
Biking is an amazing family activity, but finding a route that can accommodate a wide-range of ages can be a challenge.

Lee McNeil and his family are crazy about biking. They have seven children, from 4 to 24 years old. When looking for a route, they look for enough protection from traffic, good surface condition, easy access and interesting views.

With that in mind, here are some great routes for biking with your whole family, as are suggested by McNeil.

Iron Horse Trail

This is the McNeil family's favourite ride. The route is 26 miles and goes through the 2. 1mile Snoqualmie Tunnel.

"Beautiful views, the thrill the tunnel, and places to stop and watch the rock climbers make it special," McNeil said. "All our kids have taken their turn at braving the black tunnel bravely for the first time, which we celebrate it at the end of the ride. "

How to get there: If you prefer, check http://bit. ly/Mlt9y4 for more information.

Centennial Trail

The Centennial Trail runs for 23 miles from Snohomish to Bryant. The trail is wide and smooth, and is safe for kids as it is off the roads. A nice stop is Lake Cassidy east of Marysville. A dock on the lake is fun to explore. It also has picnic tables and washrooms for a convenient lunch time stop.

How to get there: The trail can be accessed from a number of trailheads. For a map, go to http://bit. ly/L5qCeY.

Cascade Trail

The Cascade Trail follows an abandoned Burlington Northern railroad grade for 23 miles between Sedro-Woolley and Concrete. Because it's on a railroad grade, the slope is gentle and it makes for an easy family ride.

McNeil said it is a "beautiful ride up the Skagit Valley, with lots of places to watch wildlife along the river. "

How to get there: Go to http://bit. ly/PR4wOW to see a map showing the trail, parking areas and bus stops .

Other good choices

Snoqualmie Valley Trail: http://l. usa. gov/nWGWO

Guemes Island: http://bit. ly/LJ3RxL

Burke-Gilman Trail: http://l. usa. gov/s33li

(1) We can learn from the passage that Lee McNeil         . A. has a large family B. often travels with his family C. teaches his children how to bike D. spends lots of money on bike rides
(2) Which of the following route do McNeil's family like best? A. Cascade Trail B. Iron Horse Trail C. Centennial Trail D. Burke-Gilman Trail
(3) If you choose the Centennial Trail, you can         . A. see a small valley B. go through a tunnel C. have a picnic for lunch D. watch the rock climbers
(4) People who want to get more information about the Cascade Trail can visit         . A. http://bit. ly/Mlt9y4 B. http://bit. ly/LJ3RxL C. http://bit. ly/L5qCeY D. http://bit. ly/PR4wOW
(5) The main purpose of the passage is to         . A. ask people to learn from Lee McNeil B. tell people how to make a family ride C. introduce some routes for family rides D. encourage more people to ride bikes
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In a study published in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers at Ohio State University show how artificial intelligence (AI) can follow clinical trials to identify drugs for repurposing, a solution that can help advance innovative treatments.

Repurposing drugs is legal and not unusual. When doctors prescribe drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for purposes different from what is printed on the labels, the drugs are being used "off - label". Just because a drug is FDA - approved for a specific type of disease does not prevent it from having possible benefits for other purposes.

For example, Metformin, a drug that is FDA - approved for treating type 2 diabetes, is also used to treat PCOS (a disease of women), and other diseases. Trazodone, an anti - depressant with FDA - approval to treat depression, is also prescribed by doctors to help treat patients with sleep issues.

The Ohio State University research team created an AI deep learning model for predicting treatment probability with patient data including the treatment, outcomes , and potential confounders (干扰因素).

Confounders are related to the exposure and outcome. For example , a connection is identified between music festivals and increases in skin rashes (红疹). Music festivals do not directly cause skin rashes. In this case, one possible confounding factor between the two may be outdoor heat, as music festivals tend to run outdoors when the temperature is high, and heat is a known cause for rashes. When working with real - world data, confounders could number in the thousands. AI deep learning is well-suited to find patterns in the complexity of potentially thousands of confounders.

The researcher team used confounders including population data and co-prescribed drugs. With this proof -of-concept, now clinicians have a powerful AI tool to rapidly discover new treatments by repurposing existing medications.

(1) What do we know about a drug used off-label? A. It is sold without a label. B. It is available at a low price. C. Its uses extend beyond the original. D. Its clinical trials are rejected by doctors.
(2) What do Metformin and Trazodone have in common? A. They are used off-label. B. They treat rare diseases. C. They result in sleep issues. D. They are medical breakthroughs.
(3) What can be inferred about "confounders"? A. They are possible treatments. B. They are environmental factors. C. They can be easily recognized in data. D. They should be taken into consideration.
(4) What is the main idea of the text? A. AI examines benefits of existing drugs. B. AI identifies off-label uses for drugs. C. AI proves the power of drug research. D. AI finds new drugs for common diseases.
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Anyone keen to view from on high the prosperous cityscape of Guangdong, may soon can do so from the cabin of a flying taxi. On October 13th the Civil Aviation (航空) Administration of China (CAAC) awarded a "type certificate" to the world's first electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL)taxi. And the small two-seater, called the EH216-S, was also permitted to fly without a pilot on board.

