

As the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) keep growing, some companies are hiring "AI prompt (提示) engineers" to help them get the best out of the emerging technology. Are these jobs set to become a universal presence, or are they a passing fad (时尚)? Generative AI creates text or images in response to prompts entered by the user. This can be as simple as asking for something in plain English, similar to using a search engine. But there is a key to it: including the right references and keywords that can guide AI towards the desired outcome.

"By buying a pre-built prompt given by prompt engineers, you can ensure the AI model will generate what you want. The average price is $3.50, but some prompts can cost hundreds of dollars," says Ben Stokes, the founder of Prompt Base. Most of the prompt engineers on the site don't have a technical background. The engineers tend to come from a photography or graphic design background, and those working on prompts for generating text used to work in marketing or copy writing.

Aaron Sines at US recruitment firm Razoroo has been placing engineers into AI jobs for five years, but only came across the term "prompt engineer" earlier this year. Sines says that a lot of the companies approaching him looking for a "prompt engineer" are actually seeking a more rounded AI researcher with technical skills. He believes AI models could become better at extracting (提取) information from humans about what they want, making the idea of a specialized prompt engineer obsolete, but thinks there will always be a need for humans to oversee AI models during development and application.

Zhan Qin at Zhejiang University in China says complex prompts, and the prompt engineers who create them, are unlikely to disappear any time soon because AI models aren't like traditional algorithms (算法) that work on logic and can be entirely understood by humans. "Some prompts are short. But there are a lot of very, very long prompts. Even the generators of those prompts do not know the exact meanings behind those magical words," says Qin.

(1)  What matters most in providing prompts for generative AI? A. Short content. B. Appropriate words. C. Simple English. D. Attractive images.
(2)  What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about? A. The basic function of AI models. B. The development of AI models. C. The urgent need for prompt engineers. D. The problems of prompt engineering.
(3) Which can best replace the underlined word "obsolete" in paragraph 3? A. Outdated. B. Complicated. C. Dominant. D. Understandable.
(4)  What does Zhan Qin think of future prompt engineers? A. They'll still have a role to play. B. They will lose appeal soon. C. They will face cruel competition. D. They will experience ups and downs.
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Welcome to Yale University's Thanksgiving festivities! Join us for a variety of events, blending tradition and community spirit for everyone. 

Thanksgiving Parade and Campus Potluck(百家餐)

Time: Thanksgiving Day, 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Location: Yale Old Campus

Activities: Immerse yourself in the vibrant Thanksgiving parade featuring spirited floats, the Yale marching band, and talented performers. Following the parade, join the campus potluck on Old Campus. Contribute a dish to share and connect with fellow Yale students. This cherished tradition is an excellent opportunity to experience the warmth of the Yale community. 

Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts Showcase

Time: Thanksgiving Morning, 9:00 AM

Location: Yale Art Gallery

Activities: Discover a diverse array of arts and crafts meticulously crafted by Yale's talented artists. Find unique, handmade gifts for the upcoming holiday season and enjoy live performances and local food vendors. Kick-start your holiday shopping while supporting the artistic talents thriving within the Y ale community. 

Turkey Dash 5K Run

Time: The Weekend Before Thanksgiving, 9:30 AM

Location: Yale Bowl

Activities: Begin your Thanksgiving weekend with a spirited 5K run or walk around the picturesque Yale Bowl. Open to all fitness levels, participants are encouraged to bring extra goods to give them to local charities, promoting wellness and community support. 

Gobble 'n' Games Family Fest

Time: The Saturday Before Thanksgiving, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Location: Beinecke Plaza

Activities: Bring your family for an afternoon of joy and games at Beinecke Plaza. Enjoy sack races( 袋鼠跳), face painting, pumpkin decorating, and a pie-eating contest. Local food trucks will be on-site to keep you fueled. This family-friendly event is a delightful way to usher in the holiday season with laughter and connection. 

(1) What do Thanksgiving Parade and Campus Potluck, and Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts Showcase have in common? A. Both events occur on Thanksgiving Day. B. Free handmade gifts are provided at both events. C. Participants should be students on old campus. D. Both activities have a long history.
(2) What is encouraged at the Turkey Dash 5K Run event? A. Bringing a Turkey for Thanksgiving Day. B. Donating food to organizations for helping people in need. C. Wearing costumes representing who you are. D. Having a recommendation from your own community.
(3) Which of the following is NOT the attraction of the Gobble 'n' Games Family Fest? A. Face painting. B. A pie-eating contest. C. Pumpkin decorating. D. Truck racing.
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Plastic, which is now common, contains endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs (内分泌干扰物), that has been linked to increased risk of many chronic diseases. Parental exposure to EDCs, for example, has been shown to cause metabolic (新陈代谢的) disorders, including obesity and diabetes, in the later generations.

