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Is it possible to build muscle and meanwhile lose fat? Please allow us to bring the following two facts to your attention first.

Fact1: Losing fat requires a caloric deficit, which means consuming less calories than your body needs so that stored body fat is used for energy instead.

Fact 2: Building muscle requires a caloric surplus, which means consuming more calories than your body needs so that new muscle tissue can be created.

And it's this realization that leads those of us who want to build muscle and lose fat ideally at the exact same time to wonder just how we're supposed to make it happen.

The 4-week Online Workout Course professionally designed by Super Fitness will perfectly resolve the conflict, making it possible for you to both build muscle and lose fat.

Targeted groups: Male and female willing to be athletic.

Simply follow us along and keep your ears open to the tips and suggestions we keep giving while working out.We'll also immediately reply to any doubts or questions.

What you're promised:

•Being able to lose two pounds of fat per week and get super fit.

•Saving a lot of time by taking the online course.No gym means no traffic!

•Saving a ton of money with 25% off at the Year End Promotion.

What you're required to have:

•Eagerness for a perfect figure.

·Willingness to tolerate some discomfort.

Contact Super Fitness by clicking here!

(1) What plays a role in both fat losing and muscle building? A. Caloric intake. B. Balanced diet. C. Muscle tissue. D. Physical fitness.
(2) What is necessary for those who want to take the course? A. Effective questioning. B. Perception of time, C. Enthusiasm for sports. D. A little willpower.
(3) What is the text? A. A health brochure. B. A commercial advertisement. C. A critical comment. D. An essay on a wellness website.
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The American actor Bruce Willis has been diagnosed with frontotempora1 dementia(痴 呆), "a cruel disease", his family said in1 a statement posted on Thursday to the website of the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD). Last year, Willis was originally diagnosed with aphasia, a comprehension and communication disorder. His family said at the time that he was "stepping away" from his acting career as a result. "Since we announced Bruce's diagnosis of aphasia in spring 2022, Bruce's condition has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD), " continued the statement. "Challenges with communication" are one of the symptoms Willis faces with FTD, which is the most common form of dementia in people under 60-with most FTD cases occurring between the ages of 45 and 64, according to the AFTD. The disease is likely more common than statistics suggest, as it is lesser known and can take years to receive a formal diagnosis.

FTD is a degenerative (变性的, 退化的) brain disorder. Symptoms may include uncharacteristic personality changes and unexplained struggles with decision-making, speaking or language comprehension are among the most common presenting symptoms. 

While there is currently neither a cure nor treatments available for the condition, the Willis family writes that they hope to help change this. 

"As Bruce's condition advances, we hope that any media attention can be focused on shining a light on this disease that needs far more awareness and research, " his family said, adding that Willis has always believed in using his voice to raise awareness and help others, both in and out of the public eye. 

"Bruce has always found joy in life—and has helped everyone he knows to do the same, " the statement concluded. "Your continued compassion, understanding, and respect will enable us to help Bruce live as full a life as possible. "

(1) From Paragraph 1 we can learn that _.  A. Bruce Willis has released the statement about his diagnosis himself B. Willis' family has isolated him from the outside since last year C. Bruce Willis is suffering from communication difficulties D. Bruce Willis will continue his career anyway
(2) Which is NOT mentioned as a symptom of FTD? A. Sleep disorder. B. Changes in personality. C. Communication problems. D. Difficulties with decision-making.
(3) What is a likely purpose of the statement? A. To call for donations from the public. B. To criticize the inaction of scientists. C. To announce the latest research result. D. To raise public awareness of the disease.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Bruce Willis? A. Uncooperative. B. Warm-hearted. C. Disciplined. D. Impatient.
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Adult Summer Reading

How to participate (参加):

Starting Saturday July1 sign at the Circulation Desk and receive a Summer Reading T-shirt! Enter a raffle ticket (彩票) for each book you read for a chance to win a weekly prize.

Read any book of your chance. The more you read, the greater your chance to win a prize! Entries must be received by Tuesday, August 22 at 9pm.

Notes:Send us a photo of yourself wearing your Summer Reading T-shit to framinghams ummerreading@ gmail. com for a chance to win a grand prize.

What you can win:

Weekly prizes will be drawn on the following days

July10- Gift card for a dozen donuts donated (捐赠) by Cael Bagel

July 17- ﹩5 gift card donated by Mad Willes

July 24- ﹩5 gift card donated by Mad Willes

July31- ﹩10 gift card to Barnes and Noble donated by the Friends of the Framingham Library

August7 ﹩10 gift card to Barnes and Noble donated by the Friends of the Framingham Library

August14- ﹩25 gift card donated by Zaftig Delicatessen

Grand prize

880 gift card to Barnes&Noble or a Kindle Paper white donated by the Friends of the Framingham Library

The Finale Concert

Wednesday. August 23 at 7pm Costin Room, Main Library

The grand prize winners will be drawn, followed by a concert by The Love Dogs. Enjoy ice cream donated by Ben & Jerry's Natick.

For more information: Call 508-532-5570 x4351 or visit www. Framingham library. org

(1) How can you get a chance to win a grand prize? A. Register in advance. B. Read a book every month. C. Collect as many raffle tickets as possible. D. Send a photo according to the rule.
(2) What prize can you win for the third week? A. ﹩5 gift card. B. ﹩10 gift card. C. ﹩25 gift card. D. ﹩80 gift card.
(3) What can we know about the finale concert? A. Every participant can go to the concert B. The participant should pay for the ice cream C. Information about it can be got on the website D. All the prizes will be announced during the event
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Discover Exotic(异国情调的) Locations and Ancient Wonders in Luxury


A&K's expert guides are true locals in every destination. With privileged access, unequaled insight and a long-standing presence on the ground, A&K sets the standard for custom-made itineraries(行程) across North Africa & the Middle East. No matter your dream, A&K can arrange the perfect luxurious adventure just for you. 

Nile in Style

Experience majestic ruins, temples, tombs, bazaars and the timeless beauty of the Nile on a luxury cruise. From Luxor to Aswan, glide along emerald waters past breathtaking desert landscapes, and explore archeological marvels with your own personal A&K Egyptologist- including the iconic Valley of the Kings and Pyramids of Giza-tailor-made just for you. 

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Mosaics & Medinas

Dive into dynamic, colourful Morocco on a tailor-made journey where ancient history and contemporary cultures collide. Wonder at the ruins of Volubilis, get lost in the Berber villages, wander through enchanting Souks, visit the tanneries of Fes, and taste the delicious, typical cuisines of Marrakech. You'll be truly amazed by Morocco's exotic mix of sights, tastes and smells. 

8 days from $8, 910 pp

Glimpse of Israel & Jordan

From the mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea to the strong castle of Masada, follow biblical(圣经的)heroes and age-old explorers through some of the world's most symbolic and ancient sites. With expert private local guides, uncover the impressive historical legacy of these neighboring meccas on an exclusive customized journey. 

10 days from $11, 315 pp

Call 1300 851 800, click www. abercrombiekent. com. au or contact your travel agent to find out more. 

(1) Which place best suits people who enjoy both tradition and modernity? A. Nile. B. Morocco. C. Israel. D. Aswan.
(2) What do the three routes have in common? A. Catering to individuals' needs. B. Sampling the yummy specialties. C. Viewing impressive desert scenery. D. Enjoying the waters full of minerals.
(3) Where is this text probably taken from? A. A travel magazine. B. A history book. C. A website. D. A tour brochure.
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