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Anthology Short Story Competition

Established to recognise and encourage creative,writing and provide a platform for publication,this short story competition is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality,living anywhere in the world. 

There is no restriction on theme or style. Stories submitted must not exceed the maximum of 1.500 words. Writers can submit as many entries as they wish. Each submission will require a separate entry form and is subject to a separate entry fee. 

It is not a requirement,but is advisable to refer to Anthology magazine or purchase a copy before submitting your work,so that you can see the type of material we publish. 


• FIRST:The winner will receive a €1,000 cash prize and the chance to see their work published in a future issue of Anthology. The winner will also receive a one-year subscription to Anthology. 

• SECOND:€250 

• THIRD:€150 

Submission Deadline &Entry Fees 

• Very Early Bird fee:€10—up to 31 December 2022 

• Early Bird fee:,€12—up to 30 April 2023 

• Standard fee:€18—up to 31 August 2023 

Terms and Conditions 

• All stories are judged anonymously and therefore the writer's name must not appear on the short story itself. Name and contact details should be on the entry form only. 

• There is no age limit. 

• Once selected,the winner will be contacted by email or telephone. 

• Copyright remains with the author but Anthology reserves the right to be the first to publish or arrange a broadcast of winning story. 

• Prize money will be paid on publication of the winning Short Story in Anthology Magazine. 

(1) What do we know about the short story competition? A. Its aim is to find more young talented writers. B. Purchasing a copy of Anthology before is a must. C. Entry-fees are different according to the submission time. D. The winners will get their prize the moment their works are selected.
(2) In how many ways can the winners know their works are selected? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
(3) Which of the following will result in disqualification? A. Many submissions with just one entry form. B. Writing a fiction story of 1,500 words in English. C. Mailing your entry on August 31 before midnight. D. A five-year-old boy's story themed on Chinese culture.
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Welcome to the Virtual Broadcom MASTERS!

You're invited to attend a virtual public exhibition of the Broadcom MASTERS finalists' original research projects. These 30 finalists were selected from a pool of 3, 476 entrants (参赛者) nationwide. Between October 16 and 21, they'll gather online to compete for an award of more than $100, 000 and to be recognized as the nation's most promising young scientists and engineers. You'll be provided with an opportunity to connect with these young scientific leaders who are bringing fresh perspectives to solving global challenges from wildfires and eye disease to data security.

Major Activities for the Finalists

◆Participate in a private judging process with a group of top scientists from 10: 30 am to 11 am on October 20. 

◆Engage in team challenges where the finalists will be judged on their mastery of critical thinking, communication, creativity and cooperation in each area from 11 am to 11: 30 am on October 20. 

◆Respond to questions at their booths (展示台) from 2 pm to 4 pm on October 20. 

Time for Virtual Exhibition

It will open at 10 am on October 20 and will be available to the public through November 4. 

More about Virtual Exhibition

◆The Broadcom MASTERS is taking place virtually for the first time to keep finalists and their family safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

◆The Society will be providing educational materials for educators who are interested in bringing students to the exhibition for a digital field trip. 

◆Visitors to the exhibition will also have an opportunity to visit the STEM Experiential Hall where you can get access to interactive and immersive (沉浸式的) STEM experiences. 

◆Please plan on watching the Winners Award Ceremony on October 21 at 7 pm and see who will bring home the prize. 

(1) What will the finalists do on the afternoon of October 20? A. Cooperate with other participants at the booths. B. Participate in the question-and-answer session. C. Show their abilities in team challenges. D. Communicate with top scientists.
(2) How long will the virtual exhibition last? A. For about a week. B. For about half a month. C. For about a month. D. For about two months.
(3) What do we know about the virtual Broadcom MASTERS? A. It helps make the exhibition more acceptable. B. It announces the winners on October 20. C. It benefits educators and students. D. It offers a field trip to the winners.
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2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。

Concrete has served as the foundation stone of the construction industry for hundreds of years. However, the process of producing concrete is one of the most environmentally unfriendly processes in the world. In the process, not only is carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)released into the air by the energy used to heat the limestone, but the limestone itself also gives out a huge amount of the element. 