Led by Changcheng Zhou, a professor of biomedical sciences in the School of Medicine at the University of California, the researchers investigated the impact of fathers' exposure to a phthalate called dicyclohexyl phthalate, or DCHP (邻苯二甲酸二环己酯), on the metabolic health of first generation (F1) and second generation (F2) in mice. Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastic more durable.

The researchers found that fathers' DCHP exposure for four weeks led to high insulin (胰岛素) resistance and impaired insulin signaling in F1. The same effect, but weaker, was seen in F2.

"We found fathers' exposure to EDCs may have intergenerational and transgenerational detrimental effects on the metabolic health of their later generations," Zhou said. "To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to demonstrate this."

In the case of fathers' exposure in the study, intergenerational effects are changes that occur due to direct exposure to a stressor, such as exposure to DCHP of fathers (FO generation) and his Fl generation. Transgenerational effects are changes passed down to later generations that are not directly exposed to the stressor (for example, F2 generation).

"This suggests that fathers' DCHP exposure can lead to sex-specific transgenerational effects on the metabolic health of their later generations," Zhou said.

Zhou stressed that the impact of exposure to DCHP on human health is not well understood, even though DCHP is widely used in a variety of plastic products and has been detected in food, water, and indoor particulate matter.

"It's best to minimize our use of plastic products," Zhou said. "This can also help reduce plastic pollution, one of our most pressing environmental issues."

(1) Why are phthalates added to plastic? A. To make it long-lasting. B. To beautify it. C. To reduce its cost. D. To increase its weight.
(2) What does the underlined word "detrimental" in paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Distinct. B. External. C. Negative. D. Adventurous.
(3) What did Zhou advise people to do? A. Bury plastic waste. B. Use fewest plastic products. C. Watch out for the food they eat. D. Never produce plastic products.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Plastic contains endocrine-disrupting chemicals B. Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue C. DCHP is widely used in a variety of plastic products D. Chemicals in plastic may impact two generations' health
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The American actor Bruce Willis has been diagnosed with frontotempora1 dementia(痴 呆), "a cruel disease", his family said in1 a statement posted on Thursday to the website of the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD). Last year, Willis was originally diagnosed with aphasia, a comprehension and communication disorder. His family said at the time that he was "stepping away" from his acting career as a result. "Since we announced Bruce's diagnosis of aphasia in spring 2022, Bruce's condition has progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis: frontotemporal dementia (known as FTD), " continued the statement. "Challenges with communication" are one of the symptoms Willis faces with FTD, which is the most common form of dementia in people under 60-with most FTD cases occurring between the ages of 45 and 64, according to the AFTD. The disease is likely more common than statistics suggest, as it is lesser known and can take years to receive a formal diagnosis.

FTD is a degenerative (变性的, 退化的) brain disorder. Symptoms may include uncharacteristic personality changes and unexplained struggles with decision-making, speaking or language comprehension are among the most common presenting symptoms. 

While there is currently neither a cure nor treatments available for the condition, the Willis family writes that they hope to help change this. 

"As Bruce's condition advances, we hope that any media attention can be focused on shining a light on this disease that needs far more awareness and research, " his family said, adding that Willis has always believed in using his voice to raise awareness and help others, both in and out of the public eye. 

"Bruce has always found joy in life—and has helped everyone he knows to do the same, " the statement concluded. "Your continued compassion, understanding, and respect will enable us to help Bruce live as full a life as possible. "

(1) From Paragraph 1 we can learn that _.  A. Bruce Willis has released the statement about his diagnosis himself B. Willis' family has isolated him from the outside since last year C. Bruce Willis is suffering from communication difficulties D. Bruce Willis will continue his career anyway
(2) Which is NOT mentioned as a symptom of FTD? A. Sleep disorder. B. Changes in personality. C. Communication problems. D. Difficulties with decision-making.
(3) What is a likely purpose of the statement? A. To call for donations from the public. B. To criticize the inaction of scientists. C. To announce the latest research result. D. To raise public awareness of the disease.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Bruce Willis? A. Uncooperative. B. Warm-hearted. C. Disciplined. D. Impatient.
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