1. 阅读理解


My wife and I have always had a non-negotiable when looking for a place to rent: a gas stove. We love cooking together, and countless food shows have impressed upon us that there is nothing more essential to a tasty meal than a flame(火焰). 

Then came the shift of work forcing us to move into a new apartment with an induction (电磁感应)cooker. Past encounters with the slow and inconsistent heating elements of early electric stoves had soured us to the idea of cooking with electricity, but it took only a couple of days for us to realize that our new induction cooker was far superior: Water boiled at lightning speed; I could set a timer and walk away knowing the heat would automatically turn off. 

Our belated switch to induction came amid a rise of horrifying stories about the health and climate risks of gas stoves. Studies have found cooking with gas is like having secondhand smoke in the kitchen. Worse still, the primary ingredient that fuels gas stoves is methane, a greenhouse gas 80 times more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide. That's why I finally quit using gas stoves and abandoned my prior conviction that I could never live in a home without one.

Don't get me wrong-there's still a place for flame, and there's a reason why barbecued food is so delicious. Barbecuing food impart s special flavour that you can't experience with an electric cooker. But dishes that truly require cooking over an open flame are the exception, not the rule.

Changing the fundamentals of our lives is hard. But just as we have stopped commuting by horse, or have replaced a coal fireplace with central heating, it's time to move gas out of our kitchens. Some might be horrified. The rest of us, though, can step calmly into the future. Hopefully the governments, too, will soon smell the gas.

(1) How did the author feel about cooking with early electric stoves? A. Unpleasant. B. Concerned. C. Panicky. D. Stressed.
(2) What can be inferred from paragraph 4? A. The author regrets giving up gas stoves. B. Barbecued food is tastier and healthier. C. It is a common practice to cook outdoors. D. Gas stoves still have a role to play.
(3) What does the author want to convey in the last paragraph? A. Be open to changes. B. Be brave in the face of uncertainty. C. The old should give way to the new. D. Governments should be gas advocates.
(4) What's the best title of the text? A. Barbecue: Tasty or Risky B. A New "Flame" Has Come C. Gas Stoves: To Leave or to Stay D. Electricity Has Taken the Lead
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1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

There have been many great painters in the rich history of Chinese art. Here are four of the greatest painters from China.

Li Cheng (919-967)

Li Cheng contributed greatly to one of the golden ages of landscape paintings in world history. During his time, he was considered the best landscape painter ever. He is remembered especially for the winter landscapes he created and for simple composition of tall, old evergreens set against a dry landscape. Several of his paintings are in diluted(稀释的) in k which gives them a foggy appearance.

Fan Kuan (950-1032)

Fan Kuan began his career by modeling his works on those of Li Cheng but later created his own style claiming that the only true teacher was nature. His finest work Travelers Among Mountains and Streams is a masterpiece of landscape. painting and many future artists turned to it for inspiration.

QiBaishi (1864-1957)

One of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters, Qi Baishi is known for not being influenced by Western styles like most of the painters of his time. He can be considered as the last great traditional painter of China. Qi Baishi painted almost everything from insects to landscapes. He is regarded highly in Chinese art for the freshness and spontaneity(自然) that he brought to the familiar types of insects, birds and flowers.

WuGuanzhong (1919-2010)

Widely considered as the founder of modern Chinese painting, Wu Guanzhong has painted various aspects of China, like its architecture, plants, animals, people and landscapes. Wu was influenced by post-Impressionist art, an important western movement, and went on to combine Western and Chinese styles to create a unique form of modern art. In 1992, he became the first living Chinese artist whose work was exhibited at the British Museum.

(1) What do we know about Fan Kuan? A. He copied many artists' works. B. His masterpiece was inspiring. C. His works gained worldwide recognition. D. He created his own style from the very beginning.
(2) What is one feature of Wu Guanzhong's paintings? A. They have foggy appearances. B. They focus on a single theme. C. They come under Western influence. D. They show traditional painting skills.
(3) What did the four Chinese painters have in common? A. They all created landscape paintings. B. They were all influenced by Western art. C. They were all pioneers in Chinese art history. D. Their works were all exhibited at the British Museum.
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2. 阅读理解


These days, many young people wonder if they would be better served by striking out on their own than pursuing a college education. In this rapidly evolving(进化)digital era, narratives of overnight success and entrepreneurial(创业的)glory have flooded our social media feeds, fascinating the digital natives of Gen Z into questioning the worth of an expensive traditional college degree. 

