
Troubleshooting: Unable to install the supplied software on a computer

The software supplied with a camera, camcorder (a portable video camera) or personal audio device may not install for the following reasons:

1 The software may not be compatible(兼容)with the computer operating system.

2 The computer does not meet the minimum system requirements for installing the software.

3 Another application or utility is running in the background of the computer and interfering(妨碍)with the installation.

4 Antivirus or spyware software is preventing installation.

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot this issue.

1 Check the instruction manual to determine the minimum system requirements and operating system supported by the software. Instructions for your product are usually available online.

2 Check the specifications of the computer to ensure it meets the minimum system requirements and operating system supported by the software.

3 Download and install all available updates for the computer and software. Software and driver updates for your product are usually available online.

NOTE: An install utility is an application used to assist with the installation of other software. If an install utility is available, follow the online instructions to properly download and install it.

4 Temporarily disable any antivirus or spyware software.

5 Close any software applications or other unnecessary utilities that may be running on the computer.

6 Attempt to install the software and follow the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: If the software was designed to use an older version of the Windows operating system than what is currently installed on the computer, you can try installing using the compatibility mode.

7 If the software will still not be installed, try installing it using the Safe Mode of the computer as follows:

IMPORTANT: Some bundled(捆绑的) software requires the product to be connected to the computer during the installation process. If your software requires the product to be connected during installation, these steps will not work and should be disregarded.

1 Copy the software to a folder on the computer hard drive.

2 Turn off the computer

3 Start the computer in the Safe Mode.

4 Locate the folder on the computer hard drive where you copied the contents of the installation CD.

5 Click the INSTALL. EXE or SETUP. EXE icon(图标)to begin the software installation.

6 Restart the computer

(1) Which of the following may be a reason for the failure of the installation of the supplied software? A. The software is incompatible with the computer operating system. B. The computer is using the latest Windows operating system. C. The maximum system requirements are not met for the software. D. The antivirus software is not running in the background.
(2) When you are installing software designed for an older version of the Window operating system, what could be done? A. You could temporarily disable any running software applications. B. You could follow the on-screen instructions. C. You could try installing it using the Safe Mode. D. You could switch to the compatibility mode.
(3) As is listed in the passage, ______ seems to be the last step which may help troubleshoot the installation problem. A. using the Safe Mode of the computer B. turning off and restarting the computer C. connecting the product to the computer D. copying the software to a folder on the hard drive
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Some of the greatest discoveries in science have been completely accidental. Then again, maybe science had a little help...

Ice Candy

One of America's favorite summertime treats came about thanks to a particularly cold night in the San Francisco Bay area in 1905. That's when 11-year-old Frank Epperson forgot a glass containing powdered soda mix, water and a wooden stick out at the doorway overnight. The next morning, Frank discovered the mixture had frozen around the stick. He popped it out of the cup, licked it…and summers were never the same!

Safety Glass

In 1903, French chemist Édouard Bénédictus accidentally dropped a glass bottle. To his surprise, the glass cracked but wasn't broken into pieces. Out of curiosity, he checked it carefully. As it turned out, the bottle hadn't been cleaned properly and was coated with a thin film of a kind of liquid plastic. A happy accident led to the discovery of safety glass.

YInMn Blue

In 2009, Mas Subramanian, a professor of materials science at Oregon State University, was testing out new materials for electronics in his lab with graduate students. A mixture of metal s went into the furnace. What came out was a striking blue mixture. The first new blue since cobalt (深蓝) was discovered in 1802, is called "YInMn Blue."


In 1928, Scottish researcher Alexander Fleming returned to his lab after a two-week vacation only to discover that mold (霉菌) from an open window had made an uncovered dish of bacteria dirty. Strangely enough, the mold stopped the bacteria from growing, giving the world its first antibiotic.

(1) Which discovery has a relatively short history? A. Ice candy. B. Safety glass. C. YInMn Blue. D. Penicillin.
(2) What do the four discoveries have in common? A. Science helped a lot. B. Lab experiments laid a basis. C. They were made by scientists. D. They were made by chance.
(3) Who are the intended readers of the text? A. Science students. B. Curiosity seekers. C. Science researchers. D. The general public.
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Many people have warm memories of playing games while growing up. Do you remember running around outside as a child playing rock-paper-scissors? You may not have realized it, but games are a very important part of life.

