
We are a culture drowning in our possessions. We take in more and more (holiday, birthdays, sales, needs), but rarely find an opportunity to get rid of it. As a result, our homes fill up with so much stuff. And because we believe the best solution is to find organizational tools to manage all of it, we seek out bigger containers or more efficient organizational tips and tricks. But simply organizing our stuff must be repeated over and over.

At its heart, organizing is simply rearranging. And though we may find storage solutions to- day, we are quickly forced to find new ones as early as tomorrow. Additionally, organizing has some other major shortcomings that are rarely considered. For example, it doesn't benefit anyone else. The possessions we rarely use sit on shelves in our basements or garages, even while some of our closest friends desperately need them.

On the other hand, the act of getting rid of stuff from our home accomplishes many purposes. It is not a temporary solution. It is an action of permanence-once an item has been removed, it is removed completely. Whether we re-sell our possessions, donate them to charity, or give them to a friend, they are immediately put to use by those who need them.

Removing possessions begins to turn back our desire for more as we find freedom and happiness in owning less. And removing ourselves from the all-consuming desire to own more creates opportunities for significant life changes to take place.

If you're struggling with how to get rid of stuff, you can first challenge yourself to remove the unneeded things in your home, carry a trash bag from room-to-room, see how big of a donation pile you can make, and even eliminate debt by selling what you no longer need.

It doesn't matter how you remove them, for it is far better to remove than to always organize.

(1) What is the problem with simply organizing stuff? A. Few tools and tricks are available. B. It needs to be repeated very often. C. People cannot save money by organizing. D. Desire to buy more disappears by organizing.
(2) How can we remove unnecessary possessions? A. By reselling them to others. B. By keeping them in trash bags. C. By storing them in the garage. D. By piling them on the shelves.
(3) What does the underlined word "eliminate" mean in Paragraph 5? A. get rid of B. get over C. add to D. take charge of
(4) What is the purpose of the passage? A. To explain the advantages and disadvantages of organizing things. B. To inform readers of the ways to get rid of unnecessary possessions. C. To call for people to remove stuff instead of just organizing. D. To appeal to people to make donations to people in need.
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An internship (实习) is a great way to gain valuable experience in your chosen future career. Here, we offer some fantastic worldwide internships with opportunities to help you gain some really unique and diverse experience.

Dental Internship in South Africa

Join our dental elective to boost your dental work experience. You'll work with a professional dentist and assist in day-to-day tasks at check-up camps. Compare the dental care between your home country and South Africa.

Requirement: Interns should be studying dentistry(牙科).

Journalism Internship in Ghana

See all aspects of Ghanaian life by reporting on day-to-day life and taking part in a varied journalism internship in Accra. Work for a newspaper, radio or TV station and get hands-on experience in the media industry.

Requirement: Good English speakers and general level of fitness.

Medical Internship in Palampur

If you are considering a career in medicine or nursing, this is the medical internship for you. Based in northern India, in the foothills of the Himalayas, you will shadow local doctors and nurses and learn lots about the Indian medical system.

Requirement: Interns should have an interest in, or already be studying, a medical related course.

Medical Internship in Romania

Take part in a highly rated medical internship on a mobile medical unit and within a children's hospital. Work in a variety of medical settings and with a mixture of cases, shadowing doctors and nurses and actively contributing to the care of the patients.

Requirement: Minimum requirement of a first aid certificate.

(1) Where is this text probably taken from? A. A school magazine. B. An academic paper. C. A public speech. D. A travel log.
(2) Which can offer a greater chance to fully experience the local culture? A. Dental Internship in South Africa. B. Journalism Internship in Ghana. C. Medical Internship in Palampur. D. Medical Internship in Romania.
(3) What do the last two internships have in common? A. They are located in northern India. B. They need childcare interns. C. They require a first aid certificate. D. They encourage learning from old hands.
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Xi Jinping's announcement that China will stop funding overseas coal projects could buy the world about three more months in the race to keep global heating to a relatively safe level of 1.5C, experts say.

