
On a Sunday morning in 2008. Vic Gundotra received a call during a religious(宗教的)service. It was from Steve Jobs, Apple's former CEO. He didn't answer, but Jobs left a message saying he had something important to discuss. Gundotra returned his call almost immediately.

"Hey Steve, this is Vic, " he said. "I'm sorry I didn't answer your call earlier I was in religious services, and the caller ID said 'unknown', so I didn't pick up. "

Steve laughed, saying, "Vic, unless the caller ID said 'God', you should never pick up during services. " Vic Gundotra laughed nervously. Although Steve used to call him during the week when he was upset about something, it was unusual for him to call on Sunday and ask him to call his home. He was worried what had happened.

"Vic, we have an urgent(急迫的)problem. I've already asked someone from my team to help you and I hope you can fix this tomorrow, "said Steve. " I've been looking at the Google logo on the iPhone and I'm not happy with the icon(图标). The second O in Google doesn't have the proper yellow color. It's just wrong and I'm going to have Greg fix it tomorrow. Is that OK with you?"

The CEO of Apple, who revolutionized(革新)personal computers, the way we listen to music and the way we think of mobile devices, was worried about the yellow in the second "O" in Google!

Needless to say the problem was fixed, and Vic Gundotra says it taught him a lesson on leadership and attention to detail. "It was a lesson I'll never forget, " said Gundotra. "CEOs should care about details. Even shades of yellow. On a Sunday. "

(1) Where was Vic Gundotra when Steve Jobs called him? A. At home. B. In his office. C. In a church. D. In a gym.
(2) According to the passage, what's the Vic's job? A. A secretary of Steve Jobs. B. A manager responsible for mobile applications at google. C. A mechanic who fixes mobile phones. D. Steve Jobs' driver.
(3) What was Steve Jobs' problem? A. He found the second letter missing in an icon. B. He was not happy with the design of Apple's icons. C. A letter in an icon didn't appear in the right color. D. He was worried about Google's unfavorable reaction
(4) What did Vic learn from Steve Jobs? A. One should not miss the phone call in any case. B. One should put his heart into work. C. One should be responsible for the mistake he made. D. One should care about details.
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1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

After winning the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, China has been striving to hold a high-tech Winter Games. Now, as the games are approaching, the viewers can learn how innovative technologies are being used, especially in the construction of venues.

For example, how the National Aquatics Center, also known as the "Water Cube", was turned into the "Ice Cube". The main change is to turn the four-lane swimming pool into a curling rink (冰场). According to Xinhua, the "transformation" will be completed by using a quick-disassembly (快速拆除的) system. Simply put, the water will be drained(抽干) from the pool and then a convertible (可移动的) frame will be built and put inside. The frame is made up of 2,600 H-shape steel columns and has a height of three meters and a length of two meters, China News Service reported.

Another major technology applied can be seen at the National Speed Skating Oval(NSSO), known as the "Ice Ribbon".Traditionally, freon, which harms the ozone layer, was used in the ice-making process. But NSSO adopts an environmentally friendly technology, which uses carbon dioxide to make ice.

For another new venue, the National Sliding Center, the design team was confronted with a tricky problem. The center features a 1.9m sliding track. The center is located on the southern slope of Xiaohaituo Mountain in Yanqing. The sunlight in the southern slope is stronger than that in the northern slope. What's more the Yanqing competition zone has complex terrain (地形) and strong wind," Li Bo, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, told CGTN." Wind resistance is the key to the construction of buildings," Li added.

So they studied the wind filed date in the zone, analyzed the sun's height in different seasons, and used computer models to simulate (模拟) and determine the awning (遮阳篷) coverage on the track. Finally, the team developed a system combining the terrain and awning to reduce the impact of solar radiation.

(1) What's the meaning of the underlined word "striving" in paragraph 1_______? A. fighting bravely B. criticizing severely C. working hard D. thinking highly
(2) What can learn about the frame used to transform the "Water Cube" into the "Ice Cube" A. It is as long as three meters. B. It is in the shape of letter A C. It can be taken apart easily. D. It can turn water into ice automatically.
(3) What is the benefit of the technology used to build the National Sliding Center? A. It can cut carbon emissions significantly. B. It can absorb harmful chemicals freon releases. C. It helps athletes quickly familiarize themselves with the complex terrain. D. It can reduce the impact of strong wind and solar radiation.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. A comparison of some Beijing Winter Olympic venues. B. Technologies used to build the Beijing Winter Olympic venues. C. China's mission of holding the Beijing Winter Olympics. D. The difficulties of venue transformation for the Beijing Winter Olympics.
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2.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Even when communing with nature we depend on technology for help — but then, so did Thoreau (梭罗) at Walden Pond (瓦尔登湖).

