
On a late summer's day, various boats sail in and out of Lymington's harbor(港口) and a large boat slowly stops at the port. Hidden beneath the ferry port is a little-known project, one that could quietly change the quality of the marine environment along the UK's coastline.

Many sets of specially designed oyster breeding(牡蛎养殖)cages are placed under the port. One big oyster can actually produce a million babies each year. So, all those oysters in the cages are fantastic at helping to increase the population that faces a severe decline.

A combination of loss of natural habitat on the seabed over harvesting and pollution has destroyed around 95 percent of native oysters in UK waters. Oysters are best known as a delicacy, but their role in the marine environment is a far more important one. They are ecosystem engineers. A single oyster can filter(过滤)around200 liters of water per day. So, when oysters come together, they're able to vastly improve the coastal water quality.

While the remarkable recovery might seem like an impossible task, marine scientists are confident this could become reality. "Each female adult oyster can produce between one and two million babies, so you don't need huge amounts of oysters to increase the population, "says Dr Luke Helmera marine scientist. "The problem is with the next step of actually providing them with somewhere to settle and live. "

Oysters are quite happy to find a home on a rockor stone but the challenge for conservationists is to recreate that environment for them and to protect them. For now, these new oysters are being kept out of harm's way in conservation areas but as they start to reproduce people could again harvest them from the sea bed. The hope is they will be better protected.

(1) How does the little-known project benefit UK? A. It saves the oyster industry in the UK. B. It creates cleaner seas around the UK. C. It increases the UK ports trade in oysters D. It helps make the sea in the UK richer in species
(2) What does the underlined word "this" in paragraph 4 refer to? A. Restoring oysters in large numbers. B. Caging huge amounts of oysters up. C. Breeding plenty of oysters at a time D. Protecting the oyster's natural habitat.
(3) What does the author stress in the last paragraph? A. The battle between men and nature. B. The challenge conservationists face C. The complexity of breeding oysters. D. The contributions of conservationists.
(4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Ferry Port: New Home to Oysters B. Oyster Breeding: An Essential Task C. Oysters—The Coastline Guardians D. A Little-known Project: A Solution from the Sea
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Christmas Trees with Guinness World Records

The Largest Floating Christmas Tree

The largest floating Christmas tree is in the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, Brazil. The tree was awarded a certificate as the world's largest floating Christmas tree in 2007 by the world Guinness book of records. The tree has been an important world attraction feature since 1996 when it was first built. The tree stands at 53 m with a weight of 350 tons. The tree is lit every year with about 2.5 million bulbs(灯 泡) and fireworks making it the third biggest tourist event in Brazil. The metallic tree rests on 11 floats that form a base to support the tree.

The Oldest Christmas Tree

The oldest Christmas tree is in Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. The tree is a 12 inch plant housed in a pot. The tree was purchased from Woolworths in 1886 and is in the possession of Janet Parker, a great grandniece of the first owner. The tree has held the world Guinness records for the oldest Christmas tree in the world. Parker decorates the tree with angels and the Virgin Mary.

Christmas Tree with Most Lights

The Christmas tree at Cologne Cathedral in Germany was awarded by the Guinness world book of records as the Christmas tree with the most lights in 2006. The tree had 150,000 light bulbs which were lit simultaneously(同 时地) in five minutes. The lighting of the tree was aimed at earning money for a charity organization for children who have no parents.

Tallest Christmas Tree

The world's tallest Christmas tree was built in the Northgate shopping center of Seattle, Washington in 1950. The tree received the world Guinness award for the tallest cut Christmas tree that year. It has a height of 221 feet. The tree has more than 3,600 lights.

(1) When was the oldest Christmas tree bought? A. In 1996. B. In 1886. C. In 2006. D. In 1950.
(2) Where was the Christmas tree with the most lights placed in 2006? A. In a pot. B. At Cologne Cathedral. C. In the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon. D. In the Northgate shopping center of Seattle.
(3) Where is the tallest Christmas tree? A. In Brazil. B. In the UK.  C. In Germany. D. In the USA.
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Located among the forests where eagles fly overhead, Jabal Sawda has long been one of Saudi Arabia's best places for mountaineers. At 2,999m, Jabal Sawda had been considered the kingdom's highest peak until twin mountaineers, Matthew and Eric Gilbertson, climbed it in 2018, finding it to be about three meters shy of Jabal Ferwa. 

For more than a decade, the twins have traveled to one country after another around the world, rewriting the mountain record books about places across the Middle East and West Africa. So far they have reached the peaks of more than 100 countries and newly identified the highest points in Togo, Guinea- Bissau and Ivory Coast. 

