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Plastic, which is now common, contains endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs (内分泌干扰物), that has been linked to increased risk of many chronic diseases. Parental exposure to EDCs, for example, has been shown to cause metabolic (新陈代谢的) disorders, including obesity and diabetes, in the later generations.

Led by Changcheng Zhou, a professor of biomedical sciences in the School of Medicine at the University of California, the researchers investigated the impact of fathers' exposure to a phthalate called dicyclohexyl phthalate, or DCHP (邻苯二甲酸二环己酯), on the metabolic health of first generation (F1) and second generation (F2) in mice. Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastic more durable.

The researchers found that fathers' DCHP exposure for four weeks led to high insulin (胰岛素) resistance and impaired insulin signaling in F1. The same effect, but weaker, was seen in F2.

"We found fathers' exposure to EDCs may have intergenerational and transgenerational detrimental effects on the metabolic health of their later generations," Zhou said. "To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to demonstrate this."

In the case of fathers' exposure in the study, intergenerational effects are changes that occur due to direct exposure to a stressor, such as exposure to DCHP of fathers (FO generation) and his Fl generation. Transgenerational effects are changes passed down to later generations that are not directly exposed to the stressor (for example, F2 generation).

"This suggests that fathers' DCHP exposure can lead to sex-specific transgenerational effects on the metabolic health of their later generations," Zhou said.

Zhou stressed that the impact of exposure to DCHP on human health is not well understood, even though DCHP is widely used in a variety of plastic products and has been detected in food, water, and indoor particulate matter.

"It's best to minimize our use of plastic products," Zhou said. "This can also help reduce plastic pollution, one of our most pressing environmental issues."

(1) Why are phthalates added to plastic? A. To make it long-lasting. B. To beautify it. C. To reduce its cost. D. To increase its weight.
(2) What does the underlined word "detrimental" in paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Distinct. B. External. C. Negative. D. Adventurous.
(3) What did Zhou advise people to do? A. Bury plastic waste. B. Use fewest plastic products. C. Watch out for the food they eat. D. Never produce plastic products.
(4) What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Plastic contains endocrine-disrupting chemicals B. Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue C. DCHP is widely used in a variety of plastic products D. Chemicals in plastic may impact two generations' health
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On July 28, I retired from my position. After teaching for many years, I looked forward to kayaking (划独木舟) with my grandsons, seeing friends and traveling for leisure with my husband. But my body had other plans for me. A broken spine (脊椎) in my back took me down a path that upended my plans.

I have long had back pain. However, I pushed through the pain to do my work, which worsened my condition. Doctors urged an operation when increased disability meant I could not sit, stand or walk for a long time. But I wanted to see whether physical therapy (治疗) could create an easier option.

Indeed, hard work with a great physical therapist has let me improve my mobility, sitting and standing. But X-rays told a different story. My spine was unstable and bending. After careful consideration and a second opinion from another professional, I agreed to surgery yet in the near term. Needless to say, the past months have been tough and the way ahead will be even tougher. Kayaking with my grandsons in the peacefulness of the lake is all out of reach, for now.

When I met my physical therapist for the first time, I was a mess. He listened to me outline my history with tears and then calmly said, "You have to make friends with your body." I have repeated that line to myself daily and worked to embrace my body. I have focused on gratitude. I'm grateful that I do not have a fatal disease. I'm grateful that the body I have remains alert to the world, loved by family and friends. I'm grateful that I am still myself.

I don't know exactly how the future will play out. The surgeon assures me that I should be able to get in my kayak by summer. But I may have to make friends with a different body, one that is mine regardless of the shape.

(1) Why did the author's condition become worse? A. She disliked physical therapy. B. She hurt her back when kayaking. C. She still worked despite back pain. D. She was unwilling to have an operation.
(2)  What can we learn about the author from paragraph 3? A. She forgot to kayak with her grandsons. B. She decided to accept an operation right away. C. She completely recovered after physical therapy. D. She asked another doctor for advice on the operation.
(3) What changed the author's attitude towards her body? A. Her wish to enjoy retirement life. B. Her physical therapist's advice. C. Her worsening physical condition. D. Her love for her family and friends.
(4)  Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text? A. Learning to accept my body B. Enjoying my retirement life C. Fighting against my back pain D. Being grateful for what I have
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My head was so full of digital noise that it felt like my brain was about to blow a fuse (导火线). I had no greater power of concentration than the lifeless stare of a goldfish. As a writer, I was ashamed to admit that my love of books had been compromised by a brain that simply could not sit still.

