1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

In many cultures, it is considered unlucky to spill salt. Fortunately, many cultures also have a solution to the problem, which usually involves throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder. It may seem confusing to modern humans, but knowing that salt was once incredibly valuable can change this perspective.

For thousands of years, salt was an extremely rare commodity. It was difficult to obtain so that the price was very high. Many trading routes were set up to carry salt, people were paid in salt, and salt was sometimes worth more than its weight in gold. Therefore, spilling salt was considered wasteful.

Because of its high value, salt was also associated with friendship and good fortune. Offerings of salt were included in many religious ceremonies, and people might bring salt to a new home for good luck. These associations would have suggested that it would be bad luck to spill salt, since it would seem to violate salt's fortunate properties.

Salt is also an excellent preservative. It prevents food from going bad. As such, it came to be linked with health and longevity. In some cultures, spilling salt was thought to reduce one's well-being. In Britain, for example, each spilled grain was said to represent a tear, while in Germany spilled salt awakened the devil, bringing misfortune.

The fear of spilling salt was also adopted into the Christian faith. It is said that Judas spilled salt at the Last Supper, and since he later turned out to be the betrayer of Christ, spilled salt is considered unlucky by many Christians.

Should you be unfortunate enough to spill salt, you might throw a pinch over your left shoulder to blind the Devil.

(1) Spilling salt was probably thought to bring bad luck because ____. A. it was a Christian faith B. salt was linked with misfortune C. it would decrease one's lifespan D. salt was always expensive than gold
(2) What does the underlined word "preservative" probably mean in Paragraph 4? A. Protector. B. Flavor. C. Medium. D. Solution.
(3) What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A. To introduce the history of salt. B. To show ways to avoid misfortune. C. To explain the beliefs about spilling salt. D. To entertain readers with some anecdotes.
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

For the first time in the competition's history, two athletes are sharing a gold medal at the World Athletics Championships.

The USA's Katie Moon and Australia's Nina Kennedy found themselves in a difficult situation during the women's pole vault (撑竿跳) final. They both cleared 4.90 meters, but neither managed to clear 4. 95 meters on any of their three attempts.

Kennedy says she looked at Moon and said, "Hey, girl, maybe you want to share this?"

"And the relief on her face — and you could see it on my face — and it was mutual (相互的). And yeah, absolutely incredible to share a medal with Katie Moon. You know, we've been friends for so long, so it's super special," Kennedy told reporters after the final.

Thousands of fans were on their feet at the National Athletics Centre in Budapest, Hungary, for Date 5of the competition, which hosts almost 2,000 athletes from 192 countries. The dramatic event lasted two hours and ten minutes. Katie Moon told FloTrack that as the final progressed, it became clear that very little separated the two athletes.

As the competition was going. I kept thinking. "I don't want this to go to a jump-off (加赛)," Moon told sports journalist Anderson Emerole. "This competition was the toughest battle I'd say that I've had. It was very emotionally draining (消耗), and I think that's why both of us were feeling like. 'We're not really feeling the jump- off right now.'"

It was Moon's second consecutive gold medal at the World Championships. She also w on an Olympic gold in Tokyo in 2021. With a personal record of 4. 95meters. Moon appeared to be the favorite.

Kennedy, however, did not back down. Not only did she set a new personal record, but she also broke the Australian record by eight centimeters when she sailed over the 4.90-meter high bar. She held back tears after the career-defining leap.

"It was a miracle to get the gold. I think a miracle happened tonight." Kennedy told reporters.

(1) What did Nina Kennedy suggest Katie Moon do? A. Continue the competition. B. Take a break first. C. Share the gold medal. D. Let go of the fear.
(2) How did Katie Moon feel about Nina Kennedy's proposal? A. Joyful. B. Confused. C. Mixed. D. Disappointed.
(3) What can we infer about Nina Kennedy and Katie Moon? A. They felt tired physically and mentally when competing. B. They didn't take the competition seriously. C. They were looking forward to a jump-off. D. They hadn't won a gold medal before.
(4) What was the previous Australian record for the women's pole vault? A. 4.80 meters. B. 4.82 meters. C. 4.95meters. D. 4.98 meters.
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Pandas are famously picky eaters. They only consume bamboo — a poor quality diet low in fat. But the creatures appear to have evolved to get the most out of what they do eat, according to a new study.

