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With her first song on social media in 2019 and her first Grammy win in the best African Music Performance category four years later, Tyla has become the new face of African pop.

For many listeners, Tyla's 2023 hit song "Water" was their first taste of the sound of amapiano, which is a new musical movement that started in the towns of South Africa in the 2010s. Roughly translated from Zulu to mean "the pianos" or "piano people," amapiano is a mix-up of a few different types of music: jazz, deep house, kwaito and log drum percussives. "Amapiano is the mainstream music of South Africa's party scene," says Moma, a Sudanese-American DJ. "And it has become a lifestyle there."

Moma first heard amapiano in 2016 when he hopped in a taxi in South Africa. He tipped his driver $50 to let him download the music and took the sounds back to the US. As the music started to move around America, Tyla was perfecting her own version of it back home in South Africa.

She started singing on TikTok and dropped her first song, "Getting Late" in 2019, to show her parents that she was serious about pursuing a career in music after high school. Based on the track, they agreed to give her one year to make it happen.

It took a few months for Tyla and her team to shoot the video for "Getting Late", with no backing, no budget. But when they finally uploaded it to TikTok in early 2021, labels noticed.

In the video, Tyla's taken the building blocks of amapiano and added elements of pop made by stars like Rihanna (to whom critics and fans are now comparing her) and Justin Bieber. Her signature sound has been called "pop-iano".

After publishing "Water" in July 2023 and noticing it had become a piece of trending audio on the app, Tyla and her team created a dance challenge in August. Tyla's performance during the competition really made a____splash. "It introduced me to a wider audience than I had ever imagined," Tyla says. "It has positively changed my life."

(1) What can we say about Moma? A. He is a famous music writer. B. He introduced amapiano to the US. C. He helped Tyla study amapiano. D. He created a different type of music.
(2) What was Tyla's parents' reaction to her career choice? A. Unconcerned. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
(3) Which element is added to amapiano by Tyla? A. African pop. B. Jazz. C. Deep house. D. Kwaito.
(4) Which is closest in meaning to "made a splash" in the last paragraph? A. Ended in a disaster. B. Took plenty of time. C. Was sharply criticized. D. Attracted a lot of attention.
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The world becomes a better place when we not only recognize that everyone has bad days, but when we also care enough to act accordingly. No matter what kind of bad experience we experience, we should treat it actively. Fourth grade teacher Rachel Harder recognized this, and she found an amazing way to help out both her students and their families.

A few years ago, the Kansas teacher attended a trauma (心理创伤) conference. She learned that some police stations partner with schools so they can let teachers know when one of their students has a police encounter, something that could cause them to need extra care or attention. A year after the conference, Rachel had a student with autism (自闭症) who frequently had tough days. To support the student, Rachel told his mom to simply text her "handle with care" to let her know when it was going to be one of those days.

The simple method was such a success that Rachel decided to send all her students home with a note for their parents. It explained what the "Handle with Care" system was and how they could take advantage of it. In no time, parents began to show their appreciation for Rachel's incredible act of kindness. But Rachel's sympathy didn't end with her class. Word spread of the amazing system, and teachers across the country began giving it a shot in their own classrooms. Printouts can be found on the Smart School House website, and the feedback has been extremely positive!

Even though teachers can sometimes tell when a student is having a tough day just by the way they're acting, Rachel said these simple texts allow educators to make minor adjustments in advance that, in turn, make the whole day better for everyone. "It's important for me to give kids a few minutes of extra time or space," she said, "and it's easy to give."

(1) What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph I refer to? A. The tough time in life. B. The beauty of nature. C. A positive attitude to hardship. D. An extreme working style.
(2) How did Rachel help the student with autism? A. By getting assistance from some police stations. B. By knowing his state at home from his mother. C. By discussing his trauma in a conference. D. By supporting him to do what he wants.
(3) Why did Rachel send notes to the parents of all her students? A. To prove the behavior is efficient. B. To explain the kindness to the parents. C. To gain the parents' sympathy for herself. D. To show her concern about every student.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Rachel? A. Responsible and considerate, B. Energetic and grateful. C. Curious and courageous. D. Humorous and warm- hearted.
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One of the world's greenest office buildings will formally open its doors this week. It's a project of the environmentally progressive Bullitt Foundation. Its ambition is bold: to showcase an entirely self-sustaining office building hoping that others will create similar projects.

