
The earliest tomatoes were little sour berries. They grew among low bushes in dry, sunny places in the Andes Mountains in South America. It was about 350 million years ago.

Tomato plants are relative to nightshade (茄属植物), which has poison. The leaves and stems of tomato plants have poison, but the berries are good to eat. The berries are red so that animals can find them easily and eat them. The animals carry the seeds to other places. That was how earliest tomato plants found new places to grow. Tomatoes are also relative to tobacco, chili peppers and potatoes.

When people first came to South America about 20,000 years ago, they ate these tiny wild tomatoes. Travelers brought a few kinds of wild tomato plants from the Andes to Central America. there the ancestors of the Maya began to far them. Nobody knows exactly when people began farming tomatoes, but it probably was much later than corn and beans, and it was surely before 500 BC. These Central American fanners bred tomatoes to be bigger and sweeter than the wild ones.

By the time Spanish explorers got to Tenochtitlan in Mexico in 1521 AD, the Aztec people ere eating a lot of tomatoes. made a sauce of chopped (剁碎的) tomatoes, onions, salt and chili peppers that was a lot like our salsa. The word "tomato" comes from their Nahuatl word "tomato".

Because tomatoes weren't farmed until pretty late, farmers further north had not yet been able to adapt heir growing season to working in North America. Even today, it's pretty hard to get your tomatoes ripe in the northern parts of North America before the growing season ends.

(1) What do we know about the earliest tomatoes? A. They were big sweet berries. B. They grew in Central America. C. They grew in dry, sunny places. D. They grew about 35 million years ago.
(2) How did the earliest tomato plants grow in new places? A. People grew them in new places. B. They grew in new places naturally. C. Their seeds were carried away by wind. D. Their seeds were carried away by animals.
(3) What happened after tomatoes were brought to Central America? A. The farmers sold them to others. B. The farmers disliked their taste. C. The farmers tried to improve them. D. The farmers showed no interest in them.
(4) What is the text mainly about? A. How to grow tomatoes. B. The history of tomatoes. C. When to grow tomatoes. D. The places where tomatoes grow.
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In a heartwarming tale from Georgia, a 72-year-old senior recently celebrated his college graduation in cinema studies, an achievement made even more special by the presence of his proud 99-year-old mother.

Sam Kaplan of Lawrenceville decided to start on his educational journey at Georgia Gwinnett College in 2019, half a century after he had firstly chosen not to get higher education following his high school graduation in 1969. The catalyst for his return to academia came when he heard a radio announcement about a degree programme in cinema studies.

Recalling that moment, Kaplan said, "I was driving down the highway when I heard about the degree programme. The next exit led to Collinsville, so I immediately exited, and within five minutes, I was enrolling in classes. I've always had a passion for writing and storytelling. I longed to transform my narratives into screenplays, but I realized I needed the basic knowledge to do so,"

Kaplan admitted that the journey was a mix of anxiety and excitement, but it proved to be greatly rewarding. He graduated with a 3.975 grade point average and perfect grade honours, majoring in cinema and media arts, and had desires to continue creating screenplays in the future.

"It was an exciting and nerve-wracking (神经紧张的) challenge. Re-recognizing myself with the art of studying and communicating with fellow students was a lot of fun," he told FOX5 Atlanta.

The most heartwarming thing of Kaplan's graduation day was the presence of his mother, 99-year-old Virginia Kaplan, during the ceremony. Virginia expressed her huge pride, saying, "I am so proud of him. He faced numerous challenges but insisted, and I am delighted, pleased, and extremely proud," the mother also added. "With his new degree, he's going to stand out in whatever he does. Who knows, I might even make an appearance in the movies."

(1) What's the purpose of the first paragraph? A. To provide some background. B. To tell the main idea. C. To serve as a comment. D. To offer an example.
(2)  What does the underlined word "catalyst" mean in Paragraph 2? A. Reason. B. Vehicle. C. Task. D. Fact.
(3) What do we infer from the last paragraph? A. The mother desires to star in a film. B. Kaplan takes much pride in himself. C. Kaplan is excellent at whatever he does. D. The mother offers the unshakeable support.
(4) What can we conclude from the text? A. Failure is the mother of success. B. It's never too late to follow a dream. C. The good seaman is known in bad weather. D. All things in their being are good for something.
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Sirine Jahangir has been singing, writing and playing instruments since she was a little girl. She was badly injured in a traffic accident by the time she turned 5, so now the teen uses her gift "as a way to — not escape, but to help me through". Not only did her passion get her through some difficult times, but when she was 14 it also brought her to the "Britain's Got Talent" stage, where she impressed everyone with her performance.

