
Many people have warm memories of playing games while growing up. Do you remember running around outside as a child playing rock-paper-scissors? You may not have realized it, but games are a very important part of life.

During prehistoric times, humans would play a game called Knucklebones. To play Knucklebones, the players would balance small objects like sheep ankle bones on the top of their hands,toss(抛掷) them into the air, and then try to catch as many as possible.

But why do people love games so much? They are fun to play, but that isn't the only reason why.

For most, games are "like chocolate: a guilty pleasure consumed secretly", Canadian-American game designer Sid Meier said: "They have a series of interesting choices." The rock-paper-scissors game is just an example. In every turn, people make a judgment, which is often based on their personalities and past experiences. "Navigating these choices shapes the course of play, revealing who we are and how we think," The New York Times noted."Playing a game is an act of exposition(展 示). "

Games such as this require a faster way of thinking than in everyday life. But interestingly, when the game is over, the players can switch out of competition mode quickly and return to normal. "It separates a game from reality," Sam Von Ehren of The New York Times wrote. "We can enter and exit the magic circle freely."

Games can also be used to help improve critical thinking skills. Just take Go as an example. Go is a game that was made in ancient China, and it is still even played today. Even though we don't exactly know how Go started, many researchers think it was invented to help teach tactics and strategy skills.

Even today, games are being used to help solve real-world problems. These types of games are called serious games, and they are used to help find solutions to problems in fields such as education and healthcare, among others. Perhaps playing games helps us to think outside the box in a fun and interesting way.

(1) What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us? A. The way to play Knucklebones. B. The development of Knucklebones. C. The popularity of Knucklebones. D. The objects of Knucklebones.
(2) What can we say about the rock-paper-scissors game? A. It is a game of eating chocolate. B. It shows the player's personalities. C. The way of thinking is a necessary rule. D. Judgments decide the player's past experience.
(3) What does the underlined word in paragraph 6 mean? A. Awareness. B. Emotion. C. Politeness. D. Method.
(4) What can we infer about games? A. Games are nothing but fun and interesting. B. Games are serious in the world of adults. C. Playing games may encourage creativity. D. We should play games while solving problems.
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Artificial intelligence is almost twice as accurate as a biopsy(活组织检查) at judging the aggressiveness of some cancers, experts say. Cancer kills 10 million people globally every year, according to the WHO. But for patients the disease can be prevented if detected instantly and dealt with quickly.

A recent study suggested an AI algorithm (算法) was far better than a biopsy at correctly grading the aggressiveness of sarcomas ( 肉 瘤 ), a rare form of cancer. Researchers hope AI will improve outcomes for patients by giving doctors a more accurate way of grading tumours (肿瘤). Because high-grade tumours can indicate aggressive disease, the tool could help ensure those high-risk patients are identified more quickly and treated instantly. Low-risk patients could also be spared unnecessary treatments, follow-up scans and hospital visits.

Researchers say the algorithm could be applied to other types of cancer in future. The team specifically looked at retroperitoneal sarcomas, which develop at the back of the abdomen and are difficult to diagnose(诊断) and treat due to their location. They used CT scans from 170 patients with the two most common forms of retroperitoneal sarcoma——leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma. Using data from these scans they created an AI algorithm, which was then tested on 89 patients in other countries. In grading how aggressive the tumour was, the technology was accurate in 82% of the cases, while biopsies were 44%.

AI could also recognize leiomyosarcoma and liposarcoma in 84% of sarcomas tested, while radiologists were able to identify them in 65% of the cases. Christina Messiou, the study leader, said: "We're incredibly excited by the potential of this state-of-the-art

technology, which could lead to patients having better outcomes through faster diagnosis. As patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma are routinely scanned with CT, we hope this tool will eventually be used globally, ensuring that not just specialist centres can reliably identify and grade the disease."

Richard Davison, chief executive of Sarcoma UK, said the results looked "very promising". He added: "People are more likely to survive sarcoma if diagnosed early. One in six people with sarcoma cancer wait more than a year to receive an accurate diagnosis, so any research that helps patients receive better treatment and support is welcome."

