1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

There have been many great painters in the rich history of Chinese art. Here are four of the greatest painters from China.

Li Cheng (919-967)

Li Cheng contributed greatly to one of the golden ages of landscape paintings in world history. During his time, he was considered the best landscape painter ever. He is remembered especially for the winter landscapes he created and for simple composition of tall, old evergreens set against a dry landscape. Several of his paintings are in diluted(稀释的) in k which gives them a foggy appearance.

Fan Kuan (950-1032)

Fan Kuan began his career by modeling his works on those of Li Cheng but later created his own style claiming that the only true teacher was nature. His finest work Travelers Among Mountains and Streams is a masterpiece of landscape. painting and many future artists turned to it for inspiration.

QiBaishi (1864-1957)

One of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters, Qi Baishi is known for not being influenced by Western styles like most of the painters of his time. He can be considered as the last great traditional painter of China. Qi Baishi painted almost everything from insects to landscapes. He is regarded highly in Chinese art for the freshness and spontaneity(自然) that he brought to the familiar types of insects, birds and flowers.

WuGuanzhong (1919-2010)

Widely considered as the founder of modern Chinese painting, Wu Guanzhong has painted various aspects of China, like its architecture, plants, animals, people and landscapes. Wu was influenced by post-Impressionist art, an important western movement, and went on to combine Western and Chinese styles to create a unique form of modern art. In 1992, he became the first living Chinese artist whose work was exhibited at the British Museum.

(1) What do we know about Fan Kuan? A. He copied many artists' works. B. His masterpiece was inspiring. C. His works gained worldwide recognition. D. He created his own style from the very beginning.
(2) What is one feature of Wu Guanzhong's paintings? A. They have foggy appearances. B. They focus on a single theme. C. They come under Western influence. D. They show traditional painting skills.
(3) What did the four Chinese painters have in common? A. They all created landscape paintings. B. They were all influenced by Western art. C. They were all pioneers in Chinese art history. D. Their works were all exhibited at the British Museum.
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The following is part of an interview between Professor Bernard Feringa (a Nobel Price winner) and a CNN reporter. 

Q: You often say that universities should be playgrounds. How can we make sure that this is a case? 

A: I'm a strong believer in challenging students at all levels — to think, to discover and to go beyond the current knowledge. The universities have a special role here, because academic training and science should go beyond the current horizon. I think that we shouldn't forget that we shouldn't train our students for today or tomorrow; we should train them for 10 to 20 years from now. Because then they will be the innovators in our society, and they will be the persons that make a difference. Train our students for future means that they have to be able to surpass the border of our current knowledge. This is what I mean with playground. I mean that you have sufficient space to think, to discover and to be free to make mistakes, but in particular to make the next steps, be creative and not limited by what should be done. A lot of things happen by accident and suddenly you get a major breakthrough or new insight. Schools should encourage students to ask questions and be creative. 

Q: What is it that you like so much about teaching? 

A: I really enjoy the transfer of the beauty of knowledge: insights, questions, things that we don't know, or the limitations of what we know. I never get tired of my job. I think that you share with your students the opportunity to transfer some knowledge, but also get a lot of things back by asking questions and discussing. Across all fields, from natural sciences to humanities, you have knowledge and insights built upon generations and decades. At the universities we have to transfer a lot of knowledge and teach students the basic skills and techniques. But it's also our duty to go beyond that — to ask them questions about what we don't know and what improvements we can make for the future. Doing surgery in the hospital now might be taken over by robots in the future. How are we going to deal with that? Or will we be able to make fuel for airplanes? These are challenging and tough questions but to share those with the students is really nice. Most of all, I think the beauty of knowledge and the excitement of insights and discoveries is fantastic.

(1) What does the professor agree to? A. Students are bound to surpass their present teachers. B. Students are expected to be different future citizens. C. Students are supposed to have more academic training. D. Students should definitely be encouraged to be challenged.
(2)  What does "plavground" mean to Bernard Feringa? A. An area for physical activities. B. An area for extra-curricular experiments. C. An area for bold exploration. D. An area for academic improvements.
(3) Which saying can best describe the reason for the professor's devotion to teaching? A. He who teaches learns. B. Work makes a workman. C. Never too old to learn. D. Truth never fears investigation.
(4) How can you describe Professor Bernard Feringa? A. Respectable and reliable. B. Innovative and devoted. C. Generous and sharp-minded. D. Independent and professional.
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Topher White spends a lot of time walking in the forest and thinking about how quickly we're losing it. He is making an effort to stop global deforestation (滥伐). Founder of the San Francisco— based Nonprofit Rainforest Connection, White has developed a simple but ingenious' strategy: using old cell phones to listen for the sound of destruction.

