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Across the world, young people are shaping the future in many fields. Their ideas are transforming communities and society. Here's a look at the achievements of four inspirational young leaders.

Kwiri Yang

Kwiri is the founder and CEO of LifeGyde, an online platform for young people to seek advice, guidance and support. She has an impressive track record of supporting individuals and small businesses.

She first helped immigrant owners of small businesses in California. When she developed anxiety and depression, Kwiri realized how many people, like her, were struggling with their mental health — and LifeGyde was born.

Abi Ramanan

Abi is the co-founder and CEO of ImpactVision, a software platform that uses machine learning to reduce food waste.

ImpactVision's technology uses digital imaging to take a picture of food and analyze its nutritional value and freshness. The system aims to reduce waste while also improving food safety. As technology advances, the sensors it uses are reducing in size and price, and could soon be integrated into everyday devices.

Oana Toiu

Oana is the founder and general manager of Social Innovation Solutions, which offers training and consultancy in social innovation.

She's also on the Board of Directors of The Entrepreneurship Academy, where students work in teams, learning about business by running real businesses under the guidance of a team coach.

Doreen Kessy

Doreen is CEO of Ubongo, a multi-media educational platform in Africa. Using the power of entertainment and mass media, the company provides educational material at low cost and high volume.

Some 6.4 million households in 31 countries currently watch, listen and learn from Ubongo's cartoons each week, with improved outcomes in maths and school readiness.

(1) What is Kwiri Yang's achievement? A. She found a cure for mental diseases. B. She established a company on immigration. C. She supported the young in their mental health. D. She set up an online learning platform for kids.
(2) Which field does Abi Ramanan's platform mainly focus on? A. Health care. B. Education. C. Technology. D. Food safety.
(3) What do these four people share in common? A. They are young, energetic and wealthy. B. They create jobs for many young people. C. They made contributions to communities. D. They encouraged the young to do business.
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Throughout all the events in my life, one in particular sticks out more than the others. As I reflect on this significant event, a smile spreads across my face. As I think of Shanda, I feel loved and grateful. 

It was my twelfth year of dancing. I thought it would end up like any other year: stuck in emptiness, forgotten and without the belief of any teacher or friend that I really had the potential to achieve greatness. 

However,I met Shanda,a young,talented choreographer(编舞者). She influenced me to work to the best of my ability, pushed me to keep going when I wanted to give up, encouraged me and showed me the real importance of dancing. Throughout our hard work, not only did my ability to dance grow, but my friendship with Shanda grew as well. 

With the end of the year came our show time. As I walked to a backstage filled with other dancers, 1 hoped for a good performance that would prove my improvement. I waited anxiously for my turn. Finally, after what seemed like days, the loudspeaker announced my name. Butterflies filled my stomach as I took trembling steps onto the big lighted stage. But, with the determination to succeed and eagerness to live up to Shanda's expectations for me, I began to dance. All my troubles and nerves went away as I danced my whole heart out.

As I walked up to the judge to receive my first place shining,gold trophy(奖杯),I realized that dance is not about becoming the best. It was about loving dance for dance itself, a getaway from all my problems in the world. Shanda showed me that you could let everything go and just dance what you feel at that moment. After all the doubts that people had in me, I believed in myself and did not care what others thought. Thanks to Shanda, dance became more than a love of mine, but a passion. 

(1) What did the author think her dancing would be for the twelfth year? A. A change for the better. B. A disappointment as before. C. A proof of her potential. D. A pride of her teachers and friends.
(2) How did Shanda help the author? A. By offering her financial help. B. By entering her in a competition. C. By coaching her for longer hours. D. By awakening her passion for dancing.
(3) How did the author feel when she stepped on the stage? A. Proud. B. Nervous. C. Scared. D. Relieved.
(4) What can we learn from the author's story? A. Success lies in patience. B. Fame is a great thirst of the young. C. A good teacher matters. D. A youth is to be treated with respect.
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

When I was a little boy, my mom, dad, brothers and I lived in my grandma's old house, surrounded by four huge vegetable gardens. Around the house she planted so many flowers. On the back porch grandma had dozens of potted plants hanging on hooks. She watered them, talked to them and nurtured them. And in winter she would carry them all inside and set them on shelves near the windows of our enclosed front porch. There with a little water and a lot of love she kept them alive and growing even during the darkest months.

