
Painting & Photography Art Contest

DEADLINE: December 2, 2021


ENTRY: Paid Entry


Grey Cube Gallery proudly presents the first Painting & Photography online art contest for the month of December 2021. Artists from around the world are welcome to submit. This is the open subject theme.

The Gallery will accept entries in 2 different categories painting and photography). All winning artists will receive a digital award certificate. Winning artwork Best of Show) will be on the poster of the show.

$16 for 2 images, $6 for each additional photo, and $45 for up to 8 images.

2021 Friends of Backwater Photo Contest

DEA DLINE: Nov. 30, 2021


ENTRY: Paid Entry

ENTRY FEE: $30 for up to first three (3),$10 for each additional photo

The Friends of Blackwater (FOB) are hosting a digital photo contest during the months of October and November 2021 to showcase Blackwater National Wildlife Shelter (NWS) and raise funds for Shelter projects. Visitors are invited to submit photos taken between January 1, 2019 and November 30, 2021,in Shelter areas open to the public, which includes the Wildlife Drive, land trails, paddling trails, the Visitor Center butterfly garden, and Shelter property along Maple Dam Road.

Global Photo Awards

DEADLINE: Apr. 17, 2022


ENTRY: Paid Entry

ENTRY FEE: $30 for the 1st photo,$25 for the 2nd photo and $15 for every further photo

Our mission is to create an opportunity for everyone loving photography to receive recognition for their work. We strive to award and show the best photos worldwide. We invite everyone to upload photos in each of the categories People and Nature.

Chino Hills Photo Contest

DEADLINE: Nov. 22, 2021


ENTRY: Free Entry.

Capture and share the images that make you proud of Chino Hills!

(1) How much will 5 art photos for contest be charged? A. $50. B. $34. C. $45. D. $25.
(2) Who would most probably take part in the contest hosted by FOB? A. An English teacher. B. A children's writer. C. A wildlife preservationist. D. A classical musician.
(3) What do the listed contests have in common? A. The photos will be judged by professional photographers and netizens. B. They charge participants for entry. C. They will award money to best photo photographers. D. They will accept entries in certain categories.
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Making it to 100 years old is a big achievement on its own, but being active at that age is absolutely worthy of praise and admiration. Jayne Burns, who just turned 101 years old, still has a part-time job at a craft store in Ohio, drives herself to work, and simply doesn't see herself retiring anytime soon. Not only does she seem to love keeping busy, but she credits it as one of her secrets to living a long life. Bums first caught the internet's attention on TikTok. There, her coworker Maggie HusVar told her followers about her then 98-year-old friend. Maggie then asked Burns to share a piece of advice with her

new fans, to whom Burns said, " Keep moving. " The senior woman recently celebrated her 10lst birthday, and she certainly hasn't changed her mind about slowing down. Burs took the job in 1997 after her husband died, and has expressed that she enjoys what she does, so she wants to keep doing it. " ['ll work for as long as I can or as long as they'll have me, " she said. 

In celebration of her milestone birthday, Bums recently shared some more tips for a long life. "I was always active all my life doing things. So I think that has helped more than anything. " As a cancer survivor, she said she used to watch her sugar intake, but she doesn't anymore, as she loves sweets. Despite her age, she still follows a beauty routine. "I use a moisturizer (保湿霜) and makeup. I figured I did it all my life, so I'm not going to stop now, " she says. 

Overall, her top secret for a long life is to make friends and find happiness in the company of others. "It's important to find people who are friendly and kind, " she says. "I enjoy talking to every body I work with, and meeting the customers who are very nice, even if some of them are surprised to see meat the cutting table. "

(1)  Why does Jayne Burns still work part-time?  A. To keep herself busy. B. To make more money. C. To meet more people. D. To win praise and admiration.
(2)  What can we know about Jayne Burns? A. She goes to work by bus. B. She puts on makeup daily. C. She likes nothing but sweets. D. She gets along well with her boss.
(3) What does Jayne Burns think is the key to enjoying a healthy and long life? A. Eating what you love. B. Doing exercise regularly. C. Having a part-time job. D. Making friends and being happy.
(4) What's the best title for the text? A. Living a Busy Life B. A Successful Woman C. Keeping Active Forever D. Secrets to a Woman's Long Life
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Legend has it that centuries ago, manatees(海牛) used to be mistaken for mermaids, so a sight last week at one Florida state park would have put ancient sailors in shock.

