
Michael Priscilla is a young architect with a blog that I follow. In a post, he described how in 2005, he rode coast-to-coast, 4,547 miles to Portland, Oregon, and he ended up staying there. He thought his experience changed his life.

The story resonated with me, because when I was 17, the summer before I went into architecture school, I did much the same thing, and it changed my life too. I did not go quite as far, traveling 2,700 miles to Vancouver.

But it was still a very long way and in 1970, nobody was riding bikes. Our diet only consisted of a loaf of white bread and a jar of peanut butter each meal, or dinner with other people in the campgrounds —— who were just amazed that we were doing this. Equipment was primitive and we had no sunscreen.

But, as it was for Michael, it was a life-changing experience. I have never forgotten that everything weighs something and every ounce matters;in architecture I always tended toward light and portable and simple. I learned that people of all ages and origins are generally really, really nice and helpful and friendly. When I got back to architecture school, I saw the world differently, understood space and time differently, and I don't think that ever left me.

Going with the flow, having a good attitude and just being open to accept whatever happens, is the formula (公式) to having an amazing experience. Worrying and planning too much stops any experience from ever taking place. This is a hard lesson to learn.

Nowadays, lots of people of all ages are doing it. In America and Europe, bicycle tourism has become a big deal, with one website noting that bicycle vacations are the new golf. Perhaps crossing the entire country is a bit much, but reading Michael's post makes me want to get back on my bike and take a good long ride.

(1) What can we learn about Carissa's and the author's cycling? A. They had great influence on life. B. They had the same finishing point. C. They took place in the same year. D. They covered more than 4,000 miles.
(2) How can we best describe the author's bicycling experience? A. Romantic. B. Wonderful. C. Hard. D. Risky.
(3) What advice will the author most likely give to the cyclists? A. Find a good companion. B. Choose a nice route. C. Buy a comfortable bike. D. Don't make too many plans.
(4) What is the purpose of this passage? A. To introduce a blogger. B. To recall an experience. C. To explain a phenomenon. D. To recommend a tour route.
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One of the negative effects from the all-pervasive social media is that it has almost killed the reading habit To change this situation, a group of IT professionals and engineers have come together to start the 'Let's Read India' movement in Maharashtra by taking their library to the people's doorstep.

Prafulla Wankhede, one of the founders of the campaign, says it's getting an overwhelming response. "Our primary objective is to bring this WhatsApp and social media generation back to books and make them better educated and more civilized citizens," he said.

Wankhede said their library van (货车) went to remote places lacking major facilities. "We want to reach out to every person who wants to read a book. We have three mobile libraries now. People can borrow books for a week for free with only one condition: the borrower should submit a 300-word review about the book to be able to take a second book," he said. "Our objective is to ensure people read."

"Those who want to get books can connect through our social media website and app. This will enable them to know the locations of the mobile library that has GPS attached. Besides, there is a QR code for each book. The mobile library makes the weekly visit to the identified locations," Wankhede said.

Initially, 'Let's Read India' Foundation had planned to start the initiative in Maharashtra, Goa and Madhya Pradesh, the plan was shelved because of the pandemic situation. "We are now focusing on Maharashra," said Wankhede. "Once we grow in Maharashtra, we'll then shift our focus to the rest of the county." The foundation also plans to start a YouTube channel where well-known authors' speeches, interviews and reviews will be played

"We not only offer books, we also suggest what should be read. Many people are really confused about their reading choices. If they are able to read the kind of books they want, it will help them in their academic and professional life," said Wankhede,

(1) What is the purpose of the campaign? A. To build mobile libraries. B. To advocate online reading.  C. To promote reading habits. D. To fight against social media.
(2) The mobile libraries can be described as_________. A. conventional B. comfortable C. impractical D. convenient
(3) Why does the foundation plan to start a YouTube channel? A. To shift the focus. B. To deliver speeches.  C. To better serve readers. D. To ensure people read.
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When I was a boy,my first friend wasn't another little boy or girl but an 80-year-old man.It was the early 1970s.We lived 4 miles from town.My two brothers were much older than I was.And the television only got in one channel(频道) clearly.I spent most of my time then playing alone outside in the yard and woods near our home. 

It was only a matter of time then before my exploring led me to "Little Frankie's"house.Everyone called him Little Frankie because he was short and bent(驼背的) from a lifetime of hard work.Little Frankie's house had no electricity or running water.Although he had money from a lifetime of working and saving,he preferred to live there.He cooked his meals and heated his house with an old stove(炉子).He got his water from a mountain spring that ran next to his house.He still worked everyday gardening,cooking,and cleaning. 

For some reason,though,we became fast friends.He would fry(炸) potatoes on his stove and share them with me.Then he would talk and show me old photos from years and years gone by.He worked hard,worried little,gave freely,smiled easily,and loved kindly. 

I am still working today at living as beautifully as he did back then.

(1) Who did the writer see as his first friend? A. His older brother. B. His younger sister. C. An old man. D. A little boy.
(2) What can we say about Little Frankie's house? A. It was built in the 1970s. B. It was in a poor condition. C. It was 80 miles from town. D. It was sold for some reason.
(3) What would the writer do as a child? A. Get water from a mountain spring. B. Watch TV at Little Frankie's house. C. Play with other children in the yard. D. Listen to Little Frankie's life stories.
(4) What did the writer learn from Little Frankie? A. To talk openly and freely. B. To live simply and happily. C. To speaker less and act more. D. To aim higher and think bigger.
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If you have kids, you know how hard it can be to get them to put away their phones and do something active. BlazePod is a revolutionary, smart reaction training platform, uses flashing lights to create a fun and interactive workout experience that kids love. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or coach, BlazePod is the perfect tool to get kids moving and improve their coordination (协调性), speed, and overall fitness levels.

One of the key benefits of BlazePod is its versatility. The platform can be used in a variety of settings, from the gym to the comfort of your own home, making it easy to incorporate into your existing fitness routine. Whether you're a fitness trainer that is looking to boost your training session in the most engaging way for your clients, a professional athlete looking to improve your performance, or a recreational exerciser looking for a new way to mix things up, BlashePod is the solution for you.

But the benefits of BlazePod go beyond just the convenience and variety it offers. By incorporating element of gamification into your workouts, BlazePod helps to keep you engaged and motivated, making it easier to stick with your fitness goals. The platform's smart pods also provide real-time feedback and tracking, allowing you to monitor your and your clients' progress and adjust your workouts as needed to continue seeing results.

In addition to the benefits for individuals, BlazePod also has the potential to revolutionize the way fitness professionals build and deliver workouts. The platform's customizable features allow trainers to create unique interactive routines that are tailored (定制) to their client's needs and goals. This can lead to more effective works and greater satisfaction for both trainers and clients.

BlazePod has been a game-changer for a kid's workout routine. The interactive nature of the pods and the gamified (游戏化的) workouts have made exercising a fun and exciting experience for them.

(1) What is the purpose of the first paragraph? A. To supply the background. B. To highlight the features. C. To warn of potential risks. D. To prove a vivid example.
(2) What is BlazePod like? A. Interactive and motivating. B. Inexpensive and addictive. C. Environmental and personal. D. Traditional and entertaining.
(3) What does the underlined word "versability"in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Personality B. Efficiency. C. Professionality. D. Adaptability.
(4) What is the topic of the text? A. A revolutionary way to replace kids' phones. B. An interactive class to improve kids' grades. C. The game changing workout for your kids. D. The most creative exercise APP for your kids.
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