
Keeping food fresh without refrigeration is near impossible in the hot climate of sub-Saharan Africa. But it's hard to power fridges in a region where almost 600 million people live off the grid(电网).

That's where Brazil's Youmma comes in. The company has developed a pay as you go(预付费的) solar powered fridge that is being bought by small business owners. The fridges help to reduce food waste, store medicine safely, and allow shops to keep products fresh for longer, says Andre Morriesen, research and development manager at Nidec Global Appliance, which owns Youmma.

The cooling system of the small 100 -liter fridge has been designed for off grid use, and it consumes a quarter of the energy of a regular fridge, according to Nidec. That means it can be powered by a smaller solar panel and a smaller battery, reducing costs. The battery can keep the fridge running for a day and a half without sunlight.

Customers pay for the fridge in daily installments(分期付款) via cell phones, through M-Kopa, a Kenyan solar energy company. New M-Kopa customers pay a $ 100 deposit. Daily payments range from $1 to $ 1.50 for a package that includes solar lighting and covers the installation(安装) of a rooftop solar panel. M-Kopa says it costs more than a conventional fridge, but the package includes lighting as well as continued access to free off- the grid energy.

Pay- as your go"is useful for rural households or businesses with an uneven cash flow, such as income based on harvesting seasons", says' Teresa Le, a climate change and energy specialist for the UN Development Program.

However, even when paired with pay as you go systems like M-Kopa's, solar fridges are still costly for the average person and that's why they mostly appeal to small businesses, says Le. Of about 2, 000 fridges sold since Youmma launched it in 2019, around 80% were to small businesses.

Kioko Mwange runs a small shop in the village of Kithungo, eastern Kenya. Since signing up for the Youmma fridge he has increased his sales. "It helps me preserve milk for up to 10 days," says Mwange." I have seen an increase in customers. "Morriesen believes the fridge can be a "life changing product "for rural families and "bring freedom to women" who often spend hours each day walking to food markets.

(1) What can we know about the solar fridge? A. It is meant for off grid use. B. It can't work without sunlight. C. It is popular with average person. D. It costs less than a traditional fridge.
(2) Who are more likely to buy the solar fridge in Africa? A. Big companies. B. Energy specialists. C. Small business owners. D. Rich women in big cities.
(3) What's Kioko Mwange's attitude to the solar fridge? A. Doubtful. B. Favorable. C. Negative. D. Disappointed.
(4) What's the best title of the text? A. Technological Progress in Africa B. Most People Live Off the Grid in Africa C. How to Keep Food Fresh in Hot Weather D. The Solar Fridge Improves People's Lives
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China's Ice City's melting pot of flavors welcomes tourists

(文章来源:Global Times

With the winter tourism boom in Harbin, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, it's not just the stunning ice and snow scenery that's drawing tourists from all over the country. The local cuisine is also causing a stir on the internet. Tourists across the country are sharing their food diaries about Harbin on social networks, praising it for its generous portions, satisfying flavors, and down-to-earth taste. Harbin's cuisine is a delightful fusion, shaped by the city's historical and geographical context. 

Heavily influenced by neighboring country Russia and the influx of settlers from provinces such as East China's Shandong Province in East China, Central China's Henan Province and North China's Hebei Province, this cultural melting pot has given rise to a culinary scene that beautifully combines Eastern and Western flavors.

Domestic fusion

During the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), a mass migration started. People from areas like Shandong, Henan and Hebei provinces migrated to Northeast China, a region with large areas of uncultivated land. The migrants also brought their culture and language to the land, while the immigrants brought a variety of culinary styles to Harbin, enriching its food culture. Before this migration, the local diet of the ethnic majority in the Northeast focused primarily on meat with fewer grain-based foods. The arrival of ethnic Han Chinese settlers introduced their food habits and agricultural practices to the area, significantly diversifying the local diet. 

