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The American actor Bruce Willis has been diagnosed with frontotempora1 dementia(痴 呆), "a cruel disease", his family said in1 a statement posted on Thursday to the website of the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD). Last year, Willis was originally diagnosed with aphasia, a comprehension and communication disorder. His family said at the time that he was "stepping away" from his acting career as a result. "Since we announced Bruce's diagnosis of aphasia in spring 2022, Bruce's condition has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD), " continued the statement. "Challenges with communication" are one of the symptoms Willis faces with FTD, which is the most common form of dementia in people under 60-with most FTD cases occurring between the ages of 45 and 64, according to the AFTD. The disease is likely more common than statistics suggest, as it is lesser known and can take years to receive a formal diagnosis.

FTD is a degenerative (变性的, 退化的) brain disorder. Symptoms may include uncharacteristic personality changes and unexplained struggles with decision-making, speaking or language comprehension are among the most common presenting symptoms. 

While there is currently neither a cure nor treatments available for the condition, the Willis family writes that they hope to help change this. 

"As Bruce's condition advances, we hope that any media attention can be focused on shining a light on this disease that needs far more awareness and research, " his family said, adding that Willis has always believed in using his voice to raise awareness and help others, both in and out of the public eye. 

"Bruce has always found joy in life—and has helped everyone he knows to do the same, " the statement concluded. "Your continued compassion, understanding, and respect will enable us to help Bruce live as full a life as possible. "

(1) From Paragraph 1 we can learn that _.  A. Bruce Willis has released the statement about his diagnosis himself B. Willis' family has isolated him from the outside since last year C. Bruce Willis is suffering from communication difficulties D. Bruce Willis will continue his career anyway
(2) Which is NOT mentioned as a symptom of FTD? A. Sleep disorder. B. Changes in personality. C. Communication problems. D. Difficulties with decision-making.
(3) What is a likely purpose of the statement? A. To call for donations from the public. B. To criticize the inaction of scientists. C. To announce the latest research result. D. To raise public awareness of the disease.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Bruce Willis? A. Uncooperative. B. Warm-hearted. C. Disciplined. D. Impatient.
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Isn't it nice to always have a lovely dog follow you around and respond when asked to sit down or shake hands? What if the dog has some unique skills, such as standing on one leg while resting on a piece of doufu without destroying it, or continuously making back turns? This would be even better.

In fact, a life-like robotic dog developed by Chinese tech company Xiaomi Corp seems like that special one. Weighing 8.9 kilogram, about the size of a Doberman, CyberDog 2 is the latest push by Xiaomi to popularize quadrupedal (四足动物) robotics.

With a black, fantastic, futuristic design, CyberDog 2 can trot along at speeds of 3.2 meters per second, analyze its surroundings in real-time, create navigation al maps, plot its destination, and avoid obstacles.

"Coupled with human posture and face recognition tracking, CyberDog is capable of following its owner and darting around barriers," said Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi. Behind such functions are Xiaomi's self-developed CyberGear Micro-actuator, which further enhances the robot's mobility and supports high difficulty movements. CyberDog 2 is equipped with a combination of sensing and decision-making system, offering 19 sensors for vision, touch and hearing. Lei said CyberDog 2 is designed more for engineers and robotic enthusiasts than ordinary consumers. It is priced at 12,999 yuan ($1,800) and greater efforts are needed to make it multifunctional.

Xiaomi is not alone in showing an interest in quadrupedal machines. US company Boston Dynamics had pioneered the quadrupedal format for robots. Last year, the company brought out Spot for $74,500and the robot has been put to a wide range of uses, from surveying dangerous mines to helping doctors connect with patients remotely. It has also been tested by both law enforcement and the military, though not as a weapon. Earlier this year, Chinese robotics firm Unitree also released a quadrupedal bot to popularize the machines.

(1) Paragraph 4 mainly focuses on the ________ of CyberDog 2. A. function B. ability C. mechanism D. potential
(2) What can be concluded from Lei Jun's words? A. Cyber Dog 2 is able to distinguish its owner and strangers. B. CyberDog 2 can perform most human-possessed postures. C. CyberDog 2 is ready to be widely applied in households. D. CyberDog 2 is going to stand the test of robotic market.
(3) The example of Spot in Paragraph 5 is used to show ________. A. the multifunction of robotic quadrupedal machines B. the mighty scientific power of Boston Dynamics C. the prospect of the market of quadrupedal machines D. the appeal of quadrupedal machines
(4) Which may be the best title for the passage? A. Xiaomi takes lead in CyberDog research B. Breakthrough made in robotic machines C. Every robotic dog will have its day D. CyberDog 2, a cute pet for your family
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Technology Risk Audit (审计)Manager Needed

Job Description Summary

We believe we're best positioned to make a meaningful effect on the economy. Our ideas can let our clients make big decisions about the future and unlock sustainable(可持续发展的) growth. With a strict focus on quality, we help businesses, communities and our people to grow.

