1. 阅读理解

Mr. Fang is now the owner of 36 greenhouses producing organic vegetables in the Gobi desert in Northwest China's Gansu province. He is one of the beneficiaries of the Gobi Farming Program of Gansu province that is building rows of greenhouses in the desert to help transform local farming and alleviate poverty.

Grain production in Gansu is greatly affected by the climate and the output is unstable. Agricultural production there relies heavily on rivers, oases and groundwater irrigation. If traditional extensive agricultural production continued, it could gradually narrow the living space.

In 1995, a local entrepreneur ventured to use Israeli technologies to build greenhouses for vegetables growing in the desert. Such individual pilot projects encouraged the Gansu government to launch a provincial-level Gobi farming program in 2017 with a target to build up a controlled-environment agriculture of about 20, 000 hectares by 2022. Some cities in the province,which include Fang s village, have already been experimenting with Gobi farming for several years.

Despite the harsh environment, farming in the Gobi desert has its advantages: the extended amount of sunlight provides adequate energy for crops, a significant temperature difference between day and night helps crops accumulate nutrients and the Gobi's hot and dry air means fewer pests and crop diseases. The Gobi greenhouses popping up in Gansu use drip and spray irrigation, which can cut water consumption by almost 50 percent compared to a normal farm. The greenhouses are also eco-friendly, as they use substrates for soilless cultivation recycled from rotten leaves, straw and cow and sheep feces.

With the greenhouses, Fang earns around 70, 000 yuan annually. Data from Suzhou district of Jiuquan showed the greenhouse program has helped bring an average revenue o about $ 72, 300 per hectare to local farmers. Large scale greenhouse farming is an investment-intensive project and cannot be sustained only by government financial support. Therefore, the local government has been encouraging villagers such as Fang to take the lead to rent greenhouses or build their own.

It is not an easy task, and many villagers still want to wait and see. However, more and more are starting to join in, either to run their own greenhouses or work as hired workers for greenhouse owners. Starting from managing four greenhouses in 2009,Fang now is also a partner of a greenhouse farming cooperative running 120 greenhouses.

The relatively low cost of large-scale land use in the Gobi desert have also encouraged large firms to start their Gobi farming pilot projects in Gansu. If the Gobi farming proves successful, it could provide experiences for countries in Central Asia linked with Gansu both by the ancient Silk Road as well as its modern version of the Belt and Road Initiative.

(1) What afects grain production in Gansu most? A. Money. B. Sunlight. C. Air. D. Water.
(2) What does the Gobi F arming Program aim to do? A. Change the local climate. B. Make the local residents rich. C. Protect the traditional agricultural production. D. Help university students start their own business.
(3) What can we learn from the text? A. The harsh environment is good for crops. B. At first, Fang only ran four greenhouses. C. With the greenhouses, Fang earns around $ 70,000 annually. D. Mr. Fang now owns 120 greenhouses producing organic vegetables.
(4) What can be the best title for the text? A. The Belt and Road Initiative B. A Great Adventurer-- Mr. Fang C. The Gobi Farming Program of Gansu D. The Advantages of Farming in the Gobi Desert
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Step aside, blue collar. And white collar, pink collar and green collar. There's a new collar in town. "New collar" jobs are those that require advanced skills but not necessarily advanced degrees, especially in emerging high-tech fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity (网络安全), electric vehicles and robotics.

There are real fears that workers will lose jobs to technology especially artificial intelligence, in the coming years. But "new collar" optimists think in a more positive way: There are also real opportunities ahead for skilled workers who know how to handle machines.

"Somebody has to program, monitor and maintain those robots," said Sarah Boisvert, the founder of the New-Collar Network.

Even if millions of high-tech jobs are created in the coming years, the impact on workers who lose jobs may be significant. For many Americans without four-year college degrees, according to census (人口普查) data, the new job market will require training.

Ginni Rometty, a former chief executive of IBM, is believed to have created a "new collar" in 2016. At the time, she said, IBM was having trouble filling cybersecurity jobs, partly because outdated criteria required that candidates have college degrees.

"Due to our high qualifications in these online jobs, we overlooked a large number of qualified and available candidates," she wrote in an email. "Unless millions of people are trained in the skills employers need now," she added, "they risk being unemployed even as millions of good-paying jobs go unfilled."

Christopher M. Cox, a researcher who has written about the new-collar economy, said, "The alternative model of four-year universities is really great." However, he added that "new collar" may also be a clever term that relieves the anxiety of workers by defining the constantly changing labor market and technology companies as more ideal rather than "terminators (终结者)."

