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What would you think if someone suggested pulling down Big Ben to make way for a car park? It would be ridiculous, right? But when it comes to devastation (毁灭) of the natural world, we aren't so easily shocked. But we should be. . . or we'll be in a lot of trouble.

Nature is shrinking by the day. Ancient forests are destroyed. Wetlands are becoming dry. Woodland is disappearing. And all in the name of progress. This is bad in itself, but it's devastating for biodiversity.

Biodiversity refers to the variety of plants, animals and other living things which are all inter-connected. The ecological services provided by biodiversity are vital to everyday life. The air we breathe is a product of photosynthesis (光合作用) by green plants. In fact, all life on earth exists thanks to the benefit of biodiversity. More than 90 percent of the calories consumed by people worldwide are produced from 80 plant species. And 30 percent of medicines are developed from plants and animals. Maintaining a wide diversity of species in each ecosystem is necessary to preserve all living things. 

The loss of biodiversity could be devastating. "It is wrong to think that biodiversity can be reduced indefinitely without threatening humans," said Harvard University biologist Edward O. Wilson, known as "the father of biodiversity". He warned, "we are about to reach a critical point beyond which biodiversity loss will be unavoidable. "

But what can we do? The problem is that the concept of biodiversity is so vague. People might care about giant pandas, but it is much harder to excite them about the fate of tiny sea creatures which are being boiled to death in the cooling systems of power stations along coastlines. The Guardian newspaper is trying to help. It has started the Biodiversity 100 campaign to try to convince governments around the world to take action to deal with the widespread concerns about biodiversity. This includes persuading the UK government to create a series of marine reserves to reverse the decline in sea-life caused by industrial fishing, banning the fishing sharks by the Japanese fishermen and stopping the killing of dingoes in Australia, among many other things. 

There is a lot to do. And we'd better get a move on if we don't want to end up with a planet that can't support life!

(1) What does the author want to tell us by the comparison in paragraph 1? A. It is unreasonable to pull down Big Ben. B. People take devastation of nature for granted. C. The differences between Big Ben and nature. D. The great trouble we have been faced with.
(2) What can we infer from Edward O. Wilson's words? A. It doesn't matter to reduce biodiversity. B. People have done enough to preserve biodiversity. C. The situation of biodiversity is very serious. D. Biodiversity loss has become unavoidable.
(3) What does the underlined word "It" in paragraph 5 refer to? A. The UK government. B. The concept of biodiversity. C. The action to deal with problem. D. The Guardian newspaper.
(4) Which of the following can be the suitable title for the text? A. Biodiversity Battle B. Biodiversity Loss C. Planet Conservation D. Planet Changing
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Painting & Photography Art Contest

DEADLINE: December 2, 2021


ENTRY: Paid Entry


Grey Cube Gallery proudly presents the first Painting & Photography online art contest for the month of December 2021. Artists from around the world are welcome to submit. This is the open subject theme.

The Gallery will accept entries in 2 different categories painting and photography). All winning artists will receive a digital award certificate. Winning artwork Best of Show) will be on the poster of the show.

$16 for 2 images, $6 for each additional photo, and $45 for up to 8 images.

2021 Friends of Backwater Photo Contest

DEA DLINE: Nov. 30, 2021


ENTRY: Paid Entry

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to first three (3),$10 for each additional photo

The Friends of Blackwater (FOB) are hosting a digital photo contest during the months of October and November 2021 to showcase Blackwater National Wildlife Shelter (NWS) and raise funds for Shelter projects. Visitors are invited to submit photos taken between January 1, 2019 and November 30, 2021,in Shelter areas open to the public, which includes the Wildlife Drive, land trails, paddling trails, the Visitor Center butterfly garden, and Shelter property along Maple Dam Road.

Global Photo Awards

DEADLINE: Apr. 17, 2022


ENTRY: Paid Entry

ENTRY FEE: $30 for the 1st photo,$25 for the 2nd photo and $15 for every further photo

Our mission is to create an opportunity for everyone loving photography to receive recognition for their work. We strive to award and show the best photos worldwide. We invite everyone to upload photos in each of the categories People and Nature.

Chino Hills Photo Contest

DEADLINE: Nov. 22, 2021


ENTRY: Free Entry.