(1)  According to the passage, AI is capable of ____. A. grading the risk of sarcomas B. measuring the scale of sarcomas C. providing cancer treatment for clinicians D. classifying cancers with its advanced algorithm
(2)  What can be inferred from this passage? A. More sarcomas can be detected with the help of AI. B. Biopsies will be replaced by AI algorithm in identifying cancers. C. More patients suffering from cancers will benefit from AI algorithm. D. AI algorithm has been applied in hospitals for detecting most cancers.
(3)  What is the passage mainly about? A. AI has a profound market in curing cancers. B. New treatments for sarcomas are well underway. C. AI helps identify high-risk and low-risk patients. D. AI does better in assessing some types of sarcomas.
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Michigan couple Steve and Debra Mejeur received a very special Christmas surprise this year. They were reunited with their beloved pet dog, Lola, who went missing over three years ago.

In October 2017, the couple and then 5-year-old Lola were visiting a friend in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, which is about three hours from their home in Kalamazoo. Somehow, Lola escaped from the fenced-in backyard of their friend's home.

The couple tried desperately to find Lola after she went missing, and stayed in Illinois for the night to search for her. Debra said they joined every Facebook group she could find in the community in an attempt to locate the pup. The couple spent about a month looking for her, making the three-hour trip from their home every weekend. They posted in the Facebook groups for two years to try to get any leads, but came up empty-handed. 

So, she was shocked when she received a message on December 3 stating Lola had been found, advising her to contact the Dupage County Animal Control in Illinois. Debra immediately called the shelter. The lady on the phone quickly responded, "Are you Debra?" "I started shaking and crying," Debra said. "I couldn't stay still. I was pacing back and forth the whole time. I was overwhelmed by so many emotions. I was in disbelief and shock because it's been 3 years. I was relieved that she was finally safe."

"It took her a little time to recognize me," Debra explained. "When she finally came up to me, she did a small sniff, licked my forehead and that's when she knew. Her tail started wagging and she turned into an excited dog! She heard my husband laughing from about 20-30 feet behind us and ran right to him without any hesitation." Debra said Lola's personality hasn't changed at all, adding she even remembers her commands. "It's like she's never been gone," she said. 

(1) What did the couple do after they found Lola missing? A. They turned to their friend for help.    B. They moved to Illinois to search for her. C. They joined Facebook groups for clues of her. D. They went on a trip regularly to relieve their sorrow.
(2) How did Debra feel when told that Lola was found? A. Thrilled. B. Frightened. C. Curious. D. Amused. 
(3) What did Debra mainly talk about in the last paragraph? A. Her affection for Lola. B. Her reunion with Lola. C. Her memories of Lola. D. Her comments on Lola.
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City's icons celebrate milestones

Happy birthday to these big apple attractions


The Met isn't the only New York City institution celebrating an anniversary in 2020 - 2021.


April 2021 marks the 130th year of Carnegie Hall, the prestigious landmark that has delighted audiences with performers from around the world, including Frank Sinatra, the Beatles and Gustav Mahler.


Another NYC mainstay with a recent anniversary is the New York Public Library. Established in 1895, the main branch in midtown Manhattan, with its entrance famously flanked by lion statues named Patience and Fortitude, is a must-visit landmark that turned 125 in May 2020.


Almost a hundred years ago, competing skyscrapers shot into the atmosphere in a race to become the world's tallest building. At 1,046 feet, the Chrysler Building — which celebrated its 90th anniversary in May 2020 - was the first to hold the title, but only briefly.

90 TH

One year after the Chrysler Building was built, the Empire State Building was completed, topping off at 1,250 feet (or 1,454 if you count the antennae and spire) and remained the world's tallest building for a respectable 40 years. The iconic skyscraper — synonymous with the Big Apple itself — turns 90 in May 2021.

(1) What is Carnegie Hall usually used for? A. Reading. B. Exhibition. C. Performance. D. Overlooking.
(2) What do we know about the New York Public Library? A. It was founded in 1895. B. April 2021 marks its 125th year. C. It has become the world's tallest building. D. It was completed after the Chrysler Building was built.
(3) Which of the following wins a longer title of "the world's tallest building"? A. The Met. B. The Empire State Building. C. The New York Public Library. D. The Chrysler Building.
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