Although the impact will depend on implementation(实施), China's declaration should also help to kill off coal, which has been humanity's primary power source for most of the last 200 years.

The immediate impact is likely to be felt in the countries that rely most heavily on Chinese funding for new coal projects. The governments in these nations will now have to decide whether to find alternative funding from the private sector, where the borrowing costs can be high — as Pakistan has recently found out — or whether to shift to renewables, which Xi has promised to support.

Despite the uncertainties over implementation, Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst of the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, said China's announcement would accelerate decarbonisation. "Countries now know that going forward, there is no financing on the table for coal. That should clarify things a lot."

Another positive knock-on effect would be to push Japan to follow suit. The government in Tokyo has already taken steps in this direction but left a door open for financing by its private-sector institutions. Their geopolitical reason had been that they did not want to leave China as the only option for regional energy projects. With Xi's announcement, they now have no excuse not to slam the door shut for good. Likewise for South Korea, formerly one of the world's biggest coal backers, which has recently moved towards decarbonisation.

(1) What is the significance of China's stopping funding overseas coal projects? A. Some countries will have to borrow money from the private sector.  B. The speed of global warming might be slowed down a bit.  C. Coal will no longer be a major source of power from now on.  D. The whole world will turn to clean and sustainable energies.
(2) What does the underlined sentence probably mean?  A. Countries must face the fact that there will be no more fund for their coal projects.  B. With China stopping to fund new coal projects, the sky will be a lot cleaner.  C. It is now quite clear who should be responsible for funding new coal projects. D. There is no doubt that no country is going to afford coal in the future. 
(3) What will Japan possibly do next?  A. It will leave China as the only country for regional energy projects.  B. It will allow its private-sector institutions to finance coal projects.  C. It will follow in the footsteps of China and move toward decarbonization.  D. It will learn from South Korea and continue to be a coal backer.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 

 Four London hotspots for coffee fans 

 Although London is known for its tea drinking habits, we can' t deny that Londoners are also enthusiastic coffee fans. We' ve rounded up our top 4 favourite coffee hotspots in the city.  


 Kapihan brings together the unique flavours of South East Asia in their new Battersea location. Both a coffee house and bakery, their selected single-origin coffee roasts are bound to give you a coffee experience like no other.  

 Friendly staff and a contemporary interior make this one of the best coffee spots to visit in South West London.  


 Bringing the charm of Australian coffee to London - this café by day and bar by night concept suites every occasion. They boast some of the newest and most innovative coffee making techniques to ensure each cup they serve you is made to perfection.  

 We recommend the Japanese filter coffee accompanied by the mature cheese toastie.  

 Kiss the Hippo 

 Kiss the Hippo are certified professionals at making a good cup of Richmond coffee. They bring together elements of the quality of their coffee, and serving it in a beautiful space; to give you the most memorable experience.  

 In-house roasting is what makes their coffee-making process stand out. Their improved approach ensures that each cup holds perfectly brewed coffee for you to enjoy.  


 Jolt, now open in Fitzrovia, aims to give you the most theatrical coffee experience. Their unique single-origin beans create everything from fresh cold brews, smooth, delicate lattes, and flat whites. Give them a visit to try their signature " Spanish Lattes" .  

 Enjoy their fresh coffee and watch their famous black glove-wearing baristas (咖啡师)work their magic.  

(1) What make Kapihan one of the most recommended coffee spots to visit?  A. Its location and flavor. B. Its coffee roaster and origin. C. Its service and room design. D. Its barista and magic.
(2) Which spot suits the fans of the Japanese filter coffee?  A. Kapihan. B. Antipode. C. Kiss the Hippo. D. Jolt.
(3) What can customers do when drinking coffee in Jolt?  A. Enjoy a movie. B. Obtain a signature. C. Watch a magic show. D. Witness the coffee-making.
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