1. 阅读理解

South America has a long and interesting coastline. When it comes to beaches, there are some excellent options to be found across the continent. 

Sancho Beach

This beach is an amazing stretch of sand with peaceful waters. The clear waters are perfect for swimming but it is difficult to access. It can only be reached by boat or by climbing down the rocky hillsides on each end, so it isn't particularly good for younger children or people who are physically challenged. 

Vichayito Beach

Just a short distance from the waterfront town of Mancora, this lovely beach is often quiet and peaceful, offering some nice shallow water to swim in for little ones. A little further out, the waves pick up, making for fine surfing and windsurfing surroundings, while the charming village offers nice accommodation. 

Copacabana Beach

The cold water here means it isn't an ideal swimming location, but there are good spots for surfing and windsurfing. Various water activities make it a great beach. Visit early, especially in the busy tourist seasons, not only to avoid crowds, but also to gain admittance-visitors will be turned away once the park reaches peak capacity. 

Jericoacoara Beach

Located near the city center, this beach is very popular among surfers thanks to its great waves. It isn't too rough to swim for experienced swimmers, although a slightly rocky seafloor means you should be careful. With large crowds of people, the best time to visit is sunset-arrive early to get a good viewing spot. 

(1) What may make Sancho Beach difficult to reach? A. The great waves. B. Its unique location. C. Lack of boat services. D. Large crowds of tourists.
(2) Which beach is the most ideal place for young children to swim? A. Sancho Beach. B. Vichayito Beach. C. Copacabana Beach. D. Jericoacoara Beach.
(3) What do Copacabana Beach and Jericoacoara Beach have in common? A. They both appeal to those loving water sports. B. Tourists may be rejected due to their limited capacity. C. Tourists should arrive early to get a good viewing spot. D. They provide perfect swimming options for professionals.
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It scarcely seems surprising that learning to underline a modal verb, such as "can", and "may", does little to help students use them effectively in their own writing. These words are anyway grasped by tiny children without the need to know what they are called. This may tempt the conclusion that the teaching of grammar should be shelved altogether. But there are reasons to reform it rather than throw it away.

Understanding of language is part of a wider education in what makes human beings human. How concepts are turned into sounds, and how those sounds combine to form commands or questions, are issues that have occupied many language experts. What they reveal about the mind has exercised psychologists and cognitive scientists.

There are practical reasons to ask children to work hard at grammar, too. One is that a knowledge of it will make learning a foreign language easier. Even if you did know by nature how to make clauses in your native languages as a child — just without instruction — getting to grips with them in German or Russian in later years is simpler if you know how to define and spot them. As it is, many English-speakers come to understand grammar by studying a foreign language, rather than the other way round.

For grammarians keen on future jobs, the natural-language processing field is booming. After many years of poor results, technological wizards have developed programs for automated translation, speech recognition and other services that are actually usable, if far from perfect. These tools may rely more on knowledge of artificial intelligence than of the subjunctive, but linguistic expertise still matters, and may give beginners an edge over competitors whose best language is Python (一种编程语言).

Grammar could still be taught better. One small study showed improvement in some students when concepts are linked concretely to writing tasks. A cook does not need to know chemistry to make a delicious soup. But the science of how words combine to make meaning is fascinating and fundamental.

(1) Why do some people consider stopping teaching grammar? A. It's unnecessary for kids to grasp modal verbs. B. Teachers' teaching methods are far from satisfactory. C. Drawing lines under words fails to be effective in learning. D. Grammar Learning doesn't bring obvious effect to writing.
(2) When it comes to future jobs, grammarians believe _______. A. a good command of Python is enough for programmers B. the field of artificial technology still shows great promise C. being expert in language means advantages in competition D. computer geniuses will invent perfect tools to process language
(3) What is the author's attitude towards grammar teaching? A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Objective. D. Skeptical.
(4) What's the main idea of this passage? A. Grammar teaching shouldn't be stopped but reformed. B. Scientific study of human beings benefits from grammar. C. Grammar helps children to learn foreign languages better. D. There's much room for improvement in grammar research.
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2. 阅读理解

Recently I bought a book about signposts.  Signposts aren't very interesting, you're thinking. Well, that, of course, depends on whether you happen to be lost! Ancient travelers would have been grateful for these when settlements were smaller and further apart. In winter, the ability to reach shelter for the night could be the difference between life and death. 

