
As consumers, especially young ones, become more eco-conscious, services are popping up to reduce wastefulness in the flower industry, extending the life of old bouquets(花束) that were previously thrown away the day after a big event.

Considering that the floral gifting market is expected to reach 16 billion in revenue by 2023, buying from eco-friendly businesses can have a huge impact. According to one estimate, the roughly 100 million roses grown for a typical Valentine's Day in the U. S. produce about 9, 000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

"When you realize what the supply chain looks like and the number of hands that touch these flowers. and then they're only appreciated for a couple of hours, it's kind of disgusting when you think about the amount of resources that go into it, " says Jennifer Grove, founder of New York City-based flower service Repeat Roses.

While working as a wedding designer and corporate planner, Grove often oversaw the design of floral arrangements, only to see those creations thrown away within a few hours. In 2014 she founded Repeat Roses to make it easier for luxury clients to donate used bouquets. Like a traditional floral service, the company sells high-end floral decorations for weddings or social events, but it then recycles or composts(堆肥) them.

If a customer chooses the unique repurposing(改变用途)service, a Repcat Roses team can remove the arrangements from the event and then restyle the flowers into smaller bouquets to donate to hospitals, nursing homes and family shelters. If there's a charity that holds a special place in a customer's heart, the team will ensure the blooms are sent there. "It's a logistics business, and we're trying to make sure we are strategic in where we play matchmaker, "Grove says. When the charities are finished with the flowers, Repeat Roses also picks them back up and composts them. The altruism isn't free--prices start at $1, 75 0 for the removal and repurposing service to account for the transportation and labor costs. If you're not willing to spend that much, the company will still compost the flowers from your event instead of sending them to a landfill.

Through these two methods, Repeat Roses estimates it has diverted more than 98 tons of waste from landfills and delivered almost 53, 000 floral arrangements to people in need. Although Repeat Roses is a for-profit business, the flower repurposing itself is a tax write-off for the client. As the fair market value of a client's donated flowers is what's used for the charitable tax credit and is eligible for deduction, Repeat Roses ensures that the beneficiary sends you an acknowledgement letter including details of your donation.

(1) Jennifer Grove founded Repcat Roses in order to do the following except___________. A. avoid the waste of flowers B. reduce the pollution to the environment C. earn money by selling used flowers D. help some customers do charity work
(2) The underlined word "altruism" in Paragraph5 refers to___________. A. the company's composting the flowers B. the customers' donating flowers to people in need C. the reception of the donation by the people in need D. the transportation of the flowers to a landfill
(3) What benefit does a customer who has donated flowers get? A. To get a discount when buying flowers. B. To feel fulfilled because of donation. C. To get a tax reduction. D. To receive a letter of compliment.
(4) The passage is mainly intended to introduce ___________. A. a creative way of making money B. a green trend of waste utilization C. a way to cut the emission of carbon dioxide D. a company devoted to charity
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Children are naturally curious about the world around them. When Chase Hansen was only 4 years old, he encountered homeless people for the first time while shopping with his dad at an outdoor mall in Salt Lake City, Nevada. It's no wonder that he had a lot of questions.

"Chase looked at me and said, 'Dad, who are these people? Why don't they have a place to stay?' " John Hansen recalled. "After I explained that they had run into hard times and were homeless, I knew that we were looking at an educational opportunity. My son wanted to help them."

The father and son convinced a local Jamba Juice store to donate more than 100 smoothies (果汁) and the pair gave them out to homeless people in a park.

After that, they came up with an even better idea. "I wanted a way to get to know people better," Chase said. "So, my dad and I decided to start taking some of the homeless people we'd met out to lunch."

"A lot of people walk right past homeless people and don't see the person," he said. "I know now that they're people just like us. They want to make a connection and not feel so alone in the world."

Hundreds of lunches later, they run a self-funded charity called Project Empathy(同情) to help inspire others to meet and to create relationships with the homeless people in their neighborhoods. The organization provides a list of resources that can help homeless people with food, housing and employment.

John said that what started as a way to spend quality time with his son has turned into a passion for both of them." "Chase and I realized that the country needed an army of people to practice empathy, and that by doing something as simple as taking a homeless person to lunch, we could maybe inspire others to do the same," he said. "Any time you can help to give someone a voice, it's empowering."