Luckily, a number of start-ups throughout the world are using creative thinking to make the construction industry a whole lot more friendly for the planet. 

A Canadian company called CarbonCure, has found a way to inject(注入)concrete with carbon dioxide itself. Not only does this trap the carbon dioxide into the concrete, keeping it from running away into the atmosphere, but it also creates a super strong material called calcium carbonate, which reduces the total amount of concrete that needs to be used. 

California-based Brimstone, is creating carbon-negative concrete by doing away with limestone entirely and instead using silicate rock, a material that does not release carbon dioxide when heated. Instead, the process produces magnesium(镁), which absorbs carbon dioxide, as the basis for their concrete. 

Additionally, researchers at Australia's RMIT University have recently released a study showing that adding coffee grounds instead of sand to concrete could make it much stronger, reducing both the amount of sand used, as well as the amount of concrete that would need to be used in the final product. 

The biggest barrier at this point is convincing members of the industry that the new types of concrete are safe to be used, according to Stacy Smedley, director at a nonprofit focused on decarbonizing construction. 

Hopefully these new solutions to the environmental problems of concrete will soon be widely adopted. Given the significant part the construction industry has in releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, great improvements can be made when more environmentally-friendly materials are used. 

(1) What is the environmental issue associated with traditional concrete production? A. The high demand for energy. B. The processing of waste materials. C. The mass release of carbon dioxide. D. The use of non-renewable resources.
(2) How does Carbon Cure deal with the environmental impact of concrete production? A. By using silicate rock as the basis. B. By putting carbon dioxide into concrete. C. By replacing sand with coffee grounds. D. By absorbing carbon dioxide with magnesium.
(3) According to Smedley, what is the major challenge facing these solutions? A. Difficulty in making profits. B. Convincing the public of the convenience. C. Lack of funding for research. D. Removing the industry members' safety concerns.
(4) What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A. To promote an alternative to concrete. B. To advocate environmental protection. C. To introduce new ways to produce concrete. D. To emphasize the significance of creativity.
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In the hot summer, many people rely on ice cream to keep them going. Among the dizzying array of ice cream, there's always a place for ice cream cones. When you enjoy the ice cream cone, have you ever thought about the seemingly humble cone?

The ice cream cone is never the star of the show. Its role is clear: Keep the scoop upright, don't leak and don't upstage the main player, the ice cream. But being that supporting takes work, which is why David George believes that the cone deserves more respect.

George is the third-generation president of Joy Baking Group, the largest manufacturer of ice cream cones in North America. You may not know Joy by name, but you've probably tasted its cones. As the kingdom of ice cream has expanded, the cone world has only grown smaller. Joy has concerned the cone market by betting on a basic premise: When it comes to the cone, people don't want creativity. They want familiarity.

Joy's flagship factory in western Pennsylvania produced 15 to 20 million cones a day during its busiest season. They include squeaky cake cones; cookie-like sugar cones; and caramel-scented waffle cones. These are cones designed to taste like childhood summers. They're as comforting as a slice of pie, as delightful as cotton candy.

"The thing about ice cream is that for nearly everyone, it is so tied to nostalgia," said Susan Sorrento, the owner of Moreno's, an ice cream shop in the Washington area. "It is what you remember about your grandma taking you out." For many Americans, those moments are linked to Joy cones. Even if another worthy competitor arises, "It doesn't matter," she said, "because it is competing with a memory."

(1) Why does George believe the cone should be respected? A. It doesn't often change tastes. B. It does important work quietly. C. It is as delightful as cotton candy. D. It has its market expanded gradually.
(2) Which of the following best describes Joy Baking Group? A. It pursues its business philosophy. B. It has the fourth-generation president. C. It produces 15 to 20 million cones daily. D. It is the largest cone maker in South America.
(3) What does the underlined word "nostalgia" in the last paragraph mean? A. An eagerness for freedom. B. A way of relaxation after work. C. A period of happy old times. D. An expectation for good results.
(4) What does Sorrento think of the future of ice cream cones? A. Uncertain. B. Dull. C. Challenging. D. Promising.
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