One of the very earliest waymarks discovered is in Cumbria. Dating from Roman times, it had lain fallen until 1836, when a farmer ploughing his fields came across a sandstone shaft(碑文). There are other stone posts that have stood by roadsides for centuries. It wasn'tuntil 1697 that an act was passed declaring that guide-stones must be built. 

This applied to remote parts of the country where there might be confusion as to which path led to the nearest market town. Later, with the appearance of the Royal Mail, the number rose still further. Nowadays many of these early road signs are designated(指定)as Listed Monuments. 

"How times change!" Lucy, an enthusiastic walker, to whom I loaned the book,exclaimed. 

"I suppose now we all rely far more upon mobile phones to guide us. "

"Yet they aren'tperfect. Whenever I go out, I prefer a map. I never have to worry about running out of battery. " "T'm always grateful to whoever is placing way-markers along the route," she added,"I suppose that however sure we are, a little outside confirmation is always welcome. "

Lucy is quite right there. Life itself can offer us a great many choices of path, and sometimes it isn't easy to know if we've chosen the best one. 

Perhaps when it comes to gratitude, we should also include thanks for those people who appear in our lives when we most need them—either giving us gentle warning that we might be heading in the wrong direction, or reassurance that we are on the right track. After all, we'd be lost without them!

(1) What does the underlined word "these " in the first paragraph refer to? A. Signposts. B. Abilities. C. Settlements. D. Shelters.
(2) What contributed to the initial spread of signposts? A. The market trade. B. The act passed in 1697. C. The discovery of the sandstone.  D]. The appearance of the Loyal Mail.
(3) What does Lucy think of signposts? A. Popular. B. Outdated. C. Imperfect. D. Helpful.
(4) What does the author learn from signposts? A. To choose right tracks. B. To live a colorful life. C. To have a grateful mind. D. To offer practical choices.
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We offer art and performing classes to children, teens and adults. Our classes are listed on our website with direct links to register. Registration for our classes begins on May 25th.

Our Classes

We teach after-school programs, private and semi-private art classes. Summer. March Break and Christmas Day camps are available as well. Check out our online classes.

Join our art classes and develop your skills and creativity in painting, printmaking draw-ing- architecture, sculpture, fabric art, movie making, script writing, poetry confidence building skills and more. New programs are always being developed and are rarely repeated.

What Else We Do

We offer fun and exciting performance classes in our home base. Our home base is a beautiful studio designed by an architect as well as our two studios by the sea in Ambleside. We provide a creative setting for a hand on art and acting experience through classes and workshops. Specialized art education develops engaged, confident, well-rounded and creative chil-dren. Artistic activities train the brain to think spatially (空间地), solve problems creatively and support development in other subjects. Our elementary school programs bring exciting opportuníties for students to explore techniques and materials that are often beyond schools' art classroom resources.

Where We Offer Classes

For parents looking for the convenience of extracurricular opportunities for their children, they can have experience by bringing our classes to their local school with a choice of lunchtime and after-school classes. We love our group of mobile schools with their greatly supportive volunteers! Or you can have us come to you for private classes!

(1) How can the readers register the class? A. By telephone. B. By website. C. By telegraph. D. By mobile app.
(2) What can students learn in the studios by the sea in Ambleside? A. Performance. B. Architecture. C. Dancing. D. Painting
(3) What can we know about the class from the last paragraph? A. Most parents want extra classes for their children. B. Students can have classes in their local schools. C. Volunteers in the training offer lunch to students. D. Students can choose any place to attend the training.
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