
A machine can now not only beat you at chess, it can also outperform you in debate. Last week, in a public debate in San Francisco, a software program called Project Debater beat its human opponents, including Noa Ovadia, Israel's former national debating champion.

Brilliant though it is, Project Debater has some weaknesses. It takes sentences from its library of documents and prebuilt arguments and strings them together. This can lead to the kinds of errors no human would make. Such wrinkles will no doubt be ironed out, yet they also point to a fundamental problem. As Kristian Hammond, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Northwestern University, put it: "There's never a stage at which the system knows what it's talking about."

What Hammond is referring to is the question of meaning, and meaning is central to what distinguishes the least intelligent of humans from the most intelligent of machines. A computer works with symbols. Its program specifies a set of rules to transform one string of symbols into another. But it does not specify what those symbols mean. Indeed, to a computer, meaning is irrelevant. Humans, in thinking, talking, reading and writing, also work with symbols. But for humans, meaning is everything. When we communicate, we communicate meaning. What matters is not just the outside of a string of symbols, but the inside too, not just how they are arranged but what they mean.

Meaning emerges through a process of social interaction, not of computation, interaction that shapes the content of the symbols in our heads. The rules that assign meaning lie not just inside our heads, but also outside, in society, in social memory, social conventions and social relations. It is this that distinguishes humans from machines. And that's why, however astonishing Project Debater may seem, the tradition that began with Socrates and Confucius will not end with artificial intelligence.

(1) Why does the author mention Noa Ovadia in the first paragraph? A. To explain the use of a software program. B. To show the cleverness of Project Debater. C. To introduce the designer of Project Debater. D. To emphasize the fairness of the competition.
(2) What does the underlined word "wrinkles" in paragraph 2 refer to? A. Arguments. B. Doubts. C. Errors. D. Differences.
(3) What is Project Debater unable to do according to Hammond? A. Create rules. B. Comprehend meaning. C. Talk fluently. D. Identify difficult words.
(4) What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Social interaction is key to understanding symbols. B. The human brain has potential yet to be developed. C. Ancient philosophers set good examples for debaters. D. Artificial intelligence ensures humans a bright future.
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Last night my husband and I were taking a post-dinner walk in a nearby parking lot, where we saw a man bending over on the ground, crushing something with a rock. He was completely focused on his task and didn't look up at anyone passing by. We kept noticing him as we hung around the parking lot and guessed what he could be doing. I thought he was crushing stones to make sand, but why would he do that?

Finally we decided to go up and speak to him. He was crushing pieces of leftover bread that he collected from all his roommates to feed the birds that come there early morning. The large pieces of Indian bread would be difficult for the birds to eat, so he crushes them into a fine powder.

He's been doing this every night, by himself, for the last 3~4 years. What moved us more was that he was surprised when we were even taking an interest in this, since for him it wasn't a big deal. Every night, after reaching his bachelor accommodation from his job as a tailor, he goes around the village collecting leftover bread from all his housemates. He then eats a quick meal and comes here, and spends the next 1~2 hours, thoroughly crushing each piece and makes a neat pile for the birds, which will be gone by next evening.

When we asked him what motivates him to do this simple, small but committed act of service, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's just something small I do; so that the leftover bread doesn't go into the trash and the birds get food." We shared his story with the hope that it reminds us to be mindful of leftovers too and perhaps it might inspire someone to start something similar in their own area.

(1) Why did the couple decide to have a closer look? A. To satisfy their own curiosity. B. To show their love for wild life. C. To offer help to the great cause. D. To prepare food for birds.
(2) What does the underlined word "crushes" probably mean in Paragraph 2? A. Paints. B. Boils. C. Cooks. D. Breaks.
(3) What's the main purpose of the author sharing the story in the text? A. To ask others to collect leftover bread. B. To inspire others to crush leftover bread. C. To remind others to make use of leftover bread. D. To motivate others to make a difference to the world.
(4) What is the best title for the text? A. Meeting an Everyday Hero. B. Doing a Small Thing. C. Treating Birds Well. D. Crushing Leftover Bread.
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With her first song on social media in 2019 and her first Grammy win in the best African Music Performance category four years later, Tyla has become the new face of African pop.

