
Matt counted his new year gifts one more time as he tucked a robot-shaped eraser into each envelope. He prepared gifts for everyone for the next day's party.

When Matt got to school the next day, he saw a new girl in his classroom. She stood near Ms. Robins and looked around shyly. "This is Dorothy," said Ms. Robins. "Will someone volunteer to show her around today?" Matt raised his hand. He liked helping new kids feel welcome. "Thanks, Matt," Ms. Robins said. "Now let's get busy with our work so we're done in time for the party." That's when Matt realized he didn't have a gift for Dorothy. No one else would have one either. He felt a sad lump in his stomach.

As he showed Dorothy around, he was careful not to mention the party. At lunchtime, he walked Dorothy to the lunchroom, still worried about what would happen at the party. Dorothy had brought a packed lunch, so Matt showed her where she should sit and went back to his usual seat. While eating, Matt suddenly remembered that kids often included candy hearts with the new year gifts they exchanged. An idea popped into his head. He whispered it to the kids around him. Soon everyone at the table was nodding and whispering.

When they were back in the classroom after lunch, Matt told Ms. Robins about their plan. Ms. Robins agreed with a nodding smile. It was math time, so Matt invited Dorothy to study with him. He made sure Dorothy sat with her back to the room so she wouldn't notice her new classmates passing around an exquisite paper bag Ms. Robins prepared to collect their candy hearts.

Before long, it was party time. They played games and then had cookies and juice. Finally, they passed out their gifts. The room buzzed with happy chatter. Matt saw the sad look on Dorothy's face as she glanced at other kids' desks overflowing with envelopes.

"Here's your gift, Dorothy," Matt said, placing the paper bag in front of her. "It's from everyone."

Dorothy stared at the beautiful bag full of "hearts".

"We wanted you to have a special New Year's Day too," said Matt.

"Thank you," Dorothy said, smiling at her new classmates. "It really is a special day!"

(1) Why did Matt feel a sad lump in his stomach? A. He was guilty for forgetting about Dorothy. B. He was worried that Dorothy would be angry. C. He was afraid Dorothy wouldn't like the party. D. He was concerned that Dorothy would feel left out.
(2)  What does the underlined word "it" refer to in paragraph 3? A. Keeping the party a secret. B. Gathering candy hearts as a gift. C. Inviting Dorothy to study together. D. Including candy hearts in every gift.
(3)  Which of the following words best describes Matt? A. Innovative. B. Considerate. C. Modest. D. Generous.
(4) What's the best title for the text? A. A Hearty Welcome B. A New Year Tradition C. The First Day of School D. The Reward of Kindness
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NFK Editors-October 14,2021-Zara Rutherford is flying around the world by herself in a small plane. When she finishes her trip, which will take over two months, she'll become the youngest woman to fly all the way around the globe by herself. She's just 19 years old. Ms. Rutherford began her trip in Belgium on August 18. This trip is something she has dreamed about for a long time.

Ms. Rutherford has been learning to fly planes since she was 14 years old. Ms. Rutherford's parents are both pilots, and they helped her practice. She got her pilot's license in 2020 and has hundreds of hours of flying practice. She's making this trip in a small two-seater plane called a microlight. One of the seats has been replaced with an extra gas tank, which will allow Ms. Rutherford to cover longer distances. The plane has had several other updates for safety, including a second radio, and satellite communications.

To follow her route, Ms. Rutherford needs to be able to see, since her plane can't be guided using its instruments alone. That means she can't fly at night or in bad weather. Ms. Rutherford is now in Nome, Alaska-the halfway point of her trip. While she's had some delays and is a little behind schedule, she is upbeat. "As long as I'm home before Christmas, I'm content," she says.

Ms. Rutherford plans to stay a night or two in each place to visit with schools and youth groups. She hopes to inspire young girls to explore areas like aviation(flying),science, mathematics, and engineering. As her father points out, currently, only about 5% of pilots are women.

(1) What is Zara Rutherford's long-held dream? A. An independent flight around the world. B. Building a small plane. C. A two-month self-driving travel in Belgium. D. Becoming the youngest pilot.
(2) What can we learm about Ms. Rutherford from paragraph 2? A. She needs a guide B. She is well prepared. C. She is knowledgeable. D. She has lots of hobbies.
(3) What does the underlined word "upbeat" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Reliable. B. Innocent. C. Elegant. D. Optimistic.
(4) Why does Ms. Rutherford plan to visit schools and youth groups? A. To leam more scientific knowledge. B. To celebrate the festival together. C. To encourage other girls to aim high. D. To help her father make speeches.
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Kreuzberg in Berlin, Germany is well-known for foods from various countries. Here are some of the best places to get a taste of the neighborhood.


