
How to Apply China Visa (签证)

How to apply China visa is the most concerned question for international tourists who plan to travel to China. Here you will find the useful information about China visa requirements and instructions.

China Visa Requirements

▶The valid (有效的) passport

Original passport valid for at least 6 months with blank visa pages, and a photocopy of data page (with your photo on it)

▶China visa application form and photo

The applicants must fill in a complete visa application form and attach it with a recent-taken colour passport photo.

So what is the requirement of the photo? The photo you submit must be passport-type (bare-head, full face) and standard with the correct dimension and background colour.

▶Effective proof of legal stay or resident status (it applies to those who do not apply for China visa in their countries of citizenship).

Supporting Application Documents

For C-Visa, a letter of guarantee issued by a foreign transport company or an invitation letter issued by a relevant authority from China side shall be provided.

For D-Visa, the original and a photocopy of foreign permanent residence identification form issued by China's Ministry of Public Security shall be provided.

For F-Visa, an invitation letter issued by relevant authorities or individuals from China side shall be provided.

For G-Visa, an onward air (train, bus, ship) ticket with confirmed date and seat to the third country or region shall be provided.

For L-Visa, the tour itinerary (行程) and documents with round trip flight tickets and accommodation reservations, or an invitation letter issued by relevant authorities or individuals from Chinese side shall be provided.

For M-Visa, documents of business activity, trade fair invitation letter or other invitation letter issued by trade partners in China shall be provided.

Further reading: click the link China visa knowledge and types.

(1) In what situation do people have to prove the legal stay for the application? A. Not being in his country of nationality. B. Without documents of business activity. C. Without photos that match the requirements. D. Not being invited by trade partners in China.
(2) Which visas need the trip ticket? A. C-Visa and M-Visa. B. L-Visa and D-Visa. C. G-Visa and L-Visa. D. F-Visa and M-Visa.
(3)  Where is the text probably from? A. A science magazine. B. A travel brochure. C. A hotel poster. D. A web page.
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Tens of thousands of drone (无人机)owners will have to register their devices for the first time under regulations designed to safeguard privacy.

Rules introduced yesterday require all drones that are fitted with cameras to be logged with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Anyone who fails to do so faces being taken to court and fined up to £1,000. Drones heavier than 250g already have to be registered with the CAA, which costs £9 and must be renewed annually, but the new measures extend this requirement to all devices, including the lightweight models that are used by hobbyist pilots.

The move comes after sharp rise in the number of drones bought by enthusiasts or those operating them for commercial reasons, such as to inspect infrastructure or for photography and filming.

However, the rise has prompted concerns over privacy, with fears that drones are being used to spy on private residences and other buildings. It has also led to an increase in the number of near-misses between drones and other aircraft, including commercial passenger jets. The latest figures show 531 near-misses involving drones were logged in the past decade, including 125 recorded in 2019.

By law drones are supposed to be operated within an operator's line of sight. They have to remain below an altitude of 400ft to avoid interfering with aircraft and flown at least 164ft away from people and buildings. The government has already toughened up regulations in recent years. This includes requiring all operators to pass an online test before being allowed to fly devices. Other changes to the regulations include allowing drones that weigh up to 25kg to be operated, compared with a previous limit of 20kg.

Devices will also fall into three new categories of risk --high, medium and low -- depending on how they will be flown. Low-risk drones, including those typically used by hobbyists, will have operational limitations but will not need authorisation (授权)for flights. Authorisation is needed for larger medium-risk and high-risk drone flights, which are typically carried out in more complex environments, including those beyond the operator's line of sight, which is banned under normal circumstances.

Christian Struwe, the director of public policy, said of the new regulation: "It simplifies different processes and allows customers to travel from country to country without having to worry about different rules in different foreign locations"