During prehistoric times, humans would play a game called Knucklebones. To play Knucklebones, the players would balance small objects like sheep ankle bones on the top of their hands,toss(抛掷) them into the air, and then try to catch as many as possible.

But why do people love games so much? They are fun to play, but that isn't the only reason why.

For most, games are "like chocolate: a guilty pleasure consumed secretly", Canadian-American game designer Sid Meier said: "They have a series of interesting choices." The rock-paper-scissors game is just an example. In every turn, people make a judgment, which is often based on their personalities and past experiences. "Navigating these choices shapes the course of play, revealing who we are and how we think," The New York Times noted."Playing a game is an act of exposition(展 示). "

Games such as this require a faster way of thinking than in everyday life. But interestingly, when the game is over, the players can switch out of competition mode quickly and return to normal. "It separates a game from reality," Sam Von Ehren of The New York Times wrote. "We can enter and exit the magic circle freely."

Games can also be used to help improve critical thinking skills. Just take Go as an example. Go is a game that was made in ancient China, and it is still even played today. Even though we don't exactly know how Go started, many researchers think it was invented to help teach tactics and strategy skills.

Even today, games are being used to help solve real-world problems. These types of games are called serious games, and they are used to help find solutions to problems in fields such as education and healthcare, among others. Perhaps playing games helps us to think outside the box in a fun and interesting way.

(1) What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us? A. The way to play Knucklebones. B. The development of Knucklebones. C. The popularity of Knucklebones. D. The objects of Knucklebones.
(2) What can we say about the rock-paper-scissors game? A. It is a game of eating chocolate. B. It shows the player's personalities. C. The way of thinking is a necessary rule. D. Judgments decide the player's past experience.
(3) What does the underlined word in paragraph 6 mean? A. Awareness. B. Emotion. C. Politeness. D. Method.
(4) What can we infer about games? A. Games are nothing but fun and interesting. B. Games are serious in the world of adults. C. Playing games may encourage creativity. D. We should play games while solving problems.
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I was out for an evening with a friend, getting the relief from pressure and catching up on our lives. We got around to the subject of books.

"When do you read?" My friend asked me. My mind took off on a fast journey through my bookshelves and piles of looks. I know some people make artsy towers and pyramids out of books, but I'm not that kind of woman. Mine are just…stacks (摞). Stacks on end tables, stacks on the floor.

When do I read? I read when I'm when I'm happy. I read when I'm bored. I read when I'm defeated. I read when I'm filled with anxiety. My self-medication for the thoughts is not exercise or alcohol, but Jane Austen. I absolutely must slow down the pace of my thoughts when living through a walk to the town Meryton in Pride and Prejudice. I read to visit places I'll never see in real life. Thank you, Vikram Seth, for making me completely involved in 1950s India. Thank you, Khaled Hosseini, for giving me a chance to see 1970s high society of New York City, I'll spend some time with Edith Wharton. I read when I'm recalling the good old days. Many of my favorite books of childhood are still my favorite books. I read when I get so addicted to an author that I want to read everything she has ever written, including her Christmas cards and grocery lists.

Of course, I didn't say any of these things to my friend. I stared at her with a blank, foolish look.

"When do I read?" I repeated.

"Yes. When do you find time?" she asked.

"When? Evenings. Bedtime. Dinnertime, if I'm eating alone. Sunday afternoons. Moments stolen here and there. And now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with Mr. Hemingway," I said.

(1) Why did the author go out with a friend? A. To meet another new with a friend. B. To catch inspiration. C. To relax herself. D. To buy her friend books
(2) Who is Khaled Hosseini? A. A character of a novel. B. The author's room-mate. C. Another friend of the author. D. A writer the author likes.
(3) What can we learn about the author from paragraph 3? A. She doesn't want to read after a failure. B. She doesn't like staying with her friend. C. She tries her best to please the writer she loves. D. She reads to experience life in different ages and places.
(4) What will the author do after the date with the friend? A. Sleep after she got home. B. Read Hemingway's works. C. Make a date with Mr. Hemingway. D. Make another appointment with another friend.
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