Things you can expect from the role

The work makes quality second nature. The work that you will do has a major effect on our clients and our firm. We pride ourselves on the high-level standards and quality we expect from our people. You'll be responsible for developing the way to IT risk on clients (客户) and building and keeping good working

relationships with all colleagues and clients.

The minimum criteria

●Post-qualified experience within risk management, or external (外部的) audit, as an IT auditor and will have experience of excellent data analytics within an audit environment.

●Professionally qualified (ACA, CA, ACCA)

●You'll be familiar with accounting systems such as SAP, Oracle, Sage etc.

●Experience with using data analytics software: IDEA or ACL, Tableau, Qlik, Power BI, SAS or similar.


Unlike most firms we're also a shared enterprise. So when the firm does well, everyone does well by taking home a share of the profits. Of course, to get those profits, we need to share ideas and share responsibility for our work, too.

Families, children, sports, night classes, the things you do and the people you're with outside work matter. They can inspire and motivate you. Inside the office and out. So if you'd like to work flexibly, let us know. We're happy to look at flexible working choices for all our roles, and well always do our best to keep your work and life in balance.

(1) What is one of the duties of the position? A. Making decisions for clients. B. Hiring more team members. C. Providing solutions on IT risk. D. Offering voluntary IT services.
(2) What is the requirement for the application? A. Much managing and IT knowledge. B. Experiences as a sports team player. C. Awareness of environmental protection. D. Some necessary basic skills in building.
(3) What can an applicant get if he/she gets the job? A. He/She can be given inspiration from the job. B. He/She can choose flexible working time. C. He/She can always take the company profits. D. He/She can take free night classes for growth.
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Swot satellite is scheduled to be launched Thursday morning to conduct a comprehensive survey of Earth's vital resource. By using advanced microwave radar technology it will collect height-surface measurements of oceans, lakes and rivers in high-definition detail over 90% of the globe. It's rally the first time to observe nearly all water on the planet's surface.

The major mission is to explore how oceans absorb atmospheric heat and carbon dioxide in a natural process that adjusts climate change. Oceans are estimated to have absorbed more than 90%, of the extra heat trapped in the Earth's atmosphere by human-caused greenhouse gases. Swot will scan, the seas and precisely measure fine differences in surface elevations (高度) around smaller currents and eddies (漩涡), where much of the oceans' decrease of heat and carbon is believed to occur. "Studying the mechanism will help climate scientists answer a key question: What is the turning point at which oceans start releasing, rather than absorbing, huge amounts of heat back into the atmosphere and speed up global warming, rather than limiting it," said NadyaShiffer, Swot's program scientist.

By comparison, earlier studies of water bodies relied on data of rivers or oceans taken at specific, points, or from satellites that can only track measurements along a one-dimensional line, requiring scientists to fill in data gaps through extrapolation (外推法). Thanks to the radar instrument, Swot can scan through cloud cover and darkness over wide ranges of the Earth. This enables scientists to accurately map their observations in two dimensions regardless of weather or time of day and to cover large geographic areas far more quickly than was previously possible.

"Rather than giving us a line of elevations, it's giving us a map of elevations, and that's just a total game changer," said Tamlin Pavelsky, Swot freshwater science leader.

(1) What do the underlined words "vital resource" in the first paragraph refer to? A. Technology. B. Climate. C. Oceans. D. Water.
(2) What is the major mission of Swot satellite? A. To explore where oceans absorb heat and CO2. B. To explain why greenhouse gas comes into being. C. To identify when global warming is worsened. D. To study how oceans influence climate change.
(3) What is an advantage Swot has over previous satellites? A. It fills in data gaps automatically by extrapolation. B. It contributes to mapping the observation accurately. C. It covers specific rivers and oceans in one dimension. D. It keeps track of the weather change at any time of day.
(4) Which is the most suitable title for the text? A. First Global Water Survey from Space B. Successful Launch of Swot Satellite C. A Breakthrough in Space Travel. D. A Solution to Climate Change
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