
The English language has many expressions that describe a fast-moving event. Some expressions relate to body movements. We say something happens in the blink of an eye or in a heartbeat. Other expressions are related to the world of nature.

For example, there is an expression related to velocity involving an animal. You might think the creature will be a big cat, such as a lion or maybe even a small but speedy animal, such as a hare(野兔). But it is none of them. The expression today involves sheep-baby lambs to be exact.

Lambs are cute, but they are not really known for their lightning speed. Our expression is about a specific part of the animal—its tail. Lambs can shake their tails very fast. And when something happens quickly, we say it happens in "two shakes of a lamb's tail". Here is an example, "I'm going to the store. I'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail!" This expression is a cuter and more descriptive way of saying "quickly". Maybe instead of sending a text message with the letters BRB (be right back), we could use the image of a lamb shaking its tail.

Being cute like a lamb may be fun, but it has its shortcomings. Cute things are often not taken seriously. And that is why Americans rarely use "two shakes of a lamb's tail" in a serious situation. For example, if a person gets hit by a car, people would say something like "Help is on the way!" Generally speaking, an emergency is not a good time to use cute animal expressions.

(1) What does the underlined word "velocity" in paragraph 2 probably mean? A. speed B. language C. eating habits D. body parts
(2) What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. The development of the expression. B. The origin and usage of the expression. C. The reason of lambs' fast movement. D. The characteristics of lambs' behavior.
(3) Which is the proper use of the expression? A. I'll live in the big city in two shakes of a lamb's tail! B. Firefighters rescued the boy in two shakes of a lamb's tail! C. I'll be back from the restaurant in two shakes of a lamb's tail! D. Medical workers arrived on the scene in two shakes of a lamb's tail!
(4) What is the purpose of the author writing this article? A. To stress the advantages of lambs B. To describe the behavior of lambs C. To show the features of spoken language D. To introduce an expression concerning lambs.
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When I was 6, my elder brother brought me to the local BMX(自行车越野) track to ride in a kid's race for the first time. The hill out of the starting gate looked so scary and steep that I backed off. My parents took me back for another try the next week. I fell almost immediately but still managed to win the second place. I've loved racing ever since.

I turned pro at 15, which isn't possible now: You have to be 17 to compete professionally around the time I went pro. BMX became an Olympic sport and I decided to pursue it after high school. I'm the youngest woman with a professional title in the United States.

BMX isn't judged on tricks or how you handle barriers, but it's an extreme sport. It's like horse racing mixed with riding a roller coaster. It starts with a huge burst of speed—I go 40 mph by the time. I'm two and a half seconds out of the gate. Then I try to come out in front of seven competitors at the end of the track, which includes 40-foot jumps. I keep chasing the high that comes from prestart nervousness, big jumps, and that feeling of crossing the finish line first.

Strength and balance are key in competition, so I work out at least five days a week to prepare. I do tons of resistance and agility(灵活) training, both on and off the bike. I also do mental drills with a sports psychologist to make sure I'm focused and confident going into competition. If I make a mistake on the course, I have to move on. Everyone is out to beat me; I need to concentrate on winning so my competitors can't capitalize on an error and pass me!

I was so proud to win a silver medal at the Olympics in Rio, but I felt I was capable of gold, so that will push me to do better. I'm continually working to reach my potential in the sport. Until I feel completely satisfied, I'll keep coming back.

(1) What do we know about the author? A. She withdrew from her first BMX race. B. She became the youngest BMX rider in America. C. Her parents forced her to turn BMX professional. D. Her efforts resulted in BMX entering the Olympics.
(2) To win the BMX race, the author has to________. A. jump highest B. focus on other competitors C. play tricks D. keep balanced all the way
(3) The underlined phrase "capitalize on" in Paragraph 4 probably means_________. A. make up for B. take advantage of C. keep an eye on D. take notice of
(4) What qualities have led to the author's success? A. Proud and serious. B. Ambitious and hard-working. C. Optimistic and generous. D. Independent and cooperative.
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Ready to Experience Summer?

Are you looking to get your kids signed up for a summer camp program? We're here to help.

ID Tech

ID Tech runs summer camps at over 75 college campus locations across the country. The camp makes the claim to be the top tech camp for 23 years running and offers teens the chance to take part in activities like hands-on STEM leaning and fun to get a preview taste of the college life that may soon be coming their way.