Their gut (肠道) bacteria change in late spring and early summer when bamboo is at its most nutritious — while protein-rich green shoots are coming out. The bacteria make the panda gain more weight and store more fat, which researchers said may compensate for a lack of nutrients later in the year, when bamboo plants have only fibrous leaves to chew.

“We've known these pandas have a different set of gut microbiota during the shoot-eating season for a long time, and it's very obvious that they are chubbier during this time of the year,” said lead study author Guangping Huang, a researcher for the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

To investigate how the gut bacteria could affect a panda's digestion, the team first collected the wastes of eight wild giant pandas in China's Qinling Mountains during both leaf eating season and shoot-eating season and then examined how the waste samples differed. They found a bacterium called Clostridium butyricum was more abundant in the pandas' guts during the season when they enjoy the fresh bamboo shoots.

To understand whether this bacterium helps the pandas gain and store weight, the researchers put the panda wastes they collected into lab mice. Then they fed the mice for three weeks with a bamboo-based diet that simulated (模仿) what pandas cat. Researchers found the mice Which were transplanted with panda wastes collected during shoot-eating season gained significantly more weight than the ones which were not, despite consuming same amount of food.

“The gut bacteria were the only variable (变量) in this research,” Wei explained. However, Felix Sommer at Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany, noted the number of pandas studied was small and that the experiment had only been performed once. Sommer also stressed the researchers had found a link, not a causal relationship between the bacteria and weight gain.

(1) When do pandas get more weight with the change of their gut bacteria? A. In late spring. B. In late summer. C. In early autumn. D. In early winter.
(2) What does the underlined word “chubbier” in paragraph 3 mean? A. Smaller. B. Slimmer. C. Taller. D. Fatter.
(3) What can we learn from the experiment on mice? A. The experiment lasted for less than three weeks. B. Researchers collected bacteria from the lab mice. C. Panda wastes have a vital effect on mice's weight. D. Different amounts of food led to an increase in weight.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Studies on Eating Habits of Pandas B. Functions of Pandas' Gut Bacteria C. Characteristics of Pandas' Daily Diet D. Arguments over Pandas' Digestion System
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Lego is considering a brick rental scheme in an attempt to cut down on plastic waste. The Danish toymaker has promised to make all its bricks from sustainable sources by 2030 and is searching significant resources into finding alternatives.

Tim Brooks, vice-president responsible for sustainability, said the company was "totally open" to the idea of a product rental scheme but acknowledged that lost pieces could be a significant problem. He said the rental scheme was "possible" but admitted there were some "technical barriers", one of which is the complexity of some Lego sets, many of which contain thousands of pieces. "What are the chances of giving them to an eight-year-old child and getting them all back again?" Mr. Brooks added.

Lego has come under increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint with growing international alarm about the impact of plastic waste on the environment. Lego reportedly gives off around a million tons of carbon dioxide each year, with about three-quarters coming from raw materials that go into factories. It produces 19 billion pieces per year -36, 000 a minute - that are made of plastic and much of the inner packaging is also plastic.

So far, the only breakthrough has been the development of a line of bricks made from plant-based plastic sourced from sugarcane(甘蔗). The green trees, plants and flowers were first included in Lego sets late last year but account for only one-two percent of the total amount of plastic elements produced.

Henrik Ostergaard Nielson, a production administrator in Lego's factory, told the New York Times last year, "We need to learn again how to do this. " The company has invested more than €100, 000, 000and hired 100 people to research non-plastic alternatives. It is aiming to keep all of its packaging reusable by 2025.

(1) What is the aim of Lego's brick rental plan? A. To cut down on its costs. B. To reduce plastic waste. C. To seek alternative resources. D. To deal with technical barriers.
(2) What is Tim Brooks' attitude towards the toy rental scheme? A. Negative. B. Confident. C. Ambiguous. D. Objective.
(3) What method is mainly used in the last three paragraphs? A. Listing figures. B. Making comparisons. C. Giving examples. D. Giving definitions.
(4) What can we know from the last paragraph? A. Lego will not make new products after 2025. B. Lego has already bought non-plastic alternatives. C. Lego is making efforts for eco-friendly products. D. Lego's green technology is relatively backward.
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