
It's not easy to offer a short version of all that attracts travelers to Latin America, but there are a few must-see spots that we have narrowed down for you.

Machu Picchu

Perched in the high mountains above the town of Cusco, the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu is a wonder of the world on par(齐名) with the pyramids of Egypt, and the Great Wall of China. The view from the top is beautiful whether it's clear or shrouded in fog, although there are fewer crowds during the wet season between December and April.

La Candelaria

La Candelaria in Colombia is a jewel of the old world set on the edges of the modern metropolis of Bogota. La Candelaria has jealously guarded its unique charm against the winds of change. Home to museums, cathedrals, cafes and restaurants, La Candelaria is easy to love and hard to leave.

Lago de Atitlan

Created by an enormous volcanic eruption 84,000 years ago and still ringed by active volcanos, Lago de Atitlan in Guatemala is the deepest lake in Central America, and it's almost too beautiful to believe: The crystal-blue waters below, volcanic backdrop beyond and stunning cloud formations above make for one truly unforgettable sight. Along the water's edge, there are plenty of cozy lake towns where you can have fun.

Iguazu Falls

As the second-largest waterfall in the world, Iguazu Falls is incredible. The 269-foot drop at Iguazu Falls marks the border between Brazil and Argentina. Brazilians and Argentinians can't help but make comparisons about who's got the better end of the waterfall. Brazilians, of course, say their side is the most beautiful, while Argentineans hotly disagree. It's up to you to decide, but you'll need to get a visa to see things from Brazil's point-of-view.

(1) When can visitors go to Machu Picchu to avoid the crowds? A. In February. B. In May. C. In July. D. In November.
(2) If you want to enjoy a lake tour, where should you go? A. Machu Picchu. B. La Candelaria. C. Lago de Atitlan. D. Iguazu Falls.
(3)  What can we learn about Iguazu Falls? A. It is the largest waterfall in the world. B. The part in Brazil is the best end of the waterfall. C. It lies somewhere between Brazil and Argentina. D. You don't need a visa if you're planning to see it in Brazil.
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Recently I read an article written by Edan Lepucki and titled "Don't Play With Your Kids. Seriously. " It makes a case for parents consciously withdrawing from their children's playtime until those children are able to play independently all the time.

According to Edan Lepucki, there are two main reasons. One is that it allows the child time and space to delve into wonderful imaginary worlds that he or she is not able to enter in quite the same way if a parent is present.

The second reason is that it gives parents a break. With everything else we do on a daily basis-feeding, cleaning, disciplining, educating, transporting, and more—it's simply too much to be expected to entertain our kids actively, as well. Lepucki describes a sense of exhaustion to which I can relate.

"The constant quarrelling was so exhausting that my husband and I didn't have the energy to play the way my son preferred. After 1 scolded him, I felt guilty and frustrated"

Adopting a no-play approach changed everything, improving both the relationship with her son and her own mental wellbeing, and it has done the same for me, with my own three children.

I have another reason for choosing this approach: It builds greater independence in children. Children play differently when adults are present. They tend to rely on adults to solve conflicts,whereas when they're on their own, they have no choice but to rise to the occasion and deal with any issue.

Lenore Skenazy, the author of "Free Range Kids", told me that when adults are present, kids act like kids, but when adults leave, kids become adults. She said, "If there's an adult there, they will take over. So adults need to step back. "

Take this as your excuse to stop playing with your kids. Know that it's perfectly OK to say no, to admit you need a break, and to encourage your children to play without you. Then sit back and observe the clever, imaginative little humans you've created at play. It's a most satisfying feeling.

(1) What does the underlined part "delve into" in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Develop. B. Change. C. Explore. D. Preserve.
(2) How does Lepucki benefit from her parenting style? A. Her relaxing time is increased. B. She becomes more independent. C. She makes more adult friends. D. Her physical health has improved.
(3) Why is Lenore Skenazy mentioned? A. To prove kids' poor independence. B. To provide evidence for an opinion. C. To show kids' changeable character. D. To explain parents' bad effect on kids.
(4) Which can be the best title for the text? A. It Provides Us with Many Benefits to Play Alone B. Parents Should Help Develop Kids' Independence C. Refusal Can Create a Harmonious Family Atmosphere D. It Won't Hurt Your Kids If You Stop Playing with Them
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All the Beauty in the World, Patrick Bringley's memoir (回忆录) about his 10 years working as a guard at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), brings new meaning to the term "art appreciation". During 8-12 hour shifts spent among the galleries, he takes advantage of the gift of time to study the masterpieces he's been hired to protect and to think about the role of art throughout history.

