
The key to a successful garage sale is to get the word out. The best way of advertising your sale is to place an ad in the local newspaper. If you have a city and neighborhood paper, make sure you advertise in both. The ad should be large enough to stand out. It should also include information on where the sale is located with directions, the "hot" items you're selling and the time when the sale will start and end. An ad should be placed at least two days before the sale and run until the day of your event. That way people can plan their route to the sale in advance.

Signs must be another great way to inform your community. Post them where people gather, such as stores and community centers. Some businesses have a central bulletin board, which is the best place to advertise. Other places to post are at the local college or university campus. This is especially helpful if your sale is happening in August or early September when students have returned to school and are looking for cheap finds.

Post signs round your neighborhood. You should also place both ads and direction signs, especially if you're located on a side street without a major presence. Signs will attract and direct people. Just make sure your print is in bold letters and use large direction signs so that people can read the information from the front seat of their car.

(1) You should place an ad at least two days before the sale so that people can________. A. get enough cash for the sale B. compare prices of the items C. select the items they will buy D. decide on their route beforehand
(2) Why should signs be posted in a community center? A. Schools are nearby. B. There are many stores. C. Students often meet there. D. More people gather there.
(3) What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph? A. Colored signs are preferred. B. Bold letters should be used. C. Large pictures should be included. D. Phone numbers should be provided.
(4) The best title for the passage might be _________. A. Advertising Garage Sales B. Advantages of Garage Sales C. Importance of Garage Sales D. Printing Ads for Garage Sales
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When it comes to travel, sometimes wandering is one of the most exciting things you can do. In a time when travellers are both more adventurous and eco-conscious than ever, it's no surprise that there's a wealth of new vocabulary to describe how we travel, when we travel and how the experience makes us feel. Here are eight of our favourite travel words that you may not have heard before.

We've kicked off a blog with the staycation, "a holiday in one's own country". The term first became popular in the mid-2000s, when the global financial crisis meant people had less income to spend on flash holidays and instead searched for cheaper local choices. Since 2020, the staycation is experiencing a revival (复兴). Benefits of staycations include cheaper travel costs, no spending hours in the airport and, of course, no need to worry about whether your passport expired (过期) last year.

Once upon a time, if you wanted to meet new people on your travels, you could stay at a hostel or with a host on Airbnb. Now, you can couch surf. And not just in "the staying at various friends' houses until you find a new place to rent" sense: couch surfing is quickly becoming a hot new travel trend. Travellers can now choose to couch surf all across the world via a website which treats travel as a cultural exchange, allowing people to connect with willing hosts and crash on their sofas.

Given that single-use and climate strike were selected as the Collins 2018 and 2019 Words of the Year respectively, it's clear that the climate crisis is very much on everybody's mind. This desire to make more sustainable choices is also affecting the way we spend our vacation days. Ecotourism is another popular travel trend, defined as tourism that is designed to contribute to the protection of the environment. Examples of ecotourism include ditching short-haul flights, staying at eco-friendly resorts, or booking a staycation.

(1) When did the staycation become popular firstly? A. About in 2018. B. About in 2019. C. About in 2005. D. About in 2010.
(2) How many new travel words are mentioned in the text? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.
(3) What does the text mainly focus on? A. The eco-friendly travel ways. B. The cheap ways to get around. C. The changing words of travel. D. The spread of history and culture.
(4)  What is probably continued with the text? A. The other new travel words. B. Ways to protect environment. C. Other examples of ecotourism. D. Experiences of reaching culture.
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Using the health records of more than a million Swedish conscripts (应征入伍者), a recent study revealed that keeping cardiorespiratory (心肺的) fitness in their late teens and early twenties can cut the risk of developing nine types of cancer by 40% when older. The research team from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden said, "These results could be used to further strengthen the promotion of interventions aimed at increasing fitness in youth."

Almost a third of people aged from 16 to 24 in England aren't physically active, without meeting guidelines of at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week including walking, riding a bike and dancing.