Contrary to popular belief, successful entrepreneurship is rarely seen among the young. Recent research suggests that the average age in the U. S. of founders when they launched their companies is 42, rising to 45 for those within the top 

0.1% of earnings based on growth in their first five years. That's even the case for high-tech startups. Indeed, successful entrepreneurship is frequently the result of years of learning, experimenting and risk-taking—traits cultivated over time.

Campuses create environments rich in intellectual diversity and foster cooperation among their inhabitants, promoting an entrepreneurial mindset. They encourage students to challenge established norms and develop their unique thinking patterns to create value-practices that are also key to entrepreneurial success. Thus, higher education is not just about attaining a degree; it's more importantly about acquiring the skills and experiences that inspire and enable the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

But some may doubt since formal entrepreneurship itself isn't typically a course of study, are all college majors capable of installing entrepreneurial skills? Let's examine the arts majors, which are often subjected to the most suspicion concerning their career paths. Consider a theater major. That curriculum often includes entrepreneurship-focused capabilities beyond stage direction, lighting, sound systems and performance. Students learn to mobilize resources, lead creative teams and navigate the uncertainties of a theatrical production-skills that are readily transferable to launching any entrepreneurial business.

Like a compass for the future, entrepreneurship guide s us toward a society that prizes critical thinking, nurtures(培养)intellectual curiosity and champions innovation. Let's not get swept away by short-lived trends or misleading narratives. Instead, we should appreciate the enduring value of college education.

(1) What do the figures in paragraph 2 indicate? A. The chance of success multiplies with age. B. Young people dominate high-tech startups. C. Quite a number of enterprises are in the red. D. Successful entrepreneurship isn't built in a day.
(2) Which of the following practice is the most crucial to entrepreneurial success? A. Sticking to one's own principles. B. Acquiring knowledge from textbooks. C. Developing a startup mentality. D. Following established norms and traditions.
(3) Why is a theater major mentioned in paragraph 4? A. To illustrate it is complex and demanding. B. To prove people's suspicion is reasonable. C. To show entrepreneurial skills can be integrated into all majors. D. To stress it is the launchpad for successful entrepreneurship.
(4) Which section of a newspaper does the text probably come from? A. Arts. B. Insights. C. Entertainment. D. News.
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We are a culture drowning in our possessions. We take in more and more (holiday, birthdays, sales, needs), but rarely find an opportunity to get rid of it. As a result, our homes fill up with so much stuff. And because we believe the best solution is to find organizational tools to manage all of it, we seek out bigger containers or more efficient organizational tips and tricks. But simply organizing our stuff must be repeated over and over.

At its heart, organizing is simply rearranging. And though we may find storage solutions to- day, we are quickly forced to find new ones as early as tomorrow. Additionally, organizing has some other major shortcomings that are rarely considered. For example, it doesn't benefit anyone else. The possessions we rarely use sit on shelves in our basements or garages, even while some of our closest friends desperately need them.

On the other hand, the act of getting rid of stuff from our home accomplishes many purposes. It is not a temporary solution. It is an action of permanence-once an item has been removed, it is removed completely. Whether we re-sell our possessions, donate them to charity, or give them to a friend, they are immediately put to use by those who need them.

Removing possessions begins to turn back our desire for more as we find freedom and happiness in owning less. And removing ourselves from the all-consuming desire to own more creates opportunities for significant life changes to take place.

If you're struggling with how to get rid of stuff, you can first challenge yourself to remove the unneeded things in your home, carry a trash bag from room-to-room, see how big of a donation pile you can make, and even eliminate debt by selling what you no longer need.

It doesn't matter how you remove them, for it is far better to remove than to always organize.

(1) What is the problem with simply organizing stuff? A. Few tools and tricks are available. B. It needs to be repeated very often. C. People cannot save money by organizing. D. Desire to buy more disappears by organizing.
(2) How can we remove unnecessary possessions? A. By reselling them to others. B. By keeping them in trash bags. C. By storing them in the garage. D. By piling them on the shelves.
(3) What does the underlined word "eliminate" mean in Paragraph 5? A. get rid of B. get over C. add to D. take charge of
(4) What is the purpose of the passage? A. To explain the advantages and disadvantages of organizing things. B. To inform readers of the ways to get rid of unnecessary possessions. C. To call for people to remove stuff instead of just organizing. D. To appeal to people to make donations to people in need.
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