The first thing that strikes you about the new Bullitt Center is an emphasis on walking. "In a building this size, any place else in Seattle it would have two elevators. Here, the stairway is obvious and attractive,"says Denis Hayes, CEO of the foundation. He explains there is an elevator, but it's well-hidden. The staircase encourages exercise and the concept helps cut down on energy use.

This is one of dozens of visionary decisions that went into this building. "It has eyes, ears, a nervous system and a brain and it responds to its environment in a way that seeks to optimize (优化) things," he says. He points across the street to a mini weather station. It sends data to the building so it can decide what it should do to conserve energy.

"I think it's fair to say we were all a bit skeptical in the beginning, "says Chris Rogers, the founder of a firm in cooperation with the foundation. Rogers and the others set out to meet the ambitious goals of the Living Building Challenge, a green building standard set by local architects.

Clearly this building is not for everyone. If you think of it as simply an office building, it was relatively pricey to design and build. But if you view it as a laboratory, an educational center and a bold effort to change how things are built, the calculation changes.

Still, one could wonder, is it possible to build more with similar self-sustaining features at a reasonable cost? "If this building isn't reproducible, then this experiment will have failed, says Rogers. But if it is successful, he's optimistic others will follow the foundation's lead. Rogers points out that over the past couple of decades, many builders have been integrating green elements into their buildings.

(1) What motivates the designers to highlight the stairway? A. To beautify the building. B. To offer convenience. C. To hide the elevator. D. To conserve energy.
(2) Which description best summarizes the Bullitt Center according to paragraph 3? A. A living organism. B. A first responder. C. A brain system. D. A data base.
(3) Which argument does Chris Rogers hold probably? A. It is reasonable to hold doubt in the building's future. B. The building has been inspired by previous efforts. C. The reproduction of the building is crucial. D. The building stands for a progressive force.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Look Inside The World's Greenest Building B. The Outlook For Green Buildings Is Promising C. How Can We Build More Green Buildings? D. Will This Super Green Building Be Copied?
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Deepfake: synthetic (合成的) media, including images, videos, and audio, is generated by Al technology to show something that does not exist or events that have never occurred.

Examples of deepfakes have been widely spread, including a video of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg giving a speech about his company's plan, and a video of Elon Musk dancing and talking about the power of dreams, etc.

It's easy for AI to produce such deepfakes using two different deep-learning algorithms (算法): one that creates the best possible clone based on a real image or video and another that detects whether the copy is fake (伪造的) and, if it is, reports on the differences between it and the original. The first algorithm produces a synthetic image and receives feedback on it from the second algorithm and then adjusts it to make it appear more real; the loop is repeated as many times as it takes until the second algorithm does not detect any false imagery.

Deepfakers often have evil motives, including creating misinformation and generating confusion. They tend to demean, terrify, and annoy, and have targeted not only celebrities but ordinary citizens as well.

Most of the academic research surrounding deepfakes focuses on the detection of huge amount of deepfake videos emerging online. One detection approach is to use algorithms to identify inconsistencies in deepfake videos. For example, an automatic system can examine videos for errors such as irregular blinking patterns of lighting. However, these approaches have been criticized because deepfake detection is characterized by a "moving goal post" where the production of deepfakes is changing and improving while detection tools are always on the way of catching them up.

However, education and medicine are two of the fields that may benefit from deepfake technology. In the classroom, historical speeches could be deepfaked to offer immersive and engaging lessons. In health care, it can improve the accuracy with which tumors (肿瘤) are spotted, making them easier to treat. Its use also permits using synthesized data instead of that from real patients to avoid privacy concerns.

(1) How does AI create a deepfake video according to the passage? A. By copying and combining the fake images. B. By constantly teaching itself to perfect the output. C. By acquiring feedback from multiple sources. D. By repeatedly generating realistic images from scratch.
(2)  What is the challenge of detecting deepfake videos? A. Ever-evolving deepfake techniques. B. Insufficient academic basis on detection solutions. C. A massive number of false videos online. D. Limited availability of detection tools.
(3)  What is the author's attitude toward deepfake? A. Supportive. B. Critical. C. Objective. D. Unconcerned.
(4)  What is probably the best title for the passage? A. Potential threats: AI's new playground B. Deepfake: Human's another helping hand C. Artificial Intelligence: A piece of fake D. Detecting deepfake: An ongoing battle
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