
My childhood was a painted picture of sunny sky and rolling green fields stretching to the horizon. It tasted of sharp berries and smelt of sour grapes. My family lived in a cabin(小木屋) in the countryside but I lived in my mother's arms. They were so delicate but strong, her red hair falling around me like a curtain separating me from the world.

Childhood was simple. The borders of my village were the furthest my troubles went and monsters only lived in the pages of books. Every day was a waking dream of running races and muddy knees. My village was archaic, dying cabins housing dying farmers with dying traditions. There weren't many children but me and the other boys; boys of butchers and sellers formed our own group.

They called us wild. I suppose we were. Trees and mountains formed our playgrounds and fights broke out as easily as sudden laughter. Liberated from the restrictions of society, we would bound into the woods,deeper and deeper until we found a lake which, with a wild yell, we would jump into all at once.

My most vivid memories from boyhood center around that lake. Water shone brightly and the sounds of our screams broke into the outcry from birds. The shock of cold water against sweating skin would wake every nerve in my body and my bare feet would hit the sinking muddy bottom. As we submerged(淹没), time would suspend, movements slowing as bubbles rose around us.

I was drowning. I was living. I was living. I was drowning.

For timelessness or a second (both felt the same), we would suspend, curl up, and then be forced back out into breathing air.

We should have known that it wouldn't last forever. Yet, even under the best circumstances, there's something so tragic about growing up: to have your perspective on the people and life around you change; to always struggle to reach a mirror only to find yourself tall enough to see your reflection one day. And find, a different person staring back out at you.

(1) What does the underlined word "archaic"  mean in Paragraph 2? A. Borderless. B. Valueless. C. Old-fashioned. D. Poverty-stricken.
(2) Why did the author consider himself and other children wild? A. They played in the woods crazily. B. They tricked others purposefully. C. They frequently broke social rules. D. They firmly refused school education.
(3) How does the author introduce his memories of the lake? A. By sharing feelings. B. By expressing ideas. C. By making comparisons. D. By describing characters.
(4) What message does the author seem to convey in the last paragraph? A. Loneliness and challenges make a man grow up. B. The regret of growth is that you have never tried. C. Growth is often accompanied by sad goodbyes to the past. D. Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness.
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The key to a successful garage sale is to get the word out. The best way of advertising your sale is to place an ad in the local newspaper. If you have a city and neighborhood paper, make sure you advertise in both. The ad should be large enough to stand out. It should also include information on where the sale is located with directions, the "hot" items you're selling and the time when the sale will start and end. An ad should be placed at least two days before the sale and run until the day of your event. That way people can plan their route to the sale in advance.

Signs must be another great way to inform your community. Post them where people gather, such as stores and community centers. Some businesses have a central bulletin board, which is the best place to advertise. Other places to post are at the local college or university campus. This is especially helpful if your sale is happening in August or early September when students have returned to school and are looking for cheap finds.

Post signs round your neighborhood. You should also place both ads and direction signs, especially if you're located on a side street without a major presence. Signs will attract and direct people. Just make sure your print is in bold letters and use large direction signs so that people can read the information from the front seat of their car.

(1) You should place an ad at least two days before the sale so that people can________. A. get enough cash for the sale B. compare prices of the items C. select the items they will buy D. decide on their route beforehand
(2) Why should signs be posted in a community center? A. Schools are nearby. B. There are many stores. C. Students often meet there. D. More people gather there.
(3) What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph? A. Colored signs are preferred. B. Bold letters should be used. C. Large pictures should be included. D. Phone numbers should be provided.
(4) The best title for the passage might be _________. A. Advertising Garage Sales B. Advantages of Garage Sales C. Importance of Garage Sales D. Printing Ads for Garage Sales
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Those who had the pleasure of watching Benny Goodman at work saw a rather ordinary-looking man in rimless glasses and a conservative business suit; but they also saw a human being who could play the clarinet(单簧管) like no one before or since. This made Benny Goodman a unique individual.