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) measures how well the heart, lungs and linked systems work to get oxygen to muscles during constant activities. The conscripts, aged between 16 and 25, had tests of CRF on exercise bikes between 1968 and 

2005. The researchers used Swedish health data to see who went on to have cancer during an average follow-up of 33 years. The study found that increasing fitness was beneficial, regardless of body weight. However, they also found that higher fitness was linked to a higher risk of skin cancer. The researchers explained that this trend might be driven by exposure to sunlight.

Findings from those observational studies provide much evidence for a link between higher levels of physical activity and a lower risk of cancer. However, these studies cannot fully rule out the possibility that active people have lower cancer risk because they engage in other lifestyle behaviors. The researchers cautioned that they had no access to full data on factors such as diet, alcohol intake and smoking and so couldn't fully account for those.

Dr Claire Knight, of Cancer Research UK, said, "The NHS recommends 150 minutes of activity a week, but it's fine to build up activity over time and there are lots of ways to be more active. You don't need to run a marathon or join a gym. Anything that gets you warmer and slightly out of breath and your heart beating faster counts."

(1) What's the significance of the research findings? A. They prove the importance of a good diet. B. They show how our health declines with age. C. They stress the importance of general health. D. They give reasons to improve the health of the young.
(2) What do we know about CRF? A. It measures the blood oxygen level. B. It shows the ability of body systems. C. It indicates the level of exercise. D. It controls the spread of cancer in the body.
(3) What's the limitation of the study? A. It didn't analyze the collected data thoroughly. B. It connected sunlight exposure with cancer. C. It failed to suggest the ideal time for exercise. D. It didn't consider other health-related factors.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Lifestyle changes in youth help reduce cancer risks B. Less exposure to sunshine can rid us of cancer C. The cardiorespiratory system plays a big role D. Sports have a great effect on our health
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Matt counted his new year gifts one more time as he tucked a robot-shaped eraser into each envelope. He prepared gifts for everyone for the next day's party.

When Matt got to school the next day, he saw a new girl in his classroom. She stood near Ms. Robins and looked around shyly. "This is Dorothy," said Ms. Robins. "Will someone volunteer to show her around today?" Matt raised his hand. He liked helping new kids feel welcome. "Thanks, Matt," Ms. Robins said. "Now let's get busy with our work so we're done in time for the party." That's when Matt realized he didn't have a gift for Dorothy. No one else would have one either. He felt a sad lump in his stomach.

As he showed Dorothy around, he was careful not to mention the party. At lunchtime, he walked Dorothy to the lunchroom, still worried about what would happen at the party. Dorothy had brought a packed lunch, so Matt showed her where she should sit and went back to his usual seat. While eating, Matt suddenly remembered that kids often included candy hearts with the new year gifts they exchanged. An idea popped into his head. He whispered it to the kids around him. Soon everyone at the table was nodding and whispering.

When they were back in the classroom after lunch, Matt told Ms. Robins about their plan. Ms. Robins agreed with a nodding smile. It was math time, so Matt invited Dorothy to study with him. He made sure Dorothy sat with her back to the room so she wouldn't notice her new classmates passing around an exquisite paper bag Ms. Robins prepared to collect their candy hearts.

Before long, it was party time. They played games and then had cookies and juice. Finally, they passed out their gifts. The room buzzed with happy chatter. Matt saw the sad look on Dorothy's face as she glanced at other kids' desks overflowing with envelopes.

"Here's your gift, Dorothy," Matt said, placing the paper bag in front of her. "It's from everyone."

Dorothy stared at the beautiful bag full of "hearts".

"We wanted you to have a special New Year's Day too," said Matt.

"Thank you," Dorothy said, smiling at her new classmates. "It really is a special day!"

(1) Why did Matt feel a sad lump in his stomach? A. He was guilty for forgetting about Dorothy. B. He was worried that Dorothy would be angry. C. He was afraid Dorothy wouldn't like the party. D. He was concerned that Dorothy would feel left out.
(2)  What does the underlined word "it" refer to in paragraph 3? A. Keeping the party a secret. B. Gathering candy hearts as a gift. C. Inviting Dorothy to study together. D. Including candy hearts in every gift.
(3)  Which of the following words best describes Matt? A. Innovative. B. Considerate. C. Modest. D. Generous.
(4) What's the best title for the text? A. A Hearty Welcome B. A New Year Tradition C. The First Day of School D. The Reward of Kindness
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