
Tens of thousands of drone (无人机)owners will have to register their devices for the first time under regulations designed to safeguard privacy.

Rules introduced yesterday require all drones that are fitted with cameras to be logged with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Anyone who fails to do so faces being taken to court and fined up to £1,000. Drones heavier than 250g already have to be registered with the CAA, which costs £9 and must be renewed annually, but the new measures extend this requirement to all devices, including the lightweight models that are used by hobbyist pilots.

The move comes after sharp rise in the number of drones bought by enthusiasts or those operating them for commercial reasons, such as to inspect infrastructure or for photography and filming.

However, the rise has prompted concerns over privacy, with fears that drones are being used to spy on private residences and other buildings. It has also led to an increase in the number of near-misses between drones and other aircraft, including commercial passenger jets. The latest figures show 531 near-misses involving drones were logged in the past decade, including 125 recorded in 2019.

By law drones are supposed to be operated within an operator's line of sight. They have to remain below an altitude of 400ft to avoid interfering with aircraft and flown at least 164ft away from people and buildings. The government has already toughened up regulations in recent years. This includes requiring all operators to pass an online test before being allowed to fly devices. Other changes to the regulations include allowing drones that weigh up to 25kg to be operated, compared with a previous limit of 20kg.

Devices will also fall into three new categories of risk --high, medium and low -- depending on how they will be flown. Low-risk drones, including those typically used by hobbyists, will have operational limitations but will not need authorisation (授权)for flights. Authorisation is needed for larger medium-risk and high-risk drone flights, which are typically carried out in more complex environments, including those beyond the operator's line of sight, which is banned under normal circumstances.

Christian Struwe, the director of public policy, said of the new regulation: "It simplifies different processes and allows customers to travel from country to country without having to worry about different rules in different foreign locations"

(1) Why must the drone owners register their devices? A. To protect their rights of flying drones. B. To avoid breaking the new regulations. C. To follow the rules not to invade others' privacy. D. To make sure their drones meet the weight requirement.
(2) What does the underlined words in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Updated every day. B. Registered every year. C. Redesigned every year. D. Replaced every month.
(3) What is the potential danger drones probably cause? A. Drones will be used for commercial purposes. B. It is impossible to avoid being spied by drones. C. Operating drones requires higher qualification. D. Drones probably crash into passenger planes while in use.
(4) What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about? A. Ways of operating drones. B. The requirements on drones. C. Online test on drone operators. D. Methods of making standard drones.
(5) What does the passage mainly focus on? A. How to make a standard drone. B. How drones are operated by enthusiasts. C. The negative effect of drones on people. D. The importance of registering the drones.
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Top lists are lecturing people on everything from "100 places to visit" to "100 books to read” Aren't you just tired of being told what to do with your time?

Now you have a list to end all lists!

Take a look at the following two examples from the list of' "101 things not to do”:

Swim with Dolphins ?

Swimming with dolphins is one of the world's most profitable tourist activities. However, not every dolphin will welcome having their busy, tiring day interrupted by tourists screaming and pushing around them in the water. Worse yet, when dolphins get too near to the boats loaded with tourists, they could get caught up in ropes and killed by propellers (螺旋桨).

Here's a little secret. Dolphins look like smiling at you, but actually they're just opening their mouths.

Go to See the Mona Lisa?

There must be something about the mysterious smile. The 6 million people who visit the lady in the Louvre every year can't all be wrong, after all. But they can be quite annoying, standing in front of you, holding up their cameras to prevent you from seeing anything. In fact, it is hard for you to see the painting clearly because you have to stay away from it for security reasons. After queuing for hours, many- tourists can remain in front of the painting only for 15 seconds at most.

If the mysterious lady in the picture knew her fate, she wouldn't just be smiling, she'd be laughing.

So, still long to sec the Mona Lisa? If you want to find out more about the list. read 101 Tings NOT to Do Before You Die. Visit www.not2dobeforeidie.co.uk and buy the book at a 20% discount.

