
Many summer camps have had to cancel their programming due to COVID-19. So we have found a great selection of virtual summer camps for your children.

Happy Camper Live

Ages: 5 ~18

Cost: $499 a month

What is special about Happy Camper Live is that there are hundreds of camp adventures and experiences to choose from to offer your children unique camp experience. Children can make fun with a world-class athlete, play volleyball with a national high school champion and learn a new art,craft or musical instrument.

Smart Robots Virtual Camp

Ages: 7 ~ 11

Cost :$179 for two weeks

Campers will receive a smart coding robot of choice and learning materials and apps to get them started in this camp. This camp is made as much of a social experience as possible. At the end of camp,each child will be certificated as a"junior coder",have made penfriends for life and have new skills and knowledge to bring into their classrooms in the fall.

Written Out Loud

Ages: 8 ~ 17

Cost: $250 per week

The storytelling school Written Out Loud has transformed its program to a virtual storytelling workshop. Founded in 2018 by a Hollywood film-maker, Written Out Loud offers cl asses for children aged 8 to 17 that combine a range of disciplines such as creative writing, film-making and even improving comedy.

Got Game Summer Academy

Ages: 4~12

Cost: $195 for two weeks

With a focus on reading,writing and math, Got Game will help your children stay academically on track while still having fun in an energized virtual learning environment. Children will receive personalized attention from teachers while also participating in games that center around communication on group projects and building individual skills.

(1) What's special about Happy Camper Live? A. It offers a large number of different activities. B. It's the most expensive of the four camps. C. It focuses on improving musical skills. D. It was founded by a world-class athlete.
(2) Where can campers make penfriends with others? A. In Written Out Loud. B. In Happy Camper Live. C. In Smart Robots Virtual Camp. D. In Got Game Summer Academy.
(3) What do Written Out Loud and Got Game Summer Academy have in common? A. They enable children to learn while playing games. B. They improve children's writing skills. C. They teach children how to make films. D. They are suitable for children above 12.
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It all began in Everett, Washington, where my project team was in the process of conducting one of our business systems. So tough was the project that we often stayed up completing the tasks assigned. All of us were worn out. One night, as I walked through the parking lot with one of my employees. I found a cent and picked it up. Glancing at my exhausted employee. I suddenly had an idea to delight him. Playfully, I presented the cent to the employee and said, "This is an informal award for your efforts. He put the cent in his pocket. "Thank you, he said, a wave of joy sweeping across his face. 

About six months later, I was walking with the same employee, this time in Los Alamitos, California, when I again found a cent and gave it to him with the same words.  

Later, I got into his office and there, taped on a piece of paper were the two cents, which made me surprised. He said he was displaying them as his recognition for a job well done.  

Other employees noticed the cents proudly displayed and began asking why they hadn't received any. They were also longing for the "reward". It was then that I started handing out cents, explaining that they were for recognition, not for reward. Soon, so many people wanted them that I designed a cent holder. The front features a place for a cent and beside it the phrase, "Your work is recognized! The back has room for 30 more cents and the phrase, "Your achievements count!

One time, I spotted an employee, Mia, doing something right and wanted to recognize her, but I didn't have a cent, so I gave her a quarter. Later the same day she stopped by and returned 24 cents. 

That's how the "One Cent Award" was born. It's become a significant source of recognition in our organization. 

(1) Why did the author give a cent to the employee initially? A. To praise him. B. To amuse him. C. To reward him. D. To surprise him.
(2) What inspired the author to hand out cents? A. The design of a cent holder. B. The shared beliefs in his team. C. The eagerness of fellow employees. D. The expectation for better achievements.
(3) Why did Mia return the author 24 cents? A. One cent stood for recognition. B. She was advised to do so. C. The author was mean with money. D. It is the company's strict regulation.
(4)  Which can best describe the employees? A. Greedy. B. Motivated. C. Aggressive. D. Talented.
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Do you play an instrument?Have you ever made one?Terje Isungset can answer yes to both questions.And he makes instruments out of something pretty cool.Ice! 

Isungset got the idea for ice music more than 20 years ago."I was asked to do a concert in a frozen waterfall,"he says.This gave him the idea to play instruments that were actually made out of ice.As far as he could tell,this hadn't been done before."There were no books to read about it —nothing on the Internet,"he says."So I had to create everything by myself." 

In 2006,Isungset helped start the Ice Music Festival.It is held in February.Almost everything at the Ice Music Festival is frozen."As you can imagine,there are a lot of logistics in doing an ice concert,"Isungset says."We come to a place,we collect the ice,and we build the concert space out of snow and ice." 

For the festival Isungset has a goal of trying to invent a new instrument every year.He is going to play an ice horn(喇叭) this year."Would your mouth stick to it?Many people ask that question,"Isungset says."If the horn was made out of metal (金属),it would get stuck completely."His solution?Use a small piece of leather(皮革).Place it on the horn's mouthpiece."It's the only part of my instrument that is not made of ice."

(1) What are Terje Isungset's new instruments mainly made of? A. Ice. B. Paper. C. Metal. D. Leather.
(2) What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. Where Terje Isungset gave his first concert. B. When Terje Isungset fell in love with music. C. Why Terje Isungset liked reading on the Internet. D. How Terje Isungset got to make new instruments.
(3) What does the underlined word " logistics" in Paragraph 3 mean? A. 规章制度 B. 阻碍 C. 后勤工作 D. 质疑
(4) Which of the following best describes Terje Isungset? A. Humorous. B. Creative. C. Honest. D. Responsible.
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3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Four Best Language Learning Apps Of 2024

Innovative 101

Platform: iOS | Android

Price: Starts at $7.99 per month per language

Plus Point: New video lessons are added every week.

The app offers hundreds of short video lessons (3 to 15 minutes long) to teach you languages in an easy and fun way. All of them are recorded by real teachers with years of experience. A total of 34 languages are available with in-depth lesson notes and line-by-line reading for premium (高级的) users.


Platform: iOS | Android

Price: Free | Premium subscription starts at $19.99 per language

Plus Point: There are no ads so you can learn without interruptions.

Unlike other apps, Pimsleur fits into your downtime and works in offline mode. Its inbuilt hand-free mode makes it easy to learn a new language anytime and anywhere.


Platform: iOS | Android

Price: Free for 5 minutes daily | $17.99 gets you daily 10 minutes bonus | $47.99 for unlimited time

Plus Point: It uses word puzzles and memory associations to make learning easy.

Drops also features advanced statistics. After every session, you will see a detailed report of your progress. We would suggest starting with a free version to see if you like the basic format and then move to the premium version.


Platform: iOS | Android

Price: Free | Monthly subscription cost $11.99

Plus Point: Comes with detailed grammar notes and study reminders.

LingoDeer gives you an option to build a routine and environment that works for you: customize anything you want, including a background color, type of words, or the speaker's voice.

(1) Which app can be used in an environment without a network? A. Innovative 101. B. LingoDeer. C. Pimsleur. D. Drops.
(2) How much is the subscription to LingoDeer for two months? A. $11.99. B. $19.99. C. $23.98. D. $47.99.
(3) What do these four apps have in common? A. They update very quickly. B. They have the same plus point. C. They offer free trial lessons. D. They run on two different platforms.
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