
With jeweled pins in her hair, a sweeping red silk dress hung over her gauze (薄纱) sleeves, Beijinger Xin Nan looks like she's just stepped out of a dynasty hundreds of years in the past.

Xin Nan is wearing Hanfu, or Han clothing, which has traditionally been the dress for a few enthusiasts on important Chinese holidays such as the Mid-autumn Festival and Lunar New Year. But these days, the Hanfu movement has grown to become a subculture seeking to bring back to life pre-Qing Dynasty clothing. The past few years have even seen Hanfu gain a degree of global recognition, finding its way onto the New York and Paris Fashion Week runways.

Hanfu's entry into modern life has been inspired by the popularity of historical dramas. It's rated that China now has over three and a half million Hanfu enthusiasts as it is considered one of the most important embodiments (化身) of Chinese traditional culture.

Today, it's not uncommon to see a group of girls in these elegant flowing robes taking selfies. Dressed in her Tang-Dynasty-inspired outfit, Xin Nan explained,"Over the past few years, more and more people have been walking in the street, dressed in Hanfu, as if it were their everyday clothing."

Hanfu's growing popularity is reflected in the expansion ofthe associated business. The number of Hanfu merchants on the e-commerce platform Taobao grew threefold (三倍) between 2015 and 2019. According to a report by iiMedia, in 2019, Hanfu sales in China were worth 4.52 billion yuan ($695 million).

To Xin Nan, Hanfu is more than just a style of dress; rather, it's a way of life. "I think Hanfu has a special charm. When I'm wearing it, I feel I've returned to that dynasty," she said. She explained that it inspires her with a sense of elegance and grace. "The moment I put on Hanfu, that's how I'll behave."

(1) Why is Xin Nan mentioned in the first paragraph? A. To introduce the topic. B. To describe a scene. C. To make a comparison. D. To clarify a question.
(2) What contributes to the popularity of Hanfu? A. The promotion of Hanfu merchants. B. The appearance in Paris Fashion Week. C. The development of the fashion industry. D. The influence of Chinese traditional culture.
(3) What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. Wearing Hanfu changes a person's personality. B. Hanfu is a new style of dress for Chinese people. C. Wearing Hanfu inspires people to live differently. D. Hanfu makes people return to the previous dynasty.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. The Benefits of Wearing Hanfu B. The Way of Being Elegant in Life C. The Expansion of Chinese Economy D. The Rebirth of Chinese Traditional Hanfu
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We don't know the exact number of dead insects in the collection at the Natural History Museum in London, but it's more than 34 million.

Our collections, for me, are a place of wonder, The specimens(标本) they contain are the biological heritage of the planet: Splendid to look at and packed with genetic information about the past. Some have come to us from across the globe, and make me feel how small I am, as part of nature.

The insect collection stretches back hundreds of years. For example, we have a robber fly caught in 1680 by the queen's gardener at Hampton Court Palace. near London.

Flies are my focus. Not only are they amazingly diverse, but they're cute. We've got stalk-eyed flies; flies that are lousy then a millimetre in sizes and my favourites, Mallophora robber flies, which look like massive bumble-bees and are highly poisonous. I also have a soft spot for botflies, one species of which matures in camels' noses.

The collection isn't static; there's so much research going on. We're always updating the system of naming the in sect so raisin s evolutionary family trees and describing new species.

The museum lends specimens by post, and we host not just scientists, but visitors such as designers looking for inspiration. We're also trying to digitize the entire collection so that anyone can access it.

I'm working with Mara Lawniczak at the Well come Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK. We're trying to recover genomes(基因组) from mosquito samples collected over the past century. In the past, people would cut off legs or destroy whole specimens—which fills a director like me with terror. Instead, we are washing the specimens with chemical solutions to obtain DNA. Genetic analysis will help us to distinguish between old mosquito specimens that look similar, and to learn how populations have changed.

(1) What does the author think of the collections at the Museum? A. Small but delicate. B. Mixed and disorderly. C. Splendid but limited. D. Impressive and precious.
(2) What does the underlined word "static" mean in the fifth paragraph? A. Unchangeable. B. Temporary. C. Attractive. D. Invaluable.
(3) What can be learned from paragraph 6? A. The author is a collector and museum guide. B. The specimens can be bought on the Internet. C. The collections can be used to serve the public. D. The digital museum mainly helps the researchers.
(4) What's the purpose of the author's research? A. To digitize the entire collections. B. To better the way of obtaining DNA C. To test some viruses carried by mosquitoes. D. To get genetic information of species evolution.
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Polar bears are icons of the Arctic.Detailed monitoring of their populations is crucial for their conservation—but because polar bears are so difficult to find,we are missing critical data about population size.Scientists have now developed a new tool to help:DNA analysis using skin cells left in the bears' footprints in the snow.