The fusion of culinary practices led to a blend of ethnic Manchu and Han Chinese food cultures, creating a unique culinary style which combined the distinct flavors of Manchu dishes like barbecue, hot pot, and stew with Han Chinese cooking styles like braising, frying, and stir-frying. For example, Guo Bao Rou, a classic Northeastern dish, originated in Harbin in the early 1900s. Created by Chef Zheng Wen for Russian dignitaries visiting during the Qing Dynasty, its unique flavor profile, featuring a sweet and sour sauce adapted for Russian tastes, showcases the fusion of Eastern and Western influences.

The pork used in Guo Bao Rou is typically sliced pork loin, which is coated in a starchy batter. The dish's sweet and sour sauce is a simple combination of white sugar and white vinegar, often with a pinch of salt added to enhance the flavor. In Harbin, the traditional way to prepare Guo Bao Rou involves adding only garlic to the dish, although variations with additional vegetables like carrots, ginger, scallions, leek, and cilantro are found in other parts of China. During cold winter days, local eateries are often swamped by tourists, queuing to taste an authentic guo bao rou. Harbin's proximity to Russia and its role as a hub on the Trans-Siberian Railway brought a significant Russian influence to its cuisine. 

A blend of East and West

The hearty, wheat-based Russian bread, known locally as Da Lie Ba, similar to Russian black bread, is also commonly found in Harbin. Tourists often express surprise at the size of these large loaves, with some playfully noting that they are bigger than their faces. Hong chang would be another case in point. The smoked, garlic-flavored red sausage resembling Russian kielbasa. Readily available throughout the city, it reflects Harbin's Eastern European influences. 

Some local residents even give out hong chang for free to tourists, thus contributing to the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the city. "I was born and raised in Harbin. Seeing so many tourists coming from all over the country to visit my hometown and support the city's tourism makes me very proud. I feel that such a small act of kindness is just something that I should do," said Yong Di, an influencer on Douyin with 115,00 followers who was distributing Hong Chang samples.

Hong Chang was featured in multiple travel journals on social media. A post about Hong Chang by Asun, a tourist from Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality garnered nearly 150,000 likes and thousands of comments. In the video, Asun noted that a lot of Harbin locals volunteered to give free rides to tourists. 

When he dropped them to the airport at the end of their trip, he gave them some hong chang as a souvenir, along with a note that said: "We are the messengers of the city's warmth. I love my hometown. I love you friends who travel from afar to Harbin and I hope you love Harbin back." As seen on social media, the locals' acts of generosity, coupled with Harbin's unique culinary offerings, leave a lasting impression on tourists. The city's warmth does not just lie in its winter attractions, but also in the hospitality and flavors that make Harbin a memorable destination.

(1) What is the main influence on Harbin's cuisine according to the article? A. Japanese culinary practices. B. The culinary practices of Southeast Asian countries. C. Russian and Chinese culinary practices. D. Western European culinary practices.
(2) What is the origin of the dish Guo Bao Rou, and how does it showcase the fusion of Eastern and Western influences? A. It originated in Russia and showcases Russian culinary traditions. B. It originated in Harbin during the Qing Dynasty for Russian dignitaries, and its flavor profile adapted for Russian tastes reflects the fusion of Eastern and Western influences. C. It has ancient Chinese origins and has been influenced by Western cooking methods. D. It originated during the Qing Dynasty but has no connection to Russian influences.
(3) What impact did migration during the late Qing Dynasty have on Harbin's food culture? A. It led to a decline in the local diet. B. It resulted in the dominance of meat-based foods. C. It diversified the local diet by introducing new culinary styles and practices. D. It had no significant impact on Harbin's food culture.
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Choice of Walks for Beginner and Experienced Walkers

The Carlow Autumn Walking Festival is a great opportunity for the beginner, experienced or advanced walker to enjoy the challenges of Carlow's mountain hikes or the peace of its woodland walks. 

Walk 1-The Natural World

With environmentalist Éanna Lamhna as the guide, this walk promises to be an informative tour. Walkers are sure to learn lots about the habitats and natural world of the Blackstairs. 

Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 09: 00

Start Point: Scratoes Bridge

Walk Duration: 6 hours

Walk 2-Introduction to Hillwalking

Emmanuel Chappard, an experienced guide, has a passion for making the great outdoors accessible to all. This mountain walk provides an insight into the skills required for hillwalking to ensure you get the most from future walking trips. 

Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 09: 00

Start Point: Deerpark Car Park

Walk Duration: 5 hours

Walk 3-MoonlightUnder the Stars

Walking at night-time is a great way to step out of your comfort zone. Breathtaking views of the lowlands of Carlow can be enjoyed in the presence of welcoming guides from local walking clubs. A torch(手电筒)along with suitable clothing is essential for walking in the dark. Those who are dressed inappropriately will be refused permission to participate. 

Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 18: 30

Start Point: The Town Hall

Walk Duration: 3 hours

Walk 4-Photographic Walk inKilbrannish Forest

This informative walk led by Richard Smyth introduces you to the basic principles of photography in the wild. Bring along your camera and enjoy the wonderful views along this well-surfaced forest path. 

Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 11: 45

Start Point: Kilbrannish Forest Recreation Area

Walk Duration: 1.5 hours

(1) Which walk takes the shortest time?  A. The Natural World. B. Introduction to Hillwalking. C. Moonlight Under the Stars. D. Photographic Walk in Kilbrannish Forest.
(2) What are participants in Walk 3 required to do?  A. Wear proper clothes. B. Join a walking club. C. Get special permits. D. Bring a survival guide.
(3) What do the four walks have in common?  A. They involve difficult climbing. B. They are for experienced walkers. C. They share the same start point. D. They are scheduled for the weekend.
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What would you think if someone suggested pulling down Big Ben to make way for a car park? It would be ridiculous, right? But when it comes to devastation (毁灭) of the natural world, we aren't so easily shocked. But we should be. . . or we'll be in a lot of trouble.

Nature is shrinking by the day. Ancient forests are destroyed. Wetlands are becoming dry. Woodland is disappearing. And all in the name of progress. This is bad in itself, but it's devastating for biodiversity.

Biodiversity refers to the variety of plants, animals and other living things which are all inter-connected. The ecological services provided by biodiversity are vital to everyday life. The air we breathe is a product of photosynthesis (光合作用) by green plants. In fact, all life on earth exists thanks to the benefit of biodiversity. More than 90 percent of the calories consumed by people worldwide are produced from 80 plant species. And 30 percent of medicines are developed from plants and animals. Maintaining a wide diversity of species in each ecosystem is necessary to preserve all living things. 

The loss of biodiversity could be devastating. "It is wrong to think that biodiversity can be reduced indefinitely without threatening humans," said Harvard University biologist Edward O. Wilson, known as "the father of biodiversity". He warned, "we are about to reach a critical point beyond which biodiversity loss will be unavoidable. "

But what can we do? The problem is that the concept of biodiversity is so vague. People might care about giant pandas, but it is much harder to excite them about the fate of tiny sea creatures which are being boiled to death in the cooling systems of power stations along coastlines. The Guardian newspaper is trying to help. It has started the Biodiversity 100 campaign to try to convince governments around the world to take action to deal with the widespread concerns about biodiversity. This includes persuading the UK government to create a series of marine reserves to reverse the decline in sea-life caused by industrial fishing, banning the fishing sharks by the Japanese fishermen and stopping the killing of dingoes in Australia, among many other things. 

There is a lot to do. And we'd better get a move on if we don't want to end up with a planet that can't support life!

(1) What does the author want to tell us by the comparison in paragraph 1? A. It is unreasonable to pull down Big Ben. B. People take devastation of nature for granted. C. The differences between Big Ben and nature. D. The great trouble we have been faced with.
(2) What can we infer from Edward O. Wilson's words? A. It doesn't matter to reduce biodiversity. B. People have done enough to preserve biodiversity. C. The situation of biodiversity is very serious. D. Biodiversity loss has become unavoidable.
(3) What does the underlined word "It" in paragraph 5 refer to? A. The UK government. B. The concept of biodiversity. C. The action to deal with problem. D. The Guardian newspaper.
(4) Which of the following can be the suitable title for the text? A. Biodiversity Battle B. Biodiversity Loss C. Planet Conservation D. Planet Changing
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