Blue Spring State Park is home to one of the largest winter gathering sites for manatees in Florida, and recently, the park reached a new record when the number of manatees spotted in one group was nearly 1,000.

Manatees typically flock to the park during the winter months. According to a Facebook post from the non-profit Save the Manatee Club, January 21 was one of the coldest mornings of the Florida winter season so far. The temperature of the St. Johns River, which Blue Spring sits on, was recorded at 14.9℃.

To survive the cold winter weather, manatees will seek out water that is typically warmer than 20℃. This is because despite their thick-looking bodies, the blubbery animal affectionately known as the sea cow only has "about an inch of fat and a very slow metabolism(新陈代谢),meaning they cannot easily stay warm," says the state park.

Since their spring water remains at a constant 22.2℃, and is protected from human recreational activity, Blue Spring makes the perfect manatee shelter during the colder months. "What's more, many manatees rely on artificial warm water sources from power plants, and these might be going offline in the near future. So having some of these manatees come to these natural warm water sites and finding them is really encouraging," says Cora Berchem, a research associate and the director of multimedia at Save the Manatee Club.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, there are anywhere between about 7,000 to 11,000 manatees in Florida, which represents a large increase over the past 25 years.

(1) What does the underlined phrase "flock to" in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Escape from. B. Drop into. C. Depart from. D. Flood into.
(2) What do we know about Blue Spring? A. It serves as a recreation center. B. The temperature remains at 22.2℃. C. It is a well-preserved state park. D. Power plants heat the shelter there.
(3) What might be discussed following the last paragraph? A. Importance of protecting manatees. B. Why manatees' population grows. C. Unique living habits of manatees. D. How manatees fight against cold.
(4) Which might be the best title for the text? A. A Club Taking Measures to Rescue Manatees B. A Record Number of Manatees Spotted in Florida C. Florida: the Largest Winter Shelter for Manatees D. Manatees: an Animal Resistant to Cold Weather
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A team from Newcastle University and Northumbria Uaiversity in the UK has found that the thin, root -like threads produced by many fungi(真菌)can potentially be used as a biodegradable, wearable material that's also able to repair itself. 

In their tests, the researchers focused on the Ganoderma lucidum fungus, producing a skin from branching thin threads, which together weave into a structure called a mycelium(菌丝体). With a little more work, the fragile skins could serve as a substitute for leather, satisfying environmental and fashion tastes. 

"The results suggest that mycelium materials can survive in dry and unfavourable environments, and self-repairing is possible with minimal intervention after a two -day recovery period, "write the researchers in their published paper. However, the process used to produce these materials tends to kill off the fungal spores(孢子)hat help the organism regenerate itself.

A new approach involving a mix of mycelia, proteins, and other nutrients in a liquid encouraged the growth of a skin. The results are currently too thin and delicate to be tuned into a jacket. However, the researchers are confident that it's possible that future innovations could turn it into a tougher skin, possibly by combining layers or plasticizing in glycerol. Crucially, the production process didn't kill off the fungal spores. Tests on the material showed that it was indeed able to replace holes made in it. The material was as strong as before, though it was still possible to see where the holes had been. 

"Due to their functional properties, the ability of this regenerative mycelium material to heal micro and macro defects opens interesting future prospects for unique product applications in leather-goods replacements such as furniture, automotive seals, and fashion wear, "write there searchers.

There's a long way to go here before you'll be wearing clothes made out of fungus. The growing and healing processes take several days to happen at the moment for example, something which could be sped up over time. 

(1) What did the team find in their tests? A. An alternative to fragile skin. B. Thin threads shaped like roots. C. A mycelium with a complicated structure. D. Mycelium materials with self-healing function.
(2) What is mainly presented in paragraph 3? A. The recovery period of fungal spores. B. Crises of mycelium materials' survival. C. Imperfection in producing mycelium materials. D. The method of intervening organisms' regeneration.
(3) What can we learn about the new approach? A. It speeds up the creation of mycelia. B. It keeps fungal spores from destruction. C. It makes the holes in materials invisible. D. It combines the liquid with layers of skin.
(4) What is the prospect of mycelium-based materials? A. A flash in the pan. B. Promising but challenging. C. Inspiring but unachievable. D. A growth and decline cycle.
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