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This year's US Independence Day celebrations were extra special due to the arrival of a second, smaller Statue of Liberty from France. This one, nicknamed "Little Sister", was displayed on Ellis Island - across the water from the original Statue of Liberty, which sits on Liberty Island—from July 1 through 5, 2021. It then was moved to the French Embassy in Washington, DC, where it will remain until 2031.

The 9.3-foot-tall, 1000-pound statue is about one-sixteenth the size of the original Statue of Liberty. It was crafted in 2009 from the 3-D scan of the model of the original, which was created by sculptor Frederic-Auguste Barthold in the late 1 800s. Before being shipped to the US, "Little Sister" spent ten years welcoming visitors in Paris. "This statue symbolizes the virtues of freedom and integration (融合)," the sculptor said. "These two values forever unite France and the United States."

The original Statue of Liberty was also designed to celebrate France-American friendship. The idea was first proposed in 1865 by French historian Edouard de Laboulaye. However, it was not until 1875 that US President and former Civil War general Ulysses Grant agreed to the monument. The two nations decided that France would pay the cost of building the statue while America would fund the $250,000 pedestal (底座) upon which she would stand. It took Barthold and his team, which included Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, builder of Paris's Eiffel tower, ten years to complete the masterpiece.

Today the magnificent monument is one of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, drawing more than 4 million visitors annually. The arrival of its "Little Sister" is sure to attract more fans in Washington, DC.

(1) What do we know about "Little Sister"? A. It was initially exhibited in the US. B. It will be kept on Ellis Island for about 10 years. C. It looks like the original one except in size. D. It was created by Frederic-Auguste Barthold.
(2) Why was "Little Sister" given to the US as a present? A. To welcome visitors in Paris. B. To celebrate the victory of Civil War. C. To encourage people to pursue freedom. D. To strengthen the friendship between the US and France.
(3) What is paragraph 3 mainly about? A. The cost of the Statue of Liberty B. The history of the Statue of Liberty C. The designers of the Statue of Liberty D. The significance of the Statue of Liberty
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. The "Little Sister" is about to meet the world B. More visitors will flood into the US for file "Little Sister" C. The Statue of Liberty welcomed the arrival of her "Sister" D. The US celebrated this year's Independence Day differently
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A fallacy is an error in reasoning based on opinion, misunderstanding, or intentional misdirection that makes an argument invalid. Common causation (因果关系) fallacies include those of oversimplification and exaggeration, which occur when actual causes of an event are reduced to the point where connections between causes and effects are blurred or buried. 

Oversimplification is common, which means reducing multiple causes to just one or a few. Well-intentioned writers and speakers can fall into the trap of oversimplification if not careful. 

One motivation for simplification is the basic advice given to writers: Don't get stuck in details. In the process, however, a writer can leave out too many details, even critical information. Another contributing factor to oversimplification is the overuse of an important tool in critical thinking called Oceam's Razor, a principle that states that the simplest explanation that fits the data is the preferable one. The problem is that the simplest explanation might not always be the right-one. 

A writer creating an argument can assume that based on Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is likely true, but they must not assume that is always the case. They must look at all angles and complexities of an issue before settling on the simplest explanation. 

Here is an example of oversimplification:

School violence has gone up and academic performance has gone down since video games featuring violence were introduced. Therefore, video games with violence should be banned, resulting in school improvement.

This argument exhibits oversimplification because it assumes problems in schools (increasing violence, decreasing academic performance can be attributed to a single cause: the time young people spend playing video games that feature violence). Various other factors, including social and economic conditions that may contribute to a child's mental health, are ignored. 

Related to the fallacy of oversimplification is the fallacy of exaggeration-multiplying a couple of causes into many.

(1) What does paragraph 3 mainly focus on? A. The causes of oversimplification. B. The impact of oversimplification. C. The definition of oversimplification. D. The characteristics of oversimplification.
(2) How do writers commit oversimplification when creating an argument based on Occam's-Razor? A. They consider an issue to be complicated. B. They look at an issue from different angles. C. They believe the simplest explanation is likely true. D. They have absolute trust in the simplest explanation.
(3) Which of the following statements is an example of oversimplification? A. The nation's lack of moral standards is caused by multiple factors. B. The latest currency policy takes full blame for the declining economy. C. She was saved because of the seal belt as well as doctors' timely saving. D. The problem of education not just lies in teachers' failure of doing their jobs.
(4) What might the author discuss in the paragraphs that follow? A. Ways to avoid oversimplification. B. More examples of oversimplification. C. Causes and examples of exaggeration. D. The distinction between exaggeration and oversimplification.
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Among the constant adjustive education standards and requirements, it's important to ask a question: exactly what do we want in a high school graduate?

