
Recently I read an article written by Edan Lepucki and titled "Don't Play With Your Kids. Seriously. " It makes a case for parents consciously withdrawing from their children's playtime until those children are able to play independently all the time.

According to Edan Lepucki, there are two main reasons. One is that it allows the child time and space to delve into wonderful imaginary worlds that he or she is not able to enter in quite the same way if a parent is present.

The second reason is that it gives parents a break. With everything else we do on a daily basis-feeding, cleaning, disciplining, educating, transporting, and more—it's simply too much to be expected to entertain our kids actively, as well. Lepucki describes a sense of exhaustion to which I can relate.

"The constant quarrelling was so exhausting that my husband and I didn't have the energy to play the way my son preferred. After 1 scolded him, I felt guilty and frustrated"

Adopting a no-play approach changed everything, improving both the relationship with her son and her own mental wellbeing, and it has done the same for me, with my own three children.

I have another reason for choosing this approach: It builds greater independence in children. Children play differently when adults are present. They tend to rely on adults to solve conflicts,whereas when they're on their own, they have no choice but to rise to the occasion and deal with any issue.

Lenore Skenazy, the author of "Free Range Kids", told me that when adults are present, kids act like kids, but when adults leave, kids become adults. She said, "If there's an adult there, they will take over. So adults need to step back. "

Take this as your excuse to stop playing with your kids. Know that it's perfectly OK to say no, to admit you need a break, and to encourage your children to play without you. Then sit back and observe the clever, imaginative little humans you've created at play. It's a most satisfying feeling.

(1) What does the underlined part "delve into" in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Develop. B. Change. C. Explore. D. Preserve.
(2) How does Lepucki benefit from her parenting style? A. Her relaxing time is increased. B. She becomes more independent. C. She makes more adult friends. D. Her physical health has improved.
(3) Why is Lenore Skenazy mentioned? A. To prove kids' poor independence. B. To provide evidence for an opinion. C. To show kids' changeable character. D. To explain parents' bad effect on kids.
(4) Which can be the best title for the text? A. It Provides Us with Many Benefits to Play Alone B. Parents Should Help Develop Kids' Independence C. Refusal Can Create a Harmonious Family Atmosphere D. It Won't Hurt Your Kids If You Stop Playing with Them
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Jennifer Brophy, a professor of Stanford, is working on methods that she hopes will be used to improve commercial plant species so that they can survive harsh conditions. Initially, she studied green architecture in her undergraduate years. Once she started taking architecture classes, she realized it wasn't her passion—but when she encountered an article about a company that creates biofuels (生物燃料) from bacteria, something clicked. "I thought that was just the coolest thing. It got me really interested in pursuing bioengineering," she says.

Today, Brophy is developing new genetic engineering techniques that can help plants grow in various conditions. By changing the genome (基因组) of both commercial crops and soil bacteria, she thinks it's possible to help plants survive droughts.

Brophy is building what she calls "genetic circuits". Besides changing the genes within plant cells, this method also changes how and when those genes are triggered. If the plant senses a specific sugar, it can express one protein; if it senses another signal, it'll express a different protein. If both signals are there, the plant may be able to express something else entirely. "Using circuits to all these different inputs," she says.

"A plant doesn't necessarily know what's coming. It just knows whether it's hot or temperate (温和的) right now," says Brophy. This can lead to problems when weather becomes erratic. A plant that usually flowers in spring may flower in winter if there're a few unseasonably warm days. When temperatures fall again, the flowers die, which ruins a year of crops. "It'd be great to be able to communicate with plants to tell them, 'Hey, you should wait on that flowering, " she adds.

Brophy is still testing the concept in the lab using a small weedy plant called Arabidopsis. She notes engineering crops in the future may also involve genetically modifying soil bacteria. As the bacteria's surroundings change, they could potentially send out chemical signals that tell nearby plants to shift their growth accordingly. Brophy thinks engineering crops could benefit farmers and society at large.

(1) What made Brophy interested in bioengineering? A. Her undergraduate education. B. Her visit to a company. C. Her exposure to a related article. D. Her curiosity about biofuels.
(2) The method of "genetic circuits" is designed to _____________. A. create better biofuels from soil bacteria B. monitor the proteins within plant cells C. preserve species of commercial crops D. promote plants to respond to surroundings
(3) What does the underlined word "erratic" mean in Paragraph 4? A. Unpleasant. B. Unstable. C. Unbearable. D. Unaffected.
(4) What is the best title of the passage? A. Jennifer Brophy, a brilliant bioengineering scientist. B. Climate change, a tough problem around the world. C. Genetic circuits, a smart method to help crops survive. D. Genetic engineering, a new technique to produce crops.
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Darcie Hayward will have her five-year-old Alaskan Malamute, Sora, put paws on the pavement every day of the next month to raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia's PAWGUST campaign.