Other Americans who have stood out from the flock include Joe DiMaggio, Beverly Sill, Ernest Hemingway and Jonas Salk. They, like Benny Goodman, were recognized and honored for no other reason than excellence.

It is doing something better than other people that makes us unique. Yet a surprising number of people still see individuality as a surface thing. They wear garish clothes, dye their hair strange colors and decorate their skin with tattoos to make some kind of social statement. But an ordinary guy who has dyed his hair purple or orange is nothing more than the same person with a funny-looking head.

The whole purpose of individuality is excellence. Those who invent, who improvise(即兴发挥), who know more about a subject than other people do, and who take something that doesn't work and make it work––these people are the very soul of capitalism.

Charles Kettering didn't like the idea of cranking a car to make it start, so he invented the electric starter. Henry Ford figured out the assembly-line technique and made it possible to mass-produce automobiles, and Elisha Otis, inventor of the elevator, indirectly created the city sky-line. These people understood that individualism means working at the top of one's capacity.

The ones with the purple hair and the funky jewelry are just along for the ride, trying to be "different" and not knowing how to go about it.

The student who earns straight A's on his report card has grasped the idea and has found the real meaning of individuality. So has the youngster who has designed his own spaceship, who gives piano recitals, who paints pictures of the world around him.

Benny Goodman understood it too. This is why he was at his best, blowing his clarinet, in a blue suit and black shoes.

(1) The author mentions the appearance of Benny Goodman to ____. A. show what a talented musician should look like B. introduce an important figure in the musical world C. contrast with his talent in music performance D. indicate that he can't stand out from the flock
(2) The author would most probably agree that ____. A. an individualist tends to seek difference both in character and appearance B. the essence of individualism lies in pursuing excellence to the full C. being different in appearance is the very first step to being individual D. those who strive to win the recognition of others are real individualists
(3) According to the passage, which individual's actions may not truly embody the essence of individualism? A. A scientist who conducts research solely advancing knowledge for the greater good rather than for personal recognition. B. A social media influencer who conforms to popular opinions to maintain a large following. C. An artist who creates unique works but fail to gain fame and recognition from others. D. An entrepreneur who prioritizes ethical considerations over profit in his business practices.
(4) For the main thread, the article is organized by way of ____. A. specific to general B. cause and effect C. examples and conclusion D. comparison and contrast
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Anthology Short Story Competition

Established to recognise and encourage creative,writing and provide a platform for publication,this short story competition is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality,living anywhere in the world. 

There is no restriction on theme or style. Stories submitted must not exceed the maximum of 1.500 words. Writers can submit as many entries as they wish. Each submission will require a separate entry form and is subject to a separate entry fee. 

It is not a requirement,but is advisable to refer to Anthology magazine or purchase a copy before submitting your work,so that you can see the type of material we publish. 


• FIRST:The winner will receive a €1,000 cash prize and the chance to see their work published in a future issue of Anthology. The winner will also receive a one-year subscription to Anthology. 

• SECOND:€250 

• THIRD:€150 

Submission Deadline &Entry Fees 

• Very Early Bird fee:€10—up to 31 December 2022 

• Early Bird fee:,€12—up to 30 April 2023 

• Standard fee:€18—up to 31 August 2023 

Terms and Conditions 

• All stories are judged anonymously and therefore the writer's name must not appear on the short story itself. Name and contact details should be on the entry form only. 

• There is no age limit. 

• Once selected,the winner will be contacted by email or telephone. 

• Copyright remains with the author but Anthology reserves the right to be the first to publish or arrange a broadcast of winning story. 

• Prize money will be paid on publication of the winning Short Story in Anthology Magazine. 

(1) What do we know about the short story competition? A. Its aim is to find more young talented writers. B. Purchasing a copy of Anthology before is a must. C. Entry-fees are different according to the submission time. D. The winners will get their prize the moment their works are selected.
(2) In how many ways can the winners know their works are selected? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
(3) Which of the following will result in disqualification? A. Many submissions with just one entry form. B. Writing a fiction story of 1,500 words in English. C. Mailing your entry on August 31 before midnight. D. A five-year-old boy's story themed on Chinese culture.
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