Walking in the same woods yesterday, I let myself wander at random, communing with nature. I took in beautiful scenery near and far thanks to my progressive-lens eyeglasses. Occasionally I'd pull out my smartphone to take pictures on anything interesting. I recorded an inner monologue   with a background of all sounds of the forest. At times, I consulted my smart watch to check on my heartbeat, mileage and calorie burn. Eventually I realized I was quite lost. Not a problem of course. Online maps came to my rescue.

But something bothered me. In what I'd intended as a nature experience, here I was using   very high technology to help myself out. This insight triggered a reconsideration of everything that happened during my "nature walk," which had been technologically enhanced every step of the way. I'd been functioning as a man-machine combination: a cyborg.

What would the true naturalist Thoreau think of that? My first thought was that he'd be shocked. But later I did some research. Thoreau enjoyed what his spyglass discovered, like this eagle from his journal:

Lying on the ground with my glass, I could watch him very easily … till I almost lost him in the clouds … I think I have got the worth of my glass now that it has revealed to me the white-headed eagle.

Famously, Thoreau always set out equipped with a walking stick, which he used not only for support but also to take measurements of water and snow levels. His hat was also a tool, which he called his "botany-box." And he was prepared even with needles and thread, so when coming out of the woods, he was "the best dressed." Clearly, Thoreau was a bit of a cyborg himself.

Thinking more deeply, I realized we've come a long way from our hunter-gatherer ancestors, who walked from necessity and relied on nature's gift. Cyborgs are us.

(1) What is the purpose of the text? A. To recommend Thoreau's book Walden Pond. B. To argue that humans have developed into cyborgs. C. To share the reflections on man's reliance on nature. D. To question whether people are technology-dependent.
(2) Which picture best illustrates a cyborg in the author's eye? A. B. C. D.
(3) Why does the author quote Thoreau's journal? A. To introduce a literary work on nature. B. To explain how to prepare for a nature walk. C. To prove that even naturalists use technology. D. To describe the natural beauty Thoreau enjoyed.
(4) What is the author's attitude towards being a cyborg? A. Favorable. B. Intolerant. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
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The English language has many expressions that describe a fast-moving event. Some expressions relate to body movements. We say something happens in the blink of an eye or in a heartbeat. Other expressions are related to the world of nature.

For example, there is an expression related to velocity involving an animal. You might think the creature will be a big cat, such as a lion or maybe even a small but speedy animal, such as a hare(野兔). But it is none of them. The expression today involves sheep-baby lambs to be exact.

Lambs are cute, but they are not really known for their lightning speed. Our expression is about a specific part of the animal—its tail. Lambs can shake their tails very fast. And when something happens quickly, we say it happens in "two shakes of a lamb's tail". Here is an example, "I'm going to the store. I'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail!" This expression is a cuter and more descriptive way of saying "quickly". Maybe instead of sending a text message with the letters BRB (be right back), we could use the image of a lamb shaking its tail.

Being cute like a lamb may be fun, but it has its shortcomings. Cute things are often not taken seriously. And that is why Americans rarely use "two shakes of a lamb's tail" in a serious situation. For example, if a person gets hit by a car, people would say something like "Help is on the way!" Generally speaking, an emergency is not a good time to use cute animal expressions.

(1) What does the underlined word "velocity" in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. speed B. language C. eating habits D. body parts
(2) What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. The development of the expression. B. The origin and usage of the expression. C. The reason of lambs' fast movement. D. The characteristics of lambs' behavior.
(3) Which is the proper use of the expression? A. I'll live in the big city in two shakes of a lamb's tail! B. Firefighters rescued the boy in two shakes of a lamb's tail! C. I'll be back from the restaurant in two shakes of a lamb's tail! D. Medical workers arrived on the scene in two shakes of a lamb's tail!
(4) What is the purpose of the author writing this article? A. To stress the advantages of lambs B. To describe the behavior of lambs C. To show the features of spoken language D. To introduce an expression concerning lambs.
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