(1) Which of the following can best describe Chase Hansen? A. Curious and caring. B. Knowledgeable and kind. C. Successful and talented. D. Generous and ambitious.
(2) Why did John and his son take some of the homeless people out to lunch initially? A. To help them to find the suitable shelter. B. To make friends with the homeless people. C. To do some research and prepare for a project. D. To have a better understanding of the homeless people.
(3) What's the father and son super team's goal? A. To offer jobs to the homeless. B. To change the social-economic conditions. C. To donate more smoothies to the homeless. D. To inspire more people to help the homeless.
(4) What's the best title of the text? A. The Terrible Situation of Homeless People B. The Relationship Between Father and Son C. Father and Son Help Homeless People One Meal at a Time D. Project Empathy Encourages People to Practice Empathy
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Emerson, my 11-year-old daughter, is on a wild ride with the United States Postal Service (USPS) and our postman, Doug. She has a serious letter-writing habit and keeps in touch with her favorite people. If you've been the receiver of her hand-decorated letters and envelopes, then I know they really make your day.

A letter from Emerson is likely to include some art, a joke and enough questions to guarantee a response. But when she wrote a letter to Doug, she put something new in it. "You may know me as the person living here that writes lots of letters. . . You're very important to me, helping me stay in touch with friends. I cheer people up with my letters, and you do that too!", Emerson wrote.

The next day, a package arrived with two letters. One was from Doug and the other from his superior, Sara, saying she had shared Emerson's letter in the internal newsletter(内部通讯)of the USPS and believed many postal workers wanted to thank Emerson. Emerson was so pleased with Sara's letter that it upset me much, for the possible result of no reply would come as a blow to her.

Surprisingly, today, we saw Doug come with two boxes of letters from around the country. These letters were so human, filled with stories about family, pets and a sense of kindness. But there was something more in them. People felt seen—some for the first time in a long time. "I work alone in a small rural post office..." "Not many people think about how hard we work..". Emerson wrote back seriously.

I'm sharing this not because I'm a proud dad, but because it's relatively easy, if we take the time, to give others links they need to be good-human connection. Emerson did this daringly. Her lesson to me is simple: It's the small things that matter most. We all want to be seen, known and loved.

Send a letter. Give a call. Take a step of bravery, like Emerson.

(1) Why did Emerson write Doug a letter? A. To cheer him up. B. To ask for a wild ride. C. To express her thanks. D. To show hand-decorated envelopes.
(2) What does the underlined phrase "People felt seen" in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. People thought they worked too hard. B. People felt that they were cared about by others. C. People saw Doug come with two boxes of letters. D. People working in small rural post offices feel very lonely.
(3) Which word can best describe Emerson? A. Optimistic. B. Polite. C. Caring. D. Ambitious.
(4) What message does the author seem to convey in the text? A. One's words reflect one's thinking. B. Kids should be encouraged to be brave. C. There is kindness to be found everywhere. D. Connection makes a difference.
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As the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) keep growing, some companies are hiring "AI prompt (提示) engineers" to help them get the best out of the emerging technology. Are these jobs set to become a universal presence, or are they a passing fad (时尚)? Generative AI creates text or images in response to prompts entered by the user. This can be as simple as asking for something in plain English, similar to using a search engine. But there is a key to it: including the right references and keywords that can guide AI towards the desired outcome.

"By buying a pre-built prompt given by prompt engineers, you can ensure the AI model will generate what you want. The average price is $3.50, but some prompts can cost hundreds of dollars," says Ben Stokes, the founder of Prompt Base. Most of the prompt engineers on the site don't have a technical background. The engineers tend to come from a photography or graphic design background, and those working on prompts for generating text used to work in marketing or copy writing.

Aaron Sines at US recruitment firm Razoroo has been placing engineers into AI jobs for five years, but only came across the term "prompt engineer" earlier this year. Sines says that a lot of the companies approaching him looking for a "prompt engineer" are actually seeking a more rounded AI researcher with technical skills. He believes AI models could become better at extracting (提取) information from humans about what they want, making the idea of a specialized prompt engineer obsolete, but thinks there will always be a need for humans to oversee AI models during development and application.

Zhan Qin at Zhejiang University in China says complex prompts, and the prompt engineers who create them, are unlikely to disappear any time soon because AI models aren't like traditional algorithms (算法) that work on logic and can be entirely understood by humans. "Some prompts are short. But there are a lot of very, very long prompts. Even the generators of those prompts do not know the exact meanings behind those magical words," says Qin.

(1)  What matters most in providing prompts for generative AI? A. Short content. B. Appropriate words. C. Simple English. D. Attractive images.
(2)  What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about? A. The basic function of AI models. B. The development of AI models. C. The urgent need for prompt engineers. D. The problems of prompt engineering.
(3) Which can best replace the underlined word "obsolete" in paragraph 3? A. Outdated. B. Complicated. C. Dominant. D. Understandable.
(4)  What does Zhan Qin think of future prompt engineers? A. They'll still have a role to play. B. They will lose appeal soon. C. They will face cruel competition. D. They will experience ups and downs.
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