Bringley is not the only Met staffer to write about the institution. But Bringley's "guard's-eye view" is unique, and he presents his personal story with sincerity. After his brother Tom's death from cancer in 2008, Bringley gave up his job as a journalist for a job in which "I was happy to be going nowhere". He explains, "I had lost someone. I did not wish to move on from that. In a sense, I didn't wish to move at all." Bringley doesn't say when he decided to channel his experience of finding peace into art, but this story about jumping off the career ladder in order to find the space for quiet reflection is surprisingly suited to our times.

All the Beauty in the World offers well-chosen facts about the museum to support Bringley's personal tale. As interesting as these facts are, it's Bringley's reflections on dozens of individual paintings, photographs, sculptures and ancient artifacts that turn this book into a tribute (致敬) to the power of art. Discussing Alfred Stieglitz's photographs of his wife, he writes, "I think that sometimes we need permission to stop and adore things, and a work of art gives us that." In a Vermeer port rait of a dozing maidservant, he is moved to see that the artist caught "that feeling we sometimes have that a private setting possesses a holiness (神圣) of its own. It was my constant feeling in Tom's hospital room".

As rich in moving insights as the Met is in treasures, All the Beauty in the World reminds us of the importance of learning not about art, but from it. This is art appreciation at a high level.

(1) What makes All the Beauty in the World different from other books by Met staffers? A. Its author's personal sad story. B. Its author's unique point of view. C. Its well-chosen facts about the museum. D. Its detailed introduction to the artworks.
(2) Why did Bringley decide to become a guard at the Met? A. To remember his dead brother. B. To enrich his journalism career. C. To find some peace and quiet in art. D. To study the artworks more closely.
(3) How does Bringley tell the museum stories in his memoir? A. By relating museum facts to his personal life. B. By interviewing retired museum staff members. C. By presenting the background of each masterpiece. D. By engaging visitors in the discussion of the artworks.
(4) What does the author think of the book as a whole? A. It reveals the inner world of the author. B. It offers new insights into art appreciation. C. It tells little-known facts about the museum. D. It deserves to be read for some peace and quiet.
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South America has a long and interesting coastline. When it comes to beaches, there are some excellent options to be found across the continent. 

Sancho Beach

This beach is an amazing stretch of sand with peaceful waters. The clear waters are perfect for swimming but it is difficult to access. It can only be reached by boat or by climbing down the rocky hillsides on each end, so it isn't particularly good for younger children or people who are physically challenged. 

Vichayito Beach

Just a short distance from the waterfront town of Mancora, this lovely beach is often quiet and peaceful, offering some nice shallow water to swim in for little ones. A little further out, the waves pick up, making for fine surfing and windsurfing surroundings, while the charming village offers nice accommodation. 

Copacabana Beach

The cold water here means it isn't an ideal swimming location, but there are good spots for surfing and windsurfing. Various water activities make it a great beach. Visit early, especially in the busy tourist seasons, not only to avoid crowds, but also to gain admittance-visitors will be turned away once the park reaches peak capacity. 

Jericoacoara Beach

Located near the city center, this beach is very popular among surfers thanks to its great waves. It isn't too rough to swim for experienced swimmers, although a slightly rocky seafloor means you should be careful. With large crowds of people, the best time to visit is sunset-arrive early to get a good viewing spot. 

(1) What may make Sancho Beach difficult to reach? A. The great waves. B. Its unique location. C. Lack of boat services. D. Large crowds of tourists.
(2) Which beach is the most ideal place for young children to swim? A. Sancho Beach. B. Vichayito Beach. C. Copacabana Beach. D. Jericoacoara Beach.
(3) What do Copacabana Beach and Jericoacoara Beach have in common? A. They both appeal to those loving water sports. B. Tourists may be rejected due to their limited capacity. C. Tourists should arrive early to get a good viewing spot. D. They provide perfect swimming options for professionals.
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