Camp Olympia

Located on Lake Livingston in Trinity Texas on over 100 acres of private land, Camp Olympia has its own swimming pool, challenge course, archery field, and more. Kids aged 6-16 can attend one, two, or three-week camps. Campers can participate in over 45 activities over the course of their stay, whether that be water skiing, horseback riding, golfing, or a team competition.

Camp Chief Ouray

Located on a 5,100-acre YMCA of the Rockies about 1.5h from Denver, this camp first hosted campers in 1908. It's billed as an "adventurous playground and traditional overnight camp for kids age 7—17—with mountains, valleys and streams." Their programs are meant to build campers' confidence, independence, and resilience, while they live in cabins of up to 10 campers and two staff members.

Mountain Adventure Tours

This outdoor adventure camp, located in Ketchum, teaches kids important values and life skills through entertaining activities in the Idaho wilderness. M.A.T. runs several camps per summer and each has an individual theme, along with accompanying age groups. There are five-night sleepaway camp for 13-15-year-olds, plus themed camps like river rafting and survival skills.

(1)  Which camp prepares campers for their academic future? A. ID Tech. B. Camp Olympia. C. M.A.T.     D. Camp Chief Ouray.
(2) What activity can kids take part in at Camp Olympia? A. Hands-on STEM learning. B. A one-month camping. C. Competition with campers. D. Learning survival skills.
(3) What do Camp Chief Ouray and M.A.T have in common?  A. Both allow the same age groups. B. Both teach campers sports skills. C. Both are located in the same site. D. Both offer adventurous activities.
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Imagine a simple blood test that could flag most kinds of cancers at the earliest, most curable stage. Liquid biopsies could, in theory, detect a tumor (肿瘤) well before it could be found by touch, symptoms or imaging. Blood tests could avoid the need for surgeons to cut tissue samples and make it possible to reveal cancer hiding in places needles and scalpels cannot safely reach. They could also determine what type of cancer is taking root to help doctors decide what treatment might work best to destroy it.

Liquid biopsies are not yet in hand, because it is hard to find definitive cancer signals in a tube of blood, but progress in recent years has been impressive. Last year the journal Science published the first big prospective study of a liquid biopsy for DNA and proteins from multiple types of cancers. Though far from perfect, the blood test called CancerSEEK found 26 tumors that had not been discovered with conventional screenings.

Liquid biopsies can rely on a variety of biomarkers in addition to tumor DNA and proteins, such as free-floating cancer cells themselves. But what makes the search difficult, Ana Robles, a cancer biologist of the National Cancer Institute, explains, is that "if you have an early-stage cancer or certain types of cancer, there might not be a lot of tumor DNA," and tests might miss it. The ideal blood test will be both very specific and very sensitive so that even tiny tumors can be found. To tackle this challenge, CancerSEEK looks for cancer-specific mutations (突变) on 16 genes, and for eight proteins that are linked to cancer and for which there are highly sensitive tests.

Simple detection is not the only goal. An ideal liquid biopsy will also determine the likely location of the cancer so that it can be treated. "Mutations are often shared among different kinds of cancer, so if you find them in blood, you don't know if that mutation is coming from a stomach cancer or lung cancer," says Anirban Maitra, a cancer scientist at the Anderson Cancer Center. To solve that problem, some newer liquid biopsies look for changes in gene expression. Such changes, Maitra notes, are "more organ-specific".

On the nearer horizon are liquid biopsies to help people already diagnosed with cancer. Last year the government approved the first two such tests, which scan for tumor DNA so doctors can select mutation-targeted drugs. Scientists are working on blood tests to detect the first signs of cancer recurrence (复发) in patients who have completed treatment. This work is moving fast, but does it save lives?

That is the question companies such as Thrive and Grail must answer for their broadly ambitious screening tests. "These companies have to prove that they can detect early cancer and, more important, that the early detection can have an impact on cancer survival," Maitra observes.

(1) According to the passage, liquid biopsies are expected to ______. A. flag cancer and determine the treatment B. detect cancer signals from a sample of blood C. take images of tumors and prevent potential cancers D. show types of cancer by measuring the amount of proteins
(2) What can we learn from the passage? A. Signs of cancer recurrence are not detectable. B. Different kinds of cancer have different gene mutations. C. Biomarkers are much more reliable than tumor DNA and proteins. D. Organ-specific cancers will be identified through changes in gene expression.
(3) The author is mostly concerned about whether ______. A. liquid biopsies can discover tumors conventional screenings can't find B. liquid biopsies can improve the application of mutation-targeted drugs C. liquid biopsies can help save the lives of those with cancer D. liquid biopsies can be developed for cancer prevention
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