Capture and share the images that make you proud of Chino Hills!

(1) How much will 5 art photos for contest be charged? A. $50. B. $34. C. $45. D. $25.
(2) Who would most probably take part in the contest hosted by FOB? A. An English teacher. B. A children's writer. C. A wildlife preservationist. D. A classical musician.
(3) What do the listed contests have in common? A. The photos will be judged by professional photographers and netizens. B. They charge participants for entry. C. They will award money to best photo photographers. D. They will accept entries in certain categories.
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Whistler Travel Guide

Snow-capped peaks and powdered steeps; sparkling lakes and rushing waterfalls; challenging hiking routes and inviting restaurants—Whistler's offerings suit every season.

Things to do

The entire town displays the ski-chic atmosphere, hosting dozens of ski and snowboard competitions and festivals annually. In the warmer months, more outdoor enthusiasts come out to play. Visitors can try hiking or cycling up the mountains. While Whistler is an ideal vacation spot for the active types, other travellers can enjoy the local museums and art galleries filled with informative exhibits. Plus, there are family-friendly activities and attractions like summer concerts, along with plenty of shopping options.

When to visit

The best times to visit Whistler are from June through August and between December and March.

How to get around

The best ways to get around Whistler are on foot or by bike. Or, you can take the shuttle buses from Whistler Village, which transport visitors to Lost Lake Park and the Marketplace. Meanwhile, having a car will allow you the freedom to explore top attractions like Whistler Train Wreck and Alexander Falls without having to spend a lot of cash on a cab.

What you need to know

• Whistler receives feet of snow each year. If you're driving in winter, slow down and make sure to rent or come with a reliable SUV.

• Snowslides are likely to occur on Backcountry routes, so only advanced skiers should take to this off-the-map area.

• Whistler's wilderness is home to many black and grizzly bears. Keep your distance and do not feed them.

(1)  What are active travellers recommended to do in Whistler? A. Bike up the mountains. B. Host ski competitions. C. Go shopping at the malls. D. Visit museum exhibitions.
(2)  Which of the following is the most popular among travellers? A. Whistler Village. B. Lost Lake Park. C. The Marketplace. D. Whistler Train Wreck.
(3) What are travellers prohibited from doing in Whistler? A. Driving a rented SUV.          B. Feeding grizzly bears. C. Exploring the wilderness. D. Skiing on Backcountry routes.
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As a newly-added Olympic sport, surfing is attracting more attention than ever before. Here is a selection of the top surfing destinations across America.


Coastal Delaware offers plenty of fun waves along the shore of several cute towns. Due to the waves crashing close to the shore, Dewey beach is also a global skim boarding hotspot and happens to be the east coast capital for the sport. If you're planning a visit, check out the popular "Summer Vibes" festival for some beach fun.

Atlantic City, New Jersey

When world-famous surfer and Olympic Gold medalist Duke Kahanamoku, often referred to as "the father of surfing," visited the mainland United States in the early 1900s, he rode his longboard off the coast of Atlantic City. The beaches here are wide and beautiful—and locals catch waves year-round.

The Rockaways, New York

Located a short distance from Manhattan, The Rockaways attracts new and experienced surfers from across the globe. Be sure to come prepared in winter with a wet suit, while summer brings much warmer water temperatures. Afterwards, explore the town as there's plenty of cafes, boutiques, and restaurants steps from the sand.

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Situated about 45 minutes from Orlando, Cocoa Beach is a renowned surf town that's home to two of the world's best surfers (Caroline Marks and Kelly Slater) and a favorite for surfers of all levels. This family-friendly town has lots of activities for everyone. When you're not in the water, you can stroll the Historic Cocoa Village and its shops, cafes, and galleries.

(1) What is the most suitable time for surfers to enjoy beach fun in Delaware? A. January. B. August. C. October. D. December.
(2) What are you advised to do in the Rockaways? A. Surf with Olympic Gold medalists. B. Check out the surfing festival for fun. C. Explore the ancient town on the beach. D. Get prepared for the cold water in winter. 
(3) Which destination best suits a household? A. Cocoa Beach. B. The Rockaways. C. Atlantic City. D. Delaware.
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