(1) Why must the drone owners register their devices? A. To protect their rights of flying drones. B. To avoid breaking the new regulations. C. To follow the rules not to invade others' privacy. D. To make sure their drones meet the weight requirement.
(2) What does the underlined words in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Updated every day. B. Registered every year. C. Redesigned every year. D. Replaced every month.
(3) What is the potential danger drones probably cause? A. Drones will be used for commercial purposes. B. It is impossible to avoid being spied by drones. C. Operating drones requires higher qualification. D. Drones probably crash into passenger planes while in use.
(4) What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about? A. Ways of operating drones. B. The requirements on drones. C. Online test on drone operators. D. Methods of making standard drones.
(5) What does the passage mainly focus on? A. How to make a standard drone. B. How drones are operated by enthusiasts. C. The negative effect of drones on people. D. The importance of registering the drones.
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Princess culture is less about a princess lifestyle, and more about great-depth of character, serving as a beautiful reminder of worth—whether a girl is a princess or not. In Frances Hodgson Burnett's A Little Princess, Sara Crewe survived her many tragedies and hardships by remembering "I am a princess. All girls are… even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They are still princesses. " Whether child or adult, all can benefit from the belief that no matter their circumstances, they always have value—that true self-worth goes beyond appearance or environment and is found deep within. No matter how difficult our circumstances are, princesses encourage us to remember our worth.

Spend much time with a four-year-old girl in the U. S and you will likely see some sort of princess play, whether it is dressing up, acting out stories, or playing with princess-themed toys. This particular type of pretend play is very important to children. Lindsey and Colwell found that children who regularly engage(参与)in pretend play have more positive emotions with peers(同龄人), score higher on emotional understanding, and are better at emotional regulation one year later. Research suggests that princess play specifically can lead to rich experiences for children as they expand on the stories of familiar characters.

Princesses also provide examples of "women who rule", showing women and girls that they can be accepted as the heroines of their own stories and lead with wisdom and maturity( 成熟). In other words, princesses inspire potential.

Adults often think of princesses in a negative way someone who is too proud or crazy about their appearance. But in children's imagination, the word "princess" allows them to think about what they can become. Maybe they won't save the world, but they will defend their values. Maybe they won't have the perfect figure, but they can develop the confidence to move beyond appearance.

(1) Why does the author mention Sara Crewe in the first paragraph? A. To explain the definition of princesses. B. To prove the value of princesses. C. To tell her painful experiences. D. To show her determination.
(2) How does pretend play benefit children? A. It makes children get high scores. B. It helps children get on well with peers. C. It helps children learn tings easily. D. It encourages children to understand adults better.
(3) Why do adults think negatively of princesses? A. Children may focus on appearance. B. Children may like to rule others. C. Children may be addicted to virtual world. D. Children may lose interest in communicating with adults.
(4) What's the author's attitude towards princesses according to the passage? A. Doubtful. B. Uncertain. C. Positive. D. Disappointed.
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3.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

English businessman Richard Branson made history on July 11, 2021 as he and three other crewmates became the world's first space tourists. The flight was made by a spacecraft named VSS Unity that was built by Branson's company, Virgin Galactic. The flight lasted slightly more than an hour, and took Branson and crew to an altitude(海拔) of 53. 5 miles above the Earth, just a little above the boundary(边界) of space which lies 50 miles above the Earth.

At that height, the atmosphere turns into the black of outer space and the Earth becomes a bent ball of blue. Travelers also exhibit weightlessness as there is no gravity, the force that keeps our bodies walking on the Earth's surface. Therefore, Branson and his fellows were able to float around in VSS Unity while enjoying the views. They were able to do that for three minutes before the spacecraft began its downward journey. It landed back at Virgin Galactic's space port in New Mexico, United States, which is the same place from where it took off 90 minutes ago.

On landing back, Branson said, "I have dreamt of this moment since I was a kid but honestly, nothing could prepare you for the view of the Earth from space. It was just magical. I'm just taking it all in, and it's unreal."

July 11's flight is the start of space tourism for one and all. In early 2022, customers who could afford a ticket for a quarter of a million dollars could line up for a seat on a trip to space. And guess what—they will have a choice of spacecraft. Jeff Bezos, who owns a famous company, is all set to launch himself into space on July 20 on board a spacecraft built by his new branch company Blue Origin. Blue Origin will also carry tourists to space.

(1) What is Richard Branson famous for? A. His success in tourism. B. His company of Virgin Galactic. C. His spaceship named VSS Unity. D. His first commercial space travel in history.
(2) What does Branson think of his space travel? A. Unbelievable. B. Adventurous. C. Regrettable. D. Worthless.
(3) What do space tourists have to do? A. Take a spacecraft of Virgin Galactic. B. Pass the fitness test for astronauts. C. Pay $250,000 for the rocket tour. D. Line up for a position in Blue Origin.
(4)  What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Humans will move to other livable planets. B. Private rocket space travel is growing gradually. C. Ordinary people will soon land on the moon. D. Some companies abandon their proper business.
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