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Professional rock climber Emily Harrington has made history after successfully free climbing Yosemite National Park's El Capitan on 4 November 2020.

Harrington, 34, became the fourth person — and the first woman — to ever scale the 3,000-foot El Capitan without the help of a rope or other equipment. "The people before me who have achieved this are kind of like some of my heroes in rock climbing," she said, "so it feels pretty special to join that group."

But Harrington's climb was not without injury — at one point, she slid and was left with a serious wound on her forehead that required her to take a break. "I took a fall and I couldn't get my feet out and my head actually hit the wall," she recalled, "I got this wound on my forehead. I rested a little bit longer, bandaged (包扎) it up, and then tried again," Harrington said, adding that although she "kind of didn't really want to try again," she powered through because " I felt like I should try again."

After 21 hours and 13 minutes, Harrington scaled all of El Capitan, achieving a feat (壮举) she failed to finish twice last year. "That was my life dream. I achieved it," she said. 

Harrington said she's hopeful that her journey has inspired others. "I hope that as a result of my story more people will get to experience climbing, or at least try."

Harrington previously scaled Mt. Qomolangma, the tallest mountain in the world. As a former member of the USA climbing team, Harrington has competed in five U.S. sport climbing championships and two North American championships.

(1) What does the underlined word "scale" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Remove. B. Mount. C. Measure. D. Weigh.
(2) What does the writer want to impress on the readers in Paragraph 4? A. The risk of the climbing. B. Harrington's determination. C. The meaning of failure. D. Harrington's expert skills.
(3) What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Harrington's achievements. B. US sport climbing events. C. The climbing team's arrangements. D. The secret to Harrington's success.
(4) Where is this passage probably taken from? A. A travel journal. B. A story book. C. A news report. D. A science magazine.
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A city in South Korea, which has the world's largest number of people using smartphones, has placed flashing lights and laser beams at a road crossing to warn "smartphone zombies" to look up and drivers to slow down, in the hope of preventing accidents.

The designers of the system were motivated by growing worry that more pedestrians glued to their phones will become victims in a country that already has some of the highest road death and injury rates among developed countries. State-run Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) believes its system of flashing lights at zebra crossings can warn both pedestrians and drivers.

In addition to red, yellow and blue LED lights on the pavement, "smombies" — smartphone zombies — will be warned by laser beam projected from power poles and a warning sent to the phones by an app that they are about to step into traffic.

"Increasing number of smombie accidents have occurred in pedestrian crossings, so these zombie lights are essential to prevent these pedestrian accidents," said KICT senior researcher Kim Jong-hoon. Drivers are warned by the flashing lights, which have shown to be effective 83.4 percent of the time in the institute's tests involving about 1,000 vehicles.

In 2017, more than 1,600 pedestrians were killed in auto related accidents, which is about 40 percent of total traffic deaths, according to data from the Traffic Accident Analysis System. For now, the smombie warning system is placed only in Ilsan, a suburban city about 30 km northwest of the capital, Seoul, but is expected to go nationwide, according to the institute.

Kim Dan-hee, a 23-year-old resident of Ilsan, welcomed the system, saying she was often too absorbed in her phone to remember to look at traffic. "This flashing light makes me feel safe as it makes me look around again, and I hope that we can have more of these in town," she said.

(1) What do the underlined words "smartphone zombies" in paragraph 1 refer to? A. Drivers driving after drunk. B. Pedestrians buried in their phones. C. Passengers crazy about phones. D. Policemen in charge of traffic.
(2) What do we know about the warning system? A. It has reduced death rate by 83.4%. B. It has been spread nationwide. C. It gives a warning to the smartphones. D. It is being tried out in many places.
(3) What was the resident's attitude to the traffic system? A. Negative. B. Unconcerned. C. Disapproving. D. Favorable.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. South Korea Uses a New Traffic System B. Flashing Lights Are Used to Prevent Accidents C. South Korea Warns Smartphone Zombies of Traffic D. Smartphone Zombies Are Causing Traffic Accidents
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A new study involving nearly 50, 000 people from four continents offers new insights into identifying the quantity of daily walking steps that will best improve adults' health and longevity (长寿), and whether the ideal number of steps differs across people of different ages. The study represents an effort to develop an evidence-based public health message about the benefits of physical activity. The often-repeated 10, 000-step-a-day saying grew out of a decades-old marketing activity for a Japanese pedometer(计步器), with no science to back it up. 