For many listeners, Tyla's 2023 hit song "Water" was their first taste of the sound of amapiano, which is a new musical movement that started in the towns of South Africa in the 2010s. Roughly translated from Zulu to mean "the pianos" or "piano people," amapiano is a mix-up of a few different types of music: jazz, deep house, kwaito and log drum percussives. "Amapiano is the mainstream music of South Africa's party scene," says Moma, a Sudanese-American DJ. "And it has become a lifestyle there."

Moma first heard amapiano in 2016 when he hopped in a taxi in South Africa. He tipped his driver $50 to let him download the music and took the sounds back to the US. As the music started to move around America, Tyla was perfecting her own version of it back home in South Africa.

She started singing on TikTok and dropped her first song, "Getting Late" in 2019, to show her parents that she was serious about pursuing a career in music after high school. Based on the track, they agreed to give her one year to make it happen.

It took a few months for Tyla and her team to shoot the video for "Getting Late", with no backing, no budget. But when they finally uploaded it to TikTok in early 2021, labels noticed.

In the video, Tyla's taken the building blocks of amapiano and added elements of pop made by stars like Rihanna (to whom critics and fans are now comparing her) and Justin Bieber. Her signature sound has been called "pop-iano".

After publishing "Water" in July 2023 and noticing it had become a piece of trending audio on the app, Tyla and her team created a dance challenge in August. Tyla's performance during the competition really made a____splash. "It introduced me to a wider audience than I had ever imagined," Tyla says. "It has positively changed my life."

(1) What can we say about Moma? A. He is a famous music writer. B. He introduced amapiano to the US. C. He helped Tyla study amapiano. D. He created a different type of music.
(2) What was Tyla's parents' reaction to her career choice? A. Unconcerned. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
(3) Which element is added to amapiano by Tyla? A. African pop. B. Jazz. C. Deep house. D. Kwaito.
(4) Which is closest in meaning to "made a splash" in the last paragraph? A. Ended in a disaster. B. Took plenty of time. C. Was sharply criticized. D. Attracted a lot of attention.
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In Takoma Park, Maryland, in suburban Washington, people, adults or students, lined up at a pay phone outside a restaurant several times a week. 

"Once I put the phone out there, it just took off, " said David Schulman, a Takoma Park violinist who created the Bird Calls Phone. Listeners push 1 to hear a yellow-crowned night heron (夜鹭), 7 to hear a pileated (红冠) woodpecker's call and 9 for the distinct scream of a red-tailed hawk. Instructions about how to use the phone are in three languages: English, Spanish and Amharic-a reflection of Takoma Park's Ethiopian community. In all, 10 birds native to the Takoma Park area are featured. 

In addition to being fun, listening to Bird songs can reduce stress and anxiety, studies show. Even hearing recordings of birds can relieve negative emotions. 

After noticing an abandoned, nonworking pay phone in town, Schulman wondered if he could turn it into something appealing. He said, "I really like the old technology of just picking up a receiver, pressing one button and having something happen. "Schulman thought bringing birds sounds to the abandoned phone was a way to add a bit of nature to the neighborhood. 

Takoma Park city officials agreed, and they budgeted $5, 000 to complete the project. Schulman reached out to The McCaulay Library in Ithaca, New York, which agreed to send him a few dozen recordings of native birds. He then managed to gain the help of software engineer and artist Branden Hall to rewire the phone to play different bird calls. Schulman said he persuaded several of his friends to record short descriptions of each bird to go with the calls. 

"One thing I like about the Bird Calls Phone is that it's the opposite of a loud broadcast, " Schulman said. "Only one person can listen at a time, and each person will take away their own unique experience. "

(1) What will listeners hear if they press buttons on the pay phone? A. The calls of native birds. B. Songs in different languages. C. Descriptions of local creatures. D. Instructions on reducing stress.
(2) Which of the following best describes David Schulman? A. Observant and nature-loving. B. Diligent and easy-going. C. Serious and public-spirited. D. Ambitious and kind-hearted.
(3) What can be inferred about the project? A. It encourages art appreciation. B. It presents the harmony among birds. C. It turns loud broadcasts into private phones. D. It receives broad support from the community.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. A Violinist Specializes in Ecology B. Pick up the Phone, Hear Bird songs C. Close to Nature, Far From Depression D. Turn Trash into Treasure in Washington
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