1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

In 2017, Irish President Michael D. Higgins and his wife Sabina started the Young Irish Philosopher Awards, the purpose of which is to invite students from throughout that country to reflect on interesting questions and participate in philosophical thinking and discussion. In 2023, over 500 young thinkers came together at University College Dublin for the sixth annual gathering. The grand prize winner was Seán Radeliffe from Cork, for his essay ‘Has Plato's tale of the cave been warning us of social media for 2,500years?'And speaking of Plato, in 2022, an award-winning documentary film entitled Young Plato received international recognition. It focuses on how Kevin McArevey, the headmaster of a primary school in Belfast's Ardoyne housing estates, uses critical thinking techniques to empower young children to look beyond the boundaries of their violence(For more, see YoungPlato. com). As one can see, philosophy is alive and well in both the Republic of Ireland and the UK constituent country of Northern Ireland.

Ireland has traditionally been known as the Land of Saints and Scholars. In this edition of Philosophy Now, we'll cast a cold eye on the state of philosophy past, present and future in the Emerald Isle, with a focus on Thomas Duddy's idea, in his book A History of Irish Thought, that such an exploration must be both practical and creative.

This issue is dedicated to my late friend Seán Moran, a Philosophy Now writer and a modern Irish philosopher whom I met in Waterford many years ago, and whose humor, charm, and friendliness enriched my life. Like Tom Duddy, Seán died much too young. He demonstrated to me the true meaning of William Butler Yeats's closing words from his poem ‘The Municipal Gallery Revisited':

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends

And say my glory was I had such friends."

Prof. Timothy J. Madigan

St John Fisher University

(1) WhatcanreadersprobablygetonYoungPlato. com? A. How critical thinking helps students reflect on their violence. B. How Plato's stories influence social media every now and then. C. How Higgins and his wife started the Young Irish Philosopher Awards. D. How young thinkers try philosophical thinking and discussion annually.
(2) What will be highlighted in this edition of Philosophy Now? A. Ireland's Philosophical Evolution. B. Thomas Duddy's ideas on history. C. The growing reputation of Ireland. D. The ideal way of exploring philosophy.
(3) Why does the author quote Yeats's poem? A. To compare Seán's achievement with Tom Duddy's. B. To express the author's sorrow for Seán's early death. C. To appreciate the friendship between the author and Seán. D. To demonstrate the author's understanding of philosophy.
(4) What best shows the author's view on philosophy? A. Creative. B. Reflective. C. Skeptical. D. Confused.
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A master of words, a literary genius and a philosopher, Russian author Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is known by many as the greatest writer of all time. Even in 2020, 110 years after his death, his two greatest masterpieces, War and Peace and Anna Karenina, continue to be widely read, appreciated and highly influential.

"If the world could write by itself, it would write like Tolstoy," the Russian author Isaak Babel once said. Tolstoy's realistic fiction is famous for its powers of observation and ability to mine the depths of human consciousness, such as the psychological exploration of a married woman in Anna Karenina. In War and Peace, Tolstoy also describes Russia's national soul and expresses public unity through his many characters. His characters feel alive; they grow, they change and they stick in the minds of readers long after the final page is turned.

Tolstoy's influence on literature is without comparison. Authors regularly mention his novels as their highest ambition, works that they could only dream of writing themselves. American writer Francis Scott called Tolstoy the "greatest of all novelists" in his essay. He wrote, "from his first words, we can be sure of one thing at any rate – here is a man who sees what we see, who proceeds, too, as we are accustomed to proceeding, not from the outside inwards but from the inside outwards."

"He defends fundamental values such as love, friendship and family relations. He gives positive answers to the questions mankind is asking. In this sense he gives more hope," Tolstoy's great-great grandson, Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, said.

Tolstoy's message of peace has even had an effect on the real world. He inspired the leader of India's independence movement, Mahatma Ghandi, and his philosophy of non-violence over the course of a year in which they wrote letters to each other.

(1) What does the second paragraph intend to tell us? A. The writing style of Tolstoy. B. Tolstoy's influence on other authors. C. The characters in Tolstoy's works. D. The introduction to the greatest works of Tolstoy.
(2) Which words can best describe Tolstoy according to the passage? A. Humorous and caring. B. Determined and optimistic. C. Productive and hard-working. D. Insightful and peace-loving.
(3) How does the author introduce Tolstoy in this passage? A. By contrasting with other authors. B. By analyzing characteristics of his works. C. By quoting comments and opinions. D. By describing his deeds in life.
(4) Which can be the best title for the passage? A. Tolstoy and His Works B. Tolstoy's Life and Achievements C. War and Peace: a Great Masterpiece D. Tolstoy: a Writer Beyond Comparison
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Born in New York in 1918, scientist Gertrude B. Elion had an impressive career, during which she developed medicines to cure many major diseases. Elion spent her early youth in Manhattan. She attended senior high school and had, in her words, an unbelievable thirst for knowledge.

