
Adult Summer Reading

How to participate (参加):

Starting Saturday July1 sign at the Circulation Desk and receive a Summer Reading T-shirt! Enter a raffle ticket (彩票) for each book you read for a chance to win a weekly prize.

Read any book of your chance. The more you read, the greater your chance to win a prize! Entries must be received by Tuesday, August 22 at 9pm.

Notes:Send us a photo of yourself wearing your Summer Reading T-shit to framinghams ummerreading@ gmail. com for a chance to win a grand prize.

What you can win:

Weekly prizes will be drawn on the following days

July10- Gift card for a dozen donuts donated (捐赠) by Cael Bagel

July 17- ﹩5 gift card donated by Mad Willes

July 24- ﹩5 gift card donated by Mad Willes

July31- ﹩10 gift card to Barnes and Noble donated by the Friends of the Framingham Library

August7 ﹩10 gift card to Barnes and Noble donated by the Friends of the Framingham Library

August14- ﹩25 gift card donated by Zaftig Delicatessen

Grand prize

880 gift card to Barnes&Noble or a Kindle Paper white donated by the Friends of the Framingham Library

The Finale Concert

Wednesday. August 23 at 7pm Costin Room, Main Library

The grand prize winners will be drawn, followed by a concert by The Love Dogs. Enjoy ice cream donated by Ben & Jerry's Natick.

For more information: Call 508-532-5570 x4351 or visit www. Framingham library. org

(1) How can you get a chance to win a grand prize? A. Register in advance. B. Read a book every month. C. Collect as many raffle tickets as possible. D. Send a photo according to the rule.
(2) What prize can you win for the third week? A. ﹩5 gift card. B. ﹩10 gift card. C. ﹩25 gift card. D. ﹩80 gift card.
(3) What can we know about the finale concert? A. Every participant can go to the concert B. The participant should pay for the ice cream C. Information about it can be got on the website D. All the prizes will be announced during the event
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A British woman, Dr. Mantri, growing up in India started to notice his son, Dhruv, was struggling with simple arithmetic when he was in fifth-grade. After noticing this, she started employing an abacus (算盘) to help her son visually comprehend mathematics.

"I would ask him something like 35 minus 13 and he couldn't do it." said Dhruv's mom Dr. Mantri. "I decided to change the way he looked at numbers," she said. "An abacus is a tried and tested method, and the Egyptians used them for building the pyramid." In just six days he started to show progress with the abacus and would go on to become a whizz kid with numbers, with even his classmates' parents reaching out for help.

She never thought she would teach her son using an abacus, which she used as a child in India and it was always helpful. Within six days she started to notice a difference and see results. So dramatic was the turnaround, that school staff asked him to perform with the abacus at an assembly, where some parents even came to ask for advice on using it for their kids.

IT specialist Dr. Mantri said the humble abacus can be used for calculations into the trillions and kids enjoy learning on it because it's like a game. "It becomes a playing tool for younger children, for it feels like a game. I think the success comes because children can touch and feel an abacus and visualize them." She added.

By the age of 12, Dhruv was giving online cyber security seminars and is now pursuing a career in data science and analytics. Dhruv has now landed an apprenticeship (实习) at an international firm. During the four-year apprenticeship, he will spend one day a week studying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Glasgow Caledonian University. "He is so confident now and I am so proud," she said, with Dhruv adding "I don't think my teachers would have guessed that I would be following a career in data science at that time."

(1) Why did Dhruv have difficulty in learning mathematics? A. He was faced with language barrier. B. He didn't find a proper way. C. He suffered from eyesight problems. D. He lacked academic support from the family.
(2) What does the underlined word "whizz" in paragraph 2 mean? A. Careful. B. Diligent. C. Outstanding. D. Struggling.
(3) Why do kids like learning on abacus according to the text? A. They find it appealing. B. They can calculate faster. C. They enjoy playing games. D. They are eager for success.
(4) What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Dhruv was addicted to the internet at 12. B. Dhruv is teaching data science and analytics now. C. Dhruv is a full-time student at Glasgow Caledonian University. D. Dhruv's career choice was beyond his teachers' expectation.
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Across the world, animals including bears, moose, lynx, squirrels and frogs are leaving their homes as the planet warms. 

A study was done of more than 4, 000 species from around the world. It showed that about half of them are on the move, according to National Geographic. They are moving up slopes and away from the equator toward the poles to seek cooler environments. The ones on land are moving an average of more than 16 kilometers per decade, while marine species are moving four times faster. 

Mountain species in particular, "are struggling to keep pace" with global warming, said Shaye Wolf, climate science director at the Center for Biological Diversity in the US. In North America, for example, pikas used to climb an average of 13 meters per decade but it has gone up to 145 meters per decade since the late 1990s. Similarly, moths on Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, an island in the Pacific Ocean, moved up 67 meters in altitude to escape rising temperatures. "We're concerned many species won't be able to move quickly enough, or that they will run out of mountaintop to flee, " said Wolf.

In some cases, moving species can lead to big changes in the whole ecosystem, as such areas aren't able to deal with it. In Australia's seas, kelp forests are being destroyed by tropical fish that have come in to eat them, threatening the survival of rock lobster, which also feeds on help forests.

And this is just adding fuel to the fire, making climate change worse. Take the pole ward spread of bark beetles in northern hemisphere forests as an example. The beetles attack trees that might already have been weakened by warmer, drier conditions, leading to more pest outbreaks and tree deaths. These, in turn, provide more fuel for forest fires, releasing more planet-warming carbon dioxide. 

Climate-driven species' movement shouldn't be a concern only for scientists — it should worry everyone, Nathalie Pettorelli, at the Zoological Society of London, UK, told the Guardian. "The world as a whole isn't fully prepared to deal with the range of issues emerging from species moving across local, national, and international boundaries".

(1) How are mountain species influenced by the global warming? A. They are moving slower than they used to. B. They are having a difficult time adapting to it. C. They are moving downhill to cooler environment. D. They are struggling with the warmer temperatures.
(2) What can you infer from Paragraph 4-5? A. Tropical fish threaten to eat lobster. B. The beetles make trees warmer and drier. C. Dealing with environmental problems faces new challenges. D. Moving species make some change in the whole ecosystem.
(3) What does Nathalie Pettorelli call for? A. More concern and action from the public. B. A focus on improving forest ecosystems. C. Stricter regulations on animal movement. D. Increased research on species movement.
(4) Which of the following is true? A. Keeping pace means moving slowly. B. Large quantities of pest are the final killer of tree deaths. C. Marine animals are moving a little faster than those on land. D. Many animals flee their home because of the occupation of their habitats.
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(1) Which place best suits people who enjoy both tradition and modernity? A. Nile. B. Morocco. C. Israel. D. Aswan.
(2) What do the three routes have in common? A. Catering to individuals' needs. B. Sampling the yummy specialties. C. Viewing impressive desert scenery. D. Enjoying the waters full of minerals.
(3) Where is this text probably taken from? A. A travel magazine. B. A history book. C. A website. D. A tour brochure.
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