1. 阅读理解

In the hot summer, many people rely on ice cream to keep them going. Among the dizzying array of ice cream, there's always a place for ice cream cones. When you enjoy the ice cream cone, have you ever thought about the seemingly humble cone?

The ice cream cone is never the star of the show. Its role is clear: Keep the scoop upright, don't leak and don't upstage the main player, the ice cream. But being that supporting takes work, which is why David George believes that the cone deserves more respect.

George is the third-generation president of Joy Baking Group, the largest manufacturer of ice cream cones in North America. You may not know Joy by name, but you've probably tasted its cones. As the kingdom of ice cream has expanded, the cone world has only grown smaller. Joy has concerned the cone market by betting on a basic premise: When it comes to the cone, people don't want creativity. They want familiarity.

Joy's flagship factory in western Pennsylvania produced 15 to 20 million cones a day during its busiest season. They include squeaky cake cones; cookie-like sugar cones; and caramel-scented waffle cones. These are cones designed to taste like childhood summers. They're as comforting as a slice of pie, as delightful as cotton candy.

"The thing about ice cream is that for nearly everyone, it is so tied to nostalgia," said Susan Sorrento, the owner of Moreno's, an ice cream shop in the Washington area. "It is what you remember about your grandma taking you out." For many Americans, those moments are linked to Joy cones. Even if another worthy competitor arises, "It doesn't matter," she said, "because it is competing with a memory."

(1) Why does George believe the cone should be respected? A. It doesn't often change tastes. B. It does important work quietly. C. It is as delightful as cotton candy. D. It has its market expanded gradually.
(2) Which of the following best describes Joy Baking Group? A. It pursues its business philosophy. B. It has the fourth-generation president. C. It produces 15 to 20 million cones daily. D. It is the largest cone maker in South America.
(3) What does the underlined word "nostalgia" in the last paragraph mean? A. An eagerness for freedom. B. A way of relaxation after work. C. A period of happy old times. D. An expectation for good results.
(4) What does Sorrento think of the future of ice cream cones? A. Uncertain. B. Dull. C. Challenging. D. Promising.
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After over a decade of faithful service my old desktop computer finally died. It simply wouldn't start. With no computer repair places open my daughter talked me into purchasing a new laptop to replace it. What followed was two days of pure frustration. It was like going from driving an old Model T Ford to flying the Space Shuttle.

After my daughter set it up, I looked for the old e-mail program I used to use, only to find that it wasn't on this model. When I tried to download the older version again it wouldn't work. I also had a terrible time downloading my old word processing program again. Then there were some difficulties of transferring all of my old stories that I had saved on a jump drive. The laptop computer's fancy new programs were an icon minefield that I had to navigate. Each time I accidentally touched one of them it changed everything on my screen and I had to work hard to figure out how to change them back. In the end I had screwed up the settings so badly that I asked my daughter to do a reset so we could start over. Finally after two days I think we have set up the new computer to do the few simple things I need it to do so I can ignore the thousand other functions that I have no use for. I only hope it will work as long and faithfully as my old desktop did.

One thing I did learn from all of this is that when it comes to computers and life I want to keep things simple, simple, simple. Life is simple. Love is simple. It is we who make things complicated. Take some time today then to turn off your electronics and turn on your heart. Be a person, not a program. Be yourself, not your "Selfie". Fill your days with purpose, your years with happiness, and your life with love.

(1) What was the author's old computer's problem? A. It was slow to function. B. It crashed completely. C. It was out of date. D. It kept restarting.
(2) What made the author frustrated in the following two days? A. She couldn't forget her old computer. B. She regretted not repairing her old computer. C. She didn't buy a more advanced computer. D. She had difficulty using the new computer.
(3) How did the author probably consider the new computer's thousand other functions? A. Useful. B. Unnecessary. C. Disappointing. D. Challenging.
(4) What is the author's purpose in writing the last paragraph? A. To explain her requirements for computers. B. To stress the importance of technology. C. To show the development of electronics. D. To express her attitude to life.
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Michael Priscilla is a young architect with a blog that I follow. In a post, he described how in 2005, he rode coast-to-coast, 4,547 miles to Portland, Oregon, and he ended up staying there. He thought his experience changed his life.