Matthew, a research scientist at Lockheed Martin in Palo Alto, California, and Eric, an instructor in mechanical engineering at Seattle University, said their work was motivated by a need for accuracy and love for mountaineering. "If we're going to go through all the effort to visit a country and visit the highest mountain, we want to be sure that we have indeed visited the highest mountain," Matthew said. "We consider it assistance to future mountaineers to have an accurate survey done so that they can focus their efforts on getting to whichever peak they want to get to." 

The twins' love of mountaineering began when they were children with family trips to the Great Smoky Mountains in the southeastern United States. When they were students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), they started climbing as many mountains as possible. In 2012, after achieving their goal of reaching the highest point of each US state, they turned their attention to the rest of the world. 

(1) What can we learn about Jabal Sawda?  A. It's Saudi Arabia's best place. B. It's lower than Jabal Ferwa. C. It's Saudi Arabia's highest peak. D. It's better-known than Jabal Ferwa.
(2)  Why have the twins traveled to different countries in past years?  A. To write books about mountains. B. To rename the peaks of mountains. C. To measure their highest mountain. D. To admire good views of the mountain.
(3) What do Matthew's words indicate about their work in paragraph 3?  A. It satisfies their need for accuracy. B. It deepens their love for climbing. C. It makes them focus their efforts on life. D. It helps climbers choose their destination.
(4)  What might the following paragraph talk about?  A. The twins' other goals in their life. B. The twins' experiences in other countries. C. The twins' influence on other mountaineers. D. The twins' achievements in finding peaks.
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Mr. Fang is now the owner of 36 greenhouses producing organic vegetables in the Gobi desert in Northwest China's Gansu province. He is one of the beneficiaries of the Gobi Farming Program of Gansu province that is building rows of greenhouses in the desert to help transform local farming and alleviate poverty.

Grain production in Gansu is greatly affected by the climate and the output is unstable. Agricultural production there relies heavily on rivers, oases and groundwater irrigation. If traditional extensive agricultural production continued, it could gradually narrow the living space.

In 1995, a local entrepreneur ventured to use Israeli technologies to build greenhouses for vegetables growing in the desert. Such individual pilot projects encouraged the Gansu government to launch a provincial-level Gobi farming program in 2017 with a target to build up a controlled-environment agriculture of about 20, 000 hectares by 2022. Some cities in the province,which include Fang s village, have already been experimenting with Gobi farming for several years.

Despite the harsh environment, farming in the Gobi desert has its advantages: the extended amount of sunlight provides adequate energy for crops, a significant temperature difference between day and night helps crops accumulate nutrients and the Gobi's hot and dry air means fewer pests and crop diseases. The Gobi greenhouses popping up in Gansu use drip and spray irrigation, which can cut water consumption by almost 50 percent compared to a normal farm. The greenhouses are also eco-friendly, as they use substrates for soilless cultivation recycled from rotten leaves, straw and cow and sheep feces.

With the greenhouses, Fang earns around 70, 000 yuan annually. Data from Suzhou district of Jiuquan showed the greenhouse program has helped bring an average revenue o about $ 72, 300 per hectare to local farmers. Large scale greenhouse farming is an investment-intensive project and cannot be sustained only by government financial support. Therefore, the local government has been encouraging villagers such as Fang to take the lead to rent greenhouses or build their own.

It is not an easy task, and many villagers still want to wait and see. However, more and more are starting to join in, either to run their own greenhouses or work as hired workers for greenhouse owners. Starting from managing four greenhouses in 2009,Fang now is also a partner of a greenhouse farming cooperative running 120 greenhouses.

The relatively low cost of large-scale land use in the Gobi desert have also encouraged large firms to start their Gobi farming pilot projects in Gansu. If the Gobi farming proves successful, it could provide experiences for countries in Central Asia linked with Gansu both by the ancient Silk Road as well as its modern version of the Belt and Road Initiative.

(1) What afects grain production in Gansu most? A. Money. B. Sunlight. C. Air. D. Water.
(2) What does the Gobi F arming Program aim to do? A. Change the local climate. B. Make the local residents rich. C. Protect the traditional agricultural production. D. Help university students start their own business.
(3) What can we learn from the text? A. The harsh environment is good for crops. B. At first, Fang only ran four greenhouses. C. With the greenhouses, Fang earns around $ 70,000 annually. D. Mr. Fang now owns 120 greenhouses producing organic vegetables.
(4) What can be the best title for the text? A. The Belt and Road Initiative B. A Great Adventurer-- Mr. Fang C. The Gobi Farming Program of Gansu D. The Advantages of Farming in the Gobi Desert
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