The scientists were inspired by the techniques that can be applied to tiny,degraded DNA samples.With these techniques,it isn't necessary to physically capture bears,which can be stressful and dangerous for both bears and humans.Instead,the researchers can turn to the snow tracks of polar bears and look at sources of DNA left in passing—environmental DNA. "The tracks usually contain fresh cells,and the DNA is intact because of the cold' storage' temperature,"said Dr.Melanie Lancaster of the World Wide Fund,lead author.

The scientists collected snow from individual tracks made by Alaskan polar bears in the wild. Additional materials like hair and saliva(唾液)were sampled,confirming that the tracks provided accurate genotype(基因型)

24 wild polar bear tracks were sampled.The researchers melted and filtered the snow to collect environmental DNA,then carried out micro-satellite analysis.Although the concentrations (浓度)of DNA taken from trucks sampled in the wild were very low,13 of the wild polar bear samples could be genotype,identifying 12 different individuals.

This technique has huge potential to inform conservation of these animals,to better understand their populations and behavior.Although the sampling has a lower success rate,ease of collection means that it can significantly expand sample sizes.

"We hope this method will be taken up by the polar bear research community,with the involvement of hunters,volunteers,and local communities,as a new way to collect information on polar bears,"said Lancaster."We also hope the method will be expanded to other animals living in snowy environments."

(1) Why do scientists develop the new method? A.  To improve the environment in the Aretic. B. To protect humans from the polar bears attack. C. To find solutions to global climate change. D. To gather essential data for monitoring polar bears.
(2) What does the underlined word"intact"mean in paragraph 2? A. Unknown. B. Undamaged. C. Unusual. D. Unstable.
(3) What did the scientists do in the study? A. They tracked and caught polar bears in the wild. B. They recorded the bears' behaviors with cameras. C. They analyzed DNA from polar bears' snowy footprints. D. They compared the polar bears' genotype with other animals?
(4) What is Lancaster's attitude toward the method? A. Disapproving. B. Favorable. C. Uncertain. D. Suspicious.
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Lately, it's felt like technological change has entered an incredible speed. Companies like OpenAI and Google have unveiled new Artificial Intelligence systems with incredible capabilities, making what once seemed like science fiction an everyday reality. It's an era that is raising big, existential questions for us all, about everything from the future of human existence to the future of human work.

"Things are changing so fast,"says Erik Brynjolfsson, a leading, technology-focused economist based at Stanford University. As he notes, this new wave of technological change looks like it could be pretty different. Unlike before, experienced and skilled workers benefited mostly from AI technology. In this new wave, it's the less experienced and less skilled workers who benefit the most."And that might be helpful in terms of closing some of the inequality that previous technologies actually promoted," Brynjolfsson says. So one benefit of intelligence machines is-maybe-they will improve the know-how and smarts of low performers, thereby reducing inequality.

But it's also possible that Al could lower the profit of the experienced, smart, or knowledgeable ones.AI could reduce inequality by bringing the bottom up, and it could also reduce inequality by bringing the top and middle down.

Of course, as Erik put, it's also possible that Al could end up increasing inequality even more. For one, it could make the Big AI companies, which own these powerful new systems, wildly rich. It could also empower business owners to replace more and more workers with intelligent machines. And it could kill jobs for all but the best of the best in various industries, who keep their jobs because maybe they're superstars or because maybe they have seniority.

The effects of AI, of course, are still very much being studied and these systems are evolving fast, so this is just an assumption. This machine intelligence could upend much of the previous thinking on which kinds of jobs will be affected by automation.

(1)  What do the underlined words "the know-how and smarts" mean in paragraph 2? A. Experience and intelligence. B. Skills and potential. C. Capacity and experience. D. Outlook and talents.
(2) Who will gain more in this new AI era? A. The senior with high rank. B. The inexperienced with low competence C. The learned with great credit. D. The poor with practical skills.
(3) Which statement will Erik probably agree with? A. The fast development of AI will promote the division of inequality. B. AI Giants will be the dominator in the future world of new AI systems. C. The best of all walks of life will survive the competition against AI systems. D. Lower rank workers with little knowledge are bound to be abandoned by employers.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. The Fast Growth of the Artificial Intelligence B. The Influence of the AI Inequality C. The Impact of the Artificial Intelligence D. The Future of the AI Generation
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