(1) According to the passage, swimming with dolphins                               . A. is the world's most popular tourist activity B. gives fun to both tourists and dolphins C. will make tourists busy and tired D. can cause danger to dolphins
(2) What does the author think about going to see the Mona Lisa? A. Fifteen seconds in front of the painting is enough. B. It is wrong to go and see the mysterious smile. C. It is not as satisfying as expected. D. Queuing for hours is worthwhile.
(3) What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To advertise a book. B. To introduce a website. C. To comment on popular lists. D. To recommend tourist activities.
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Student team TU/ecomotive at the Eindhoven University of Technology has developed a sustainable electric passenger car that captures more carbon dioxide (CO2) than it emits while driving. Called ZEM, for zero emission mobility, the two-seater purifies the air through a special filter (过滤器). By storing the captured CO2 and then dealing with it, ZEM can contribute to reducing global warming. The students will continue to improve the vehicle with the goal of making it carbon-neutral (碳中和) for its entire life cycle.

The car can capture 2 kilograms of CO2 through a special filter at 20,000 travel miles per year. This means that ten cars can store as much CO2 as an average tree. That may not seem like much, but the overall payoff is significant if you were to utilize it in every passenger car. After all, there are more than a billion passenger cars driving around the world, which could capture net CO2 instead of emitting it.

A life cycle analysis with SimaPro software can be used to determine the extent to which the life cycle of the vehicle — from construction to use and afterlife — is carbon-neutral. Several innovations contribute to this goal. Consider the 3D printing techniques used by the students. The body panels are made through 3D printing, resulting in almost no remaining waste. In addition, the student team prints plastics that can be recycled for other projects.

The electric and sustainable four-wheel drive has a sporty look. With the good reason, say the students, because a sporting challenge awaits the automotive industry. After all road transport must become much more sustainable.

Nikki Okkels, external relations manager at TU/ecomotive, says: "We call on the industry to pick up the challenge, and of course we are happy to think along with them. We haven't finished developing yet, but we believe it will eventually hit the road. We warmly invite car makers to come and take a look."

(1) How can ZEM reduce global warming? A. It produces no carbon emissions during construction. B. It can transform captured CO2 into green energy. C. It can last long due to its improved life cycle. D. It cleans the air by absorbing CO2.
(2) What does the underlined word "utilize" in paragraph 2 mean? A. Show. B. Drive. C. Apply. D. Catch.
(3) What contributes to the vehicle's carbon neutrality according to paragraph 3? A. 3D printing techniques. B. SimaPro software. C. Reusable waste materials. D. Advanced afterlife recycling.
(4) What does Nikki Okkels expect of the four-wheeler? A. It will reach the market. B. It will speed up driving. C. It will have a sporty look. D. It will be made of plastic.
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Many people think daydreaming is bad for their emotions and has negative effects on their life and those around them. It makes adapting to life very hard and brains work less effectively.

Contrary to common ideas, the brains of people who are daydreaming might not stop working, but may be working harder, new research has shown. Scientists scanned the brains of people lying inside magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)machines, as they pushed buttons or rested in turn. The scans showed that the "default(默认的)network" deep inside a human brain becomes more active during daydreaming.

In a surprise finding, the scans also showed strong activity in the executive network, the outlying region of the brain associated with complex problem-solving, says Professor Kalina Christoff, who is a co-author of the study. "People assume that when the mind wanders away, it just gets turned off but we show the opposite. When it wanders, it is turned on." says Christoff.

The findings, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest, "People who let themselves daydream might not think in the same focused way as when performing a goal-oriented task, but they bring in more mental and brain resources," says Christoff.

F. Diane Barth said at Psychology Today that the more we daydream, the more our brain is able to hold onto the task when we are being bombarded (轰炸)from all sides by all kinds of noises, information input, and conflicting demands. You're not trying to escape the task at hand; rather, you're trying to get rid of all of the information and stimuli(刺激物)that could pose as bothers.

According to Christoff, people typically spend one third of their waking time daydreaming. "It is a big part of our lives, but it has been largely ignored by science, she says. "The study is the first to use MRIs to study brain activity during spontaneous thoughts and subjective experiences. Until now the only way is to use self-reports that are not always reliable."

(1) What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refer to? A. Scientists. B. Scans. C. MRI machines. D. Study subjects.
(2) The findings by Christoff show daydreaming__________. A. may help us get relaxed B. may be beneficial to our health C. may use less energy than focusing D. may help us arrive at solutions faster
(3) Which of the following may Barth agree with? A. Daydreaming provides us with many stimuli. B. Daydreaming is actually an act of concentration. C. Daydreaming can make us forget unhappy things. D. Daydreaming reminds us of more useful information.
(4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. MRIs are reliable to study brain activity. B. People should spend more time daydreaming. C. More studies about daydreaming need to be done. D. People should make full use of daydreaming time.
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