So, this year I committed myself to restoring books to the place that they held in my life before the Internet broke my brain.

My goal was 52 books: It seemed like an impossible task. A 400-page book will take the average person around eight hours to read. Finding the time to read was a challenge but here's how I did it. Firstly, I decided to treat my mind like a misbehaving child who needs some rules laid down. Then I decided that I would read for an hour or two at a time without distraction each day. It was something I hadn't done in years and it was scary how difficult it was.

In his book, The Distracted Mind, Larry Rosen says that the more we practice spending time away from our electronic devices, the calmer and more focused we become. And this is what I found. Again and again, I would gently bring myself back to the page, resisting the urge to reach for that screen. I took inspiration from Nikki Gemmell, who describes in On Quiet, how investing in a safe to lock away her family's devices for long periods had opened up a space for deep reflection. For me, finding that quiet time meant finding time in my day just to read. It was like a date between me and my book. And it meant actively choosing to read at times when I normally would reach for my phone. I read on the tram, at the park, in bed at night and on lunch breaks.

By reawakening my love with books I created a sacred space where I could press pause and found inspiration, knowledge, reflection and escape. In our modern world, reading is a powerful and beneficial way for us to slow down and be ourselves.

(1) What does the underlined word "compromised" mean in the first paragraph? A. Rejected. B. Disturbed. C. Weakened. D. Removed.
(2) What was the first thing the author did to achieve the goal? A. The author went to the bookstore to buy books. B. The author was determined to make rules for himself. C. The author was buried in reading for an hour or two at once D. The author decided to get involved in reading with people around.
(3) What can we infer about the author? A. The author benefited a lot from reading books. B. The author got inspiration when he reached for the screen C. The author would rather read books outdoors than indoors D. The author was reminded to kill time with electronic devices.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Falling in love with reading B. Resisting the urge to reach for the screen C. Going back to the books D. Escaping from the noisy world in reading
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3. 阅读理解

Whistler Travel Guide

Snow-capped peaks and powdered steeps; sparkling lakes and rushing waterfalls;challenging hiking routes and inviting restaurants — Whistler's offerings suit every season.

Things to do

The entire town displays the ski-chic atmosphere,hosting dozens of ski and snowboardcompetitions and festivals annually. In the warmer months, more outdoor enthusiasts come outto play. Visitors can try hiking or cycling up the mountains. While Whistler is an ideal vacationspot for the active types, other travelers can enjoy the local museums and art galleries filled withinformative exhibits. Plus, there are family-friendly activities and attractions like summerconcerts, along with plenty of shopping options.

When to visit

The best times to visit Whistler are from June through August and between December and March.

How to get around

The best ways to get around Whistler are on foot or by bike. Or, you can take the shuttlebuses from Whistler Village, which transport visitors to Lost Lake Park and the Marketplace.Meanwhile, having a car will allow you the freedom to explore top attractions like WhistlerTrain Wreck and Alexander Falls without having to spend a lot of cash on a cab.

What you need to know

●Whistler receives feet of snow each year. If you're driving in winter, slow down and make sure to rent or come with a reliable SUV.

●Snowslides are likely to occur on Backcountry routes, so only advanced skiers should take to this off-the-map area.

●Whistler's wildermess is home to many black and grizzly bears. Keep your distance and do not feed them.

(1) What are active travelers recommended to do in Whistler? A. Bike up the mountains. B. Host ski competitions. C. Go shopping at the malls. D. Visit museum exhibitions.
(2) Which of the following is the most popular among travelers? A. Whistler Village. B. Lost Lake Park. C. The Marketplace. D. Whistler Train Wreck.
(3) What are travelers prohibited from doing in Whistler? A. Driving a rented SUV.      B. Feeding grizzly bears. C. Exploring the wilderness. D. Sking on Backcountry routes.
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