
The world is getting greener, according to a new study published in Nature this week.

Chi Chen, lead author of the study, and his colleagues have been mining data collected by an orbiting NASA camera that monitors green vegetation on Earth's surface, day by day. Even more interesting: They are able to show the exact causes of increasing or decreasing leaf cover in particular areas.

In some cold places, increase in leaf cover apparently resulted from global warming. Since the climate is becoming more and more temperate and the growing season is getting longer and longer, the plants are growing bigger and leafier there.

"One large area of Brazil lost vegetation. I personally checked the data, and that's because of lack of rain," Chen said.

The most striking changes, though, were the result of human decisions in China and India. Both countries have been getting a lot greener.

The greening of India, Chen says, comes from a huge expansion of irrigated agriculture. "Instead of having just crops when it's raining, they also have a whole six months of cropping and greenness when it's not raining," he saves. "This version of greening isn't really so great for the environment, though. The irrigation drains groundwater, vegetation is wiped away at harvest time and the extra chemicals farmers use produce greenhouse gases. "

In China, though, about half of the new leaf cover that Chen detected appears to be the result of a massive reforestation effort. It's a government-supported attempt to prevent disastrous dust storms that resulted from earlier deforestation. "They are really doing a good job," Chen says. "They have a large and comprehensive tree planting program. Those trees will stay in place,capturing(捕捉) dust and also CO2,the greenhouse gas.  They'll store it in wood, roots and soil, doing their part to slow global warming. "

(1) Which of the following best explains the underlined word "temperate" in paragraph 3? A. Warm. B. Wet. C. Cold. D. Dry.
(2) What has led to the decrease of leaf cover in the Brazilian area? A. Tree cutting. B. Dry weather. C. Seasonal harvest. D. Desertification.
(3) How does Chi Chen probably feel about the greening in India? A. Excited. B. Puzzled. C. Worried. D. Annoyed.
(4) What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. The benefits of tree planting. B. The harm of global warming. C. The costs of greening in China. D. The cause of greening in China.
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On a late summer's day, various boats sail in and out of Lymington's harbor(港口) and a large boat slowly stops at the port. Hidden beneath the ferry port is a little-known project, one that could quietly change the quality of the marine environment along the UK's coastline.

Many sets of specially designed oyster breeding(牡蛎养殖)cages are placed under the port. One big oyster can actually produce a million babies each year. So, all those oysters in the cages are fantastic at helping to increase the population that faces a severe decline.

A combination of loss of natural habitat on the seabed over harvesting and pollution has destroyed around 95 percent of native oysters in UK waters. Oysters are best known as a delicacy, but their role in the marine environment is a far more important one. They are ecosystem engineers. A single oyster can filter(过滤)around200 liters of water per day. So, when oysters come together, they're able to vastly improve the coastal water quality.

While the remarkable recovery might seem like an impossible task, marine scientists are confident this could become reality. "Each female adult oyster can produce between one and two million babies, so you don't need huge amounts of oysters to increase the population, "says Dr Luke Helmera marine scientist. "The problem is with the next step of actually providing them with somewhere to settle and live. "

Oysters are quite happy to find a home on a rockor stone but the challenge for conservationists is to recreate that environment for them and to protect them. For now, these new oysters are being kept out of harm's way in conservation areas but as they start to reproduce people could again harvest them from the sea bed. The hope is they will be better protected.

(1) How does the little-known project benefit UK? A. It saves the oyster industry in the UK. B. It creates cleaner seas around the UK. C. It increases the UK ports trade in oysters D. It helps make the sea in the UK richer in species
(2) What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 4 refer to? A. Restoring oysters in large numbers. B. Caging huge amounts of oysters up. C. Breeding plenty of oysters at a time D. Protecting the oyster's natural habitat.
(3) What does the author stress in the last paragraph? A. The battle between men and nature. B. The challenge conservationists face C. The complexity of breeding oysters. D. The contributions of conservationists.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Ferry Port: New Home to Oysters B. Oyster Breeding: An Essential Task C. Oysters—The Coastline Guardians D. A Little-known Project: A Solution from the Sea
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2024 National Cherry Blossom Festival Student Art Competition

To celebrate the 2024 National Cherry Blossom Festival,National Mall and Memorial Parks is hosting a youth art competition. We need your artistic help to inspire visitors to become Cherry Blossom Protectors! The blooming of the cherry trees around the Tidal Basin has come to symbolize the natural beauty of our nation's capital city. Thousands of people come every year to see the cherry trees and enjoy the festival. 


