch and reconnect with birds.It sees the return of nature's biggest music festival.Open your back door,a window or simply step outside and listen."

(1) How many birds were counted in the year 2022? A. Almost 60,000. B. Nearly 700,000. C. Over 11 million. D. More than 30 million.
(2) Which birds were the most commonly seen by schools? A. House sparrows. B. Greenfinches. C. Wood pigeons. D. Blackbirds.
(3) What did Rebecca Speight call on people to do? A. Enjoy birdsong in nature. B. Reconnect with each other. C. Listen to different music. D. Learn gardening in spring.
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