Influenced by the death of her grandfather, who died of cancer, Elion entered Hunter College at the age of 15 and graduated in chemistry at the age of 19. She had difficulty finding employment after graduation because many laboratories refused to hire women chemists. She found a part-time job as a lab assistant and went back to school at New York University. Elion worked as a high school teacher for a few years after finishing work on her master's degree.

The start of World War II created more opportunities for women. At the age of 26, Elion was able to get a job at Burroughs Welcome, where she began a 40-year partnership with Dr. George H. Hitchings. Her thirst for knowledge impressed Dr. Hitchings, and he permitted her to take on more responsibility.

Elion and Hitchings set out on a course of creating medicines by studying the chemical composition of diseased cells. Rather than relying on old trial-and-error methods, they used the differences in biochemistry between normal human cells and pathogens(病原体) to design medicines. In all, Elion obtained 45 patents on medicine and was awarded 23 honorary degrees.

In 1988, Elion received the Nobel Prize for Medicine, together with George H. Hitchings and Sir James Black. She received other awards for her work, including the National Medal of Science in 1991, and that same year, she became the first woman to be absorbed into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In 1997, she was awarded the Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award.

(1) What can we say about Elion as a high school student? A. She had a satisfying part-time job. B. She had a strong desire for learning. C. She had a gift for chemistry at high school. D. She made great achievements in chemistry.
(2) Why did Elion choose to study chemistry at college? A. To meet her grandfather's wish. B. To find a good job after graduation. C. To create medicines to cure diseases. D. To be a chemistry teacher in the future.
(3) When did Elion start working for Burroughs Welcome? A. In 1944. B. In 1937. C. In 1933. D. In 1984.
(4) What does the author mainly tell us about Elion in the last paragraph? A. Her later life. B. Her contributions. C. Her interest in chemistry. D. Her honors.
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Keeping food fresh without refrigeration is near impossible in the hot climate of sub-Saharan Africa. But it's hard to power fridges in a region where almost 600 million people live off the grid(电网).

That's where Brazil's Youmma comes in. The company has developed a pay as you go(预付费的) solar powered fridge that is being bought by small business owners. The fridges help to reduce food waste, store medicine safely, and allow shops to keep products fresh for longer, says Andre Morriesen, research and development manager at Nidec Global Appliance, which owns Youmma.

The cooling system of the small 100 -liter fridge has been designed for off grid use, and it consumes a quarter of the energy of a regular fridge, according to Nidec. That means it can be powered by a smaller solar panel and a smaller battery, reducing costs. The battery can keep the fridge running for a day and a half without sunlight.

Customers pay for the fridge in daily installments(分期付款) via cell phones, through M-Kopa, a Kenyan solar energy company. New M-Kopa customers pay a $ 100 deposit. Daily payments range from $1 to $ 1.50 for a package that includes solar lighting and covers the installation(安装) of a rooftop solar panel. M-Kopa says it costs more than a conventional fridge, but the package includes lighting as well as continued access to free off- the grid energy.

Pay- as your go"is useful for rural households or businesses with an uneven cash flow, such as income based on harvesting seasons", says' Teresa Le, a climate change and energy specialist for the UN Development Program.

However, even when paired with pay as you go systems like M-Kopa's, solar fridges are still costly for the average person and that's why they mostly appeal to small businesses, says Le. Of about 2, 000 fridges sold since Youmma launched it in 2019, around 80% were to small businesses.

Kioko Mwange runs a small shop in the village of Kithungo, eastern Kenya. Since signing up for the Youmma fridge he has increased his sales. "It helps me preserve milk for up to 10 days," says Mwange." I have seen an increase in customers. "Morriesen believes the fridge can be a "life changing product "for rural families and "bring freedom to women" who often spend hours each day walking to food markets.

(1) What can we know about the solar fridge? A. It is meant for off grid use. B. It can't work without sunlight. C. It is popular with average person. D. It costs less than a traditional fridge.
(2) Who are more likely to buy the solar fridge in Africa? A. Big companies. B. Energy specialists. C. Small business owners. D. Rich women in big cities.
(3) What's Kioko Mwange's attitude to the solar fridge? A. Doubtful. B. Favorable. C. Negative. D. Disappointed.
(4) What's the best title of the text? A. Technological Progress in Africa B. Most People Live Off the Grid in Africa C. How to Keep Food Fresh in Hot Weather D. The Solar Fridge Improves People's Lives
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