The EH216-s is made by EHang, a company based in Guangdong. It looks like a large consumer drone with a passenger bubble installed on top. Propulsion (推动力) is provided by 16 small rotors (转子), installed on the tips of eight arms that fold away when the vehicle is not in use, allowing it to park in small spaces.

The CAAC gave its approval after EHang had conducted more than 40,000 test flights, including with volunteer passengers in 18 cities across China. It also monitored the EH216-s to structural analysis and crash tests, and checked its ability to keep flying if one of its rotors fails. Regulators (监管机构) also inspected the wireless network EHang uses to link its flying taxis to a control centre on the ground. That allows backup pilots to land an aircraft by remote control if there is a problem.

EHang says its pilotless eVTOLs will be quieter than helicopters and much cheaper to operate, thanks to the ability to swap out an expensive pilot for a second paying passenger. The firm also thinks that doing away with pilots will make things safer. A computer's attention never swings, and its reaction operate at a high speed. And it is much easier to automate than driving,for there are fewer barriers and unexpected situations to navigate.

EHang has ambitions beyond China, too. It has carried out demonstration flights in Amèrica and Europe with the aim of obtaining type certificates in both markets. But their regulators both have signalled that they will allow autonomous flights only after the vehicles have proved themselves safe in human hands.

(1) Which of the following best describes eh216-s? A. EH216-3 has a high safety factor than pilot driving. B. EH216-3 requires the pilots to land by remote control. C. EH216-3 taking is more expensive due to automation. D. EH216-3 looks like a consumer drone with foldable rotors.
(2) What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. The firm has gained type certificates in both markets. B. The two countries' regulators are likely to be careless. C. Ehang is not alone in expanding the overseas markets. D. Ehang may make more efforts to get widely recognized.
(3) Which is the main idea of the text? A. The test of pilotless aircrafts. B. The history of two seats and no pilot. C. The advantages of pilotless flying taxi. D. The approval of the world's first flying taxi.
(4) What's the attitude of author towards EH216-s? A. Favorable. B. Objective. C. Negative. D. Critical.
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Artificial intelligence helps teachers identify which of their students have learning difficulties, according to a new study.

Teachers make more accurate assessments of learning difficulties among their students if they are given Al-generated feedback(反馈) rather than an "expert solution" written by a qualified professional. Researchers believe that because the AI analyzed the teacher's own work, it's easier for the teacher to understand than a "model answer" prepared beforehand.

"Teachers play a critical role in recognizing the signs of disorders and learning difficulties in pupils and referring them to specialists," said Riikka Hofmann. "Unfortunately, many of them feel that they have not had sufficient opportunity to practice these skills. AI could provide an extra level of individualized feedback to help them develop these essential competences. "

Trainee teachers were asked to assess fictionalized students for potential learning difficulties, based on evidence including examples of their work, school behavior records and written texts of conversations with parents. Half of the trainees received the "expert solution", typical of the material given to trainee teachers, while the other half received AI-generated feedback on their approach, highlighting where they could improve. The trainees then completed similar follow-up assessments, and were graded both on the accuracy of their diagnoses(诊断) and on how well they had used the evidence. Trainees who received the AI feedback scored significantly higher than those who worked with the pre-written expert solutions.

While the researchers said this does not mean AI is preferable to one-to-one feedback from a skilled expert, this is not always available for trainee teachers. "We are not arguing that AI should replace teacher-educators: new teachers still need expert guidance on how to recognize learning difficulties in the first place," said Dr Michael Sailer. "It does seem, however, that Al-generated feedback helped these trainees to focus on what they really needed to learn. When personal feedback is not readily available, it could be an effective substitute(代替物). "

(1) What does the underlined word "them" refer to? A. Pupils. B. Teachers. C. Specialists. D. Researchers.
(2) What did AI help trainee teachers know in the study? A. How well they had used the evidence. B. Whether the expert solution was accurate. C. Where their approach needs improvement. D. What follow-up assessments they completed.
(3) What does Dr Michael think of AI? A. It will take the place of skilled experts. B. It acts as an expert guide to trainee teachers. C. It is only suitable for new teachers to use. D. It can be a useful teaching training aid.
(4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text? A. AI locates learning difficulties for the students B. AI becomes an effective teaching tool in school C. AI helps teachers spot students with learning difficulties D. AI trains teachers in judging the learning of the students
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