
Xi Jinping's announcement that China will stop funding overseas coal projects could buy the world about three more months in the race to keep global heating to a relatively safe level of 1.5C, experts say.

Although the impact will depend on implementation(实施), China's declaration should also help to kill off coal, which has been humanity's primary power source for most of the last 200 years.

The immediate impact is likely to be felt in the countries that rely most heavily on Chinese funding for new coal projects. The governments in these nations will now have to decide whether to find alternative funding from the private sector, where the borrowing costs can be high — as Pakistan has recently found out — or whether to shift to renewables, which Xi has promised to support.

Despite the uncertainties over implementation, Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst of the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, said China's announcement would accelerate decarbonisation. "Countries now know that going forward, there is no financing on the table for coal. That should clarify things a lot."

Another positive knock-on effect would be to push Japan to follow suit. The government in Tokyo has already taken steps in this direction but left a door open for financing by its private-sector institutions. Their geopolitical reason had been that they did not want to leave China as the only option for regional energy projects. With Xi's announcement, they now have no excuse not to slam the door shut for good. Likewise for South Korea, formerly one of the world's biggest coal backers, which has recently moved towards decarbonisation.

(1) What is the significance of China's stopping funding overseas coal projects? A. Some countries will have to borrow money from the private sector.  B. The speed of global warming might be slowed down a bit.  C. Coal will no longer be a major source of power from now on.  D. The whole world will turn to clean and sustainable energies.
(2) What does the underlined sentence probably mean?  A. Countries must face the fact that there will be no more fund for their coal projects.  B. With China stopping to fund new coal projects, the sky will be a lot cleaner.  C. It is now quite clear who should be responsible for funding new coal projects. D. There is no doubt that no country is going to afford coal in the future. 
(3) What will Japan possibly do next?  A. It will leave China as the only country for regional energy projects.  B. It will allow its private-sector institutions to finance coal projects.  C. It will follow in the footsteps of China and move toward decarbonization.  D. It will learn from South Korea and continue to be a coal backer.
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Students at the Calhoun School in New York City have much more than a roof over their heads. They have a rooftop garden, with lush grass, colorful flowers and fragrant herbs. "Green roofs" are sprouting up all over, from schools to city skyscrapers. And roofs aren't the only things going green. Architects are finding all sorts of new ways to build buildings that are easier on the environment. These schools, homes, and offices are called "green buildings".

Normally it takes a lot of energy to run appliances. Too often, that energy comes from burning fossil fuels. So green buildings are designed to do all these things with much less energy. An energy-smart building starts with thick walls. A layer of insulation (隔热材料) traps air to stop heat from passing through. That keeps heat inside in the winter, and keeps heat outside in the summer. This saves energy for heating and cooling.

Heat pumps are another power-saving way to stay comfortable. A ground heat pump moves heat through pipes that run through the ground next to the building. A few feet under the ground, the temperature stays around 10℃ all year round. Water flowing around the pipes helps heat the building in winter and cool it in summer.

Another way to build green is to use recycled materials. That saves the cost and pollution of manufacturing something new. In the Chicago Center for Green Technology, the ceiling tiles (瓷砖) are made of pressed newspaper. The bathroom floors are tiled with recycled glass, and the stall walls are recycled plastic. Builders have found many creative ways to re-use old materials.

As more people become concerned about climate change, more buildings are going green. Green buildings produce less of the gases that warm the planet. City planners like green buildings because they save money. And they are healthier for the people who work and live inside. But you don't need to build a whole new building. Simple changes like shading windows and planting trees can make any home greener—and a better Earth home for us all.

(1) How are green buildings designed to keep warm in the winter? A. By-burning fossil fuels. B. By using thick walls with insulators. C. By running heating devices. D. By equipping buildings with appliances.
(2) According to the passage, the advantages of green buildings include the following EXCEPT____. A. saving water B. using recycled materials C. using less energy D. reducing greenhouse gas emissions
(3) In which section of a magazine can we read the text? A. Education. B. Culture. C. Economy. D. Technology.
(4) Which of the following might be the best title for the text? A. Recycling: to make a better earth for us all B. Heat Pumps: a new approach to saving energy C. Green Roofs: more than a roof over our heads D. Building Green: to hug the earth more kindly
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Five-year-old Willard Wigan struggled to tell the difference between an M and a W or a 6 and a 9. Unfortunately, his schoolteacher knew nothing about dyslexia(阅读障碍症), a learning disability that can make letters and numbers confusing. She didn't try to help him. Not surprisingly, Willard didn't like school. Usually, his mind drifted—to playing outside, to his dog Maxie, or to the ants that lived near his family's garden shed. Willard was especially curious about those ants. He felt like them—small and insignificant. Thus, when he noticed some ants trying to build a house, he decided to help them! Willard constructed a little building. Then he sprinkled sugar inside to encourage the ants to move in. When they did, Willard built more houses.