Some people think the goal is to enter college and earn a bachelor's degree. Others find that interpretation too narrow, preferring that young people leave school with the skills to move into living-wage jobs. But one thing many people can embrace is that high school graduates are skilled in basic math and English.

A proposed law, House Bill 1308, could ruin that goal. Students must do the following things to get a diploma: earn 24 credits of coursework; complete a High School and Beyond Plan matching those courses; meet one requirement of a series of "graduation pathways". The problem is that these pathways don't work for all kids.

In large part, that's because they guide students toward college standards. Last year, after surveying nearly 1, 000 students, researchers discovered that 18% of students said they were "not good" at math, and 33% said they were poor test-takers. For them, the current pathways are a barrier because of their emphasis on these skills.

The new pathway is instead focused on performance. It would allow kids to create a presentation—say an exhibit or report—demonstrating mastery of two core subjects, but not necessarily math or English. When the bill came up for discussion, over 350 people showed their support, because it's possible that through the performance pathway, a student could create a project emphasizing mastery in "fine arts "and" health and fitness". Rep. Sharon favors the proposal. In a hearing, she spoke of her granddaughter, who wrote and self-published a novel while still in school, to illustrate the kind of project is workable. While Tafona Ervin worries that the lack of emphasis on math and English could lead students to graduate without solid skills.

If the purpose of education is to ensure that young people are prepared to pursue a fulfilling life, finishing school uncertain of one's abilities in math and English weakens education's goal.

(1) Why is the question mentioned in the first paragraph? A. To make an argument. B. To introduce the topic. C. To raise an education problem. D. To clarify a concept.
(2) How many items does House Bill 1308require for high school students to graduate? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
(3) How does the writer make his points persuasive in Para. 4? A. By making comparisons. B. By offering statistics. C. By providing suggestions. D. By doing experiments.
(4) What does the author think of House Bill 1308? A. Workable. B. Effective. C. Awful. D. Reasonable.
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Yue-Sai Kan was born in 1946 in Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, and grew up in Hong Kong. In 1968, while majoring in piano at the Hawaii campus of Brigham Young University, Kan entered a beauty contest sponsored by the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce. She won second place, and as a result got to travel around the world. The life-changing experience marked the beginning cf her career in fashion, beauty, communication and cultural exchange.

In 1972, she moved to New York and created the weekly television series Looking East, the first of its kind to introduce Asian cultures and customs to a growing US audience. In 1986, Kan returned to China, producing and hosting the television series One World, which was the first show ever hosted by a Chinese-American on the television network, and was a national hit. Other important projects of hers include the ABC documentary China:Walls and Bridges,which initially explored different forms of spirituality in the country over the ages.

"I worked in China for almost 40 years, and I was there to witness and contribute to the country's breakneck pace of change. This rare experience has given me a unique vision. As I say all the time, if I stay away from China for six months, I already miss so much of what is happening there!The Chinese saying'a year—small change, three years—big change' has held true all this time, "Kan says.

Kan has never stopped doing what she loves. She is currently planning to do a 10-part television series exploring and highlighting the most interesting aspects of 10 Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Chengdu. "I firmly believe that a TV series featuring these major Chinese cities is not only timely, but also necessary to educate, enlighten and entertain by showcasing the Chinese people as they live today. This will help dispel some of the misunderstandings about China in the world, "Kan says.

Throughout her life, Kan has also been deeply involved in charity. On Jan 26, she is planning to host a major charity event in San Francisco, in which she will honor 12 of the most outstanding Chinese-American women.

(1) What contributes most to starting Kan's career? A. Her university major. B. Her interest in travel. C. Her competition experience. D. Her parents' encouragement.
(2) Which feature do the contents of Kan's TV projects have in common? A. They are entertaining. B. They are critical. C. They are adventurous. D. They are pioneering.
(3) What does Kan focus on about China in Para. 3? A. Its steady change. B. Its huge challenges. C. Its great achievements. D. Its fast development.
(4) Which of the following best describe Kan? A. Gentle and considerate. B. Optimistic and strict. C. Generous and humorous. D. Ambitious and kindhearted.
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