The story resonated with me, because when I was 17, the summer before I went into architecture school, I did much the same thing, and it changed my life too. I did not go quite as far, traveling 2,700 miles to Vancouver.

But it was still a very long way and in 1970, nobody was riding bikes. Our diet only consisted of a loaf of white bread and a jar of peanut butter each meal, or dinner with other people in the campgrounds —— who were just amazed that we were doing this. Equipment was primitive and we had no sunscreen.

But, as it was for Michael, it was a life-changing experience. I have never forgotten that everything weighs something and every ounce matters;in architecture I always tended toward light and portable and simple. I learned that people of all ages and origins are generally really, really nice and helpful and friendly. When I got back to architecture school, I saw the world differently, understood space and time differently, and I don't think that ever left me.

Going with the flow, having a good attitude and just being open to accept whatever happens, is the formula (公式) to having an amazing experience. Worrying and planning too much stops any experience from ever taking place. This is a hard lesson to learn.

Nowadays, lots of people of all ages are doing it. In America and Europe, bicycle tourism has become a big deal, with one website noting that bicycle vacations are the new golf. Perhaps crossing the entire country is a bit much, but reading Michael's post makes me want to get back on my bike and take a good long ride.

(1) What can we learn about Carissa's and the author's cycling? A. They had great influence on life. B. They had the same finishing point. C. They took place in the same year. D. They covered more than 4,000 miles.
(2) How can we best describe the author's bicycling experience? A. Romantic. B. Wonderful. C. Hard. D. Risky.
(3) What advice will the author most likely give to the cyclists? A. Find a good companion. B. Choose a nice route. C. Buy a comfortable bike. D. Don't make too many plans.
(4) What is the purpose of this passage? A. To introduce a blogger. B. To recall an experience. C. To explain a phenomenon. D. To recommend a tour route.
阅读理解 常考题 普通

This year's US Independence Day celebrations were extra special due to the arrival of a second, smaller Statue of Liberty from France. This one, nicknamed "Little Sister", was displayed on Ellis Island - across the water from the original Statue of Liberty, which sits on Liberty Island—from July 1 through 5, 2021. It then was moved to the French Embassy in Washington, DC, where it will remain until 2031.

The 9.3-foot-tall, 1000-pound statue is about one-sixteenth the size of the original Statue of Liberty. It was crafted in 2009 from the 3-D scan of the model of the original, which was created by sculptor Frederic-Auguste Barthold in the late 1 800s. Before being shipped to the US, "Little Sister" spent ten years welcoming visitors in Paris. "This statue symbolizes the virtues of freedom and integration (融合)," the sculptor said. "These two values forever unite France and the United States."

The original Statue of Liberty was also designed to celebrate France-American friendship. The idea was first proposed in 1865 by French historian Edouard de Laboulaye. However, it was not until 1875 that US President and former Civil War general Ulysses Grant agreed to the monument. The two nations decided that France would pay the cost of building the statue while America would fund the $250,000 pedestal (底座) upon which she would stand. It took Barthold and his team, which included Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, builder of Paris's Eiffel tower, ten years to complete the masterpiece.

Today the magnificent monument is one of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, drawing more than 4 million visitors annually. The arrival of its "Little Sister" is sure to attract more fans in Washington, DC.

(1) What do we know about "Little Sister"? A. It was initially exhibited in the US. B. It will be kept on Ellis Island for about 10 years. C. It looks like the original one except in size. D. It was created by Frederic-Auguste Barthold.
(2) Why was "Little Sister" given to the US as a present? A. To welcome visitors in Paris. B. To celebrate the victory of Civil War. C. To encourage people to pursue freedom. D. To strengthen the friendship between the US and France.
(3) What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. The cost of the Statue of Liberty B. The history of the Statue of Liberty C. The designers of the Statue of Liberty D. The significance of the Statue of Liberty
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. The "Little Sister" is about to meet the world B. More visitors will flood into the US for file "Little Sister" C. The Statue of Liberty welcomed the arrival of her "Sister" D. The US celebrated this year's Independence Day differently
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