The initiative, which encourages Australians to walk their dogs for 30 minutes a day for 30 days, is a cause close to the 29-year-old's heart, Her younger blind brother Lachie, 27, was recently matched with a guide dog of his own, black Labrador Eddie in May after 18 months of tests and compatibility (相容) training.

"Since Eddie arrived, Lachie has been able to walk around without his cane (手杖), feeling like he is just walking his dog," said Darcie, who lives in Langwarrin, Victoria. "They are best friends." Seeing the difference a guide dog made to her brother, Darcie was overjoyed to be raising funds, so other Australians could one day have their own companion dogs, like Lachie.

"Many people see a guide dog and go, not realizing how much it takes to raise a guide dog puppy so I want to raise some awareness," said Darcie. "It's amazing to see how Lachie's life has improved, but there are many people without that companionship. It's really nice to be able to contribute in any way I can. I shared the experience on our local community web page, mentioning we are raising money for guide dogs. Surprisingly, a couple of strangers donated."

It seems that Eddie has already been a popular pup with the locals. "There are so many kids who have been asking to pat Eddie that Lachie has to reject them," Darcie added with a smile. Excited to be making a positive impact by walking her own dog, Darcie is eager to encourage more people to fetch their leashes (牵狗用的皮带) and tie up their trainers to take action.

(1) What is the campaign? A. A charitable event. B. A training course. C. A walking test. D. A community action
(2) What effect did Eddie have on Lachie? A. Positive. B. Slight. C. Potential. D. Undesirable.
(3) Why did Darcie share the experience? A. To save more guide dogs. B. To help more blind people. C. To spread Lachie's story. D. To interact with the neighbors.
(4) What does Darcie want people to do? A. Do more walking. B. Raise their own dogs. C. Donate some leashes. D. Get involved in the campaign.
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Humanitarian(人道主义的)groups and lawmakers have criticized Italian authorities for preventing migrants who were not considered to be "vulnerable(脆弱的)"from disembarking(登陆)from rescue ships in Sicily on Sunday.

Charities and politicians blamed the selection process as illegal and regarded the actions of the Italian government as inhumane, reported the Associated Press news service, or AP. Italy's new government is reportedly targeting foreign-flagged rescue ships in a new procedure that is part of a regulation brought about by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi.

Italy allowed a rescue ship carrying 179 refugees and migrants to enter a port in Sicily on Sunday and then later begin disembarking children and sick or "vulnerable" people, but 35 men on board were blocked from getting off the ship, reported the Reuters news agency. Later, agencies reported that 144 people had been allowed to disembark the Humanity 1 rescue ship, which sailed under a German flag. In the afternoon, 357 people were allowed off the Geo Barents ship operated by Doctors Without Borders, which sails under a Norwegian flag, but 215 people remained blocked on board.

Authorities continued to refuse safe harbor for hundreds of migrants onboard two other ships in nearby waters, said the AP. Humanity 1's captain refused to leave the port of Catania "until all survivors rescued from great suffering at sea have been disembarked", said SOS Humanity, the German-run charity that operates the ship. The charity strongly criticized Piantedosi's decision to only allow vulnerable people to disembark and on Monday said it would launch legal action against the Italian government, claiming Italy's actions violate European law and the Geneva Refugee Convention.

The BBC noted that Italy is one of the main entry points into Europe, and, according to the United Nations, 85, 000 migrants have arrived there on small, overcrowded boats since the start of the year. Italy's new prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has promised to take action to stop those making the hazardous journeys across the Mediterranean.

Nongovernmental organizations say coastal nations are responsible by the law of the sea to rescue people who are suffering and that they are responsible to provide a safe port as soon as possible.

Till Rummenhohl, head of operations at SOS Humanity, said people were being "held hostage(人质)"onboard the Humanity 1 vessel. "We had health authorities onboard who decided who's weak enough, who is basically in urgent medical case and who's not, " Rummenhohl told DW News. "The people are not really sure what's happening to them. They have an uncertain future. They are afraid of being pushed back from Italy, into international waters or even to Libya. That's their greatest fear," he said.

(1) Why were 35 of the 179 refugees not allowed to leave the ship to enter Italy in the beginning? A. They were not weak people. B. They had no certifications. C. The ship was in good condition. D. The ship sailed under a German flag.
(2) Which can replace the underlined word "hazardous" in paragraph 5? A. Comfortable. B. Thrilling. C. Long. D. Dangerous.
(3) What is Rummenhohl's point of view according to the last paragraph? A. Italy's actions agreed with European law and the Geneva Refugee Convention. B. Illegal migrants should be pushed back into international waters. C. Coastal countries should save people who are suffering at sea. D. Illegal migrants were supposed to be held hostage onboard.
(4) Which can serve as the best title for the news report? A. Italy provides safe shelters for refugees B. Italy prevents migrants from leaving ships C. Humanityl's captain refuses to leave the port of Catania D. Many migrants arrive in Italy on small, overcrowded boats
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