At school, Willard still struggled, but now he knew he could do something special. Maybe he wasn't a failure after all. If he had trouble with his reading or math, Willard would later go home and created tiny furniture for the ant houses. He even built an ant school, with teeny swings, ladders, seesaws, and a merry-go-round. His artistic skill increased, and a love for little things began to grow in his heart.

At age nine, Willard began carving faces on toothpicks. He discovered that his ability improved when he held his breath as he worked. When he quit school at age 15 to help support his family, Willard still spent his spare time carving. His confidence grew as more people appreciated his talent. Eventually, he quit his factory job to pursue his dream of becoming one of the best artists in the world. Now, years later, Willard carves the tiniest artwork in the world! His sculptures are so small that several can fit on a period at the end of a sentence.

Because of their beauty and rarity, his sculptures have made Willard a wealthy man. But he says, "Success isn't about material things like an expensive watch or a costly ring; it's about persevering and achieving your dreams."

Willard Wigan, micro-sculptor, has done just that. The man who felt small as a boy has shown the world that something small can really be BIG.

(1) Which of the following best describes Willard's teacher? A. Sympathetic. B. Unhelpful. C. Impatient. D. Careless.
(2) Why did Willard become interested in building homes for ants? A. Because he had a love for little things. B. Because he was absent-minded in class. C. Because he wouldn't have to struggle at school. D. Because he thought they both seemed unimportant.
(3) What can we infer from the text? A. Willard gave up his study in school to pursue his dream. B. Willard became popular when more people appreciated his work. C. Willard was able to carve small artwork in a short period of time. D. Willard found a way to make better artwork when he was at school.
(4) Which of the following may Willard agree with? A. Failure is the mother of success. B. Success belongs to those who don't give up. C. Dreaming big is the first step in achieving your goals. D. Talent is sometimes more important for success than hard work.
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Billions of people deal with a nail-biting habit at some point in their lives. Many will go to great lengths to try to stop. And while not all of us are nail-biters, most of us do have a habit we'd like to kick. So what's the best way to break one?

Research shows that intentions alone often fail to lead to long-term behavior change. This isn't to say you can't break a habit. Rather, by understanding the basis of habits, you can create better plans for changing them. For example, we know habits are often affected by environments and routines. Lying in bed may cause you to endlessly scroll through your phone, or watching TV on the couch may lead you to grab a sugary snack.

One of the most effective ways to manage behavior is to identify these locations or times of day. Then try to modify them by changing your routine or creating obstacles that make it more difficult to perform the habit in that space. Moving, switching jobs, or even starting a new schedule, are particularly great times to break a habit or build a new one.

One 2005 study tracked university students' exercising, reading, and TV-watching habits before and after they transferred schools. When students were no longer around old environments and routines, their habits, even the strong ones, significantly changed.

For behaviors like nail-biting, a practice called habit reversal training can be helpful. Developed by psychologists in the 1970s, the aim is to change a habit by replacing it with another one that's less detrimental. The training requires you to analyze and understand your habit cues, so you can effectively step in at the right times. For example, if you tend to bite your nails at work, keep a fidget toy at your desk in advance. Then, if a stressful email comes in, use the toy when you feel the urge to bite your nails.

Breaking a habit takes time, so remember to give yourself grace and have patience through the process.

(1) Why does the author mention "a nail-biting habit" in Para. 1? A. To make a comparison. B. To make a conclusion. C. To introduce the topic. D. To attract readers' attention.
(2) What is the best way to help us control our action? A. Having intentions alone. B. Understanding the basis of habits. C. Making practical plans. D. Adapting the environments or times.
(3) What does the underlined word "detrimental" in Para.5 probably mean? A. Harmful. B. Helpful. C. Annoying. D. Time-consuming.
(4) Which of the following is the best title for the text? A. Difficulties in dealing with nail-biting. B. Significance of habit reversal training. C. Useful tips on getting rid of a habit. D. Necessity of having grace and patience.
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