Sirine was totally paralyzed by the time she was 10 years old. While her parents and doctors have tried to find treatments for her, there isn't much they can do. So her parents focused on helping her adjust to her new life, which was when her dad said she was first introduced to music. "I remember one day, we were driving in the car. This is about when she was getting to the stage where she couldn't look out the window anymore to see things, and I didn't know what to do. I just put the music on really loud. She started singing in the car, and she was so happy. And then she just found happiness every time I put music on," her father said.

It didn't take long for them to realize Sirine had tremendous talent. When she appeared on "Britain's Got Talent", she told everyone just how much her passion means to her. "I guess music heals me," she said. "That's just what I live by, and music is my thing." Then she headed over to the piano, where she played the piano and sang beautifully enough to bring the audience to tears! Unsurprisingly to everyone but Sirine, all four judges voted her into the next round of the competition!

Afterward, she said, "I can't even say it's a dream come true, because I didn't even dream of it at any point... I never thought that would be realistic in my life."

(1) What can be learned about Sirine Jahangir from Paragraph 1? A. She was born with disabilities. B. She experienced a traffic accident when she was fourteen. C. Her performance on the stage turned out to be a success. D. She performed on the stage at the age of ten.
(2) How did Sirine's musical talent be discovered by her parents? A. By putting the music on while driving. B. By teaching her to write songs. C. By singing songs together with her. D. By taking her to the "Britain's Got Talent" stage.
(3) What role does music play in Sirine's life? A. Making her dream come true. B. Bring her happiness and passion. C. Earning her both fame and fortune. D. Helping her escape away from reality.
(4) Which of the following can best describe Sirine? A. Optimistic and honest. B. Creative and gifted. C. Courageous and responsible. D. Talented and passionate.
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We have a family tradition where each year, on New Year's Eve, we sit down and go through old albums. This year, when we were doing this annual routine, I noticed my grandmother looked shorter now than in pictures from when she was younger.

Our height decreases with age. The height that most of us boosts during our teens and twenties suddenly decides to leave us behind as we get increasingly older. So we se our parents and grandparents "shrinking".

This loss in height is observed in both males and females and across continents. Aging is universal; so too is our gradual reduction in height. People typically begin losing their height around the age of 30 years. Every ten years after this age, humans lose almost one centimeter, which roughly translates to about one half of an inch. This decrease in height also accelerates with age. Men and women lose height differently. Women lose more inches compared to males of the same age. Also, interestingly enough, the rate of height loss depends on their initial height, with the taller ones losing more height.

The length of leg bones and the spine(脊柱)determine the height of a person. These normally attain their maximum length by the end of adolescence, after which one's height does not increase. During our "adult phase", the length of the leg bones remains pretty much the same, but the spinal bones tend to play a key role in the reduction of height. Besides, the ligaments(韧带)of the foot start degenerating with age. This arches our foot down. Thus, our height may reduce slightly. In addition, the body loses its lean mass muscle with age due to, in part, loss of muscle tissues. This condition is age-related loss of muscle. The muscle fibers shrink and are replaced at a slower rate. This muscle loss makes us look shorter.

Nothing can really push the stop button, but it can lose some speed through appropriate diet, regular exercise, and general avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.

(1) Why does the author mention his family tradition? A. To indicate the value of family. B. To analyze a complicated issue. C. To introduce the topic of the text. D. To share his interesting experiences.
(2) Who probably loses height the most? A. A tall 70-year-old man. B. A short 50-year-old woman. C. A tall eighty-year-old woman. D. A mid-height eighty-year-old man.
(3) What changes will mainly determine the height decrease? A. Spinal bones. B. Muscle tissues. C. Leg bones. D. Foot ligaments.
(4) What can be known about the height reduction? A. It can be stopped. B. It can affect health. C. It can change lifestyle. D. It can be slowed down.
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