As a boy I was puzzled by all the effort she put into them. I comprehended the four huge gardens. They helped to feed the family all winter long. I even recognized the flowers around the house. They were pretty and smelled so sweet in the summer months. The reason she put so much effort into caring for those potted plants, however, troubled me. They didn't give us any food and they rarely had any flowers on them. They remained a mystery to my child's mind.

Now as I've grown older, I am beginning to understand why my grandma had those potted plants. It is the same reason I have so many pictures of sunrises and forests hanging in my home. They remind me during the dark winter months full of bare trees and yellow grass that light, love and growth still exist. They remind me that spring will come again.

Today I see grandma's potted plants in a new light. They were worth every bit of the love and care she put into them. But my greatest reminder of light and love was grandma herself. Her love lives on in my heart although she is in Heaven. May we all learn to love as she loved, shine as she shined and live as she lived!

(1) What does the author intend to tell in Paragraph 1? A. His family all enjoyed a peaceful life in the old house. B. His grandma brought beauty and brightness to life. C. His grandma always created surprises to them. D. The potted plants cost his grandma much energy.
(2) What made the author get into knots? A. The four huge vegetable gardens. B. The flowers planted around the house. C. The efforts grandma put in the gardens. D. The plants grandma took care of.
(3) What does the author learn from his grandma? A. He knows how to seek light and hope in life. B. He likes taking photos of sunrises and forests. C. He realizes potted plants are worth doing. D. He gradually falls in love with potted plants.
(4) Which can best describe the author's attitude to his grandma? A. Indifferent. B. Grateful. C. Cautious. D. Critical.
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21-year-old Jasmine Harrison completed the 2020 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in 70 days, 3 hours and 48 minutes — a new world record for the youngest female to row alone across the Atlantic.

Harrison, who's from North Yorkshire, England, didn't have loads of experience in rowing long distance. In her childhood, she could not even dream of such an ambition. She'd only gotten the idea three years earlier when she happened to be in Antigua, teaching swimming, and saw the end of the 2017 Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge. "Talking to a family member of a young man that had just completed it, I got to know just how amazing a thing it was. I didn't say ‘not a chance I would do that', but it was more a fact of why not do it?" she said.

Every day, Harrison would row for about 12 hours, pushing her 550-pound boat she bought with some money across the ocean, covering roughly 90 kilometers. The journey left her with much time all by herself, which she said she enjoyed. But things got a little harder after her speaker fell in the water and she could no longer listen to her music.

She had other company along the way. She saw lots of sea life, including several whales. One even rose out of the ocean right next to her boat. "I'm in their environment," she said. "It's just amazing."

Twice, her boat was turned over in the night by large waves. The second time, she hurt her arm quite badly. Another time, she nearly ran into a ship. When her food ran out, she lived on cookies and chocolate. In the face of great hardship and loneliness, she kept going.

On February 20, 2021, she reached the island of Antigua—the end of the journey. She celebrated her arrival with a burger and fries.

(1) What made Harrison participate in the 2020 Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge? A. Her swimming teaching experience. B. Her experience of watching a race. C. Her childhood hobby and dream. D. Her family members' encouragement.
(2) Which of the following best describes Harrison's ocean trip? A. Adventurous. B. Pleasant. C. Expensive. D. Boring.
(3) When did Harrison begin rowing across the Atlantic Ocean alone? A. In November. B. In January. C. In December. D. In February.
(4) What can we learn from Harrison's story? A. Difficulties strengthen the mind. B. The early bird catches the worm. C. Behind bad luck comes good luck. D. No way is impossible to courage.
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