(1) What does "new collar" mean? A. People engaged in cybersecurity. B. People working at electric vehicles. C. People closely connected with artificial intelligence. D. People with advanced skills regardless of degrees.
(2) What made IBM's cybersecurity jobs unfilled? A. Much stress. B. Low salaries. C. High qualifications. D. Few candidates.
(3) What is the benefit of the "new collar" economy to the society? A. It gives more opportunities to the workers. B. It helps artificial intelligence develop better. C. It rebuilds the confidence of the white collar. D. It changes the system of technology companies.
(4) What is the purpose of the text? A. To explain the anxiety of workers. B. To state the electric vehicle industry. C. To emphasise the college education. D. To introduce the new-collar phenomenon.
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2.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

NFK Editors-October 14,2021-Zara Rutherford is flying around the world by herself in a small plane. When she finishes her trip, which will take over two months, she'll become the youngest woman to fly all the way around the globe by herself. She's just 19 years old. Ms. Rutherford began her trip in Belgium on August 18. This trip is something she has dreamed about for a long time.

Ms. Rutherford has been learning to fly planes since she was 14 years old. Ms. Rutherford's parents are both pilots, and they helped her practice. She got her pilot's license in 2020 and has hundreds of hours of flying practice. She's making this trip in a small two-seater plane called a microlight. One of the seats has been replaced with an extra gas tank, which will allow Ms. Rutherford to cover longer distances. The plane has had several other updates for safety, including a second radio, and satellite communications.

To follow her route, Ms. Rutherford needs to be able to see, since her plane can't be guided using its instruments alone. That means she can't fly at night or in bad weather. Ms. Rutherford is now in Nome, Alaska-the halfway point of her trip. While she's had some delays and is a little behind schedule, she is upbeat. "As long as I'm home before Christmas, I'm content," she says.

Ms. Rutherford plans to stay a night or two in each place to visit with schools and youth groups. She hopes to inspire young girls to explore areas like aviation(flying),science, mathematics, and engineering. As her father points out, currently, only about 5% of pilots are women.

(1) What is Zara Rutherford's long-held dream? A. An independent flight around the world. B. Building a small plane. C. A two-month self-driving travel in Belgium. D. Becoming the youngest pilot.
(2) What can we learm about Ms. Rutherford from paragraph 2? A. She needs a guide B. She is well prepared. C. She is knowledgeable. D. She has lots of hobbies.
(3) What does the underlined word "upbeat" in paragraph 3 mean? A. Reliable. B. Innocent. C. Elegant. D. Optimistic.
(4) Why does Ms. Rutherford plan to visit schools and youth groups? A. To leam more scientific knowledge. B. To celebrate the festival together. C. To encourage other girls to aim high. D. To help her father make speeches.
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Top Learning Websites for Children in 2023


GoNoodle is an online resource designed to encourage physical activity among children. The website offers a wide selection of videos, games, and activities to get children moving inside or outside the classroom. The videos have a duration of anywhere between five to ten minutes. This is just about the right duration most students need before a lesson. The most outstanding aspect of the software is the variety of activities that children can participate in.

Young Ocean Explorers

Young Ocean Explorers is an online resource that focuses on environmental education and marine conservation. The website provides a wide variety of high-quality videos that teach children about marine life's beauty and diversity. The website also tackles serious environmental issues like marine life endangerment, water pollution, overfishing, and other marine-related issues head-on. There's also plenty of documentation on environmentalists doing what they can to save the environment.


DeltaMath is an online math program designed to help teachers create math problems for exams and practice tests. The website features over 1, 200 different topics. Each topic consists of hundreds of randomly generated problems that are classified further into varying levels of difficulty. Most of the questions generated are multiple-choice or short answer, and the site automatically grades responses. Some questions allow students to move numbers and variables around to solve equations (方程式).


Spatulatta is a cooking website designed to introduce children to the culinary arts. The website aims to teach children basic cooking skills using easy-to-follow recipes with simple ingredients. You can find recipes for every meal of the day. And of course, there's a section on children's all-time favorite desserts and drinks.

(1) What is the striking feature of Go Noodle? A. The variety of physical activities. B. The wide selection of short videos. C. The unique teaching methods of teachers. D. The creative games on different subjects.
(2) Which website is helpful to teachers as well as students? A. DeltaMath. B. Spatulatta. C. GoNoodle. D. Young Ocean Explorers.
(3) Who is eager to learn from Spatulatta? A. A little sports fan. B. A young food lover. C. A little book worm. D. A crazy ocean explorer.
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