Founded in 1908, this popular fish restaurant is named after its original German founder. When he failed to persuade his son to carry on the business, he handed it over to his superstar 18-year-old Turkish employee, Ayshe. She and her family have run it ever since, and the restaurant still serves traditional German smoked fish and potatoes alongside Turkish-influenced salads.

Little Gourmets

This store is best known for roasted and sweetened nuts and dried fruit. Customers can buy the various sweets here and go to its next-door teashop which offers more than one hundred types of Turkish drinks. The store owners are not at all interested in rushing anyone-they encourage their customers to enjoy every last bite and drink.


Baraka is a Moroccan restaurant named after its owner. Baraka's father ran a restaurant in Casablanca in the mid-1970s that was frequented by German business travelers. He thought he could make a killing if he opened a restaurant in Germany, so he did just that when Baraka was a young child. Today people arrive in crowds for the vegetarian soup, and the fresh bread piping hot out of the oven.

Noodle Soup Lady

Noodle Soup Lady is well known for its Thai foods. Its terrific beef noodle soup with thin slices of pork is slightly sweet and sour. Another classic dish at Noodle Soup Lady is a kind of spicy salad which is made just in front of your eyes.

(1) What can customers enjoy at Fisch-Schmidt? A. Thai noodles. B. Moroccan soup. C. Turkish drinks. D. German smoked fish.
(2) Which place is most probably named after its present owner? A. Baraka. B. Fisch-Schmidt. C. Little Gourmets. D. Noodle Soup Lady.
(3) What is special about the salad at Noodle Soup Lady? A. It has a slightly sweet and sour taste. B. It is made in front of the customers' eyes. C. It is passed down from its German founder. D. It has to be mixed with nuts and dried fruit.
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At 74 James Patterson has sold more than 425 million copies of his 200 novels globally, making him one of the highest paid authors in the world. "I do not work for a living. I play for a living. I love doing it," Patterson tells CNBC. But Patterson's road to success didn't happen overnight. He started writing as a side hustle and he faced a lot of rejection before getting his first book published.

Patterson grew up in the woods in Newburgh, New York with an insurance salesman father and a schoolteacher mother. Despite having dreams of being a writer, the idea "always seemed presumptuous", Patterson says. But after reading books by James Joyce, "it really turned me on to reading, and then I started writing," he says.

After college, Patterson got his first job as a junior copy writer at the advertising agency J. Walter Thompson. While climbing the corporate ladder, Patterson wrote his first book, The Thomas Berryman Number in the mid-70s. The book "got turned down by 31 publishers", Patterson says. But after it was finally published in 1976, "then it won an Edgar Award for best first novel." The Edgar Award, which is named after Edgar Alan Poe, honors the best writers in mystery fiction and non-fiction.

Despite publishing his first book at age 26, Patterson didn't have a bestseller until he was 40. "It wasn't like all of a sudden," he says. In fact, Patterson kept his day job for decades and got promoted to CEO of J. Walter Thompson in 1988. During that time, Patterson says he would read well over 100 books a year to help spark his creativity. "I have a huge imagination and I'm constantly asking, what about this? What about that?" he says.

Despite his success, Patterson says he doesn't like to give advice, especially about writing. But he credits his own success to his work ethic and passion. "I also don't take myself too seriously," he says. "Yeah, I sell a lot of books, so what?"

(1) What do we know about James Patterson? A. He produced a bestseller when he was 26. B. He read a lot of books to get source of inspiration. C. He worked as a full-time writer when he was young. D. He got inspiration for his first book when climbing a ladder.
(2) What does the underlined word "presumptuous" mean in paragraph 2? A. Unrealistic. B. Contradictory. C. Imaginative. D. Inspiring.
(3) What can we infer about James Patterson from the last paragraph? A. He has sold a lot of books. B. He doesn't take his job seriously. C. He values positive attitudes to work. D. He is unwilling to give advice to readers.
(4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text? A. The Secret to Career Success B. A Tough Road to a Bestseller Writer C. An Edgar Award Winner D. A Not-to-be-missed Fiction
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