Led by physical activity professor Amanda Paluch, an international group of scientists conducted an experiment among adults aged 18 and older. They grouped the nearly 50. 000 participants into four comparative groups according to average steps per day. The lowest step group averaged 3. 500 steps; the second. 5, 800; the third. 7, 800; and the fourth, 10, 900 steps per day. Among the three higher active groups. there was a 40-53% lower risk of death. compared to the lowest step group. 

More specifically. for adults 60 and older. the risk of early death leveled off at about 6, 000-8, 000 steps per day. meaning that more steps than that provided no additional benefit for longevity. while for adults younger than 60. about 8, 000-10, 000 steps per day. 

"So, what we saw was this continuing reduction in risk as the number of steps increases. until it levels of. Interestingly. the study found no definitive association with walking speed. " Paluch says. 

The new study supports and expands findings from another study led by Paluch before. which found that walking at least 7, 000 steps a day reduced middle-aged people's risk of early death. "There's a lot of evidence suggesting that moving even a little more is beneficial. particularly for those who are doing very little activity. Paluch says. "More steps per day are better for your health. "

(1) Why did the scientists carry out the new study? A. To know about people's health condition. B. To explain the pedometer's working principles. C. To determine the best physical activity for people. D. To provide a scientific guideline on daily walking.
(2)  What does the underlined words "leveled off" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Turned higher. B. Became stable. C. Fell sharply. D. Changed rapidly.
(3)  What does the experiment find? A. The old should walk as much as possible. B. Young people usually walk more than the old. C. The most beneficial steps differ by age groups. D. Walking pace is the key to avoiding early death.
(4)  What does Paluch advise people doing little activity to do? A. To walk more steps. B. To control walking speed. C. To limit walking distance. D. To track the number of steps.
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With jeweled pins in her hair, a sweeping red silk dress hung over her gauze (薄纱) sleeves, Beijinger Xin Nan looks like she's just stepped out of a dynasty hundreds of years in the past.

Xin Nan is wearing Hanfu, or Han clothing, which has traditionally been the dress for a few enthusiasts on important Chinese holidays such as the Mid-autumn Festival and Lunar New Year. But these days, the Hanfu movement has grown to become a subculture seeking to bring back to life pre-Qing Dynasty clothing. The past few years have even seen Hanfu gain a degree of global recognition, finding its way onto the New York and Paris Fashion Week runways.

Hanfu's entry into modern life has been inspired by the popularity of historical dramas. It's rated that China now has over three and a half million Hanfu enthusiasts as it is considered one of the most important embodiments (化身) of Chinese traditional culture.

Today, it's not uncommon to see a group of girls in these elegant flowing robes taking selfies. Dressed in her Tang-Dynasty-inspired outfit, Xin Nan explained,"Over the past few years, more and more people have been walking in the street, dressed in Hanfu, as if it were their everyday clothing."

Hanfu's growing popularity is reflected in the expansion ofthe associated business. The number of Hanfu merchants on the e-commerce platform Taobao grew threefold (三倍) between 2015 and 2019. According to a report by iiMedia, in 2019, Hanfu sales in China were worth 4.52 billion yuan ($695 million).

To Xin Nan, Hanfu is more than just a style of dress; rather, it's a way of life. "I think Hanfu has a special charm. When I'm wearing it, I feel I've returned to that dynasty," she said. She explained that it inspires her with a sense of elegance and grace. "The moment I put on Hanfu, that's how I'll behave."

(1) Why is Xin Nan mentioned in the first paragraph? A. To introduce the topic. B. To describe a scene. C. To make a comparison. D. To clarify a question.
(2) What contributes to the popularity of Hanfu? A. The promotion of Hanfu merchants. B. The appearance in Paris Fashion Week. C. The development of the fashion industry. D. The influence of Chinese traditional culture.
(3) What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Wearing Hanfu changes a person's personality. B. Hanfu is a new style of dress for Chinese people. C. Wearing Hanfu inspires people to live differently. D. Hanfu makes people return to the previous dynasty.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. The Benefits of Wearing Hanfu B. The Way of Being Elegant in Life C. The Expansion of Chinese Economy D. The Rebirth of Chinese Traditional Hanfu
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