The contest is open to all Washington,D. C. students,K-6. One submission per student please. 


Artworks should focus on the theme"Cherry Blossom Protector. "Draw or paint a picture that shows what you appreciate about the cherry blossoms,how we can take care of them,and why we should. Submissions must include the words"Cherry Blossom Protector". 


Artworks will be accepted starting December 13,2023. All submissions must be postmarked by February 25,2024. 

Submission requirements

A valid submission will contain the following information :

⒈An original copy of the artwork. Each piece must be original,authentic(真实的),unpublished , the sole property of the entrant(参赛者),and not previously submitted in any other contest. 

⒉Your personal information,printed on either the back of your artwork or on a separate sheet attached to your physical artwork or provided with the e-mail for your digital entry: First and last name, grade/ age. 

3. A completed and signed entry form. Print out the entry form and send it to us when you send your artwork. Entries cannot be accepted without a signed entry form by a parent or guardian. 

Delivery address

Mailed submissions must be sent to: National Mall and Memorial Parks

c/o 2024 National Cherry Blossom Festival Student Art Competition1100 Ohio Drive,SW Washington,DC 20242

(1) Why do National Mall and Memorial Parks host the art competition? A. To honor the national heroes. B. To improve students' art skills. C. To protect the cherry blossom. D. To attract more visitors to the parks.
(2) What should you do if you attend the contest? A. Volunteer as a cherry blossom protector. B. Choose your own theme for the contest. C. Email all your artworks to your school. D. Summit artworks before February 25,2024.
(3) What should be included in the submission entries? A. Personal information. B. A previous submitted copy. C. A guardian's recommendation. D. An electronic application form.
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Many summer camps have had to cancel their programming due to COVID-19. So we have found a great selection of virtual summer camps for your children.

Happy Camper Live

Ages: 5 ~18

Cost: $499 a month

What is special about Happy Camper Live is that there are hundreds of camp adventures and experiences to choose from to offer your children unique camp experience. Children can make fun with a world-class athlete, play volleyball with a national high school champion and learn a new art,craft or musical instrument.

Smart Robots Virtual Camp

Ages: 7 ~ 11

Cost :$179 for two weeks

Campers will receive a smart coding robot of choice and learning materials and apps to get them started in this camp. This camp is made as much of a social experience as possible. At the end of camp,each child will be certificated as a"junior coder",have made penfriends for life and have new skills and knowledge to bring into their classrooms in the fall.

Written Out Loud

Ages: 8 ~ 17

Cost: $250 per week

The storytelling school Written Out Loud has transformed its program to a virtual storytelling workshop. Founded in 2018 by a Hollywood film-maker, Written Out Loud offers cl asses for children aged 8 to 17 that combine a range of disciplines such as creative writing, film-making and even improving comedy.

Got Game Summer Academy

Ages: 4~12

Cost: $195 for two weeks

With a focus on reading,writing and math, Got Game will help your children stay academically on track while still having fun in an energized virtual learning environment. Children will receive personalized attention from teachers while also participating in games that center around communication on group projects and building individual skills.

(1) What's special about Happy Camper Live? A. It offers a large number of different activities. B. It's the most expensive of the four camps. C. It focuses on improving musical skills. D. It was founded by a world-class athlete.
(2) Where can campers make penfriends with others? A. In Written Out Loud. B. In Happy Camper Live. C. In Smart Robots Virtual Camp. D. In Got Game Summer Academy.
(3) What do Written Out Loud and Got Game Summer Academy have in common? A. They enable children to learn while playing games. B. They improve children's writing skills. C. They teach children how to make films. D. They are suitable for children above 12.
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