Forests are disappearing worldwide and fast, which not only harms wildlife, including many species that live nowhere else, but also contributes to climate change. "I didn't know any of this stuff when I started," says White, who began his journey in 2011, when he traveled to Indonesian Borneo to help decreasing gibbons (长臂猿).

Between 50 and 90 percent of the logging (采伐) that happens in the world's rain forests is illegal, according to White, yet detecting that activity can be tough. So he has developed a system in which he uses a cell phone staying charged by solar cells and an extra microphone. From there, the device can detect the sounds of chainsaws (电锯) nearly a mile away.

Because it's unfeasible to have people listening to the devices all the time, he added some "old-school data analysis," so that the cell phone's computers can distinguish a chainsaw's sound from others in the forest. This way, his device can automatically detect logging activity and send a text alert to authorities who can determine if it's illegal and then stop it.

So far, his monitoring system has been used in Cameroon, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil and will soon be deployed in Bolivia. It's not just about listening for logging. Also, it can pick out the sounds of specific birds, which is why White sees the forest recordings as a potential science tool. He is urging biologists and ecologists to use his monitoring system anywhere, whether it's a remote .forest or a park in London. "The more we learn about these places," he says, "the easier it will be to protect them."

(1) What made Topher White decide to stop global deforestation? A. The problem of global climate change. B. The association of Nonprofit Rainforest Connection. C. The experience of travelling to Indonesian Borneo in 2011. D. The desire to find new uses for old cell phones.
(2) What does the underlined word "unfeasible" in paragraph 4 mean? A. Impractical. B. Unwilling. C. Impassive. D. Unnecessary.
(3) In Topher White's opinion, we can protect nature more easily through ______. A. updating advanced technology B. our better understanding of it C. developing strong teamwork spirit D. growing environmental awareness
(4) What could be the best title for the text? A. A creative way is used to protect wildlife. B. Measures should be taken to preserve nature. C. Forests are disappearing worldwide. D. Your old cell phones can help save the rain forest.
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If you love chocolate,maybe you have eaten a bar of Cadbury's Bournville chocolate. But Bournville isn't just the name of an English chocolate bar. It's the name of a village which was built especially for workers at the Cadbury's chocolate factory.

George and Richard Cadbury took over the chocolate business from their father in 1861. A few years later, they moved the factory out of the centre of Birmingham, a city in the middle of England, to an area close to the railways and canals so that they could receive milk deliveries easily and send the finished products to stores across the country. More importantly, here, the air was much cleaner than in the city, and the Cadbury brothers thought it would be a much healthier place for their employees to work.

They named the site Bournville after a local river called “The Bourn” and “Ville”,the French word for town, was used because at the time, people thought French chocolate was the highest quality. The new factory opened in 1879. Close to it, they built a village where the factory workers could live. The Cadbury brothers thought their workers deserved to live and work in good conditions. In the factory, workers were given a fair wage, a pension and access to medical treatment. The village provided everything that workers needed including a shop,a school and a community centre where evening classes were held to train young members of the workforce.

The Cadbury brothers were among the first business owners to make sure that their workers had good standards of living. Soon, other British factory owners were copying their ideas by providing homes and communities for their workers designed with convenience and health in mind.

Today, over 25,000 people live in Bournville village. Over a hundred years since the first house here was built, the aims of its founders have still been carried out.

(1) Why did the Cadbury brothers choose the new site for the chocolate factory? A. It had clean countryside air. B. There were so many cows. C. A lot of people lived nearby. D. It was in the downtown.
(2) What is the name Bournville related to? A. A local town. B. A French word. C. An employee. D. A French river.
(3) What do we know about the houses in Bournville? A. They were used for finished chocolate. B. The workers used them free of charge. C. They were near the chocolate factory. D. The factory workers had the built.
(4) Which of the following best describes the Cadbury brothers? A. Careful. B. Conservative. C. Demanding. D. Pioneering.
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